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Would you want any of these added to Gta 5?

75.00% (3 votes)
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Yes but only some
25.00% (1 vote)

Total Votes: 4

Possible update Ideas! Post your ideas! [Read]

Possible update Ideas! Post your ideas! [Read]Posted:

  • Resident Elite
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Hey TTG, about 3 months ago I made a list of things I was gonna send to R* but I forgot about it. There is a list of things I wanted to ask if they could be added. Please read all of them and tell me what you think.


A10 Warthog -

One seater attack plane with only machine guns and an ejection seat.

Ac-130 Gunship -

With the new 105 mm cannon gunner seat, this plane ride has gotten a whole lot better. Passengers can control the 105 mm cannon by pressing right on their d-pad.
And with the new button toggle to open the back of the C-130 the action has just yet to come.
Purchasable from the Warstock cache and carry website for $2,500,000.

Water Landing Planes -

Need to make an emergency water landing? Well now is your chance! With the all new water landing planes, landing is easier than ever! Purchasable on the Elitas Travel Website for $225,000!

AH-64 Longbow Apache -

The all new Apache purchasable on the Warstock Cache and Carry Website. Including Lock-On Missiles, machine guns, and passenger controlled missile camera. This 2-Seater helicopter will be available for $2,225,000.

Humvee -

The fearsome, desert camoed, and armored version of the Mammoth Patriot, with the included passenger controlled 50. cal machine gun and bullet proof tires. Purchasable at the Warstock Cache and Carry Website for $500,000.

Unmanned UAV Drone -
With this infinitesimal toy, you could fly across the maps killing enemies without them even touching you. By opening your scroll wheel and choosing it, you could fly it just like you would with a regular helicopter; with the included machine guns on the bottom you could wreck havoc in the city of Los Santos. But be careful, you don't have all the fuel in the world. And a single sniper bullet could end your little companions life. Purchasable at the gun store for $5000 a piece (Fuel and ammo not included).

WWII P51 Mustang Fighter Plane -

Bring back old times in Los Santos with the P51 Mustang Fighter Plane. Equipped with only machine guns and one seat, this is going to be a hell of a trip! Purchasable on the Elitas Travel Website for $750,000.

Custom Radio Stations -

Tired of listening to music youve never heard of before? Well thats all coming to a final rest.
With the new personal radio station, you could have the feature to add the song to your playlist.

Ground Lock-on Missiles -

Bring the air vehicles to their knees with this new weapon. The FIM-92 stinger is able to lock-on to any air vehicle in its proximity. Purchasable for $30,000 this weapon will dominate the experience of Grand Theft Auto.

Bulletproof Windows -

Want to drive safely around Los Santos without getting killed every 10 Seconds? Well thats what Bulletproof Windows have to offer. Overpowered, so they should be pricey. Purchasable at Los Santos Customs for $70,000 as a new upgrade for the cars. Only last 10 bullets before being broken

50. Cal Tank seat - The tank now has a gunner seat! (need to revise)

Huey Hog - New Heli (need to revise)

Different Colored Headlights - Self explanatory (need to revise)

Headphones with Radio - Now you can listen to the radio while wearing headphones!

Maze bank loans - Interest rates may apply

Online realistic jobs - bringing AIs to where they need with taxis earns you money (like singleplayer)

Landmines -

New Update Ideas:

The memorial day update - new guns, clothing, and only for a week you can purchase the Jet.
The fathers day update - godfather styled update with the mp40 and the godfather car (B-type).
The racer update - new helmets, clothing, and the new Formula 1 race car.
The old west update - cowboy themed hats and clothes, ridable horses, and the colt .45 pistol.
The WWII update - New WWII themed helmets and clothing with the WWII weapons pack including the Springfield rifle, the stg-44, the BAR, the Browning machine gun, and the Mauser 1937.
The underwater update - New scuba gear, new metal cylinder submarine, sharks online and the new harpoon weapon (underwater only)
Emergency services update - Purchasable Emergency vehicles, with EMS themed clothing, and the taser online.
The FIB update - purchasable FIB clothing, helmets, and the new riot shield.
Jailbreak update - New jumpsuit clothes, and the new brass knuckles.

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#2. Posted:
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These actually look like really good ideas!
Water-planes and Bulletproof windows sounds awesome!

We need some of these!

EDIT: They should bring the horses from RDR over to GTA V.


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#3. Posted:
  • TTG Senior
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You have some really nice ideas here man hopefully some will get added!
#4. Posted:
  • Wise One
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I want you as a dev for Rockstar.
#5. Posted:
  • Resident Elite
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I was planning on sending these to R* and now I might! Hope you all liked these!
#6. Posted:
  • Christmas!
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Collette wrote I was planning on sending these to R* and now I might! Hope you all liked these!

I don't mean to be harsh or anything, but I highly doubt they'll take any notice of these.
They're probably working on fixing bugs and patching things atm.

Go ahead and email them, no harm in trying
you never know, next update; we might have horses and bulletproof windows!

#7. Posted:
  • Resident Elite
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Polygon wrote
Collette wrote I was planning on sending these to R* and now I might! Hope you all liked these!

I don't mean to be harsh or anything, but I highly doubt they'll take any notice of these.
They're probably working on fixing bugs and patching things atm.

Go ahead and email them, no harm in trying
you never know, next update; we might have horses and bulletproof windows!

Yeah true but if alot of people send an email we might just get a few
#8. Posted:
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I wanted better car customizations, such as car stickers/decals, nitrous, hydraulics.

Maybe a zombie DLC like RDR would be fun.
#9. Posted:
  • Resident Elite
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Rin wrote I wanted better car customizations, such as car stickers/decals, nitrous, hydraulics.

Maybe a zombie DLC like RDR would be fun.

yeah but RDR didnt have zombie freemode
#10. Posted:
  • Summer 2020
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Collette wrote
Rin wrote I wanted better car customizations, such as car stickers/decals, nitrous, hydraulics.

Maybe a zombie DLC like RDR would be fun.

yeah but RDR didnt have zombie freemode

It had Undead Nightmare
(The DLC/Expansion)

Which had zombies and free-roam in.

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