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Topic: Looking for a clan?
Replies: 2
Views: 185I'm a snipe player
A comp player
Thanks for giving me a tryout -
Topic: Vote editing contest?
Replies: 0
Views: 81Hey guys I'm have entered this contest and I would love it if you wrote in the comments Apex
Just to help me get through thanks for the support
Topic: Anyone hosting on BO1
Replies: 1
Views: 109Need anything please thanks -
Topic: Need a 3D motion tack done?
Replies: 0
Views: 94It's for and contest but mine dosent work
It's for CoD4 names Apex_ILLusions
Thanks a lot I'll subscribe to you also -
Topic: Can anyone host me MW3 lobby?
Replies: 1
Views: 218Please I'm not paying for I tho just be kind help a brother out? -
Topic: My custom Background's check them out are they worth paying?
Forum: Graphics RequestsPosted: Subject: My custom Background's check them out are they worth paying? -
Replies: 9
Views: 305let me see you do better :/kasjxjhas- 0useful
- 2not useful
Replies: 2
Views: 123what kind of logo u want?okajsjnasidnjes- 0useful
- 0not useful
Topic: Looking for Talented artest Read.
Replies: 3
Views: 380I dont know if i could get that kind of text- 0useful
- 0not useful
Topic: My custom Background's check them out are they worth paying?
Forum: Graphics RequestsPosted: Subject: My custom Background's check them out are they worth paying? -
Replies: 9
Views: 305they are pretty good but you have to get better for people to pay
thanks i have only been doing this for about a week now- 0useful
- 0not useful
Topic: My custom Background's check them out are they worth paying?
Forum: Graphics RequestsPosted: Subject: My custom Background's check them out are they worth paying? -
Replies: 9
Views: 305I only like the middle one to be honest you might get a couple of dollars for them?
thanks for the advise oiashiuhsciuhaschichiashc- 0useful
- 0not useful
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- Search found 36 matches
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