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Clearing up the confusion

Clearing up the confusionPosted:

  • Challenger
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Hey guys, im just here to clear up some confusion about people " Jailbreaking " iOS 7.
It is currently impossible to jailbreak iOS 7 due to apple fixing all exploits. [ Register or Signin to view external links. ] these people are basically the people who are currently trying to jailbreak iOS 7. They are having problems trying to find a way to jailbreak it because, as i have stated, apple have basically reinforced their doors with aluminum. But that doesn't mean it will never be jailbroken.
The release date is unknown but they have said that it will be during October / November
So do not trust anyone saying they have found a way to jailbreak iOS 7 because they are probably just trying to f*ck up your phone.

Take care and stay secure
#2. Posted:
  • TTG Contender
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There are people with jailbreaks for iOS 7 already. It's not public and its not near a release. It has been jailbroken just not stable enough for public use.
#3. Posted:
  • Challenger
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Baseband wrote There are people with jailbreaks for iOS 7 already. It's not public and its not near a release. It has been jailbroken just not stable enough for public use.

Wow really?
Thanks for the update.
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Baseband wrote There are people with jailbreaks for iOS 7 already. It's not public and its not near a release. It has been jailbroken just not stable enough for public use.

It has only been jail broken on A4 devices meaning iPhone 4S and higher aren't able to yet. And it's only a tethered jailbreak. Also saurik hasn't made Cydia compatible on ios 7 yet so until he does it's pretty much useless.
#5. Posted:
  • Summer 2018
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SRG_PuNiSheR wrote
Baseband wrote There are people with jailbreaks for iOS 7 already. It's not public and its not near a release. It has been jailbroken just not stable enough for public use.

It has only been jail broken on A4 devices meaning iPhone 4S and higher aren't able to yet. And it's only a tethered jailbreak. Also saurik hasn't made Cydia compatible on ios 7 yet so until he does it's pretty much useless.
No, the 5s has been jailbroken but as stated above they need to find a way to put it in a program and make it stable for public use, also the iPhone 4s is an A-5 device
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