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MW2 6man Nuke Team

MW2 6man Nuke TeamPosted:

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Joined: Dec 16, 201410Year Member
Posts: 3
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Status: Offline
Joined: Dec 16, 201410Year Member
Posts: 3
Reputation Power: 0
Hey guys, whats up? I'm hosting a 6man Nuke team on Domination. It's open to anybody to join that reach the following requirements:

-You must have a mic
-You have to be a good sport. Win or lose we will be nice.
-Any age is fine, we were all at the 'squeaker' point

My gamertag is "Xyqa". Just shoot me a message if you want to play.
Even if you dont see this message today (2/3), you can shoot me a message for later. I'm on most days.

Disclaimer: You get to stay based on your performance. You get one grace game.If you do bad one game, you get one more chance. Please note that performance isn't only K/D ratio. If you capture flags but you go negative, that isn't bad seeing you helped the team win.

Thanks for looking at my post! Hope to see you soon!
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