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PSP Game Saves

Category stats:
FILES: 6,259
VIEWS: 2,727,597
SIZE: 2.06 GB
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Description: Unlocked 4 secret characters(Naked Snake, Raiden, Old Snake, Roy Campbel)

Filesize: 209.61 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: Include all MPO uniques to begin with

Filesize: 209.36 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: mpo save games with all uniques from mpo and mpo,extreme mode complete

Filesize: 211.63 KB


Downloads: 2

Description: Times Completed: Easy 1, Normal 2, Hard 3, Extreme 6. 45-ish soldiers on the soldier list. Most weapons/Items. A...

Filesize: 214.56 KB


Downloads: 3

Description: easy normal and hard mode completed, good number of guns and ammo

Filesize: 209.29 KB


Downloads: 4

Description: easy normal and hard mode completed, good number of guns and ammo

Filesize: 209.29 KB


Downloads: 3

Description: old snake already unlocked ,easy and normal compleated

Filesize: 209.29 KB


Downloads: 4

Description: Beat on easy normal and hard. 2 camo soldiers and some new characters.

Filesize: 212.19 KB


Downloads: 2

Description: beat all difficulty have all solders except gnome u have to use heart of j

Filesize: 214.45 KB


Downloads: 4

Description: hax unixs and soldiers all 500hp 999stamina unixs with/special weapons

Filesize: 215.04 KB


Downloads: 5

Description: many characters from mgspo and a few new ones from mgspo, 2 stealth camo,9999 ammo for nearly all weapons except for...

Filesize: 214.91 KB


Downloads: 5

Description: Excellent save file. All troops available in MPO/ available with 500hp, 999 stamina, all S3, numerous careers. All...

Filesize: 211.55 KB


Downloads: 33

Description: game beat easy 4,normal 5,hard 2 and extreme 1,spy lvl 64,tech lvl 90,med. lvl 78,got a lot of wep. and stuff and 200...

Filesize: 211.55 KB


Downloads: 3

Description: have All uniques and All soldiers in the soldier list,135/200 soldiers,beat on easy 6 times, normal 2 times,hard 1...

Filesize: 214.56 KB


Downloads: 5

Description: cleared 1 time, stealth, all unlockable characters, 99 tech, 95 med, silo complex

Filesize: 53.00 KB


Downloads: 6

Description: 100% completed, story mode complete 2 times, 99 Medic level, 99 Tech level, all secret characters unlocked and all...

Filesize: 53.10 KB


Downloads: 8

Description: At beginning past comm base with 10 S rank elite tech, 10 S rank doctors with all med jobs, S rank spies for each area...

Filesize: 53.32 KB


Downloads: 5

Description: PAL Save Game. Tech. lvl 98, Medic. lvl 95, all special characters unlocked (except Eva and GA-KO), all weapons...

Filesize: 57.10 KB


Downloads: 5

Description: PAL Savegame. Almost all uniques (expect Zero, Venus and GA-KO) legit way. 99 tech, 90 med. 1 special camo. many fox...

Filesize: 53.10 KB


Downloads: 4

Description: 13 NOVEMBER 1970; 28 Active Service, 4 Prisoners, 4 Tech Lv, 20 Medic Lv; Easy, Rail Bridge, 4:27:28 Clear 0.

Filesize: 51.31 KB


Downloads: 3