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PSP Game Saves

Category stats:
FILES: 6,259
VIEWS: 2,727,246
SIZE: 2.06 GB
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Description: Story/Extra Ops/Outer Ops Completed 100%, all items/weapons unlocked, All Uniforms, All teams lvl 99, all soldiers...

Filesize: 462.61 KB


Downloads: 18

Description: 100% Complete. All Fox Marks, Memorys Elements and Flashbacks founded.

Filesize: 392.74 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: 100% Complete, all Fox Marks found, All Memorys/Flashbacks unlocked, VR Matrix 100% complete, VR Synch at Max 200%

Filesize: 394.42 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: es lo mejor que tengo

Filesize: 226.06 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: Cargo Train, easy, second playthrough, 17906 PTS, 218/565 cards (38%), 30/47 tob!dacid movies (63%)

Filesize: 225.75 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: All cards, max nr each! All decks possible! 1st mission Normal.

Filesize: 230.26 KB


Downloads: 5

Description: Completed twice, Normal-First Mission, 10322pts. TOBICACID movies-97%:46/47. Library-96%:548/565

Filesize: 225.81 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: Game Completed 10 times. Around 467 cards collected. 42/47 tobidacid videos.You can complete the game on ALL difficulty...

Filesize: 1.04 MB


Downloads: 2

Description: Cleared 4 times, ALL CARDS (565/565), ALL Tobidacid videos (47/47), Play time 33:00:45, currently on normal stage 04...

Filesize: 225.75 KB


Downloads: 2

Description: 1 Time Cleared on Stage 03 Second Time around 40% cards collected 72% Tobidac!d movies unlocked

Filesize: 225.81 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: 1 Time Cleared 426/555 Cards collected 47/47 Tobidac!d Movies unlocked

Filesize: 225.74 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: Cleared the game 5 times.366/555 cards.93% of Tobidacid movies.

Filesize: 225.75 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: 3 Times Cleared 547/555 Cards collected 47/47 Tobidac!d Movies unlocked

Filesize: 230.54 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: Beginning of the 4th Playthrough on Easy Mode. Got about 5663036 Points, all 47 Tobid Acid Movies, 549/555(98%) Cards,...

Filesize: 225.82 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: Game Clear Data - 1 Time Cleared (Easy Mode)

Filesize: 225.81 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: Just before fight with new Metal Gear. Completed: 1 Cards: 313/565 TobidAcid: 44/47

Filesize: 225.81 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: Game completion data. Completed once on normal

Filesize: 225.81 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: Easy. Play Time: 00:09:34. Number of times cleared: 2. PTS: 36722. Packs: MGS 3: Substance. MGS 2: Substance,...

Filesize: 232.13 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: Control Center. Extreme. Play Time: 07:29:05. Number of times cleared: 3. PTS: 81 422. Packs: MGS 3: Substance. MGS 2:...

Filesize: 225.81 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: Normal difficulty, right after the tutorial. Play Time: 38:39:48. Number of times cleared: 2. PTS: 323 362. All 8 card...

Filesize: 225.81 KB


Downloads: 1