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PS3 - Akiba's Trip Undead & Undressed Perfect Starter Save

Download Name: PS3 - Akiba's Trip Undead & Undressed Perfect Starter Save  

Category: PlayStation 3 PS3 Game Saves & Sets

Submitted By: Sean

Date Added:

File Size: 685.11 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 1

Downloads: 64

Views: 2,939

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Following cheats have been applied (thanks to danilo_scala on these forums for providing the codes):

ATK 99999 (Max 300)
DEF 99999 (Max 300)
Money 9,999,999yen
All Strip Skills EXP Maxed
99 All Usable Items
99 All Food Items

Note with the ATK and DEF code, once you level up once, the game will normalize both stats down to 300. This will still allow you to play and progress with a rather overwhelming level of power (you'll be taking 1's and dealing a LOT) within the game's normal confines.

Its possible to prevent the normalization by including a Max EXP code, but then this will just remove all 'progress' completely which I feel totally moots the point to even play the game. Therefore the Max EXP code has not been added, if you want, feel free to add it yourself.

Save has been unlocked to work on all PS3's, no resigning should be needed. Feel free to resign it if you want.
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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How does one resign? It says it doesn't match user