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PS3 - Resident Evil 6 Super Game Save

Download Name: PS3 - Resident Evil 6 Super Game Save  

Category: PlayStation 3 PS3 Game Saves & Sets

Submitted By: Sean

Date Added:

File Size: 1.63 MB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 1

Downloads: 144

Views: 2,829

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

I have the next codes for all the characters if you can change it for other in the campaing a will appreciate you sharing them.

0000 Leon (USA)
0100 Leon (ASIA)
1000 Leon (Costume 1)
1100 Leon (Costume 2)
1200 Leon (Retro)
0001 Helena (USA)
0101 Helena (ASIA)
0201 Helena (Deborah)
1001 Helena (Sostume 1)
1101 Helena (Costume 2)
1201 Helna (Retro)
0002 Chirs (ASIA)
0102 Chris (Europe)
0202 Chris (Casual)
1002 Chris (Costume 1)
1102 Chris (Costume 2)
1202 Chris (Retro)
0003 Piers (ASIA)
0103 Piers (Europe)
0203 Piers (Casual)
0303 Piers (Mutated)
1003 Piers (Costume 1)
1103 Piers (Costume 2)
1203 Piers (Retro)
0004 Jake (Europe)
0104 Jake (Monitor)
0204 Jake (ASIA)
0304 Jake (Snow)
1004 Jake (Costume 1)
1104 Jake (Costume 2)
1204 Jake (Retro)
0005 Sherry (Europe)
0105 Sherry (Monitor)
0205 Sherry (Asia)
0305 Sherry (Snow)
1005 Sherry (Costume 1)
1105 Sherry (Costume 2)
1205 Sherry (Retro)
0006 Ada (Normal)
0106 Ada (Nude?)
0206 Ada (Carla)
1006 Ada (Costume 1)
1106 Ada (Costume 2)
1206 Ada (Retro)
0007 Agent
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eu amo esse jogo, pra mim o pior de todos.. foi tudo mentira que eu disse.. era s pra poder baixar essa porra