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NEOGEO CDZ Emulator for PSP 0.4 (English Version Binary)

Download Name: NEOGEO CDZ Emulator for PSP 0.4 (English Version Binary)  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Emulators

Submitted By: Craig

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File Size: 2.20 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

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Views: 92

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

The NeoGeo CDZ Emulator for PSP has been updated! And this one ain't a beta anymore! Included in this latest version are a number of new features, and there are more upcoming features in the versions to come which I'm sure will be worked on by the developers of this homebrew emulator. So with that, let's jump to the changes.Changelog:- User interface changed to 32-bit color.- Japanese user interface version completed.- Font creation complete. The standard is as followed. If you are planning to make the command list or change the source code, please be careful.-----------Proportional Font for User Interface- English Version: ASCII (ISO-646) Only- Japanese Version: ASCII (ISO-646), Japanese half-width kana (JIS-X-0203), Japanese Shift JIS (Shift_JIS-2004)-----------Fixed-width Font for User Interface- English Version: ASCII (ISO-646), Latin 1 (ISO-8859-1)- Japanese Version: ASCII (ISO-646), Japanese half-width kana (JIS-X-0203), Japanese Shift JIS (Shift_JIS-2004)------------ Command list in MAME Plus! format is now supportedPlease download the data from MAME Plus! homepage.Please create a directory named "data" in the same directory with the EBOOT.PBP, and place the command.dat in it.After selected from the main menu, you can press Select R to display the command list in-game.- The modification method of the background image has changed.As all the menus use their own background images, you need to make other images for them now.- You can now set the default directory displayed when starting the program.In the file browser, please highlight the directory you want to set, then press Select button to set.- Removed the help message from the bottom of each menu. Instead, press R trigger to display a brief help.In the command list screen, please press triangle button to show the help, since R button is assigned to another function.- Several changes in the sprite cache management method.- Fixed a problem when disabled the load screen, the loading cached failed to preserve, thus preventing the emulation from running correctly.- Some cramped game configuration items have been moved to the emulation management side, and removed from the game settings menu.- Various other minor changes.
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