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JPCSP v0.6 win64

Download Name: JPCSP v0.6 win64  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Emulators

Submitted By: Craig

Date Added:

File Size: 8.69 MB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 0

Views: 78

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

JPCSP is a Playstation Portable emulator written in Java for the PC. The reasons for this choice rely on the portability and flexibility of this programming language, which makes it much easier to test and apply changes whenever needed. This emulator is an open source project.Changelog:

Included compilation of several "Allegrex" instructions in dynarec for a much better performance;
Performed major code cleanups and reorganization;
Fixed and improved module loading:

Corrected import and export's mapping;
Implemented newly discovered loading methods.

Updated all modules with the most recent findings;
Added all new save/load (savedata) modes;
Reviewed and improved all kernel object managers:

Implemented each kernel object manager's attributes;
Added full LwMutex support in a dedicated kernel object manager
Provided corrections for mutex, semaphore and event flag managers;
Properly implemented VPL and FPL handling.

Improved graphics' handling:

Splitted rendering into a new RE (rendering engine);
Cleaned up and optimized VideoEngine;
Fully implemented, corrected and organized main GE commands;
Improved shaders' usage and stability;
Introduced a geometry shader for increased speed in rendering;
Fixed display list processing;
Improved the performance of several GE commands.
Implemented the VideoEngine processing in a parallel thread, to take advantage of dual-core processors and match the PSP dual-core architecture.

Implemented a MediaEngine for video and audio playback (based on FFMPEG):

Added video playback support in sceMpeg and scePsmfPlayer;
Added ATRAC3 audio playback support in sceAtrac3plus;
Improved "UMD Browser" to display images, load videos and play sounds from the UMD data.

Improved main GUI and debug tools:

Added a "Cheats" menu with CWCheat support;
Provided a cleaner organization and display of settings;
Removed "Emulation" menu;
Improved the "Logger" tool;
Added a new "Image Viewer" tool.
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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