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16 hours is the longest shift i worked and i ended ordered pizza for dinner and went to a completely different pizza place to pick it up
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I work regular 12 hour shifts on day time from 8 AM to 8 PM at a place where I'm on my feet all day except for maybe 30 minutes worth of break all day and I also work a schedule that rotates to where technicality we only work half the year, but the longest I've worked over was 18 hours and that was because they were short handed and I didn't feel tired at all at the time my regular shift had ended....but about 3 hours over my regular 12 lol that's when it hit me but still finished strong
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My longest single shift was 28 hours. 17 of that was just driving 1 way lol.

My longest work week was 98 hours (last month), after that I told them I'm not doing that again so they limited me to working 5 double shifts a week..... Last 3 weeks have been 80 hour weeks.
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I would have to say the longest shift I have ever experienced was when I was working for our Toyota pod at work, I was building heads at the time and we ended up staying over 5 extra hours just to hit our original goal... Each pair of heads take an hour and 16 minutes to do.. that's how far behind we were lol
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Taylor wrote I work in a restaurant so my shifts aren't super long, longest was like 14 hours and pretty much impossible to do longer than that.

Most consecutive days worked without a day off was close to 3 weeks, I'd say like 18-21

I'm not gonna write out my answer cause this is pretty much exactly it. Maybe 12 hours though not 14.
#16. Posted:
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I think my longest was 13 hours, I work retail and it was around Black Friday time, it was awful
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18 hours. was supposed to do 8 but someone quit so I had to wait for someone to come relieve me which took longer than needed.
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I work 24 hours straight before due to being short staffed as a few had rang in sick and not being able to get cover so I offered to stay the extra hours
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I work for Walmart, and there was a time where we got hit monstrously during the holidays, all overtime was approved. Now, I'm a Cap 2 team member which basically means my job ranges from where we receive freight on both ends of the store, removing it from the truck, all the way to stocking freight, scanning and tagging what doesn't go out so it can be sorted in the back, and zoning up my aisle plus other aisles at the end. The week before Christmas, we had a string of 3 truck nights, which for the rest of the year it was unheard of.

I'm already full time mind you, I make 40 hours solid a week, but when our store manager declared emergency protocol, overtime was all approved no matter the length. I worked for 16 hours solid, my shift plus the overnight shift, so I did my 2pm to 11pm, and overnight came in at 10, so our shifts overlap by an hour, so after 11, I stayed. We get an hour lunch off the clock, so between 2 to 11 I was on the clock for 8 hours, and then I worked from 11, to 7am, with no lunch, only a few 15 minute breaks to step outside and smoke, so that's another 8 hours on the clock after my actual shift.

Then I slept in the break room on the couch for 4 hours, woke back up, and clocked back in and went to find my store manager, and he had me supervise the ending of the 7am to 1pm shift at our store, then I scanned and stocked all the outs after that shift left the building, and I did that until 2pm, and I worked my entire shift all over again, the funny part, was I was actually off that day. My overtime put my check for that pay period over a thousand dollars because I picked up other shifts too, and worked another day I usually had off that week, which was the day before Christmas, now we usually close at 7pm Christmas eve, and I was scheduled off that day, but I came in anyway because overtime was all approved, and I actually ended up staying until 9pm with only the managers left, to shut down the store, shut off non-essential machines, make sure all our scanners and handheld printers were accounted for, locked all doors, cleared and locked all bathrooms, so let's just say Christmas was nice because I clocked well over 120 hours for a 2 week pay period where my normal schedule only allowed 80 hours for a two week pay period lol
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16 hour shift, electrician.
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