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Jerusalem is Ours and Allah is our Lord

In this article I showcase the latest trailer for my game, the Gameplay Teaser of Jerusalem Mission.


It's time to protect the Holy Land, the Land of the Prophets and Messengers, the Land of our Ancestors. Zionist Forces are preparing a big strike against the Old City of Jerusalem, so it is up to you, Fidae, to protect it with your blood and soul. And if you die in this mission, Paradise will be your eternal bliss. Allah Akbar!

This mission is packed with non-stop action, and even features a very tough Boss Battle in the best style of the retro games I loved to play on my childhood.

Here follows the trailer, I hope you like it.


#FursanAqsaGame #UE4 #UnrealEngine #gamedev #indiegame #indie #3dsMax #MAYA #Autodesk #PalestineFree #Intifada

Here is the original MP4 video in HD 720p High Quality:

Also I would like to showcase this cool gift I received from a friend here in Brazil, he works with 3D Printing. He made a 3D Printed Frame of my game's logo:



Cheers and until next update.
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Wow I can't wait to fight for the motherland!
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CtrlAltDelete wrote Wow I can't wait to fight for the motherland!

Thanks bro, yeah, soon, Insha Allah (God's Willing).

I think until August I will finish 10 Campaign Missions and then release it as Episode 1.

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Fursan al-Aqsa Map Showcase - Battle of Shuja'iyya

In this article I showcase the map of Gaza Strip, which will be the 5th Mission of the Campaign, alongise some exciting new updates for my game.

Hello friends.

After a looooong time, I finished the Gaza Strip Map, which will be the 5th Mission of the Campaign. This will be indeed one of the best missions of my game. The gameplay will be a bit different from the previous missions, as the main objective here will be to rescue some civilians and take them to the ambulance.

Also the player will have to survive an intense air bombing while he is playing the mission. And the Boss Battle will be epic, as you drive the Humvee vehicle equiped with the Grenade Launcher and fight against an Harrier Airplane! In the end of this article you can see some screenshots.

Something very AMAZING happened to my game is that it was selected to compete on the Rookie Awards 2021, one of the most important events of the Creative Media, sponsored by big names like Autodesk, Nvidia, EPIC Games, Adobe and others. I even earned an Excellence Award for my entry:


I even gave an interview to a Gamespot Journalist about my game and my opinion regarding the game Six Days in Fallujah, which ressurrected recently, and wants to tell the history of the American Heroes who sacrified their lives on the War against 'Terrorism'. This interview will be published soon.

And after my game is becoming well known in the web, and because google even created a custom panel with informations about my game, and a Content Topic Channel on youtube, just like the big games out there, I decided to make my new channel public:


There you can watch all my game's trailers at 1080p.

And here follows the Screenshots of Gaza Map.

Zionist Forces are bombarding Shuja'iyya neighborhood of Gaza City, in Gaza Strip. Your mission, Fidae, is to rescue the civilians, take down the Israeli Jet Fighters and protect the City at all costs.

And if you die in this mission, Paradise will be your eternal bliss.

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For more screenshots:


Cheers and until next update!
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Hello friends,

In this article I showcase the Gameplay Teaser for the 5th Mission of Fursan al-Aqsa, and other new updates for my game Fursan al-Aqsa - The Knights of al-Aqsa


After exactly 2 months of intense work, finally I finished the Gaza Strip Mission. It was, until now, the hardest mission to make. This mission introduces some brand new mechanics, like the Air Bombing, Civilians Rescue, and others.

I am very proud of the final results, and I am sure you all will enjoy playing this mission on the final game.

Here is the original MP4 video in HD 1080p High Quality:


Also here you can see how the Air Strike works:

Gaza is under Bombing

This is just a sneak peek of what awaits you in the Mission Battle of Shuja'iyya, of #FursanAqsaGame

#UE3 #UE4 #UnrealEngine #gamedev #indiegame #indie #3dsMax #MAYA #Autodesk #PalestineFree #Intifada



And here I show some behind the scenes of the Civilians Rescue Mechanics:

Fursan al-Aqsa Civilians Rescue Mechanics

Finally I finished the Rescue Mechanics of Civilians for Gaza Misssion on #FursanAqsaGame

These mechanics were done completely in #UE3 Kismet, the grandfather of #UE4 #Blueprints

#UnrealEngine #gamedev #indiegame #indie #PalestineFree



This is a very important update about the PS3 Version of Fursan al-Aqsa:

After #Sony came back on their decision to close the #PS3 Store, thanks to millions of players worldwide, I decided to apply to become an Official Playstation Developer and release #FursanAqsaGame officially on Playstation 3, instead of a homebrew. They accepted my game and now it will be an Official PS3 Game, instead of a homebrew.


And here is the first Press Quote for my game, written by a professional gaming journalist. I provided him a closed beta of Fursan al-Aqsa with 50% of the game finished:

"Fursan al-Aqsa immediately harkens back to classic shooters - it always feels dangerous and tense. I'm really impressed with the quality of the animation - Ahmad's actions all look amazingly fluid and natural, even with the game's throwback vibe. This is a seriously terrific piece of work as well as an important perspective that we have never seen in a shooter before."

Ian Boudreau, freelancer writer for IGN Website
Personal Twitter Profile: twitter.com/iboudreau

So that's all folks. My next step is to make an updated demo of the game, the final demo with all the improvements I implemented on the game, alongside some new maps,

Cheers and until next update.
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Fursan al-Aqsa running on PS3 HEN v3.0.3



After almost giving up the PS3 version of my game Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, because I could not get the all maps to run on it, I tried one last thing, after all the optimization I have done (compressing textures, reducing lightmaps...): I changed the PS3 video output resolution to 480p.

Now the game runs smoothly, at 60fps almost all time, except on Gaza mission, because there is a lot of stuff running on the screen. It seems that running the game at 720p or 1080p will use much more of the extreme limited video memory of the PlayStation 3 (256 MB).

I personally liked the image quality, even though it is not crispy as on the PC version. The image looks a bit pixelated and there is absolutely no AA (anti-aliasing), which made the image look like there is kinda PS1 image style filter applied over it. I simply loved it.

The PS3 version is exactly the same as the PC, just graphically inferior (some lower resolution textures). But I personally found the PlayStation 3 version more fun to play, because of the dual shock controller. Each gun triggers a different vibration style, which is very cool.

Here is the original MP4 video in HD 1080p High Quality:


Fursan al-Aqsa - Training Ops Sneak Peek

I am coming to you, my enemy, from every house, district and street! With my gun and my trust in Allah, I am coming to you!

This is a sneak peek of what awaits you on this updated demo of #FursanAqsaGame, Training Ops, which is coming soon to #Steam

#gamedev #indiegame #indie



This is the trailer I submitted to PAX EAST ONLINE, this year, in the hope that my game be selected for the showcase, so maybe I can get some media coverage for it. Let's see.

Fursan al-Aqsa - Pax East Trailer
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this game looks fire af
#108. Posted:
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Shizafon Armored Corps Base

This is a brand new map I just finished for the #Steam demo of #FursanAqsaGame. This is the Shizafon Armored Corps Base, a base built by #USA for #Zionist forces in the Negev Desert.

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Fursan al-Aqsa - Israel Iron Dome Control Center

In this article I showcase some screenshots of this new map of my game, the Israel Iron Dome Control Center. You all will be able to play this mission on the Steam Demo of Fursan al-Aqsa, which is coming to Steam very soon.

This is the #Israel Iron Dome Control Center, on which the player must infiltrate it and sabotage the system in the best Arabic #JamesBond style.

For the nostalgics out there, this map is a remake of the iconic map Severnaya Bunker, of Goldeneye 007 for the Nintendo 64, the eternal classic shooter of all times...

I hope you enjoy it.

#FursanAqsaGame #gamedev #indiedev #indiegame #indiegamedev #UE4 #UE3 #UnrealEngine #Palestinewillbefree

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Chosen wrote this game looks fire af

Thanks man.
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