Dead Rising 3 story trailer shows good guys, bad guys, dead guys

Capcom has released a new 'story trailer' for its Xbox One exclusive, Dead Rising 3.

The video sets the scene for the new open-world zombie survival horror, which sees players take the role of new protagonist Nick Ramos, who struggles with other survivors to escape a city overrun with the undead.

Dead Rising 3 is one of the most highly anticipated games among the Xbox One's launch lineup, and a major platform exclusive for the console.

Capcom has confirmed plans to make available a $29.99 season pass for the Xbox One launch title, which will get buyers "four upcoming content packs".

'Operation Broken Eagle' is the name of the first DLC drop planned in 'late December', which will cost $9.99 standalone. The firm is yet to issue details on the DLC pack's contents.

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"Dead Rising 3 story trailer shows good guys, bad guys, dead guys" :: Login/Create an Account :: 35 comments

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Dead Rising 3 looks like it will be a greatly enjoyable game, and highly anticipated among the Dead Rising fans. I will most certainly get the game once I have an Xbox One.


Antonio_Cesaro sadly the game will never come out in germany but hey for that case i have my austria retailer which ships me the uncut verison so i can still play this awesome game

Why won't Germany get to play this game?
I know Russia cannot play COD but I never heard anything about Germany and Dead Rising?


doges Seems to be a lot of dead guys

It isn't like it is a zombie game or anything.


VANAGON Ive never really been a fan of deadrising.

I've been playing dead rising 3 and this game is for sure worth giving a chance.


KAQ And the price is very good aswell :) compared to other games :/

It is the same price as other games...
Around $60 is the general price for all games.


Touchable Looks like a good game, but a bit cheesy. Not sure if I'm going to buy this tbh...

It is amazing.
If you like cod zombies even a touch, you will love it.


Looks like a good game, but a bit cheesy. Not sure if I'm going to buy this tbh...


So excited about this game.
Hopefully it is better than COD zombies.


really good price the game i may be picking this up


I have always been a fan of Dead Rising as I have beat 1 and 2. I was disappointing when they didint have survival in number 2 and I really hope the bring it back. I am looking forward to play number 3.