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How to downgrade from Rogero CFW and go on Rebug

Tutorial Name: How to downgrade from Rogero CFW and go on Rebug  

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Submitted By: Event

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Comments: 6

Views: 9,531

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum


Hello TTG, today i'm bringing my new tutorial on how to downgrade from Rogero CFW AND how to install a new CFW. This will be a step by step tutorial so it will be easy to understand and follow by. Let's get started!

Getting the needed downloads
The main things you will need are the Rogero Downgrader and the CFW download that you want to use. Links will be at the bottom.

Getting Downgraded

Now, you want to download the Rogero Downgrader. When it's completely done downloading you want to make a folder in your USB called PS3. Then INSIDE the PS3 folder you want to make another older called UPDATE. Drag the rogero downgrader inside the UPDATE folder. then take your USB out and plug it into your PS3 System.

On the XMB go to System Update under the "Settings" page. Then go to using Storage media. It should detect the downgrader. From there go ahead and let the downgrader install to your PS3 System.

When complete, you will be on a hybrid CFW 3.55 that will still shows the spoofed version from system settings. But you are not done. You are still yet on CFW and you want to return to OFW. Now you will need to find the 3.55 OFW and install that on your PS3 as well. That link will ALSO be provided in the links section below. Also install that to your PS3 then you will now be on the OFW 3.55 Firmware.

Installing your preferred CFW

Now that you are on 3.55 OFW you can install any CFW that you would like. I will provide multiple CFW links below so you can choose one to your liking. Now simply do the same thing and add your preferred CFW to your PS3 System and once complete you can re-install pkg files and begin modding on the CFW you wanted!

Getting Online

So as you can see you wont be able to log into PSN right now. It's simply because you are on a older firmware so PSN wont allow you online without an update. So now you will need to spoof to the latest update. A link will be provided below so you can spoof to the latest update and then you will be able to go online and mod with your friends Hope this tutorial helped.

Rogero Downgrader- [ Register or Signin to view external links. ]
3.55 OFW- [ Register or Signin to view external links. ] ?
Rebug 4.46 CFW (DEX ONLY)- [ Register or Signin to view external links. ]
rebug 4.46 CFW (CEX)- [ Register or Signin to view external links. ]
Spoofer- [ Register or Signin to view external links. ]



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"How to downgrade from Rogero CFW and go on Rebug" :: Login/Create an Account :: 6 comments

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none of above link is working ...please update


do you have a rebug and spoof for 4.60


Does this mean you can jailbreak any system by just downloads?


Nice tutorial, i'm sure this will help people out a fair lot


Very well written Tutorial, great piece.


I'm glad this finally got uploaded. I have made more also and hope those get added as well.