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The Division: How To Highlight Collectibles Using Canine

Tutorial Name: The Division: How To Highlight Collectibles Using Canine  

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Submitted By: Sean

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Views: 1,118

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Tom Clancys The Division has plenty of collectibles for the player to locate in the open world of the game. These collectibles also offer rewards in addition to experience points for the player. If you want to get every one of these collectibles, you can try to follow the steps listed in the guide to make sure you have upgraded your base of operations appropriately. In order to make sure that the collectibles are highlighted on the world map, you will need to focus on your security wing and complete the first main story mission for the security wing. Doing this will open the section for upgrades and then you can do some more side missions to get points to unlock the canine unit. This gives you the ability to see all the collectibles in a specific area once you complete every mission for it, including side missions.

If you want to gain access to all the phone logs, drones, echos and other collectibles without a guide, your best bet is to unlock the canine unit and then clear any missions from the area so that all of these collectibles are displayed on the world map.


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