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Crysis 3: Bang for the Buck Achievement
Tutorial Name: Crysis 3: Bang for the Buck Achievement
Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials
Submitted By: Sean
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Crysis 3
Bang for the Buck Achievement
Bang for the Buck Achievement
Worth: 10 Gamerscore
Difficulty: Easy
How to Get: Single Player: Kill a deer using explosive arrows
Step 1: Load up the second mission "Welcome to the Jungle"
Step 2: Play until you reach the point of which you go outside, and equip an explosive bolt, like super-thermite.
Step 3: Turn on your invincibility, so you do not scare the deer away. Get a clear shot, aim, and simply kill the deer.
As soon as the deer dies you should unlock the achievement, if not, even though that shouldn't happen, reload the mission and do it again.
Video tutorial, made by IGN.
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