Videos Navigation

Videos: 28,108 Categories: 10

Total Video Views: 31,437,123

Videos Main Categories

Funny Videos (620)

Watch funny videos, upload your own and find them within this section. Put any of your funny antics, memes or comedic gameplay within this area to share with the rest of the TTG community.

Game Clips (695)

This is the place for you and your buddies to explore your inner director. Landed an epic shot or ended up doing something so epic it has to be shared? This section is for your greatest video game clips you can share with the rest of the community. This is your chance to be featured on on the homepage of the site.

Game Montages (2,181)

This is the place to share your gaming montages you spent hours editing and even longer recording for. No matter what platform you got your clips on or the game its based on if you've created a montages you want to share this is the section to upload them.

Game Trailers (14,323) NEW

The latest and greatest game trailers Game trailers are often forgotten when the game itself has come out - but there are so many that stand out as pieces of art by themselves! This area collects those along with latest video game trailers. game trailers and game cinematics can be found and uploaded within this section.

Gameplay (5,526)

The Gameplay section can be used to share any long form Gameplay footage from any game on any platform. Share any new in-game footage and exciting gameplay details even if its uneventful it can be uploaded here. Footage from public alphas and betas can be shared in this section.

General Videos (559) NEW

If we don't have a Category for it this is where gaming related videos can be uploaded and shared with the rest of the community. General Videos can be anything from update details coming to a game or a video showing off the latest gadget.

Glitches and Tricks (1,109)

Have you found any glitches or cool techniques or even just recorded a better review of a older method? Upload your wisdom within this section. Glitches and Tricks can be for single or multiplayer games and can be for any game on any platform even mobile!

Interviews and Shows (300)

This is the place we will spotlight the videos and details that we feel you will want the inside scoop on! Upload any clips or videos from events like E3, PAX or Gamescom or gaming related interviews or shows to this here.

Modding (221)

In this section you can upload and find gameplay and clips related to modding games. This section covers everything from PC Game modding to console modding and Game Mods.

Walkthroughs and Guides (2,574)

Upload the latest and greatest video game guides and walkthroughs in this section. Have a video on how to earn a hard trophies or achievements? or a guide on how to finish a hard level? this is the section for these videos.