Battlefield 4: launch game modes confirmed

Battlefield developer DICE has confirmed the game modes that will ship with Battlefield 4 in November.

In a post on the official Battlefield blog, DICE confirmed that the shooter will launch with seven game modes, two of which are new to the series.

The modes include series regulars like Conquest, Rush, Team Deathmatch, Squad Deathmatch, Domination, while adding two new game modes.

The new modes include:

Obliteration, where two teams face off on medium-sized battlegrounds where one bomb spawns in a random central location and the goal is to pick up the bomb and arm it at one of the enemy’s three military installations.

Defuse, where players don’t have any re-spawns at all for an even tighter and quicker infantry-only game mode.

DICE also confirmed the game will launch with ten multiplayer maps, and all game modes will be playable on all of them.

Battlefield 4 will be available on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC October 29 in North America and November 1 in Europe. PS4 and Xbox One will launch when the consoles drop.

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"Battlefield 4: launch game modes confirmed" :: Login/Create an Account :: 99 comments

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Defuse is where I'll be at.


cant wait. need to pre order it.


10 maps plus however many China Rising gets us, not bad.


-CP hhhhmmmmm, Defuse seems so familiar XD

I imagine this game mode is going to be like search and destroy but we will have to wait and see I hope it is I like search and destroy :D.


hhhhmmmmm, Defuse seems so familiar XD


So this means Defuse is going to be like Search And Destroy? That sounds awesome, can't wait.


I'm just going to wait till the xbox one comes out, no point paying for it twice


It sounds like an interesting game mode, I will be looking forward to playing Battlefield 4 aswell as GTAV and COD Ghosts I wish I can play all 3 at the same time lol.


Some good game modes to play cant wait for this game