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Assassins Creed Unity - An Old Internet Meme

Tutorial Name: Assassins Creed Unity - An Old Internet Meme  

Category: PlayStation 4 Tutorials

Submitted By: Thespian

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An Old Internet Meme
Renovate all the Social Clubs and complete all the Social Club missions.

There are a total of 7 Social Clubs that you need to renovate. They appear as a red house on the minimap when you haven't bought them, and then a white house when you have bought them. Most of them cost 1000F, and on completion of the game, you will have a ton of money to burn, so buying them won't be an issue. Each club has 3 missions, and one of them only has 2 missions. There are 20 missions all together. None of the missions are difficult; one or two of the max difficulty ones can be a little tricky if you don't have good equipment. So make sure you do before attempting those ones. The social missions, and club locations are as follows:

Social Clubs

Cafe de l'lle de la Cite
Cafe du Ventre de paris
Cafe du Quartier latin
Cafe du Marais
Cafe du Louvres
Cafe de la Bievre
Cafe des Invalides
Social Club Missions (Name, Difficulty, Reward)

Bridge Brigands | Difficulty: 1 | 500F
Marat's Missive | Difficulty: 2 | 400F
Let Them Eat Hay | Difficulty: 2 | 800 F
Cat Food on a Hot Tin Roof | Difficulty: 2 | 800F
Hoarding Hostages | Difficulty: 3 | 700F
Cafe Procope | Difficulty: 3 | 700F
Roux's Remains | Difficulty: 3 | 700F
An Engaging Egyptologist | Difficulty: 4 | 2500F
Artful Dodger | Difficulty: 1 | 700F
A Dramatic Exit | Difficulty: 3 | 700F
Breaking the habit | Difficulty: 4 | 2500F
Extortion Contortion | Difficulty: 4 | 2500F
Chouan Riddles | Difficulty: 4 | 2500F
Bara's Funeral | Difficulty: 5 | 5000F
Retribution For a Rabble-Rouser | Difficulty: 3 | 700F
The Black Office | Difficulty: 4 | 2500F
Betrayer Of The Queen | Difficulty: 5 | 12500F
Spiked Bourbon | Difficulty: 5 | 12500F
Special Delivery | Difficulty: 5 | 12500F
Smokey Yet Robust | Difficulty: 5 | 37500F


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