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Overlord II - The Dominator

Tutorial Name: Overlord II - The Dominator  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: Ache

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Views: 1,524

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Achievement: The Dominator

Gamerscore: 40
Achievement Description: Achieve a 100% Domination Tyranny rating

You must be consistent in your choices throughout the game (always choose domination for the "Dominator" achievement or always choose death for the "Destructor" achievement). You also need to dominate/kill every inhabitant of Nordberg and Everlight. This should unlock just after your choice to kill Dark Fay or not, unless you have yet to completely dominate both towns.

These are the events that effect Domination/Destruction %.

Kill/Dominate Borius in Nordberg
Light the final tar pit in Norhaven/Dominate the population.
Destroy/Dominate the Elven Commune (sidequest)
Kill/Dominate the Governess of Everlight.
Kill/Dominate Senator Drearius and his wife in the Empire Heartlands.
Kill/Dominate the Yeti in the Arena
Kill/Dominate everyone in Nordberg/Everlight.
Kill Dark Queen Fay or let he live as your mistress.
Kill/Chase away the Elven rebellion. Make a save before you attempt this quest on either run as it's tricky to complete correctly and may take several attempts. It's the sticking point for many on a Destruction run. Use the green spider minions to chase away the elves on the final bombing platform for Domination (see "New world Order" for completing this quest without killing townspeople), but for Destruction use your reds to destroy it. You have to kill them while they are on the platform. The reds (put them on a guard marker nearby using Y) will set off a chain reaction of bombs and you'll get a red destruction tick beside the quest rather than the plain gray one you get if using the spiders. You can't just kill them after chasing them down with the greens as this won't count for the quest.


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