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The Simpsons Hit And Run - Level 1 Walkthrough

Tutorial Name: The Simpsons Hit And Run - Level 1 Walkthrough  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: Maj

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Comments: 2

Views: 877

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


Struggling to beat the first level in The Simpsons Hit And Run? Well here's an easy guide on how to beat it!

This mission is all about being as quick as possible to beat Principal Skinner to the school! This can be tricky to do, as driving isn't the easiest in the game. You have to use Homer Simpsons default character car which isn't very good, it's fairly slow and doesn't have the greatest handling ever!

You should use shortcuts to your advantage, through Springfield there are many to use to your advantage. These were placed throughout the game to help with time trial missions such as this one. As you can see in the video below there are multiple shortcuts available throughout this level, make sure to use them to your advantage

Ramming Principal Skinner can also help you out, not massively but significantly. However this is a risky move. It could go wrong and cause you to crash, potentially making you fail the mission. Therefore you should get up really close to the car and push him off the side of the road, whilst being as careful as possible! The video below will help with what I have just said!


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Great tutorial maj, super helpful.


Love it lool, great tutorial buddy.