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Black Ops 2- Happy Hour Achivement

Tutorial Name: Black Ops 2- Happy Hour Achivement  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: slapshot101

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Views: 881

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Happy Hour- In TranZit, buy 2 different perks before turning on the power. This achievement is worth 10 G or a Bronze Trophy.

  • Turbine
  • At least 3,250 points but easiest way is with 4,250

How to: First start a game of Tranzit in solo, the first thing to do is to purchase quick revive, this will be your first perk. After this build the turbine in the spawn room. After that save up another 3,750 points. After you have saved this amount of money get on the bus and head out to the diner. After you get there purchase the door into the diner. Head over to the Speed Cola Machine and place the turbine down next to it. The machine will light up and you can now purchase the perk, after you purchase it you should get the achievement.
Another Method that is a bit harder, but it is cheeper: You do the same thing at the start and get quick relieve but instead of getting on the bus you go over to the street light and using your turbine power, make a portal. Jump through the portal and from there go to the closest lit up area, like town, farm or the diner. Buy the door into one of the areas of Double Tap (Farm, cheapest as it is only 2,000 points) , Juggernaut (Town, most useful and is 2,500 points). Then place the turbine next to the perk machine and it will light up and purchase the perk you will then receive your achievement.
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