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Search found 108 results for your query xPhotograph.

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Description: Collected all other Bioshock trophies (13) Unlock all of the bronze, silver, and gold trophies and it's yours....


Views: 885

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Description: The player has performed at least one successful hack Hack either a security bot, a security camera, a turret, a...


Views: 966

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Description: Max out all possible research Finish all five levels of research for all the splicers, both Big Daddies, the Little...


Views: 1,630

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Description: Take at least one photo in every research group To do this, you have to take one picture of each of each type of...


Views: 722

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Description: Fully research the Little Sister Completely finish all five levels of research for the Little Sister. These are...


Views: 575

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Description: Fully research the Bouncer Completely finish all five levels of research for the Bouncer. These Big Daddies have...


Views: 663

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Description: Fully research the Nitro Splicer Completely finish all five levels of research for the Nitro Splicer. These...


Views: 661

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Description: Fully research the Houdini Splicer Completely finish all five levels of research for the Houdini Splicer. These...


Views: 826

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Description: The player has fully researched the Spider Splicer Completely finish all five levels of research for the Spider...


Views: 570

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Description: The player has fully researched the Thuggish Splicer Completely finish all five levels of research for the...


Views: 858

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Description: Acquire all upgrades for all weapons Purchase both upgrades for all of the guns in the game, the pistol, the...


Views: 1,399

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Description: The player has acquired at least one weapon upgrade Upgrade one of your guns, the pistol, shotgun, machine gun,...


Views: 1,280

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Description: The player has purchased every slot in one of the Plasmid or Tonic tracks There are four tracks, plasmids,...


Views: 514

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Description: Win all story mode minigames (1) Across the story mode you will need to complete a minigames where you need to...


Views: 1,298

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Description: Groundbreaking Use every interactable and win in a multiplayer match GLITCHED This is another easy trophy....


Views: 1,040

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Description: Complete Battle Mode (6) This will be one of the latest trophies to unlock in the entire game. In this mode there...


Views: 2,639

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Description: Completely upgrade all weapons and magic For this trophy, you must completely upgrade all your weapons and magic....


Views: 1,494

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Description: Possess every type of possessable enemy This trophy requires you to play as Paxton Fettel (Story) or a Wraith...


Views: 828

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Description: Find the Alma Doll on every Mission There is an Alma Doll in every Interval in the game. Most Intervals have...


Views: 680

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Description: Finish the Campaign on INSANE difficulty To unlock INSANE difficulty you will need to complete all 8 intervals on...


Views: 894

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials