Dragon Age 4 Reveals New Look at the Grey Wardens

There's a lot of anticipation for Bioware's Dragon Age 4, and while we have to wait a bit longer to see the game in action, Executive Producer Christian Dailey did give fans something to help pass the time. Dailey took to Twitter to reveal some lovely Dragon Age 4 concept art, and it features a Grey Warden front and center. The Warden is in full armor and is wielding a sword and shield, and you can check out the awesome new artwork in the post below. Dailey just wanted to give everyone something to celebrate on a Friday, and we think he more than succeeded.

Dailey posted the artwork with the caption "@SerGoldman I got you! Is this the right amount of pointy and gray? Happy Friday all. I hope everyone is staying safe and doing well. :) DragonCrossed swordsShieldDragon"

Right now we're still awaiting more details about the game and its cast of lead characters, though we do know that Solas will be playing a role in the game after the events of Dragon Age Inquisition. We've also received glimpses of the team players will be getting to know when the full game hits, but we still don't have names or backstory to go with them, and hopefully, that changes soon.

As for Dailey, he took over the project after Mark Darrah departed Bioware in 2020, and in a blog post revealed the mix of nervousness and excitement that came with taking over the much-anticipated project.

"Friends, Happy Dragon Age Day! Iā€™d like to extend a huge thank you to Laura, Casey and Mark for their kind words yesterday, and confidence in me during this transition. Casey and Mark, who Iā€™ve worked with over the last three years have both been such a positive influence, and I have learned so much from them. It is bittersweet indeed. I am going to miss working with them every day, but I know we will remain friends and I am excited for them as they embark on their next adventures.

Obviously stepping into this role on Dragon Age after Mark is a bit humbling. Mark is someone that I look up to and is a true BioWare legend. We all hope to make him proud as we look to deliver the best Dragon Age story yet, otherwise we know weā€™ll hear about itā€¦. I am really looking forward to getting to know all of you and sharing insights into the development as we move into next year. If you already follow me on Twitter, you know I like to share details throughout the dev process and I hope to do the same as we continue our work on Dragon Age.

In the meantime, check out the new Dragon Age website that launched today that includes some cool new stories and illustrations. Looking forward to sharing more soon. Have a great Dragon Age Day, and a safe, relaxing holiday, all. Christian"

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Source: https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/dragon-age-4-concept-art-grey-warden/


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