Diablo 4 Developer Details Reasoning Behind Stash Restrictions

Since launching the Season of the Malignant in Diablo 4, developer Blizzard has been trying to give its community more information about its future plans. This actually started before the first season, as the team announced after releasing the accompanying patch that, going forward, it would be releasing patch notes ahead of future patches in an effort to get the info to fans sooner. One issue that players have been encountering in the early days of the game is a lack of space in their stash, which Blizzard is trying to somewhat rectify with a stop-gap option in giving players another stash tab as it works to move things like gems to their own section. In a further response to the issue, Diablo 4 associate game director Joseph Piepiora explained exactly why the team can't just give players unlimited stash tabs.

Piepiora was responding to a fan on Twitter asking why Blizzard can't just "add a load of [stash tabs] or even [make them] unlimited." He explained that "when you see another player in game you load them and their entire stash filled with items." This essentially means that every time you see a player, you're loading all of their data, and giving players more tabs would be an incredibly large resource hog with all of the memory you'd be using just to load those tabs into your game.

What Piepiora didn't make immediately clear is why Diablo 4 is loading all of that data for every player. It's possible that it might be tied to preventing item duplication or helping to make player trading a smoother experience, but a Blizzard developer has yet to confirm any of that. That said, hopefully, it's an issue that can be fixed in the near future between patches to the actual stash and the implementation of better gem storage. Either way, it's clearly becoming a massive issue for Diablo 4 as players get more and more gear during new seasons.

The stash issues are just one of many problems players are having with Season 1 in Diablo 4. Whether it's underpowered Sorcerers, high respec costs, or nerfed XP gain in certain areas, it's clear that Blizzard still has quite a bit of work to do if it wants to please its hardcore fanbase. Fortunately, it has already outlined several upcoming changes that should do quite a bit to fix things in the coming weeks.

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Source: https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/diablo-4-developer-details-stash-restrictions-ps5-ps4-xbox-pc/


"Diablo 4 Developer Details Reasoning Behind Stash Restrictions" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3 comments

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I was really hyped for D4, and yet it's only been a disappointment, to be honest!


seems to be a trashy game tbh


It's like since release they just been trolling or upsetting the community lol