Xbox One video discusses personalisation

Microsoft has released a new Xbox One video in which Larry Hryb and members of the Xbox dev team discuss the console's personalisation features.

Xbox One will use Kinect to recognise your face and log into your account, making access to your settings and content as easy as possible.

Check it out in the footage below:

Other recent Xbox One videos showed off the console's Snap feature, Kinect voice commands and the SkyDrive cloud storage service.

Microsoft has confirmed an Xbox One release date of November 22, 2013 in 13 markets. The Xbox One price has been set at £430 / €500 / $500.

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"Xbox One video discusses personalisation" :: Login/Create an Account :: 46 comments

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That's cool how it can recognize your face then automatically sign you in.


Dreams to bad i wont have kinect hooked up you could give me 1000$ and i wouldnt use it

Why is that?
Do you think the government is going to watch you while you sleep?


Lavish I honestly think be able to properly personalize your devices and software is key to learning and being able to use it.

I guess so, it can still be learnt otherwise but personalization is always a huge plus

Yes, of course.
I just think making a device your own is better than having some default plain jane console.


Lavish I honestly think be able to properly personalize your devices and software is key to learning and being able to use it.

I guess so, it can still be learnt otherwise but personalization is always a huge plus


Gossip I like the idea except I am not going to be using Kinect that much.

You will still be able to customize the Xbone without using the Kinect.


I honestly think be able to properly personalize your devices and software is key to learning and being able to use it.


Caszech The voice commands look alright, but I doubt I would use them regularly.

Even i wont be using the Kinect very often when i get an Xbox One.. goes to show how it hasn't went down well in consumers books


The voice commands look alright, but I doubt I would use them regularly.


All I see the Kinect useful for is the voice commands.


Gossip I like the idea except I am not going to be using Kinect that much.

I'm using it for voice commands.

I'll be using it for just about that, i am not a big fan of the concept of Kinect in general, being motion controlled gaming