PlayStation News

All the respective parties have today issued press releases which denotes that the demos of PES 2011, FIFA 11 and NBA 2K11 are ALL available now. Give each one a whirl and let us know what you think, especially on which demo edges it between FIFA and PES.
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Treyarch’s confirmed to Gamertag Radio there won’t be any campaign co-op for Call of Duty: Black Ops.“There’s no campaign co-op this year,” said executive producer Dan Suarez.Instead, local co-op will come with split-screen combat training and split-screen multiplayer.Treyarch community boss Josh Olin, however, has said it’s still to reveal the game’s fully-fledged co-op mode.Call more
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So, you're not too interested in the PS jailbreak or other clones/freeware, however you value your online play and the playstation network and decided to update you're firmware to gain new features. Well instead you may gain nothing other than a headache, many users have reported issues ranging from bricked consoles too loss of sound and game crashing. Click read more to continue reading.
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Quite incredible. PS3 hackers/jailbreakers now have another reason to smile as a method has been found to provide PSP Remote Play on ANY PS3 game (even those that don't 'support' such a feature). A tutorial showing the steps involved is shown inside, although kudos must be given to the 'theblacksheep' for the initial discovery
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Treyarch has revealed another 'strategy' for battling the used games market. Instead of issuing 'online passes', the company believes that making sure the online aspect of a game is top notch is a more effective counter. The logic behind this is that if the multiplayer keeps gamers hooked, then they will never let go of the title and always be playing online every so often.
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EA's upcoming Medal of Honor is a risky proposition for the company. Unlike Activision's Modern Warfare series, Danger Close's game is based upon a real-life conflict. With battles ongoing in the Middle East, MOH has rightfully attracted its fair share of controversy -- some are eager to say that the game is simply going too far. The military advisors EA has hired have the difficult job of more
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A couple of days ago a dev of NullDC revealed that he was going to investigate a port of a Dreamcast emulator to the PS3 due to all the recent events. Since then another website claims to have exclusively been told that the dev has revealed he has made 'progress' on his initial hunch and things might actually get off of the ground.
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Looks like Sony has caught up with hackers still accessing PSN without updating through the server bypass method. After turning on my PS3 at 18:30GMT today, I can not login to PSN without updating, therefore Sony has now fixed the bypass method that was being used previously. Sony is now forcing me to to either update my PS3 with there buggy (for some users) firmware update or not play online... more
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Black Ops is proving "much more difficult" to balance than any other Call of Duty game, Treyarch has said. Thanks to the introduction of CoD Points and rare but devastating super weapons, the developer is finding it even more difficult to keep everything in check. "It has been a much more difficult game to balance but the team really stepped up to the plate," community man, Josh Olin told more
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The official PSJailbreak team has confirmed that it is product is now shipping. Of more interest is the fact they have confirmed that they have an update to defeat firmware v3.42 ready which will be released in around seven days. They also claim that it will ONLY work with their solution and not clones. Moreover, they make a plea for users to support their solution because it costs money to more
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