PC Gaming News

Mojang has released a new Minecraft video offering an early look at new environment creation tools coming as part of update 1.8. The new options will allow users to generate their own worlds with a large selection of parameters, which can result in some extremely bizarre landscapes, as the video below demonstrates. As Mojang explains, "There are 16 sliders which can be used to affect ...read more
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inSynch is Them Games' attempt at a unique game offering heavily featuring music development masked as ordinary gameplay; it tasks players with crafting tunes or being given beats to decipher and keep up with. Explore mode is designed to allow players to craft music themselves within the title while Exploit is a survival mode that throws increasingly difficult mixtures of shapes and sounds at the ...read more
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Zenimax Online has completely disabled Elder Scrolls Online's guild bank functionality on Friday due to a game devastating item duplication glitch. The glitch allowed players to easily dupe items by simply removing stacks of item from a guild bank is quick succession of one another in which created additional stacks of said item. The fallout of this situation is not currently known but it is ...read more
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Golfers looking to get their virtual fix need to look gander no further than HB Studios and their golf simulation title, The Golf Club. Their game just landed on Steam Early Access and currently is featuring a 15% off discount to early adopters. Gamers can play either solo or online with their mates on premades courses or those of their own creation.
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Today Atari revealed their upcoming title Minimum; the game was first developed by now defunct developer "TimeGate" and was finished by the minds behind Prey 2, Human Head. The game throws players into a world where they are blocky figures locked within team-based battles centering around resource collection in order to power their team's AI-controlled Titan all the while searching for the means ...read more
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Wolfenstein: The New Order is an alternative history Nazi-era inspired game that is now available for pre-order through the Steam platform and Valve has now begun offering free Team Fortress 2 hats to any and all gamers who fork out early cash for the shooter. The digital distribution company has not specified exactly which hats will be given but has guaranteed that they will be exclusive and ...read more
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Humble Bundle is back today with yet another assortment of high-grade Android games including Double Fine's The Cave and Fireproof Games' The Room 2 on top of other various stellar titles. All of this is part the Humble Mobile Bundle 5; users can pay at least $1 USD and receive Aralon: Sword and Shadow, Bag It!, and R-Type 2. Those who BTA(beat the average) will be given The Room 2, The Cave, and ...read more
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Today Daylight's developer Zombie Studios has released two brand new trailers meant to showcase the title's procedurally generated environment. Daylight is a first-person horror title due to include landscapes including a abandoned hospital and underground bunker; both of the venues are of course haunted. Each playthrough of the game is designed to give new level, frights, and puzzles through ...read more
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They equated the title as to be a spiritual successor to 1999′s Alpha Centuari, giving fans of sci-fi turn-based strategy games something to smile about. Due to an article slip from French site JeuxVideoPC the gaming press was able to grab the key points regarding the project; these details as well as the announcement trailer can be found below.
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Below was formerly a timed exclusive for the Xbox One by Capybara Games but today the game is releasing on Steam according to a newly released video. If was found out late last year that the title was a time exclusive but the additional platforms were not specified at that time. The title is playable at PAX East this weekend so expect to see Xbox One footage of it cropping up soon!
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