Beloved Final Fantasy Game Reportedly Getting New Remaster

One of the most beloved entries in Square Enix's Final Fantasy series is rumored to be coming back in the form of a new remaster. Over the past couple of years, Final Fantasy has been in the midst of a renaissance. Not only have fans been thrilled about new entries like Final Fantasy VII Remake and the upcoming Final Fantasy XVI, but Square has also started to port and remaster some of the older entries in the franchise as well. And while most of the core Final Fantasy series is now becoming accessible on modern platforms, it sounds like Square Enix also has plans to bring back a popular spin-off as well.

According to video game industry reporter Jason Schreier, Square Enix seems to be planning a remaster of Final Fantasy Tactics. Schreier, who is one of the most reputable reporters tied to the gaming industry, hasn't said much about this new version of FF Tactics, but in a recent interaction on Twitter, he told one user that a remaster is "coming." Obviously, there's still much that we don't know about this new remaster, but it seems likely that we could learn more in an official capacity later this year.

Originally released in 1998 on the original PlayStation, Final Fantasy Tactics was a tactical RPG, as the title of the game suggests. Having more in common with games like Tactics Ogre rather than the core Final Fantasy series, Final Fantasy Tactics went on to receive a ton of acclaim from both critics and fans. Despite being so beloved, though, FF Tactics is a series that Square Enix hasn't continued with in recent years. Outside of a PSP version of Final Fantasy Tactics that launched back in 2007, this sub-series within the Final Fantasy franchise has been essentially put on ice. Despite this, fans have continued to request a new version of Final Fantasy Tactics and it seems like Square might finally be looking to make good on those requests.

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oh ffs, more Final Fantasy releases


Man they really stay on top of games man !


So new games and remasters continue to be released over the same time periods, interesting... Busy times for FF!