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COD4 || self set dvars || ENJOY || @@@@@||

COD4 || self set dvars || ENJOY || @@@@@||Posted:

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cod4 dvars

List of Dvars in Cod4
self setClientDvar( "aim_automelee_range", "255" );
self setClientDvar( "aim_automelee_region_height", "480" );
self setClientDvar( "aim_automelee_region_width", "640" );
self setClientDvar( "aim_autoaim_enabled" , 1 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_autoaim_lerp" , 100 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_autoaim_region_height" , 480 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_autoaim_region_width" , 640 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_autoAimRangeScale" , 2 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_lockon_debug" , 1 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_lockon_enabled" , 1 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_lockon_region_height" , 0 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_lockon_region_width" , 640 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_lockon_strength" , 1 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_lockon_deflection" , 0.05 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_input_graph_debug" , 0 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_input_graph_enabled" , 1 );

ping bar
self setClientDvar( "cg_scoreboardPingText", "1" );
self setClientDvar( "cg_ScoresPing_MaxBars", "9");
self setClientDvar( "cg_ScoresPing_Interval", "40");
self setClientDvar("cg_ScoresPing_LowColor", "0 0.68 1 1");
self setClientDvar("cg_ScoresPing_HighColor", "0 0 1 1");

colored classes
self setClientDvar( "customclass1", "^1Custom Class 1" );
self setClientDvar( "customclass2", "^2Custom Class 2" );
self setClientDvar( "customclass3", "^3Custom Class 3" );
self setClientDvar( "customclass4", "^4Custom Class 4" );
self setClientDvar( "customclass5", "^6Custom Class 5" );

uav always on
self setClientDvar( "cg_enemyNameFadeOut", "900000" ); //Show enemies names constantly
self setClientDvar( "cg_enemyNameFadeIn", "0" ); //same as above
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawThroughWalls", "1" ); //Show player names through walls
self setclientDvar( "compassSize", "1.5" ); //Increased map size
self setClientDvar( "compassEnemyFootstepEnabled", "1" ); //radar always on
self setClientDvar( "compass", "0" );
self setClientDvar( "compass_show_enemies", "1" ); //always show enemies
self setClientDvar( "scr_game_forceuav", "1" ); //radar always on
self setClientDvar( "compassEnemyFootstepEnabled", "1" );
self setClientDvar( "compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange", "99999" );
self setClientDvar( "compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ", "99999" );
self setClientDvar( "compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed", "0" );
self setClientDvar( "compassRadarUpdateTime", "0.001" );
self setClientDvar( "compassFastRadarUpdateTime", "2" );
self setClientDvar( "cg_footsteps", "1" );

uav in hardcore
self setClientDvar("ui_hud_hardcore", "1");

Perks 1
self setClientDvar( "perk_bulletDamage", "" ); //Stopping Power -999bad
self setClientDvar( "perk_armorVest", "" ); //Jugga 999bad
self setClientDvar( "perk_weapRateMultiplier", "" ); //Double Tap 0.001good
self setClientDvar( "perk_weapReloadMultiplier", "" ); //Sleight of Hand 0.001good
self setClientDvar( "perk_explosiveDamage", "" ); //Sonic boom -999bad

perks 2
self setClientDvar( "perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier", "" ); //Deep Impact 999good
self setClientDvar( "perk_extraBreath", "" ); //Iron Lungs 999good
self setClientDvar( "perk_sprintMultiplier", "" ); //Extreme Conditioning 999good
self setClientDvar( "perk_weapSpreadMultiplier", "" ); //Steady Aim 0.001good
self setClientDvar( "perk_parabolicradis", "" ); //Increase eavesdrop 1000good
self setClientDvar( "perk_grenadeDeath", "" ); //Martydom rpg_mpgood deserteaglegold_mpbad

Fps counter
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawFPS" , "Simple" );
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawFPSLabels" , "1" );

force host
self setClientDvar( "party_iamhost", "1" );
self setClientDvar( "party_hostmigration", 0);
self setClientDvar( "party_connectToOthers", 0);
online game
setDvar("scr_forcerankedmatch" , 1 );
setDvar( "onlinegame" , "1" );
Color codes for spam on the side or at start of patch
^1 - RED
^2 - GREEN
^4 - BLUE
^5 - CYAN
^6 - PINK
^7 - WHITE

low ammo
self setClientDvar("lowAmmoWarningColor1", "0 0 1 1");
self setClientDvar("lowAmmoWarningColor2", "1 0 0 1");
self setClientDvar("lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor1", "0 0 1 1");
self setClientDvar("lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor2", "1 0 0 1");
self setClientDvar("lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor1", "0 0 1 1");
self setClientDvar("lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor2", "1 0 0 1");
Makes things online anf to make bots, xp and other stuff stick
developer 1;developer script 1;onlinegame 1;onlinegameandhost 1;xbl_privatematch 0;updategamerprofile

self setClientDvar("r_znear" , "35");

bind button_back scr_testclients 18
give weapon
self GiveWeapon( "deserteaglegold_mp" );
self GiveWeapon( "defaultweapon_mp" );

shoot bricks
precacheItem("brick_blaster_mp"); //Put this in init()
self giveWeapon("brick_blaster_mp"); //Put this in onPlayerSpawned()

self setClientDvar( "cg_tracerSpeed", "0050" );
self setClientDvar( "cg_tracerwidth", "9" );
self setClientDvar( "cg_tracerlength", "999" );

chrome mode
self setClientDvar("r_fullbright", 0);
self setClientDvar( "r_specularmap", 2);

cartoon mode

flash/stun no effect
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawShellshock" , "0" );

self setClientDvar( "cg_laserForceOn" , "1" );

scoreboard colour
self setClientDvar( "cg_scoreboardMyColor", "0.8 0 0 1");
auto m16
player_burstFireCooldown "0"

edit map name/game type
self setClientDvar( "ui_mapname", "^5Flyin Turnip Land");
self setClientDvar( "ui_gametype", "^5 Hardcore Hide & Seek" );

shoot choppers down easy
[spoil]self setClientDvar( "scr_heli_maxhealth", "1" );
self setClientDvar( "scr_heli_turret_engage_dist", "9999" );
self setClientDvar( "scr_heli_visual_range", "500" );
unlimited chopper ammo
self setClientDvar( "scr_heli_targeting_delay", 0.0001 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_heli_turretClipSize", 9999 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_heli_turretReloadTime", 0.0001 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dm_score_deatht", 50000 );//Neg -
self setClientDvar( "scr_game_suicidepointloss", 1 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dm_score_suicide", 5000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_tdm_score_deatht", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_tdm_score_suicide", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dom_score_deatht", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dom_score_suicide", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dd_score_deatht", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dd_score_suicide", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_ctf_score_deatht", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_ctf_score_suicide", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_koth_score_deatht", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_koth_score_suicide", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dom_score_kill", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_ctf_score_kill", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dd_score_kill", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_sd_score_kill", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_war_score_suicide", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_war_score_deatht", 2516000 );

Hide the Ammo Counter
self setClientDvar( "ammoCounterHide", "1" );

3rd persons mode
set cg_thirdPerson "1"

give helicopter
bind apad_down bind dpad_down scr_givehelicopter 1

toggle gravity
bind button_back toggle g_gravity 500 1

kill player
bind apad_down bind dpad_down kill

Draw guided missile trajectories
missileDebugDraw 0 or 1

Bind help
[spoil]In a bind for infecting others it is limited to 1000 characters onlyRight to start off your bind it needs to be like this: self setclientdvar( "ui_mapname","mp_bog;
The reason for the self setclientdvar at the begining is because it wont fully load without that. For the second part is because you need to set it to a map (Bog has only 3 characters so is the best one out of all of the maps)
After each bind you have to include a semi colon after each little bind( ; semi colon is that) So it is like this EG:
self setclientdvar("ui_mapname", "mp_bog;cg_laserForceOn 1;r_znear 35;[/spoil]
Above you see that I have included a lot of the not ready to put in a patch. This is where you need to use your brain.

Example here:
self setClientDvar("ui_hud_hardcore", "1");
genral set dvar

[spoil]This isnt good for a patch as it will give you a error saying bad token so if you wanted to add this to your patch then do thsi:
ui_hud_hardcore 1;
so it is as simple as that

Here is another example of it being added:
self setclientdvar("ui_mapname", "mp_bog;cg_laserForceOn 1;r_znear 35;ui_hud_hardcore 1;

pretty soon you fill up 1000 character so you are limited quite a lot

At the ending of the bind you need to include this:
This is because you have started the bracket on the other side with quotaion but for the ; I dont know myself but if you dont have it then you are screwed.

This is crucial to know about if you want to do xp lobbys as most of the time when it is bots people just set to one thing and people need to know which one it is EG for free for all:[/spoil];set scr_dm_score_kill 4000;set scr_dm_score_suicide 4000
gametypes :-
dm = free for all
war = team deathmatch
dom = domination
sab = sabotage
sd = search & destroy
koth = headquarters

Here are the coordinates for each map of the center here you have to work out where the teleports are best in the map these are the centers for them:
ambush 97.7 227.2 0
backlot -40.8 479.1 69.1
bloc 1097.3 -5873.3 -23.8
bog 3953 1311.9 -13.9
countdown -43.2 179.2 -23.8
crash 414.9 31.8 188.8
crossfire 4911,1 -2536.6 -45.1
district 4179.8 -314 15
downpoor 541.1 1269.83 257.5
overgrown 180 4 -2282.7 -355
pipeline 354.8 901.5 2
shipment 0 66.3 192
showdown 0 0 -7
strike -89.4 -391 16.1
vacant -74.8 192.8 -47.8
wet work 66.1 -2.4 16.1
For example if i Needed teleports then I would have to do this:
bind apad_right bind dpad_right setviewpos 2190 800 3000

Certain binds need to be set to buttons for example:
teleports,bots,pernament uav, jump height, jump damage and also spam on the side of the screen.[/spoil]
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