June PlayStation Plus Games List Leaks

We’re just a couple of days away from June, and with the coming of a new month comes a new selection of free games offered up as part of Sony’s PlayStation Plus service. Over the weekend, PlayStation Turkey accidentally leaked the games that are set to become available next month.

PlayStation Plus subscribers will apparently gain access to Killing Floor 2, the zombie-themed co-op FPS from Tripwire Interactive. Players have to work together to fight off wave after wave of Zeds, using a host of different weapons to slay the undead in various grisly, gory ways.

The second title set to be made available is the critically acclaimed Life is Strange. Originally released in an episodic format over the course of 2015, the game will be playable from start to finish by anyone with an active PlayStation Plus subscription — and it’s well worth checking out for anyone who’s looking for something a little different.

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Source: https://gamerant.com/playstation-plus-june-games-leak/


"June PlayStation Plus Games List Leaks" :: Login/Create an Account :: 10 comments

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I love Life Is Strange! I bought all the episodes on Xbox a few months back. Now its free on PS4 for PS Plus Members! Not sure if I am thrilled or gutted.
I love the story line because its all up to you, you can choose how the game goes and the consequences. I feel like its challenging like that because you always wish you choose a different option some where along the line!


Looks pretty badass, might give it a go.


I would like to give killing floor a go.


Killing Floor 2 sounds like it'll be a decent play.


Nothing really catches my eye here...


ehh.. not all there on life is strange played it before


wish we had killing floor on xbox


Life is strange is a kind of interesting game, Killing Floor however is fun as hell so I might actually turn on my ps4 soon.


OMV Killing Floor is a great game! Spend hours at end playing it on PC. Life Is Strange im not sure about.

Same here, Killing Floor is an awesome Co-op game!


Killing Floor is a great game! Spend hours at end playing it on PC. Life Is Strange im not sure about.