Ubisoft Reveals Why There Hasn't Been a New 'Splinter Cell' Game Yet

Ubisoft has been hard at work bringing many titles to gamers over recent years. However, there is one series that has remained untouched for nearly six years, and fans have been wondering when the next installment will arrive. Of course, Splinter Cell is a beloved franchise among many that come out of Ubisoft, but players are beginning to wonder what the hold up is. Well, according to CEO Yves Guillemot, the Splinter Cell series has been neglected due to fan pressure as well as a focus being place on more successful games.

Speaking with IGN, Guillemot was asked why Splinter Cell has been set to the side for so long. "When you create a game, you have to make sure you come with something that will be different enough from what you did before," he said. "The last time we did a Splinter Cell, we had lots of pressure from all the fans actually, saying, 'don’t change it, don’t do this, don’t do that.'

"So, some of the teams were more anxious to work on the brand. Now there are some people that are looking at the brand, taking care of the brand. So, at one point you will see something, but I can’t say more than that." Guillemot continued, saying, "Because also of Assassin’s Creed, and all the other brands taking off, people wanted to work on those brands more. So, we have to follow what they like to do."

It's understandable that Ubisoft would want to focus on the brands that are the most successful, but it's good to know that they haven't forgotten about Splinter Cell. After all, it's been nearly six years since Splinter Cell: Blacklist was released, and now that other Tom Clancy series such as Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six have made some significant comebacks, perhaps it is time for Sam Fisher to make his triumphant return. Either way, we will just have to wait to hear more from Ubisoft.

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Source: https://comicbook.com/gaming/2019/04/09/ubisoft-reveals-why-new-splinter-cell-game/


"Ubisoft Reveals Why There Hasn't Been a New 'Splinter Cell' Game Yet" :: Login/Create an Account :: 9 comments

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Takes a lot of time sometimes lol.


Makes sense there probably make insane amounts of Assassin's Creed.


Damn splinter cell was one of my favorite series as a child. Sneaking around those dark rooms and outside while at the same time I'm at my house it's dark outside and in my room not gonna lie I got spooked a few times playing this as an adolescent.


Don't you dare stop with Assassins Creed, the reboot of the series has been fantastic and has taken the game to an entirely new level. The repetition isn't there if you ask me, it's such a diverse and intriguing story line that I didn't feel bored once.


Glock- Stop with Assassins creed. At this point it's like call of duty. Focus on other games, especially splinter cell.

I guess I actually kind of agree. Even though I still like AC games and play they, I am getting tired of the repetition


Jeez haven't played one of these in years. I'd love another


Splinter cell goes yayyyyy back as a childhood game for me. It's crazy how fan pressure is the reason why they havent made a new one yet.


Stop with Assassins creed. At this point it's like call of duty. Focus on other games, especially splinter cell.


Hard to create new content when fans dont want change. Guess you can continue to just upgrade graphics/levels same design and people will buy and play. I wondered why there hadnt been a new one out in some time.