Soulframe Gameplay Shown Off During Warframe Developer Stream

Developer Digital Extremes has shown off the first bit of gameplay for its upcoming RPG Soulframe during its recent developer stream. This is the first time the studio has shown off the game since its announcement back in July 2022. Check out the gameplay showcase below.

Going by the gameplay showcase, Soulframe‘s combat seems to be quite a bit slower and more deliberate than Warframe. The combat even bears some resemblence to FromSoftware’s SoulsBorne series of games with its overall slow pacing and deliberate attacks.

It also gives us a brief glimpse at some of the Soulframe‘s environments and exploration aspects, showing off a lush forest with seemingly multiple branching paths that the player can go down.

When it was first unveiled, Soulframe was described by Digital Extremes as a free-to-play action MMORPG. In stark contrast to Warframe, Soulframe will be focusing on a classic medieval fantasy setting, and its setting and story will revolve around the idea of nature and humanity colliding.

Soulframe doesn’t currently have any release date.

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"Soulframe Gameplay Shown Off During Warframe Developer Stream" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3 comments

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nice to see some gameplay, but I'm sure they amend the game a little more before release


I been hearing more about it but so many games out a lot I'm pushing off atm.


This game looks way too early to see it's identity through gameplay yet. Although, I do appreciate a gameplay reveal so we have an idea what to expect rather than concept art which typically overhypes the game for me.

In this stage, it reminds me of assassins creed mixed with for honor. I hope they give the enemies the ability to stealth attack you to make action more indirect. For example, a group of ai are hiding in the bushes until you walk past, then you hear a whistle and are surrounded.