Cyberpunk 2077 To Go On Worldwide Tour Showing Off Phantom Liberty

Chooms, it's finally time to wake up. Cyberpunk 2077 creators have announced a series of events that will take place in eight countries around the world, showcasing the upcoming Phantom Liberty expansion to fans. While the exact dates for these events are still under wraps, it appears that they can be expected in June, shortly after the Summer Game Fest.

CD Projekt Red has dropped the announcement on its socials, signalling the imminent launch of the marketing campaign for its most expensive expansion to date. While we already knew that Cyberpunk 2077 DLC would be featured at SGF on June 8, the studio has now teased that they will "reveal some hot info" about Phantom Liberty, potentially including the long-awaited release date. Furthermore, to sustain the players' excitement, CDPR has planned a series of live events called the Phantom Tour. The events are anticipated to take place in Warsaw, London, Paris, Cologne, Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul, and São Paulo, though specific dates for each location have yet to be disclosed.

Not only has CDPR not shared the precise schedule of the Phantom Tour, only hinting that more details are "coming soon," but it also remains unclear what fans can anticipate from it. Given that the events will be held offline, it is quite possible that attendees will have the chance to try out a demo version of the upcoming expansion. Previously, the developers of Cyberpunk 2077 hinted at some kind of "Play Days" scheduled for June in relation to Phantom Liberty, which likely corresponds to this global tour.

Unfortunately, no such events are seemingly planned for fans in the US, for some reason, despite Cyberpunk 2077's events taking place in a future version of America. Some disappointment has already been expressed in the comment section, with people stating, "I know we in North America are not a large section of gamers or anything but ONE city would have been nice." Better luck next time, choom.

According to insiders, Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty expansion is expected to launch this summer. Some sources suggest that the DLC might be released in early July, while others lean towards an August release window. It looks like it won't be long until we find out for ourselves.

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"Cyberpunk 2077 To Go On Worldwide Tour Showing Off Phantom Liberty" :: Login/Create an Account :: 5 comments

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Runts Pretty cool then maybe it'll grab more of an Audience

It will but not me ill stick to warframe


They can try all they want im not going back


they're certainly trying to make up for the messed up release


Huh, who'd have thought the game would have such a fan base in Asia.
Interesting, and cool, that they're still pushing the game so much so long after release.

@Runts It's sold well over 20 million copies...


Pretty cool then maybe it'll grab more of an Audience