Mortal Kombat 1 Makes Important Change Based on Fan Feedback

Mortal Kombat 1 has made some changes to the gameplay speed based on the feedback it received from fans during its early demo and test periods. NetherRealm Studios has been incredibly communicative with its fan base regarding the next entry of the long-running franchise. Alongside new trailers of characters coming to Mortal Kombat 1, there have also been steady streams of information from the developer that get into the nitty-gritty of the game. Players have gotten the chance to play the game early in various ways, too, and their criticism has already had an impact.

Back in June, Mortal Kombat 1 was present at Summer Game Fest, which allowed players to try out the game early. If fans couldn't make it, then NetherRealm also allowed fans to play it digitally later that same month when Mortal Kombat 1 conducted its first stress test for its online modes. This allowed players try out the fighting game ahead of its scheduled release in Fall and see how it feels in these early stages. The feedback that the game has been receiving from those playing at EVO has allowed for NetherRealm to make important changes.

The premiere annual fighting game tournament, EVO, had previously announced that Mortal Kombat 1 would be playable at the venue, allowing players another early look at the game. A competitive fighting game player and six-time EVO Champion, SonicFox, recently had the chance to play NetherRealm's upcoming fighter at the event. He complimented how the movement in Mortal Kombat 1 has improved, along with posting how MK1 has incorporated MK9's dash block mechanic. This caught the attention of Mortal Kombat co-creator and director Ed Boon, who confirmed these changes.

The Mortal Kombat 1 director then thanked everyone for the suggestions that they had provided. Boon also encouraged people who are trying out these early builds of the game to provide feedback to the team in order to help improve the game before its launch this fall. Boon concluded his tweet by stating he hopes to make this Mortal Kombat the best it can be, though it is only possible with the feedback provided from fans.

Many fans were appreciative of how NetherRealm Studios and Boon were listening to their concerns and how quickly changes are being implemented. The next chance players will have to try out the game after EVO is with Mortal Kombat 1's beta test this August. Players will be able to access the game's online multiplayer and a limited version of MK1's story mode. This beta test will be running from August 18-21, which is a month before the game's official launch.

Mortal Kombat 1 launches September 19 for PC, PS5, Switch, and Xbox Series X.

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they have done really well with this game (for now)


They seem to be doing right all around with this one !