New Far Cry Boss Teases "Big Things" in Store for the Series

The new director of the Far Cry franchise has teased an exciting future for the series. Far Cry is one of Ubisoft's biggest franchises, rivaling the likes of Assassin's Creed. It's a series that has a pretty distinct formula that can be iterated upon with relative ease and allow for a variety of new directions that keep things fresh. While we're all pretty used to the series going to islands and placing an average Joe up against a tyrant, there have also been games that parody 80s action films, take players back to the stone age, and have you survive in a post-apocalyptic America. However, some have felt like some of the more recent games have been lacking.

However you may feel, the Far Cry series has had a bit of a shake-up. Far Cry 5 writer Drew Holmes has been hired as the new IP Director for the Far Cry franchise, meaning he will essentially oversee the series from here on out. Over on LinkedIn, Holmes shared his enthusiasm for the series and his new role while also teasing "big things" for the future of the series.

"It's been an exciting few months… I'm happy to share that I'm starting a new position as IP Director of Far Cry at Ubisoft! We have big things in store," said Holmes. "Don't hesitate to reach out if you want to be a part of the next evolution of this great brand!"

As of right now, we're not totally sure what's next for Far Cry. Ubisoft released Far Cry 6 at the end of 2021 to mixed reception and there were what appeared to be teasers in the game for what comes next, but there haven't been any official reveals. Rumors suggest the next game may be set in Alaska and have a multiplayer component, but we likely won't find out until next year at the earliest as Far Cry games tend to be revealed in the spring and release in the fall. There are some exceptions for spin-off games, which tend to be revealed in the fall/winter and release in the first few months of the following year.

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"New Far Cry Boss Teases "Big Things" in Store for the Series" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3 comments

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new bosses always tease for new big things


Hoping for a game that's as memorable as Far Cry 4 was.


The story is really Fun in these series ! Can't wait for another one.