The Witcher 4 Aims to Enter Full Production This Year

With Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty and all the major updates for the base game now out of the way, CD Projekt RED is looking ahead to the future with new and upcoming projects, and it looks like The Witcher 4 – or whatever it ends up being called – is going to be the next game the studio puts the bulk of its attention on.

Currently in the pre-production stage, the game aims to enter full production sometime this year, CD Projekt CEO Adam Badowski has told Reuters. Badowski also confirms that around 400 people will be working on the game “by the middle of the year”. Back in November, that number stood at around 330 people.

CD Projekt RED announced in March 2022 that it had started working on the next Witcher game, codenamed Polaris, and that it would be the first instalment in a new mainline trilogy for the fantasy RPG series. It will be CDPR’s first game to be built on Unreal Engine 5, and game director Sebastian Kalemba has said it’s going to be “an excellent entry point” for newcomers.

Of course, The Witcher 4 isn’t the only project CD Projekt RED is working on. Work on Cyberpunk 2077’s sequel is also underway, with the project set to have around 80 people working on it by the end of the year. Multiplayer elements are also being considered for the game.

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glad to hear

will be waiting patiently for it :pepecomfy:


Still haven't finished off TW3, always looked overhyped.


This is a game I really can't wait for