Dead Rising 3 update weighs in at 13GB

New DLC for open-world zombie game expected this week

A hefty 13GB Dead Rising 3 update has reportedly been released for the Xbox One exclusive.

The update was first revealed in a Tweet from Xbox studio manager Mike Ybarra, who said: "Wow, a 13GB DR3 update? Holy... good thing I have 110mbps".

Publisher Microsoft is yet to officially announce and detail the contents of the update, but we've approached the company to find out what's included.

Operation Broken Eagle, the first of four Dead Rising 3 DLC packs, is expected to be released on January 21. It is speculated that the sizeable update is in preparation for the launch of the new content.

Those who want to play the game without downloading the update can do so by disconnecting the console from the internet. Obviously, Xbox Live becomes inaccessible when doing so.

Operation Broken Eagle will put players in control of Spec Ops Commander Adam Kane, who is on a mission to capture the missing president of the United States. The DLC is the first in a four-part series of game add-ons collectively titled Untold Stories of Los Perdidos.

Operation Broken Eagle will cost $9.99 standalone, with European pricing yet to be confirmed. Follow-up DLC packs titled Fallen Angel, Chaos Rising, and The Last Agent are also scheduled to launch in 2014.

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"Dead Rising 3 update weighs in at 13GB" :: Login/Create an Account :: 165 comments

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Wouldn't this take forever to download?


thats pretty big! i currently have under 10mb/s so im kinda screwed :P


I lent to this to a friend. Not looking forward to getting this back considering I know whats ahead of me.


Int_Wolf 100 mbps? Damn. I only have 30 mbps

That's still pretty fast, and will be done before you know it. Most people have internet below 10mbps

Yeah I finally got cable down my road this last fall, my internet is 15-20 mbps usually but that is dedicated to my console only. I have 2 different 3mbps connections as well, one is a work line and the other is for everyone in the house(usually just facebook/craigslist type of stuff). Up until i got cable the 3mbps was the fastest internet i could get. I love having a good internet, but having 3 connections is just a bonus.


Frighten Is this Bigger than BF updates?

yes probably is.

Ice Coolz


Is this Bigger than BF updates?


That update is bigger than most games.


Bloomy 13G is ridiculous just for a DLC. Bigger than a Battlefield update.

Haha surprisingly a game that surpasses Battlefield's update size :P


Bloomy 13G is ridiculous just for a DLC. Bigger than a Battlefield update.

exactly man, this is half of the full game o fbf4


Wow i could get plenty of Games for 360 and install them at that.