Payday 3 Reiterates 2023 Launch with New Teaser

Payday 3 has been in development for quite some time, and fans of the co-op FPS series have had to be patient as they wait for the next instalment to land, but slowly yet surely, it continues to edge closer to release. Almost two years ago, it was confirmed that the game would be out in 2023, and that has now been reiterated, in case you were fearing a delay.

Starbreeze Studios and Prime Matter have revealed a debut teaser for the game- and it’s a pretty brief one, showing the four protagonists looking at the New York City skyline. Meanwhile, the teaser also reiterates that the game will indeed be out in 2023. On top of that, the game can now also be wishlisted on Steam.

As recently as a few weeks ago, developer Starbreeze Studios confirmed that Payday 3’s development is “coming along really well”- read more on that through here.

In October 2021, it was confirmed that Payday 3 is set in New York. Taking place several years after the events of Payday 2, it stars the original gang from the first game – Dallas, Hoxton, Chains, and Wolf – who are forced back into a life of crime.

Payday 3 is in development for PC and consoles, though it hasn’t yet been confirmed whether it will be a cross-gen release.

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"Payday 3 Reiterates 2023 Launch with New Teaser" :: Login/Create an Account :: 4 comments

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Will be cool to see the players from the original game again.


Jen It better be crossss Gen release mannn

Yeah, was thinking the same thing

everything crossed that it is cross-gen


I never really Got into payday it just is the same stuff over and over fr.


It better be crossss Gen release mannn