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Auto Soul Wars bot auth please?

Auto Soul Wars bot auth please?Posted:

  • Junior Member
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Alright.. So im looking for a good working Auto Soul Wars Bot... For free maybe or for low price... Please help me
#2. Posted:
  • New Member
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here is a code for it from now on go to to get all the codes for ur bot.
import org.rsbot.event.listeners.PaintListener;
import org.rsbot.event.listeners.ServerMessageListener;
import org.rsbot.script.*;
import org.rsbot.script.wrappers.*;

import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
@ScriptManifest(authors = {"Zenzie"}, category = "Combat", name = "AIOSoulwars", version = 1.6, description =
"<html><head>" +
"<style> body {background-color: #333333; color: #FFFFFF; padding: 5px; font-family: Arial; text-align: center;}" +
"h1 {font-weight: bold; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 14px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; margin-top: 4px; }" +
"h2 {color: #FF0000; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; margin-top: 1px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-weight: normal; font-size: 10px;}" +
"td {font-weight: bold; width: 50%;}</style>" +
"</head><body>" +
"<div>" +
"<h1>AIOSoulwars 1.5</h1>" +
"<h2>Zenzie</h2></div><br>" +
"Make sure that you are already using the combat style that you want to train." +
"Thread: [ Register or Signin to view external links. ] +
"<br><br><br><table><tr>" +
"</select><tr><td>Play Style:</td>" +
"<td><select>" +
"<option>Attack Players</option>" +
"<option>Bandage</option>" +
"<option>Attack NPCs</option>" +
"</select><tr><td>Turn on Quick-Prayer at:</td>" +
"<td><select>" +
"<option>Nowhere</option>" +
"<option>Obelisk</option>" +
"<option>Bandages</option>" +
"<option>Jellies</option>" +
"<option>Pyres</option>" +
"</select><tr><td>Join team:</td><td><select>" +
"<option>Red</option>" +
"<option>Blue</option>" +
"<option>Last won</option>" +
"<option>Last lost</option>" +
"<option>Clan chat</option>" +
"</select><tr><td>Pick Bandages One-by-one:</td>" +
"<td><select>" +
"<option>Yes</option>" +
"<option>No</option>" +
"</select></table>" +

public class AIOSoulwars extends Script implements PaintListener, ServerMessageListener {

public enum actions {

public enum Box {

public int xstart, xstop, ystart, ystop, zstart, zstop;

Box(int xstart, int xstop, int ystart, int ystop, int zstart, int zstop) {
this.xstart = xstart;
this.xstop = xstop;
this.ystart = ystart;
this.ystop = ystop;
this.zstart = zstart;
this.zstop = zstop;

public Polygon getPolygon(RSTile tile) {
try {
int x = (tile.getX() - Bot.getClient().getBaseX()) * 128 + 64;
int y = (tile.getY() - Bot.getClient().getBaseY()) * 128 + 64;
Point p = Calculations
.worldToScreen(x + xstart, y + ystart, zstart);
Point p1 = Calculations
.worldToScreen(x + xstart, y + ystop, zstart);
Point p2 = Calculations
.worldToScreen(x + xstop, y + ystart, zstart);
Point p3 = Calculations.worldToScreen(x + xstop, y + ystop, zstart);

Point p4 = Calculations
.worldToScreen(x + xstart, y + ystart, zstop);
Point p5 = Calculations.worldToScreen(x + xstart, y + ystop, zstop);
Point p6 = Calculations.worldToScreen(x + xstop, y + ystart, zstop);
Point p7 = Calculations.worldToScreen(x + xstop, y + ystop, zstop);
if (p.x == -1 || p1.x == -1 || p2.x == -1 || p3.x == -1
|| p4.x == -1 || p5.x == -1 || p6.x == -1 || p7.x == -1) {
return null;
int xp[] = { p.x, p1.x, p3.x, p2.x, p.x, p4.x, p5.x, p1.x, p5.x,
p7.x, p3.x, p7.x, p6.x, p2.x, p6.x, p4.x };
int yp[] = { p.y, p1.y, p3.y, p2.y, p.y, p4.y, p5.y, p1.y, p5.y,
p7.y, p3.y, p7.y, p6.y, p2.y, p6.y, p4.y };
return new Polygon(xp, yp, xp.length);
} catch(Exception ignored) {
return null;

int selectedTab = 0;
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

String onTeam = "None";

int won = 0;
int tie = 0;
int lost = 0;
int zeals = 0;
int kickedGames = 0;
int playedGames = 0;

String whatToJoin = "Nothing";
String lastWon = "Dunno";

String howToPlayInGame = "";
String turnOnQuickPrayAt = "";
boolean inGame = false;
int cantAttack = 0;
int antiBanTimer = 0;

String actionName = "";

int callBlue = 0;
int callRed = 0;
public String lastCCMessage = "";
public boolean continueChat = true;

int startXPSTR = skills.getCurrentSkillExp(STAT_STRENGTH);
int startXPDEF = skills.getCurrentSkillExp(STAT_DEFENSE);
int startXMAGE = skills.getCurrentSkillExp(STAT_MAGIC);
int startXRANGE = skills.getCurrentSkillExp(STAT_RANGE);
int startXPATT = skills.getCurrentSkillExp(STAT_ATTACK);
int startHPXP = skills.getCurrentSkillExp(STAT_HITPOINTS);

int[] dropTheseItems = {229,14643,14644,14638,14640};
String BandagesClickByClick;

public void serverMessageRecieved(ServerMessageEvent e) {
String message = e.getMessage();
if (message.contains("You receive 1 Zeal")) {
inGame = false;
zeals += 1;
lost += 1;
playedGames += 1;
if (onTeam.equals("Blue")) {
lastWon = "Red";
} else if (onTeam.equals("Red")) {
lastWon = "Blue";
actionName = "Choosing Team";
if (message.contains("You receive 2 Zeal")) {
inGame = false;
zeals += 2;
playedGames += 1;
tie += 1;
lastWon = "Dunno";
actionName = "Choosing Team";
if (message.contains("You receive 3 Zeal")) {
inGame = false;
zeals += 3;
won += 1;
playedGames += 1;
if (onTeam.equals("Blue")) {
lastWon = "Blue";
} else if (onTeam.equals("Red")) {
lastWon = "Red";
actionName = "Choosing Team";
if (message.contains(("You receive 0 Zeal"))) {
inGame = false;
playedGames += 1;
if (onTeam.equals("Blue")) {
lastWon = "Red";
} else if (onTeam.equals("Red")) {
lastWon = "Blue";

public void onRepaint(Graphics g) {

int x = Bot.getInputManager().getX();
int y = Bot.getInputManager().getY();

if(x != -1 && y != -1) {
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(3));
g2.drawLine(x - 5, y, x + 5, y);
g2.drawLine(x, y - 5, x, y + 5);
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1));

int attXP = skills.getCurrentSkillExp(STAT_ATTACK) - startXPATT;
int strXP = skills.getCurrentSkillExp(STAT_STRENGTH) - startXPSTR;
int defXP = skills.getCurrentSkillExp(STAT_DEFENSE) - startXPDEF;
int mageXP = skills.getCurrentSkillExp(STAT_MAGIC) - startXMAGE;
int rangeXP = skills.getCurrentSkillExp(STAT_RANGE) - startXRANGE;
int gainedHPXP = skills.getCurrentSkillExp(STAT_HITPOINTS) - startHPXP;
int barsize = 100;
int barheight = 15;
int transparancy = 170;
int xBar = 560;
int yBar = 360;

long millis = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
long hours = millis / (1000 * 60 * 60);
millis -= hours * 1000 * 60 * 60;
long minutes = millis / (1000 * 60);
millis -= minutes * 1000 * 60;
long seconds = millis / 1000;

selectedTab = getMouseTab();

Polygon box1 = Box.BLUE_BARRIER.getPolygon(new RSTile(1879, 3162));
Polygon box2 = Box.RED_BARRIER.getPolygon(new RSTile(1899, 3162));
Polygon box3 = Box.BLUE_SPAWN_BARRIER.getPolygon(new RSTile(1815,3225));
Polygon box4 = Box.RED_SPAWN_BARRIER.getPolygon(new RSTile(1959, 3239));
Polygon box5 = Box.BLUE_GRAVE_BARRIER.getPolygon(new RSTile(1842,3219));
Polygon box6 = Box.RED_GRAVE_BARRIER.getPolygon(new RSTile(1933,3244));
if(box1 != null) g.drawPolygon(box1);
if(box2 != null) g.drawPolygon(box2);
if(box3 != null) g.drawPolygon(box3);
if(box4 != null) g.drawPolygon(box4);
if(box5 != null) g.drawPolygon(box5);
if(box6 != null) g.drawPolygon(box6);

g.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 90));
g.fillRect(550, 205, 184, 30);
g.fill3DRect(550, 234, 185, 233, true);
g.drawRect(550, 205, 184, 30);
g.drawLine(610, 205, 610, 235);
g.drawLine(680, 205, 680, 235);

g.drawString("Game", 564, 225);
g.drawString("Gained", 624, 225);
g.drawString("Info", 695, 225);

switch (selectedTab) {
case 0:
g.drawString("Game", 564, 225);
g.drawString("Games completed: " + playedGames, 560, 255);
g.drawString("Games kicked: " + kickedGames, 560, 270);
g.drawString("Won " + won + " games", 560, 300);
g.drawString("Tied " + tie + " games", 560, 315);
g.drawString("Lost " + lost + " games", 560, 330);

if(getActivityBarPercent() != -1 && inGame) {
g.drawString("Activity Bar " + getActivityBarPercent() + "%", 565, 372);
g.setColor(new Color(255, 0, 0, transparancy));
g.fillRect(xBar, yBar, barsize, barheight);
g.setColor(new Color(0, 255, 0, transparancy));
g.fillRect(xBar, yBar, barsize/100* getActivityBarPercent(), barheight);
g.setColor(new Color(255, 255, 255, transparancy));
g.drawRect(xBar, yBar, barsize, barheight);

case 1:
g.drawString("Gained", 624, 225);
g.drawString("Gained " + zeals + " zeals", 560, 255);
g.drawString("Hitpoints XP gained : " + gainedHPXP, 560, 285);
g.drawString("Attack XP gained: " + attXP, 560, 300);
g.drawString("Strength XP gained: " + strXP, 560, 315);
g.drawString("Defense XP gained: " + defXP, 560, 330);
g.drawString("Ranged XP gained: " + rangeXP, 560, 345);
g.drawString("Magic XP gained: " + mageXP, 560, 360);
case 2:
g.drawString("Info", 695, 225);
g.drawString("Run time: " + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds, 560, 255);
g.drawString("State: " + actionName, 560, 270);
g.drawString("Blue calls: " + callBlue, 560, 300);
g.drawString("Red calls: " + callRed, 560, 315);
g.drawString("Joining: " + whatToJoin, 560, 345);
g.drawString("In-Game Style: " + howToPlayInGame, 560, 360);
g.drawString("In-Game: " + String.valueOf(inGame), 560,375);
g.drawString("AIOSoulwars", 560, 435);
g.drawString("By Zenzie", 560, 450);

private int getMouseTab() {
final Mouse mouse = Bot.getClient().getMouse();
if (mouse.x > 550 && mouse.x <610> 205 && mouse.y <230> 610 && mouse.x <680> 205 && mouse.y <230> 680 && mouse.x <735> 205 && mouse.y < 230) {
selectedTab = 2;
return selectedTab;

public boolean onStart(final Map<String> args) {
turnOnQuickPrayAt = args.get("quickPrayAt");
howToPlayInGame = args.get("playStyle");
whatToJoin = args.get("joinTeam");
BandagesClickByClick = args.get("oneByOne");
actionName = "Choosing Team";
if(whatToJoin.equals("Clan chat")) {
log("Started reading clan chat");
new clanChat().start();
return true;

public void onFinish() {
continueChat = false;
Bot.getEventManager().removeListener(PaintListener.class, this);
Bot.getEventManager().removeListener(ServerMessageListener.class, this);

public actions getAction() {

if (actionName.equals("Choosing Team") && !actionName.equals("Waiting for game") && !inGame) {
return actions.CHOOSING_TEAM;
if (actionName.contains("Joining") && !actionName.equals("Choosing Team") && !inArea(1870,1879,3158,3166) &&
!inArea(1900,1909,3157,3166) && !inArea(1816,1823,3220,3230) && !inArea(1951,1958,3234,3244) && !inGame) {
if (actionName.equals("Joining blue team")) {
return actions.JOINING_BLUE;
if (actionName.equals("Joining red team")) {
return actions.JOINING_RED;
if (inArea(1870,1879,3158,3166) || inArea(1900,1909,3157,3166)) {
return actions.WAITING_FOR_GAME;
if (inArea(1816,1823,3220,3230) || inArea(1951,1958,3234,3244)) {
return actions.LEAVING_SPAWN;
if((inArea(1798,1811,3250,3260) || inArea(1963,1974,3200,3212)) && howToPlayInGame.equals("Bandage") && inGame ) {
if (inventoryContains(14640)) {
return actions.USING_BANDAGES;
} else {
return actions.GETTING_BANDAGES;
if (!inArea(1816,1823,3220,3230) && !inArea(1951,1958,3234,3244) && !inArea(1798,1811,3250,3260)
&& !inArea(1963, 1974, 3200, 3212) && howToPlayInGame.equals("Bandage") && inGame) {
return actions.WALKING_TO_BANDAGES;
if (howToPlayInGame.equals("Attack Players") && inGame) {
if(!inArea(1841, 1843, 3217, 3219) && !inArea(1932, 1934, 3244, 3246) && !inArea(1816,1823,3220,3230) && !inArea(1951,1958,3234,3244)) {
return actions.ATTACKING_PLAYERS;
if ((inArea(1841, 1843, 3217, 3219) || inArea(1932, 1934, 3244, 3246)) && inGame) {
return actions.LEAVING_GRAVEYARD;
if(!inArea(1816,1823,3220,3230) && !inArea(1951,1958,3234,3244) && !inArea(1841, 1843, 3217, 3219) &&
!inArea(1932, 1934, 3244, 3246) && howToPlayInGame.equals("Attack NPCs") && inGame) {
return actions.ATTACKING_MONSTER;
return actions.WAIT;

public int loop() {

if(!actionName.equals("Choosing Team") && !inArea(1770,2000,3180,3610) &&
!actionName.contains("Joining") && !inArea(1870,1879,3158,3166) && !inArea(1900,1909,3157,3166)) {
inGame = false;
actionName = "Choosing Team";

if(!inGame && inventoryContains(dropTheseItems)) {
for (final int id : dropTheseItems) {
if (getInventoryCount(id) > 0) {
clickInventoryItem(dropTheseItems, "Drop");

actions act = getAction();

if (!isRunning() && getEnergy() >= random(45, 60)) {

if (RSInterface.getChildInterface(243, 4).isValid() &&
RSInterface.getChildInterface(243, 4).containsText("You were removed from the game due")) {
kickedGames += 1;
actionName = "Choosing Team";
inGame = false;


String time = RSInterface.getInterface(836).getChild(27).getText();
if (time.equals("2 mins") || time.equals(" 1 min") || time.equals("3 mins")) {
if (whatToJoin.equals("Clan chat")) {
continueChat = true;

if(inGame) {
if(random(0,30) == 20) {

switch (act) {

if (whatToJoin.equals("Red")) {
actionName = "Joining red team";
} else if (whatToJoin.equals("Blue")) {
actionName = "Joining blue team";
} else if (whatToJoin.equals("Last won")) {
if (lastWon.equals("Blue")) {
actionName = "Joining blue team";
} else if (lastWon.equals("Red")) {
actionName = "Joining red team";
} else if (lastWon.equals("Dunno")) {
actionName = "Joining blue team";
} else if (whatToJoin.equals("Last lost")) {
if (lastWon.equals("Blue")) {
actionName = "Joining red team";
} else if (lastWon.equals("Red")) {
actionName = "Joining blue team";
} else if (lastWon.equals("Dunno")) {
actionName = "Joining blue team";
} else if (whatToJoin.equals("Clan chat") && callBlue == 0 && callRed == 0) {
continueChat = true;
} else if(callBlue > callRed && whatToJoin.equals("Clan chat")) {
actionName = "Joining blue team";
} else if(callRed > callBlue && whatToJoin.equals("Clan chat")) {
actionName = "Joining red team";

onTeam = "Blue";
if(distanceTo(new RSTile(1882, 3162)) > 3) {
walkTo2(randomizeTile(new RSTile(1882, 3162),2,2));
Polygon box1 = Box.BLUE_BARRIER.getPolygon(new RSTile(1879, 3162));
if (box1 != null) {
if (distanceTo(new RSTile(1879, 3162)) <4>= 2) {
wait(random(20000, 40000));
} else if(waitTime() == 1) {
if (atInterface(RSInterface.getInterface(211).getChild(3))) {
wait(random(2000, 3000));
if (atInterface(RSInterface.getInterface(228).getChild(2))) {
wait(random(2000, 3000));
} else {
walkTile(randomizeTile(new RSTile(1879, 3162), 2, 2));

onTeam = "Red";
if(distanceTo(new RSTile(1899, 3162)) > 3) {
walkTo2(randomizeTile(new RSTile(1899, 3162),2,2));
Polygon box2 = Box.RED_BARRIER.getPolygon(new RSTile(1899, 3162));
if (!getMyPlayer().isMoving()) {
if(box2 == null) {
walkTile(randomizeTile(new RSTile(1899, 3162), 2, 2));
if (box2 != null) {
if(onPoly(box2, "barrier")) {
if (waitTime() >= 2) {
wait(random(20000, 40000));
} else if(waitTime() == 1) {
if (atInterface(RSInterface.getInterface(211).getChild(3))) {
wait(random(1500, 1800));
if (atInterface(RSInterface.getInterface(228).getChild(2))) {
wait(random(1200, 1500));

callBlue = 0;
callRed = 0;
inGame = true;
continueChat = false;
actionName = "Waiting for game";
if (actionName.equals("Waiting for game")) {
if (random(1, 30) == 2) {
if (onTeam.equals("Blue")) {
int blueX = random(1870, 1879);
int blueY = random(3159, 3165);
walkTile(new RSTile(blueX, blueY));
if (onTeam.equals("Red")) {
int redX = random(1900, 1909);
int redY = random(3157, 3165);
walkTile(new RSTile(redX, redY));
wait(random(1666, 5000));
antiBanTimer += 1;
if (antiBanTimer >= 4) {
antiBan(0, 6);
antiBanTimer = 0;

actionName = "Leaving spawn";
if (onTeam.equals("Blue")) {
Polygon box3 = Box.BLUE_SPAWN_BARRIER.getPolygon(new RSTile(1815,3225));
if (!getMyPlayer().isMoving()) {
if(box3 == null) {
walkTileMM(randomizeTile(new RSTile(1815,3225),2,2));
if (box3 != null) {
if(onPoly(box3, "barrier")) {
wait(random(1500, 2500));
} else if (onTeam.equals("Red")) {
Polygon box4 = Box.RED_SPAWN_BARRIER.getPolygon(new RSTile(1959, 3239));
if (!getMyPlayer().isMoving()) {
if (box4 != null) {
if(onPoly(box4, "barrier")) {
wait(random(1500, 2500));
if(box4 == null) {
walkTile(randomizeTile(new RSTile(1959, 3239), 2, 2));

actionName = "Walking to bandages";
if (onTeam.equals("Blue")) {
walkTo2(randomizeTile(new RSTile(1810, 3254),2 ,2));
if (onTeam.equals("Red")) {
walkTo2(randomizeTile(new RSTile(1963,3207),2 ,2));

if(!isInCameraAngleForBandages()) {
int randomCom = random(1,3);
if(randomCom == 2) {
} else {
actionName = "Getting bandages";
if (onTeam.equals("Blue")) {
RSTile bandageTableBlue = new RSTile(1810, 3254);
if (bandageTableBlue != null) {
if (distanceTo(new RSTile(1810, 3254)) > 2 && !getMyPlayer().isMoving()) {
walkTileMM(randomizeTile(new RSTile(1810, 3254), 2, 2));
if (distanceTo(bandageTableBlue) <= 2 && !getMyPlayer().isMoving()) {
if(BandagesClickByClick.equals("No")) {
atTile(bandageTableBlue, "Take-x");
wait(random(2000, 5000));
if (RSInterface.getInterface(752).getChild(4).isValid() && RSInterface.getInterface(752).getChild(4).containsText("How many bandages would")
&& !getMyPlayer().isInCombat()) {
if(distanceTo(bandageTableBlue) <2> 2 && !getMyPlayer().isMoving()) {
walkTileMM(randomizeTile(new RSTile(1962,3207), 2, 2));
if (distanceTo(bandageTableRed) <= 2 && !getMyPlayer().isMoving()) {
if(BandagesClickByClick.equals("No")) {
wait(random(1000, 1500));
atTile(bandageTableRed, "Take-x");
wait(random(1500, 3000));
if (RSInterface.getInterface(752).getChild(4).isValid() && RSInterface.getInterface(752).getChild(4).containsText("How many bandages would")
&& !getMyPlayer().isInCombat()) {
if(distanceTo(bandageTableRed) <2> 0) {
atInterface(749, 4, "Turn quick prayers on");

if(!inArea(1872,1901,3218,3245) && !inArea(1798,1811,3250,3260) && !inArea(1963, 1974, 3212, 3200)) {
actionName = "Walking to obelisk";
if (onTeam.equals("Blue")) {
if(getMyPlayer().getLocation().getX() < 1816
&& getMyPlayer().getLocation().getY() <3235> 1816
&& getMyPlayer().getLocation().getX() <1843>= 1959) {
walkTo2(randomizeTile(new RSTile(1955,3212),2,2));
} else if(getMyPlayer().getLocation().getX() > 1929
&& getMyPlayer().getLocation().getX() <1950> 0) {
atInterface(749, 4, "Turn quick prayers on");
if(!getMyPlayer().isMoving() && !getMyPlayer().isInCombat()) {

actionName = "Leaving graveyard";
cantAttack = 0;
if(!isInCameraAngleForGraveYard()) {
int randomCom = random(1,3);
if(randomCom == 2) {
} else {

if (actionName.equals("Leaving graveyard")) {
if (inArea(1841,1843,3217,3219)) {
Polygon box5 = Box.BLUE_GRAVE_BARRIER.getPolygon(new RSTile(1842,3219));
if (box5 != null && !getMyPlayer().isMoving()) {
onPoly(box5, "barrier");
if (inArea(1932,1934,3244,3246)) {
Polygon box6 = Box.RED_GRAVE_BARRIER.getPolygon(new RSTile(1933,3244));
if (box6 != null && !getMyPlayer().isMoving()) {
onPoly(box6, "barrier");

int slayerLevel = skills.getRealSkillLevel(STAT_SLAYER);

if(slayerLevel <30>= 29 && slayerLevel <59>= 60 && !inArea(1874,1893,3203,3216) && !inArea(1887,1908,3248,3255)) {
actionName = "Walking to jellies";

if(actionName.equals("Walking to pyres")) {
if(onTeam.equals("Blue")) {
if(getMyPlayer().getLocation().getX() < 1816
&& getMyPlayer().getLocation().getY() <3235>= 1959) {
walkTo2(randomizeTile(new RSTile(1955,3212),2,2));
} else {
walkTo2(randomizeTile(new RSTile(1927,3214),2,2));
if(actionName.equals("Walking to jellies")) {
if(onTeam.equals("Blue")) {
if(getMyPlayer().getLocation().getX() < 1816
&& getMyPlayer().getLocation().getY() <3235>= 1959) {
walkTo2(randomizeTile(new RSTile(1955,3212),2,2));
} else {
walkTo2(randomizeTile(new RSTile(1897,3252),2,2));
if(inArea(1835,1855,3241,3256) || inArea(1920,1935,3206,3218)) {
actionName = "Killing pyrefiens";
if(getMyPlayer().getInteracting() == null && getMyPlayer().getInteracting() instanceof RSNPC) {
RSNPC pyre = getNearestNPCByID(8598);
if(pyre != null) {
if(inArea(1874,1893,3203,3216) || inArea(1887,1908,3248,3255)) {
actionName = "Killing jellies";
if(getMyPlayer().getInteracting() == null && getMyPlayer().getInteracting() instanceof RSNPC) {
RSNPC jelly = getNearestNPCByID(8599);
if(jelly != null) {

case WAIT:
return random(500, 900);

public boolean onPoly(Polygon p, final String action) {
if (p == null) {
return false;
if(p != null && !getMyPlayer().isMoving()) {
for(int i = 0; i < getMenuItems().size(); i++) {
if(!getMenuItems().get(i).contains(action)) {
final int idx = getMenuIndex(action);
if (!isMenuOpen()) {
if (idx == -1) {
return false;
if (idx == 0) {
} else {
return true;
} else {
if (idx == -1) {
while (isMenuOpen()) {
wait(random(750, 1200));
return false;
} else {
return true;
} catch(NullPointerException ignored) {}
return false;

public boolean walkTo2(RSTile dest) {
if(isRandDest(3, dest)) {
return false;
if(!getMyPlayer().isMoving() || distanceTo(getDestination()) < random(5,10)
&& !isRandDest(3, dest)) {
if(getMyPlayer().getInteracting() == null) {
return walkTo(dest);
return false;

public boolean isRandDest(final int range, final RSTile dest) {
final int minX = getMyPlayer().getLocation().getX() - range;
final int minY = getMyPlayer().getLocation().getY() - range;
final int maxX = getMyPlayer().getLocation().getX() + range;
final int maxY = getMyPlayer().getLocation().getY() + range;
for (int x = minX; x < maxX; x++) {
for (int y = minY; y < maxY; y++) {
if(getDestination() == dest) {
log("Walking to random dest");
return true;
return false;

private int antiBan(int minC, int maxC) {

final int randomAction = random(minC, maxC);
switch (randomAction) {
case 0:
return random(1250,2500);
case 1:
Point randomMouse;
final int rndMovement = random(1, 5);
for (int a = 0; a < rndMovement; a++) {
randomMouse = new Point(random(15, 730), random(15, 465));
wait(random(50, 800));
return random(130, 810);
case 2:
final int currentAngle = getCameraAngle();
switch (random(0, 1)) {
case 0:
setCameraRotation(currentAngle + random(0, 650));
return random(710, 1700);
case 1:
setCameraRotation(currentAngle - random(0, 650));
return random(710, 1700);
case 3:
final int currentAlt = Bot.getClient().getCamPosZ();
final int random = random(0, 10);
if (random <= 7) {
setCameraAltitude(currentAlt - random(0, 100));
return random(410, 2130);
} else {
setCameraAltitude(currentAlt + random(0, 100));
return random(410, 2130);
case 4:
final int currentAngle2 = getCameraAngle();
switch (random(0, 1)) {
case 0:
setCameraRotation(currentAngle2 + random(0, 650));
setCameraAltitude(random(80, 100));
return random(410, 2130);
case 1:
setCameraRotation(currentAngle2 - random(0, 650));
setCameraAltitude(random(40, 80));
return random(410, 2130);
case 5:
return random(310, 2400);

case 6:
final int currentAlt2 = Bot.getClient().getCamPosZ();
final int random2 = random(0, 2);
if (random2 <= 2) {
setCameraAltitude(currentAlt2 - random(-100, +100));
return random(410, 2130);
} else {
setCameraAltitude(currentAlt2 + random(-100, +100));
return random(410, 2130);
return random(100, 200);

public boolean clickInventoryItem(int itemID, String option) {
if (getCurrentTab() != TAB_INVENTORY) {
int[] items = getInventoryArray();
java.util.List<Integer> possible = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if (items[i] == itemID) {
if (possible.size() == 0) {
return false;
int idx = possible.get(random(0, possible.size()));
Point t = getInventoryItemPoint(idx);
moveMouse(t, 5, 5);
long waitTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + random(50, 250);
boolean found = false;
while (!found && System.currentTimeMillis() < waitTime) {
if ((getMenuItems()).get(0).toLowerCase().equals(
option.toLowerCase())) {
found = true;
if (found) {
wait(random(150, 250));
return true;
wait(random(150, 250));
return atMenu(option);

public boolean isInCameraAngleForGraveYard() {
int angle = getCameraAngle();
return angle <380> 330 || angle <200> 150;

public boolean isInCameraAngleForBandages() {
int angle = getCameraAngle();
return angle <240> 280 || angle <60> 100;

public int waitTime() {
if (RSInterface.getChildInterface(211, 1).isValid() &&
RSInterface.getChildInterface(211, 1).containsText("You left a game of Soul Wars early")) {
String getLine = RSInterface.getChildInterface(211, 1).getText();
String subLine = getLine.substring(getLine.indexOf("wait ") + 5,
getLine.indexOf(" minutes"));
return Integer.parseInt(subLine);
return 0;

public void walkTile(RSTile walkTo) {
if (!getMyPlayer().isMoving() && distanceTo(walkTo) > 5) {

public boolean useBandagesOnOtherPlayer() {
RSPlayer player = null;
int[] validPlayers = Bot.getClient().getRSPlayerIndexArray();
org.rsbot.accessors.RSPlayer[] players = Bot.getClient().getRSPlayerArray();

for (int element : validPlayers) {
if (players[element] == null) {

player = new RSPlayer(players[element]);
try {
RSTile bandaging = player.getLocation();
Point checkPlayer = Calculations.tileToScreen(bandaging);
String targName = player.getName();
if (distanceTo(bandaging) > 10 || !pointOnScreen(checkPlayer) || player.getTeam() != getMyPlayer().getTeam()) {
if (actionName.equals("Choosing team") || !inventoryContains(14640)) {
if (onTeam.equals("Blue")) {
RSObject bandageTableBlue = findObject(42023);
if (bandageTableBlue != null) {
if (distanceTo(bandageTableBlue.getLocation()) >= 8 && !getMyPlayer().isMoving()) {
walkTo(randomizeTile(new RSTile(1810, 3254),2 ,2));
} else {
walkTo(randomizeTile(new RSTile(1810, 3254),2 ,2));
} else {
RSObject bandageTableRed = findObject(42024);
if (bandageTableRed != null) {
if (distanceTo(bandageTableRed.getLocation()) >= 8 && !getMyPlayer().isMoving()) {
walkTo(randomizeTile(new RSTile(1963,3207),2 ,2));
} else {
walkTo(randomizeTile(new RSTile(1963,3207),2 ,2));
if (inventoryContains(14640) && getActivityBarPercent() <= random(40,80)
&& player.getTeam() == getMyPlayer().getTeam()) {
if(!isItemSelected()) {
clickInventoryItem(14640, "use");
wait(random(700, 900));
actionName = "Bandaging People";
log("Using bandages on " + targName);
moveMouse(checkPlayer, 2, 2);
wait(random(500, 750));
atMenu("use bandages -> ");
return true;
} catch (Exception ignored) {
return player != null;

public boolean atMenuBandages(final String optionContains) {
final int idx = getMenuIndex(optionContains);
if (!isMenuOpen()) {
if (idx == -1) {
return false;
if (idx == 0) {
} else {
return true;
} else {
if (idx == -1) {
while (isMenuOpen()) {
wait(random(100, 500));
return false;
} else {
return true;

public boolean atMenuThingBandages(int i) {
if (!isMenuOpen()) {
return false;
try {
if (getMenuItems().size() -1) {
return ((c.getArea().height * 100) / 141) - 2;
return -1;

public boolean isItemSelected(){
for(RSInterfaceComponent com : getInventoryInterface().getComponents()){
if(com.getBorderThickness() == 2)
return true;
return false;

public boolean getAttackAblePlayer() {
RSPlayer player;
int[] validPlayers = Bot.getClient().getRSPlayerIndexArray();
org.rsbot.accessors.RSPlayer[] players = Bot.getClient().getRSPlayerArray();

for (int element : validPlayers) {
player = new RSPlayer(players[element]);
if (players[element] == null) {
RSTile targetLocation = player.getLocation();
Point targetLoc = Calculations.tileToScreen(targetLocation);
String targName = player.getName();
if (!pointOnScreen(targetLoc)) {
if (getMyPlayer().getInteracting() == null && player.getHPPercent() > 10) {
if(player.getTeam() != getMyPlayer().getTeam()) {
moveMouse(targetLoc, 5, 5);
cantAttack = 0;
atMenu("Attack " + targName);
log("Attacking " + targName);
if (!inGame || getMyPlayer().isMoving()) {
return true;

public boolean attackNPC(final RSNPC npc) {
final RSTile tile = npc.getLocation();
tile.randomizeTile(1, 1);
try {
final int hoverRand = random(8, 13);
for (int i = 0; i < hoverRand; i++) {
if (distanceTo(tile) <= 1) {
return false;
final Point screenLoc = npc.getScreenLocation();
if (!pointOnScreen(screenLoc)) {
return true;

moveMouse(screenLoc, 15, 15);

final java.util.List<String> menuItems = getMenuItems();
if (menuItems.isEmpty() || menuItems.size() <= 1) {
if (menuItems.get(0).toLowerCase().contains(
&& getMyPlayer().getInteracting() == null) {
return true;
} else {
for (int a = 1; a <menuItems>= lowX && x <hiX>= lowY && y <= hiY;

private boolean clickInventoryItem(final int[] ids, final String command) {
try {
if (getCurrentTab() != Constants.TAB_INVENTORY
&& !RSInterface.getInterface(Constants.INTERFACE_BANK)
&& !RSInterface.getInterface(Constants.INTERFACE_STORE)
.isValid()) {
final int[] items = getInventoryArray();
final java.util.List<Integer> possible = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i <items>= 56; i --) {
String text = RSInterface.getInterface(INTERFACE_CHAT_BOX).getChild(i).getText();
if (text.contains("<col>")) {
return text.substring(text.indexOf("<col>") + 12);
return "";

public void parseInComingData(String text) {
String lower = text.toLowerCase();
if (lower.contains("blue") || lower.contains("b l u e")) {
callBlue += 1;
} else if (lower.contains("red") || lower.contains("r e d")) {
callRed += 1;
#3. Posted:
  • Ladder Climber
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the one you posted isn't an auth code. thats a script in which you need a completely different program to use.
#4. Posted:
  • Challenger
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how to i make to code work?
#5. Posted:
  • New Member
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well use rsbot this is wat it goes to sorry i didnt read that well i just saw you need soul wars code
#6. Posted:
  • Challenger
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I mean how to you put the script in to make it work?
#7. Posted:
  • TTG Addict
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these are annoying to get...
#8. Posted:
  • TTG Addict
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talk to ohara he has some i think still
#9. Posted:
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Dont use rsbot they suck got 3 of my accounts banned im lucky they wernt members use rscheata there better they also got the best scripters and all their scripts are low price or free
#10. Posted:
  • Junior Member
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word TTG !!!
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