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Help with dvar/codes for svg's (gamesaves)
Help with dvar/codes for svg's (gamesaves)Posted:
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Joined: May 08, 201113Year Member
Posts: 47
Reputation Power: 1
Status: Offline
Joined: May 08, 201113Year Member
Posts: 47
Reputation Power: 1
hey ttg, i need help with some codes such as:
God mode
give all
drop weapons
derank other players
kick players
unlimited ammo
and mods which players in my game can use.
If you help me out that would be great.
God mode
give all
drop weapons
derank other players
kick players
unlimited ammo
and mods which players in my game can use.
If you help me out that would be great.
#2. Posted:
Status: Offline
Joined: Feb 21, 201113Year Member
Posts: 525
Reputation Power: 21
Status: Offline
Joined: Feb 21, 201113Year Member
Posts: 525
Reputation Power: 21
"give zombie_stg44"
"give zombie_stg44_upgraded"
"give zombie_thompson"
"give zombie_thompson_upgraded"
"give zombie_melee"
"give zombie_melee_upgrade"
"give m2_flamethrower_zombie"
"give m2_flamethrower_zombie_upgraded"
"give zombie_doublebarrel"
"give zombie_doublebarrel_upgraded"
"give zombie_doublebarrel_sawed"
"give zombie_shotgun"
"give zombie_shotgun_upgraded"
"give zombie_bar"
"give zombie_bar_upgraded"
"give zombie_fg42"
"give zombie_fg42_upgraded"
"give zombie_30cal"
"give zombie_30cal_upgraded"
"give zombie_mg42"
"give zombie_mg42_upgraded"
"give zombie_ppsh"
"give zombie_ppsh_upgraded"
"give panzerschrek_zombie"
"give panzerschrek_zombie_upgraded"
"give ray_gun"
"give ray_gun_upgraded"
"give tesla_gun"
"give tesla_gun_upgraded"
"give zombie_cymbal_monkey"
"give mine_bouncing_betty"
"give zombie_colt"
"give zombie_colt_upgraded"
"give zombie_type99_rifle"
"give zombie_type99_rifle_upgraded"
"give zombie_gewehr43"
"give zombie_gewehr43_upgraded"
"give zombie_m1garand"
"give zombie_m1garand_upgraded"
"give zombie_perk_bottle_doubletap"
"give zombie_perk_bottle_jugg"
"give zombie_perk_bottle_revive"
"give zombie_perk_bottle_sleight"
"give zombie_knuckle_crack"
"give specialty_juggernaut_zombies"
"give specialty_fastreload_zombies"
"give specialty_doubletap_zombies"
"give specialty_quickrevive_zombies"
"give zombie_vending_packapunch_on"
"toggle arcademode 1 0"(To turn on/off arcade mode in zombie/arcade mode)
"toggle zombiemode 1 0"(To turn on/off zombie mode in zombie/arcade mode)
"arcademode_score_revive 1000000"
"arcademode_score_assist 1000"
"arcademode_score_kill 1000000"
"arcademode_score_headshot 10000000"
"arcademode_score_laststand -100000000"
"arcademode_score_suicide -10000000000"
"arcademode_minimumAllowedSuicides 99999"
"arcademode_minimumAllowedPoints 99999999999999999999999999"
"arcademode_minimumAllowedWarning 9999999999999999999999999"
"arcademode_score_morphine 100000000"
"arcademode_score_thunder 100000000"
set arcademode_score_berserker 20
set arcademode_score_hardcore 10
set arcademode_score_body_armor 20
set arcademode_score_thunder 10
set arcademode_score_zombie 10
set arcademode_score_vampire 10
set arcademode_score_dirtyharry 10
set arcademode_score_hard_headed 20
set arcademode_score_dead_hands 20
set arcademode_score_sticksstones 20
set arcademode_score_flak_jacket 10
set arcademode_score_morphine 20
set arcademode_score_dog 20
set arcademode_score_kill 50
set arcademode_score_melee 70
set arcademode_score_headshot 60
set arcademode_score_upperbody 20
set arcademode_score_lowerbody 0
set arcademode_score_assist 10
set arcademode_minimumAllowedPoints -2000
set arcademode_minimumAllowedWarning -1000
set arcademode_minimumAllowedSuicides 5
set arcademode_score_suicide -500
set arcademode_score_laststand -110
set arcademode_score_revive 200
(Makes miniconsole in corner)
con_minicon 1 0"
(Third person mode)
cg_thirdPerson "1"
(Frames per sec)
cg_drawFPS "ON"
(Laser dot doesn't disappear if you look at something far away)
cg_laserRange "9999"
(The laser dot is bigger)
cg_laserRadius "3.0"
(You go through the water faster)
player_waterSpeedScale "5.0"
(you hit another player you go flying back)
g_playerCollisionEjectSpeed "999"
(Increased bowie knife power);(super good)
perk_altMeleeDamage "10000"
(bowie knife reacts faster when button is hit)
Perk_altMeleeLerpTime "5"
(Increased jump height)
jump_height "999"
(Unlimited ammo for whole lobby)
player_sustainAmmo "1"
(Magic box doesn't move);(Can't get ray gun)
magic_chest_movable "0"
(Dogs act like humans and dont move)
Zombie_dog_animset "human"
(Zombies float to the sky)
phys_gravity "99"
(How fast the game goes)
timescale "1.5"
(Your player speed how fast you move)
g_speed "400"
(Enemys give up faster)
ai_noPathToEnemyGiveupTime "2000"
(Zombies dont spawn)
ai_disableSpawn "1"
(zombies dont spawn)
g_ai "0"
(Far knockbacks)
g_knockback "999999"
(force host)
party_hostname "your gamertag here"
(force host)
party_host "1"
(starts new party)
party_connectToOthers "0"
(forces host)
party_iamhost "1"
(Changes clantag)
clanName "@@@@"
(enables special clantags)
superuser "1"
(Enables specail clantags)
developeruser "1:
(Ping is shown in the score board; only host)
cg_scoreboardpingtext "1"
(Health is increased by 1 hit)
player_deathInvulnerableToMelee "1"
(increased double tap, must by perk)
perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.001"
(doesn't do anything)
perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0"
(Increased jug, must by perk)
perk_armorvest "0"
(fast reload, must by perk)
perk_weapReloadMultiplier "0.001
(fast side to side movement)
player_strafeSpeedScale "5.0"
(fast Sprint)
player_sprintSpeedScale "5.0"
(unlimited sprint)
player_sprintUnlimited "1"
(Fast backwards walk)
player_backSpeedScale "5.0"
(camera doesn't bob when running)
player_sprintCameraBob "0"
(knife from far away)
player_meleeRange "999"
(increased clip)
player_clipSizeMultiplier "999"
(about 5 minute last stand time)
player_lastStandBleedoutTime "250"
(far away revives)
Revive_Trigger_Radius "99999"
(host only) (laser dot sight)
cg_laserForceOn "1"
(Game gravity is low)
g_gravity "175"
(Draws FPS)
cg_drawFPS "1"
(Third person view)
cg_thirdPerson "1"
(The 2 below makes everyone have no fall damage)
bg_fallDamageMaxHeight "999"
bg_fallDamageMinHeight "998"
(This helps you sticky aim)
player_move_factor_on_torso "1"
(When players go down it cycles faster
player_revivePlayerListCycleTime "1"
(When you revive someone you get tons of points)
player_reviveXP "50"
(How far the bullet will travel before it disapears)
ai_eventDistGunShot "4000"
(This Enables death cards)
ui_optionsEnabled "1"
(The 3 below allow you to save a game in zombie mode)
sv_saveGameAvailable "1"
sv_saveOnStartMap "1"
sv_saveDeviceAvailable "1"
(Need everything below to change in game colors)
cg_ScoresColor_Player_0 "0 0 0 1"
cg_ScoresColor_Player_1 "1 0 0 0"
cg_ScoresColor_Player_2 "0 1 0 0"
cg_ScoresColor_Player_3 "0 0 1 0"
cg_ScoresColor_Transparency "1"
cg_ScoresColor_Zombie "0 0 0 1"
cg_ScoresColor_TransparencyZombie "1"
cg_ScoresColor_Gamertag_0 "1 1 1 1"
cg_ScoresColor_Gamertag_1 "1 0 0 0"
cg_ScoresColor_Gamertag_2 "0 1 0 0"
cg_ScoresColor_Gamertag_3 "0 0 1 0"
(Increased health)
player_meleeDamageMultiplier "0"
(Bullets penetrate)
bullet_penetrationEnabled "1"
(Puts you in developer mode)
developer "1"
(Zombies dont spawn)
g_spawnai "0"
(Increased health)
player_radiusDamageMultiplier "0"
(Increased health)
g_player_maxhealth "2000"
(Hides ammo counter)
ammoCounterHide "1"
(Doesn't show stance)
hud_showStance "0"
(Increased health)
player_deathInvulnerableTime "9999"
(Increased health)
player_damageMultiplier "0"
(Compass will show enemys)
g_compassShowEnemies "1"
(While in mid air your step size is increased)
jump_stepSize "18"
(No slowdown when you jump)
jump_slowdownEnable "0"
(Does nothing)
monkeytoy "0"
(Something with nightvision)
nightVisionDisableEffects "1"
(Dont know;probly opens unlock page)
player_unlock_page "1"
(Shows a developer script)
developer_script "1"
(Dont know;probly bullets go to threshold of enemy)
bg_aimSpreadMoveSpeedThreshold "999"
(The distance from betty before it goes off)
bettyDetonateRadius "250"
(The time before it goes off)
bettyTimeBeforeDetonate "0.15"
(Dont know;Probly you go to development)
cg_development "0"
(Disables 2D elements)
cg_draw2D "0"
(Draws health)
cg_drawHealth "1"
(Draws a lagometer)
cg_drawLagometer "1"
(Makes a graph for ping)
cg_scoreboardPingGraph "1"
(Scoreboard font)
cg_scoreboardFont "1"
(Dont know)
player_turnAnims "1"
(Bettys come up faster)
bettyUpVelocity "100"
(No friction)
phys_frictionScale "1"
(In laststand you have more health over something)
player_lastStandHealthOverlayTime "80"
(Less time to revive someone)
revive_time_taken "0.001"
(Less friction when you go to knife)
player_meleeChargeFriction "10"
FlameThrower-Vars: (You need to edit these in the common.ff)
..set flameVar_streamChunkGravityStart 63.1596
..set flameVar_streamChunkGravityEnd -1000.0000
..set flameVar_streamChunkMaxSize 46.3482
..set flameVar_streamChunkStartSize 4.4412
..set flameVar_streamChunkEndSize 191.4820
..set flameVar_streamChunkStartSizeRand 0.0967
..set flameVar_streamChunkEndSizeRand 0.7099
..set flameVar_streamChunkDistScalar 1.0929
..set flameVar_streamChunkDistSwayScale 0.2565
..set flameVar_streamChunkDistSwayVelMax 87.5993
..set flameVar_streamChunkSpeed 696.3215
..set flameVar_streamChunkDecel 0.0000
..set flameVar_streamChunkVelocityAddScale 1.0000
..set flameVar_streamChunkDuration 4.0916
..set flameVar_streamChunkDurationScaleMaxVel 150.0000
..set flameVar_streamChunkDurationVelScalar 0.6546
..set flameVar_streamChunkSizeSpeedScale -0.0151
..set flameVar_streamChunkSizeAgeScale -1.2057
..set flameVar_streamChunkSpawnFireIntervalStart 0.1403
..set flameVar_streamChunkSpawnFireIntervalEnd 5.0000
..set flameVar_streamChunkSpawnFireMinLifeFrac 0.0046
..set flameVar_streamChunkSpawnFireMaxLifeFrac 0.1914
..set flameVar_streamChunkFireMinLifeFrac 0.2167
..set flameVar_streamChunkFireMinLifeFracStart 0.0000
..set flameVar_streamChunkFireMinLifeFracEnd 0.1218
..set flameVar_streamChunkDripsMinLifeFrac 0.0000
..set flameVar_streamChunkDripsMinLifeFracStart 0.0000
..set flameVar_streamChunkDripsMinLifeFracEnd 1.0000
..set flameVar_streamChunkRotationRange 180.0000
..set flameVar_streamSizeRandSinWave 4.7263
..set flameVar_streamSizeRandCosWave 7.1692
..set flameVar_streamDripsChunkInterval 0.1020
..set flameVar_streamDripsChunkMinFrac 0.0660
..set flameVar_streamDripsChunkRandFrac 0.2360
..set flameVar_streamSmokeChunkInterval 0.0100
..set flameVar_streamSmokeChunkMinFrac 0.0675
..set flameVar_streamSmokeChunkRandFrac 0.1659
..set flameVar_streamChunkCullDistSizeFrac 0.1510
..set flameVar_streamChunkCullMinLife 0.0000
..set flameVar_streamChunkCullMaxLife 1.0000
..set flameVar_streamFuelSizeStart 2.2897
..set flameVar_streamFuelSizeEnd 8.4469
..set flameVar_streamFuelLength 319.9440
..set flameVar_streamFuelNumSegments 128.0000
..set flameVar_streamFuelAnimLoopTime 0.1601
..set flameVar_streamFlameSizeStart 3.3717
..set flameVar_streamFlameSizeEnd 22.2111
..set flameVar_streamFlameLength 0.0100
..set flameVar_streamFlameNumSegments 128.0000
..set flameVar_streamFlameAnimLoopTime 0.6160
..set flameVar_streamPrimaryLightRadius 750.0000
..set flameVar_streamPrimaryLightRadiusFlutter 120.0000
..set flameVar_streamPrimaryLightR 0.7000
..set flameVar_streamPrimaryLightG 0.4000
..set flameVar_streamPrimaryLightB 0.0000
..set flameVar_streamPrimaryLightFlutterR 0.1000
..set flameVar_streamPrimaryLightFlutterG 0.1000
..set flameVar_streamPrimaryLightFlutterB 0.1000
..set flameVar_fireLife 0.6941
..set flameVar_fireLifeRand 0.3187
..set flameVar_fireSpeedScale 0.2495
..set flameVar_fireSpeedScaleRand 0.1149
..set flameVar_fireVelocityAddZ 24.1553
..set flameVar_fireVelocityAddZRand -79.3643
..set flameVar_fireVelocityAddSideways 0.1429
..set flameVar_fireGravity 0.0000
..set flameVar_fireGravityEnd -221.4763
..set flameVar_fireMaxRotVel 70.7913
..set flameVar_fireFriction 0.2513
..set flameVar_fireEndSizeAdd 8.2567
..set flameVar_fireStartSizeScale 0.1966
..set flameVar_fireEndSizeScale 1.0196
..set flameVar_dripsLife 2.2500
..set flameVar_dripsLifeRand 0.5240
..set flameVar_dripsSpeedScale 0.1762
..set flameVar_dripsSpeedScaleRand 0.2261
..set flameVar_dripsVelocityAddZ 4.7064
..set flameVar_dripsVelocityAddZRand -20.0000
..set flameVar_dripsVelocityAddSideways 0.3372
..set flameVar_dripsGravity 330.2344
..set flameVar_dripsGravityEnd 421.2841
..set flameVar_dripsMaxRotVel 70.0000
..set flameVar_dripsFriction 0.7494
..set flameVar_dripsEndSizeAdd 0.0000
..set flameVar_dripsStartSizeScale 0.1963
..set flameVar_dripsEndSizeScale 0.0000
..set flameVar_smokeLife 1.6796
..set flameVar_smokeLifeRand 0.6905
..set flameVar_smokeSpeedScale 0.1413
..set flameVar_smokeVelocityAddZ 0.0000
..set flameVar_smokeGravity -77.2271
..set flameVar_smokeGravityEnd 0.0000
..set flameVar_smokeMaxRotation 47.4966
..set flameVar_smokeMaxRotVel 28.4878
..set flameVar_smokeFriction 0.2766
..set flameVar_smokeEndSizeAdd 103.6991
..set flameVar_smokeStartSizeAdd 0.0000
..set flameVar_smokeOriginSizeOfsZScale 0.0000
..set flameVar_smokeOriginOfsZ -0.9694
..set flameVar_smokeFadein 0.0825
..set flameVar_smokeFadeout 0.1943
..set flameVar_smokeMaxAlpha 0.7901
..set flameVar_smokeBrightness 1.0000
..set flameVar_smokeOriginOffset 25.4001
..set flameVar_collisionSpeedScale 0.6000
..set flameVar_collisionVolumeScale 0.5000
..set flameVar_initialHitDamage 5.0000
..set flameVar_timedDamageDuration 5000.0000
..set flameVar_timedDamageInterval 1000.0000
(fast side to side movement)
..set player_strafeSpeedScale1 "1.5"
(fast Sprint)
..set player_sprintSpeedScale "4.0"
(unlimited sprint)
..set player_sprintUnlimited "1"
(Fast backwards walk)
..set player_backSpeedScale "2.0"
(camera doesn't bob when running)
..set player_sprintCameraBob "0"
(knife from far away)
..set player_meleeRange "999"
(increased clip)
..set player_clipSizeMultiplier "999"
(about 5 minute last stand time)
..set player_lastStandBleedoutTime250
(far away revives)
..set Revive_Trigger_Radius "99999"
(host only) (laser dot sight)
..set cg_laserForceOn "1"
(increased double tap, must by perk)
..set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.001"
(Increased jug, must by perk)
..set perk_armorvest "0"
(fast reload, must by perk)
..set perk_weapReloadMultiplier "0.001"
(health increased by 1 hit)
..set player_deathInvulnerableToMelee "1"
(Ping is shown on scoreboard)
..set cg_scoreboardpingtext "1"
(enables special clantags)
..set superuser "1"
(Specail Clantags)
..set developeruser "1"
(force host)
..set party_hostname "your gamertag here"
(force host)
..set party_host "1"
(starts new party)
..set party_connectToOthers "0"
(forces host)
..set party_iamhost "1"
(far knockbacks)
..set g_knockback "9999"
(Zombies don't spawn)
..set g_ai "0"
(Zombies don't spawn)
..set ai_disableSpawn "1"
(zombies give up quick)
..set ai_noPathToEnemyGiveupTime "2000"
(increased walk speed)
..set g_speed "1000"
(2x the normal speed)
..set timescale "2.0"
(Zombies float when deadn host only)
..set phys_gravity "99"
(no fog)
..set r_fog "0"
(dogs don't move)
..set Zombie_dog_animset "human"
(random box doesn't move)
..set magic_chest_movable "0"
(unlimited ammo)
..set player_sustainAmmo "1"
(jump high)
..set jump_height "999"
(Bowie Knife damage)
..set perk_altMeleeDamage "10000"
(Bowie Knife lunge time)
..set Perk_altMeleeLerpTime "10"
(Low gravity)
..set g_gravity "60"
(Add these as is no ..set in front , the periods are hex value of [0D 0A])
..collectible_add "collectible_sticksstones
..collectible_add "collectible_vampire"
..collectible_add "collectible_berserker"
..collectible_add "collectible_zombie"
..collectible_add "collectible_paintball"
..collectible_add "collectible_dirtyharry"
..collectible_add "collectible_morphine"
..collectible_add "collectible_thunder"
..collectible_add "collectible_flak_jacket"
..collectible_add "collectible_hardcore"
..collectible_add "collectible_body_armor"
..collectible_add "collectible_hard_headed"
..collectible_add "collectible_dead_hands"
actionSlotsHide "0"
activeAction ""
A ai_corpseCount "8"
C ai_debugAnimDeltas "0"
C ai_debugClaimedNodes "0"
C ai_debugCoverEntityNum "-1"
ai_debugEntIndex "-1"
C ai_debugFindPath "0"
C ai_debugFindPathDirect "0"
C ai_debugFindPathLock "0"
C ai_debugFindPathWidth "0"
C ai_debugMayMove "0"
A C ai_debugMeleeAttackSpots "0"
A C ai_debugThreatSelection "0"
C ai_disableSpawn "0"
ai_enableBadPlaces "1"
C ai_eventDistBadPlace "256"
C ai_eventDistBullet "96"
C ai_eventDistDeath "1024"
C ai_eventDistExplosion "1024"
C ai_eventDistFootstep "512"
C ai_eventDistFootstepLite "256"
C ai_eventDistGrenadePing "512"
C ai_eventDistGunShot "2048"
C ai_eventDistNewEnemy "1024"
C ai_eventDistPain "512"
C ai_eventDistProjImpact "512"
C ai_eventDistProjPing "128"
C ai_eventDistSilencedShot "128"
C ai_foliageSeeThroughDist "128"
C ai_friendlySuppression "1"
C ai_friendlySuppressionDist "128"
C ai_maxAttackerCount "2"
C ai_meleeHeight "10"
C ai_meleeRange "64"
C ai_meleeWidth "20"
C ai_moveOrientMode "invalid"
C ai_noDodge "0"
C ai_noPathToEnemyGiveupTime "6000"
C ai_pathMomentum "0.78"
C ai_pathNegotiationOverlapCost "300"
ai_playerFarAccuracy "0.1"
ai_playerFarRange "2000"
ai_playerNearAccuracy "0.5"
ai_playerNearRange "800"
C ai_showBadPlaces "0"
C ai_showDodge "0"
C ai_showNearestNode "0"
C ai_showNodes "0"
C ai_showNodesDist "384"
C ai_showPaths "0"
C ai_showPotentialThreatDir "0"
C ai_showVisData "0"
C ai_showVisDataDist "1000"
C ai_showVolume "-1"
C ai_threatUpdateInterval "500"
C aim_accel_turnrate_debug "0"
C aim_accel_turnrate_enabled "1"
C aim_accel_turnrate_lerp "1200"
C aim_autoaim_debug "0"
C aim_autoaim_enabled "0"
C aim_autoaim_lerp "40"
C aim_autoaim_region_height "120"
C aim_autoaim_region_width "160"
C aim_autobayonet_range "200"
C aim_automelee_debug "0"
C aim_automelee_enabled "1"
C aim_automelee_lerp "40"
C aim_automelee_maxpitch "30"
C aim_automelee_range "128"
C aim_automelee_region_height "240"
C aim_automelee_region_width "320"
C aim_input_graph_debug "0"
C aim_input_graph_enabled "1"
C aim_input_graph_index "3"
C aim_lockon_debug "0"
C aim_lockon_deflection "0.05"
C aim_lockon_enabled "1"
C aim_lockon_region_height "90"
C aim_lockon_region_width "90"
C aim_lockon_strength "0.6"
C aim_scale_view_axis "1"
C aim_slowdown_debug "0"
C aim_slowdown_enabled "1"
C aim_slowdown_pitch_scale "0.4"
C aim_slowdown_pitch_scale_ads "0.5"
C aim_slowdown_region_extended_height "90"
C aim_slowdown_region_extended_width "90"
C aim_slowdown_region_height "90"
C aim_slowdown_region_width "90"
C aim_slowdown_yaw_scale "0.4"
C aim_slowdown_yaw_scale_ads "0.5"
C aim_target_aim_tag_fast_update_interval "59"
C aim_target_aim_tag_slow_update_interval "131"
C aim_target_frustum_expand_fast_updates "40"
C aim_target_frustum_expand_on_screen "-30"
C aim_target_frustum_min_distance "256"
C aim_target_sentient_half_height "32"
C aim_target_sentient_radius "10"
C aim_turnrate_pitch "90"
C aim_turnrate_pitch_ads "55"
C aim_turnrate_yaw "260"
C aim_turnrate_yaw_ads "90"
ammoCounterHide "0"
C authPort "20800"
C authServerName ""
bcmp_incoming_grenade_probability "50"
bcmp_kill_inform_probability "50"
bcmp_killstreak_incoming_probability "50"
bcmp_perk_call_probability "50"
bcmp_sniper_kill_probability "25"
bcmp_toss_grenade_probability "50"
bcmp_weapon_delay "2000"
bcmp_weapon_fire_probability "90"
bettyDetonateRadius "150"
bettyTimeBeforeDetonate "0.45"
bettyUpVelocity "296"
C bg_aimSpreadMoveSpeedThreshold "11"
C bg_bobAmplitudeDucked "0.0075 0.0075"
C bg_bobAmplitudeProne "0.02 0.005"
C bg_bobAmplitudeSprinting "0.02 0.014"
C bg_bobAmplitudeStanding "0.007 0.007"
C bg_bobMax "8"
C bg_fallDamageMaxHeight "300"
C bg_fallDamageMinHeight "128"
C bg_foliagesnd_fastinterval "500"
C bg_foliagesnd_maxspeed "180"
C bg_foliagesnd_minspeed "40"
C bg_foliagesnd_resetinterval "500"
C bg_foliagesnd_slowinterval "1500"
C bg_ladder_yawcap "100"
C bg_legYawTolerance "20"
C bg_maxGrenadeIndicatorSpeed "27"
C bg_prone_yawcap "85"
C bg_shock_lookControl "0"
C bg_shock_lookControl_fadeTime "0.001"
C bg_shock_lookControl_maxpitchspeed "0"
C bg_shock_lookControl_maxyawspeed "0"
C bg_shock_lookControl_mousesensitivityscale "0"
C bg_shock_movement "1"
C bg_shock_screenBlurBlendFadeTime "0.001"
C bg_shock_screenBlurBlendTime "0.001"
C bg_shock_screenFlashShotFadeTime "0"
C bg_shock_screenFlashWhiteFadeTime "0"
C bg_shock_screenType "blurred"
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L dedicated "listen server"
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defaultHitDamage "5"
destructibles_enable_physics "1"
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didyouknow "@PLATFORM_DYK_MSG33"
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fire_world_damage_rate "0.25"
C fixedtime "0"
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flareLookAwayFadeWait "0.45"
C friction "5.5"
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I fs_personalDocuments "I:Dokumente und EinstellungenUsernameEigene DateienActivisionCoDWaW"
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g_ScoresColor_Allies "0 0 0 0"
g_ScoresColor_Axis "0.521569 0.278431 0.278431 0"
g_ScoresColor_EnemyTeam "0.690196 0.0705882 0.0509804 1"
g_ScoresColor_Free "0.760784 0.780392 0.101961 0"
g_ScoresColor_MyTeam "0.25098 0.721569 0.25098 1"
g_ScoresColor_Spectator "0.25098 0.25098 0.25098 0"
g_smoothClients "1"
LC g_spawnai "1"
g_speed "190"
g_synchronousClients "0"
g_TeamColor_Allies "0.501961 0.501961 0.501961 0"
g_TeamColor_Axis "0.521569 0.278431 0.278431 0"
g_TeamColor_EnemyTeam "1 0.313726 0.34902 0"
g_TeamColor_Free "0.74902 0.25098 0.25098 1"
g_TeamColor_MyTeam "0.4 0.698039 0.4 0"
g_TeamColor_Spectator "0.25098 0.25098 0.25098 1"
g_TeamColor_Squad "0.313726 0.34902 1 0"
g_TeamIcon_Allies "faction_128_american"
g_TeamIcon_Axis "faction_128_japan"
g_TeamIcon_Free ""
g_TeamIcon_Spectator ""
g_TeamName_Allies "MPUI_MARINE_SHORT"
C g_turretBipodOffset "17"
C g_turretServerPitchMax "10"
C g_turretServerPitchMin "15"
A g_useGear "1"
A C g_useholdspawndelay "1"
g_useholdtime "0"
C g_vehicleDebug "0"
C g_vehicleTexScrollScale "0"
A g_voiceChatTalkingDuration "500"
A g_voteAbstainWeight "0.5"
R gamedate "Oct 9 2008"
S R gamename "Call of Duty: World at War"
R hiDef "1"
A hud_deathQuoteFadeTime "1000"
A hud_enable "1"
A hud_fade_ammodisplay "0"
A hud_fade_compass "0"
A hud_fade_healthbar "2"
A hud_fade_offhand "0"
A hud_fade_sprint "1.7"
A hud_fade_stance "1.7"
A hud_fadeout_speed "0.1"
A hud_flash_period_offhand "0.5"
A hud_flash_time_offhand "2"
A hud_health_pulserate_critical "0.5"
A hud_health_pulserate_injured "1"
A hud_health_startpulse_critical "0.33"
A hud_health_startpulse_injured "1"
C hud_healthOverlay_phaseEnd_pulseDuration "700"
C hud_healthOverlay_phaseEnd_toAlpha "0"
C hud_healthOverlay_phaseOne_pulseDuration "150"
C hud_healthOverlay_phaseThree_pulseDuration "400"
C hud_healthOverlay_phaseThree_toAlphaMultiplier "0.6"
C hud_healthOverlay_phaseTwo_pulseDuration "320"
C hud_healthOverlay_phaseTwo_toAlphaMultiplier "0.7"
C hud_healthOverlay_pulseStart "0.55"
C hud_healthOverlay_regenPauseTime "8000"
C hudElemPausedBrightness "0.4"
C ik_debug "0"
C ik_enable "1"
C ik_enable_ai_hand "0"
C ik_enable_ai_terrain "1"
C ik_enable_player_hand "0"
C ik_enable_player_terrain "1"
C ik_foot_test "0"
C ik_hand_test "0"
C ik_left_hand_lerp_test "0"
C ik_optimization "1"
C ik_pelvis_test "0"
C ik_right_hand_lerp_test "0"
AL in_mouse "1"
C inertiaAngle "0"
C inertiaDebug "0"
C inertiaMax "50"
invite_visible "1"
C jump_height "39"
C jump_ladderPushVel "128"
C jump_slowdownEnable "1"
C jump_spreadAdd "64"
C jump_stepSize "18"
killcam_title "@MP_KILLCAM"
koth_autodestroytime "60"
koth_capturetime "20"
koth_delayPlayer "0"
koth_destroytime "10"
koth_kothmode "0"
koth_spawnDelay "60"
koth_spawntime "0"
language "english"
AL loc_forceEnglish "0"
AL loc_language "0"
L loc_translate "1"
loc_warnings "0"
loc_warningsAsErrors "0"
logfile "2"
long_blocking_call "0"
lowAmmoWarningColor1 "0.901961 0.901961 0.901961 0.8"
lowAmmoWarningColor2 "1 1 1 1"
lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor1 "0.8 0 0 0.8"
lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor2 "1 0 0 1"
lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor1 "0.701961 0.701961 0 0.8"
lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor2 "1 1 0 1"
lowAmmoWarningPulseFreq "1.7"
lowAmmoWarningPulseMax "1.5"
lowAmmoWarningPulseMin "0"
A m_filter "0"
A m_forward "0.25"
A m_pitch "0.022"
A m_side "0.25"
A m_yaw "0.022"
C mantle_check_angle "60"
C mantle_check_radius "0.1"
C mantle_check_range "20"
C mantle_debug "0"
C mantle_enable "1"
C mantle_view_yawcap "60"
S R mapname "mp_airfield"
C masterPort "20810"
C masterServerName ""
C melee_debug "0"
missileDebugAttractors "0"
missileDebugDraw "0"
missileDebugText "0"
C missileHellfireMaxSlope "0.5"
C missileHellfireUpAccel "1000"
C missileJavAccelClimb "300"
C missileJavAccelDescend "3000"
C missileJavClimbAngleDirect "85"
C missileJavClimbAngleTop "50"
C missileJavClimbCeilingDirect "0"
C missileJavClimbCeilingTop "3000"
C missileJavClimbHeightDirect "10000"
C missileJavClimbHeightTop "15000"
C missileJavClimbToOwner "700"
C missileJavSpeedLimitClimb "1000"
C missileJavSpeedLimitDescend "6000"
C missileJavTurnDecel "0.05"
C missileJavTurnRateDirect "60"
C missileJavTurnRateTop "100"
C missileMolotovBlobNum "5"
C missileMolotovBlobTime "2"
C missileWaterMaxDepth "60"
A monkeytoy "0"
motd ""
msg_dumpEnts "0"
msg_hudelemspew "0"
msg_printEntityNums "0"
U A name "Unknown Soldier"
L net_ip "localhost"
net_lanauthorize "0"
net_minigraph "0"
AL net_noipx "0"
AL net_noudp "0"
L net_port "28960"
net_profile "0"
net_showprofile "0"
AL net_socksEnabled "0"
AL net_socksPassword ""
AL net_socksPort "1080"
AL net_socksServer ""
AL net_socksUsername ""
nextdemo ""
nextmap "map_restart"
nightVisionDisableEffects "0"
nightVisionFadeInOutTime "0.1"
nightVisionPowerOnTime "0.3"
ns_d "0"
ns_k "0"
ns_n ""
ns_r "0"
ns_ri "0"
ns_x "0"
C onlinegame "1"
overrideNVGModelWithKnife "0"
packetDebug "0"
U password ""
R pc_newversionavailable "0"
S penetrationCount "5"
perk_armorVest "75"
perk_bulletDamage "40"
C perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier "2"
perk_explosiveDamage "25"
C perk_extraBreath "5"
perk_fireproof "55"
perk_flakJacket "75"
perk_flakJacketMaxDamage "75"
C perk_grenadeDeath "frag_grenade_short_mp"
C perk_grenadeTossBackTimer "2500"
C perk_overheatReduction "0.7"
C perk_sprintMultiplier "2"
C perk_turretRotSpeedMultiplier "1.25"
C perk_vehicleReloadReduction "0.7"
C perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.75"
C perk_weapReloadMultiplier "0.5"
C perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.65"
phys_bulletSpinScale "3"
phys_bulletUpBias "0.5"
phys_buoyancyFastComputation "0"
phys_buoyancyRippleFrequency "3000"
phys_buoyancyRippleVariance "2000"
phys_dragAngular "0.5"
phys_dragLinear "0.03"
phys_drawAwake "0"
phys_drawCollisionObj "0"
phys_drawCollisionWorld "0"
phys_drawcontacts "0"
phys_drawDebugInfo "0"
phys_drawNitrousVehicle "0"
phys_entityCollision "1"
phys_floatTimeVariance "30000"
phys_frictionScale "1"
phys_gravity "-800"
phys_heavyTankSwitch "0"
phys_impact_distance_cutoff "3000"
phys_impact_fx "1"
phys_impact_intensity_limit "50"
phys_impact_max_pfx_per_frame "10"
phys_impact_max_sfx_per_frame "10"
phys_impact_render "0"
phys_impact_silence_window "0.3"
phys_interBodyCollision "1"
phys_maxFloatTime "180000"
phys_msecstep "0"
phys_ragdoll_joint_damp_scale "0.04"
phys_ragdoll_self_collision "1"
phys_reeval_frequency "5"
phys_terrain_collision "1"
phys_userRigidBodies "1"
phys_vehicleFriction "0.1"
phys_waterDragAngular "-2"
phys_waterDragLinear "-1"
C pickupPrints "0"
C player_adsExitDelay "0"
player_AimBlend_Back_Low "0.2 0.4 0.5"
player_AimBlend_Back_Mid "0.3 0.4 0.5"
player_AimBlend_Back_Up "0.5 0.2 -0.6"
player_AimBlend_Head "0 0 0"
player_AimBlend_Neck "0.3 0.3 0"
player_AimBlend_Shoulder "1 1 1"
C player_backSpeedScale "0.7"
C player_bayonetRange "85"
C player_bayonetTargetDist "65"
C player_breath_fire_delay "0"
C player_breath_gasp_lerp "6"
C player_breath_gasp_scale "4.5"
C player_breath_gasp_time "1"
C player_breath_hold_lerp "1"
C player_breath_hold_time "4.5"
C player_breath_snd_delay "1"
C player_breath_snd_lerp "2"
C player_burstFireCooldown "0.2"
C player_clipSizeMultiplier "1"
C player_debugHealth "0"
C player_dmgtimer_flinchTime "500"
C player_dmgtimer_maxTime "750"
C player_dmgtimer_minScale "0"
C player_dmgtimer_stumbleTime "500"
C player_dmgtimer_timePerPoint "100"
R C player_footstepsThreshhold "0"
player_lastStandBleedoutTime "30"
C player_lastStandHealthOverlayTime "8"
C player_meleeChargeFriction "1200"
C player_meleeHeight "10"
C player_meleeRange "64"
C player_meleeWidth "10"
C player_MGUseRadius "128"
C player_move_factor_on_torso "0"
R C player_moveThreshhold "10"
C player_revivePlayerListCycleTime "2"
C player_reviveTriggerRadius "64"
C player_reviveXP "2"
C player_scopeExitOnDamage "0"
C player_spectateSpeedScale "1"
C player_sprintCameraBob "0.5"
player_sprintForwardMinimum "105"
C player_sprintMinTime "1"
C player_sprintRechargePause "0"
C player_sprintSpeedScale "1.5"
C player_sprintStrafeSpeedScale "0.667"
C player_sprintTime "4"
C player_sprintUnlimited "0"
C player_strafeAnimCosAngle "0.5"
C player_strafeSpeedScale "0.8"
C player_sustainAmmo "0"
C player_swimDamage "15"
C player_swimDamagerInterval "1"
C player_swimTime "16"
C player_throwbackInnerRadius "90"
C player_throwbackOuterRadius "160"
C player_turnAnims "0"
player_unlock_page "0"
player_unlockattachment0a ""
player_unlockattachment0b ""
player_unlockattachment1a ""
player_unlockattachment1b ""
player_unlockattachment2a ""
player_unlockattachment2b ""
player_unlockattachments "0"
player_unlockcamo0a ""
player_unlockcamo0b ""
player_unlockcamo1a ""
player_unlockcamo1b ""
player_unlockcamo2a ""
player_unlockcamo2b ""
player_unlockcamos "0"
player_unlockchallenge0 ""
player_unlockchallenge1 ""
player_unlockchallenge2 ""
player_unlockchallenges "0"
player_unlockfeature0 ""
player_unlockfeature1 ""
player_unlockfeature2 ""
player_unlockfeatures "0"
player_unlockperk0 ""
player_unlockperk1 ""
player_unlockperk2 ""
player_unlockperks "0"
player_unlockweapon0 ""
player_unlockweapon1 ""
player_unlockweapon2 ""
player_unlockweapons "0"
C player_view_pitch_down "85"
C player_view_pitch_up "85"
C player_waterSpeedScale "1.3"
poisonDuration "8"
R presell "0"
A prestigeclass1 "Custom 6"
A prestigeclass2 "Custom 7"
A prestigeclass3 "Custom 8"
A prestigeclass4 "Custom 9"
A prestigeclass5 "Custom 10"
R primaryWeaponOffset "0"
A profile_physics "0"
S R protocol "93"
ps_ac "0"
ps_ak "0"
ps_c "0"
ps_d "0"
ps_dc "0"
ps_dk "0"
ps_h "0"
ps_k "0"
ps_kds "0"
ps_m "0"
ps_n ""
ps_r "0"
ps_s "0"
ps_st "0"
ps_x "0"
A r_aaAlpha "dither (fast)"
AL r_aaSamples "2"
AL r_aspectRatio "auto"
A r_autopriority "0"
C r_blur "0"
A r_blur_allowed "1"
C r_brightness "0"
r_brushLimit "512"
r_burnedDestructibleColor "0.4"
r_cacheModelLighting "1"
r_cacheSModelLighting "1"
r_clear "blink"
r_clearColor "0 0 0 0"
r_clearColor2 "0 0 0 0"
C r_colorMap "Unchanged"
C r_contrast "1"
A r_cosmeticCullMax "16"
A r_cosmeticCullMin "16"
AL r_customMode ""
A r_cycleSizeCull "0"
A r_debugLineWidth "1"
C r_debugShader "none"
C r_debugShowCoronas "0"
C r_debugShowDynamicLights "0"
C r_debugShowPrimaryLights "0"
A r_depthPrepass "0"
C r_desaturation "1"
r_detail "1"
C r_diffuseColorScale "1"
AL r_displayRefresh "60 Hz"
A r_distortion "0"
r_dlightLimit "4"
r_dlightMaxFullScreenRadius "1000"
r_dlightMaxNonFullScreenRadius "200"
r_dobjLimit "512"
C r_dof_bias "0.5"
A r_dof_enable "1"
C r_dof_farBlur "1.8"
C r_dof_farEnd "7000"
C r_dof_farStart "1000"
C r_dof_nearBlur "6"
C r_dof_nearEnd "60"
C r_dof_nearStart "10"
C r_dof_tweak "0"
C r_dof_viewModelEnd "8"
C r_dof_viewModelStart "2"
C r_drawDebugFogParams "0"
C r_drawWater "1"
r_envMapExponent "5"
r_envMapMaxIntensity "0.5"
r_envMapMinIntensity "0.2"
r_envMapOverride "0"
r_envMapSpecular "1"
r_envMapSunIntensity "2"
A r_fastSkin "0"
r_filmTweakBrightness "0"
r_filmTweakContrast "1.4"
r_filmTweakDarkTint "0.7 0.85 1"
r_filmTweakDesaturation "0.2"
r_filmTweakEnable "0"
r_filmTweakInvert "0"
r_filmTweakLightTint "1.1 1.05 0.85"
C r_filmUseTweaks "0"
A r_flame_allowed "1"
r_flameFX_brightness "0.0688476"
r_flameFX_contrast "1.25249"
r_flameFX_darkTint "1.16924 1.0238 1.08897"
r_flameFX_desaturation "0.228803"
A C r_flameFX_distortionScaleFactor "0 1 1 0.511918"
A r_flameFX_enable "0"
A r_flameFX_fadeDuration "0.5"
A C r_flameFX_FPS "15"
r_flameFX_lightTint "1.32779 1.32472 1.10718"
A C r_flameFX_magnitude "0.0215147"
L r_floatz "1"
C r_fog "1"
C r_forceLod "none"
A r_fovScaleThresholdRigid "2.4"
A r_fovScaleThresholdSkinned "2.4"
C r_fullbright "0&q
not mine all credits to TTGToiletBrush
"give zombie_stg44"
"give zombie_stg44_upgraded"
"give zombie_thompson"
"give zombie_thompson_upgraded"
"give zombie_melee"
"give zombie_melee_upgrade"
"give m2_flamethrower_zombie"
"give m2_flamethrower_zombie_upgraded"
"give zombie_doublebarrel"
"give zombie_doublebarrel_upgraded"
"give zombie_doublebarrel_sawed"
"give zombie_shotgun"
"give zombie_shotgun_upgraded"
"give zombie_bar"
"give zombie_bar_upgraded"
"give zombie_fg42"
"give zombie_fg42_upgraded"
"give zombie_30cal"
"give zombie_30cal_upgraded"
"give zombie_mg42"
"give zombie_mg42_upgraded"
"give zombie_ppsh"
"give zombie_ppsh_upgraded"
"give panzerschrek_zombie"
"give panzerschrek_zombie_upgraded"
"give ray_gun"
"give ray_gun_upgraded"
"give tesla_gun"
"give tesla_gun_upgraded"
"give zombie_cymbal_monkey"
"give mine_bouncing_betty"
"give zombie_colt"
"give zombie_colt_upgraded"
"give zombie_type99_rifle"
"give zombie_type99_rifle_upgraded"
"give zombie_gewehr43"
"give zombie_gewehr43_upgraded"
"give zombie_m1garand"
"give zombie_m1garand_upgraded"
"give zombie_perk_bottle_doubletap"
"give zombie_perk_bottle_jugg"
"give zombie_perk_bottle_revive"
"give zombie_perk_bottle_sleight"
"give zombie_knuckle_crack"
"give specialty_juggernaut_zombies"
"give specialty_fastreload_zombies"
"give specialty_doubletap_zombies"
"give specialty_quickrevive_zombies"
"give zombie_vending_packapunch_on"
"toggle arcademode 1 0"(To turn on/off arcade mode in zombie/arcade mode)
"toggle zombiemode 1 0"(To turn on/off zombie mode in zombie/arcade mode)
"arcademode_score_revive 1000000"
"arcademode_score_assist 1000"
"arcademode_score_kill 1000000"
"arcademode_score_headshot 10000000"
"arcademode_score_laststand -100000000"
"arcademode_score_suicide -10000000000"
"arcademode_minimumAllowedSuicides 99999"
"arcademode_minimumAllowedPoints 99999999999999999999999999"
"arcademode_minimumAllowedWarning 9999999999999999999999999"
"arcademode_score_morphine 100000000"
"arcademode_score_thunder 100000000"
set arcademode_score_berserker 20
set arcademode_score_hardcore 10
set arcademode_score_body_armor 20
set arcademode_score_thunder 10
set arcademode_score_zombie 10
set arcademode_score_vampire 10
set arcademode_score_dirtyharry 10
set arcademode_score_hard_headed 20
set arcademode_score_dead_hands 20
set arcademode_score_sticksstones 20
set arcademode_score_flak_jacket 10
set arcademode_score_morphine 20
set arcademode_score_dog 20
set arcademode_score_kill 50
set arcademode_score_melee 70
set arcademode_score_headshot 60
set arcademode_score_upperbody 20
set arcademode_score_lowerbody 0
set arcademode_score_assist 10
set arcademode_minimumAllowedPoints -2000
set arcademode_minimumAllowedWarning -1000
set arcademode_minimumAllowedSuicides 5
set arcademode_score_suicide -500
set arcademode_score_laststand -110
set arcademode_score_revive 200
(Makes miniconsole in corner)
con_minicon 1 0"
(Third person mode)
cg_thirdPerson "1"
(Frames per sec)
cg_drawFPS "ON"
(Laser dot doesn't disappear if you look at something far away)
cg_laserRange "9999"
(The laser dot is bigger)
cg_laserRadius "3.0"
(You go through the water faster)
player_waterSpeedScale "5.0"
(you hit another player you go flying back)
g_playerCollisionEjectSpeed "999"
(Increased bowie knife power);(super good)
perk_altMeleeDamage "10000"
(bowie knife reacts faster when button is hit)
Perk_altMeleeLerpTime "5"
(Increased jump height)
jump_height "999"
(Unlimited ammo for whole lobby)
player_sustainAmmo "1"
(Magic box doesn't move);(Can't get ray gun)
magic_chest_movable "0"
(Dogs act like humans and dont move)
Zombie_dog_animset "human"
(Zombies float to the sky)
phys_gravity "99"
(How fast the game goes)
timescale "1.5"
(Your player speed how fast you move)
g_speed "400"
(Enemys give up faster)
ai_noPathToEnemyGiveupTime "2000"
(Zombies dont spawn)
ai_disableSpawn "1"
(zombies dont spawn)
g_ai "0"
(Far knockbacks)
g_knockback "999999"
(force host)
party_hostname "your gamertag here"
(force host)
party_host "1"
(starts new party)
party_connectToOthers "0"
(forces host)
party_iamhost "1"
(Changes clantag)
clanName "@@@@"
(enables special clantags)
superuser "1"
(Enables specail clantags)
developeruser "1:
(Ping is shown in the score board; only host)
cg_scoreboardpingtext "1"
(Health is increased by 1 hit)
player_deathInvulnerableToMelee "1"
(increased double tap, must by perk)
perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.001"
(doesn't do anything)
perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0"
(Increased jug, must by perk)
perk_armorvest "0"
(fast reload, must by perk)
perk_weapReloadMultiplier "0.001
(fast side to side movement)
player_strafeSpeedScale "5.0"
(fast Sprint)
player_sprintSpeedScale "5.0"
(unlimited sprint)
player_sprintUnlimited "1"
(Fast backwards walk)
player_backSpeedScale "5.0"
(camera doesn't bob when running)
player_sprintCameraBob "0"
(knife from far away)
player_meleeRange "999"
(increased clip)
player_clipSizeMultiplier "999"
(about 5 minute last stand time)
player_lastStandBleedoutTime "250"
(far away revives)
Revive_Trigger_Radius "99999"
(host only) (laser dot sight)
cg_laserForceOn "1"
(Game gravity is low)
g_gravity "175"
(Draws FPS)
cg_drawFPS "1"
(Third person view)
cg_thirdPerson "1"
(The 2 below makes everyone have no fall damage)
bg_fallDamageMaxHeight "999"
bg_fallDamageMinHeight "998"
(This helps you sticky aim)
player_move_factor_on_torso "1"
(When players go down it cycles faster
player_revivePlayerListCycleTime "1"
(When you revive someone you get tons of points)
player_reviveXP "50"
(How far the bullet will travel before it disapears)
ai_eventDistGunShot "4000"
(This Enables death cards)
ui_optionsEnabled "1"
(The 3 below allow you to save a game in zombie mode)
sv_saveGameAvailable "1"
sv_saveOnStartMap "1"
sv_saveDeviceAvailable "1"
(Need everything below to change in game colors)
cg_ScoresColor_Player_0 "0 0 0 1"
cg_ScoresColor_Player_1 "1 0 0 0"
cg_ScoresColor_Player_2 "0 1 0 0"
cg_ScoresColor_Player_3 "0 0 1 0"
cg_ScoresColor_Transparency "1"
cg_ScoresColor_Zombie "0 0 0 1"
cg_ScoresColor_TransparencyZombie "1"
cg_ScoresColor_Gamertag_0 "1 1 1 1"
cg_ScoresColor_Gamertag_1 "1 0 0 0"
cg_ScoresColor_Gamertag_2 "0 1 0 0"
cg_ScoresColor_Gamertag_3 "0 0 1 0"
(Increased health)
player_meleeDamageMultiplier "0"
(Bullets penetrate)
bullet_penetrationEnabled "1"
(Puts you in developer mode)
developer "1"
(Zombies dont spawn)
g_spawnai "0"
(Increased health)
player_radiusDamageMultiplier "0"
(Increased health)
g_player_maxhealth "2000"
(Hides ammo counter)
ammoCounterHide "1"
(Doesn't show stance)
hud_showStance "0"
(Increased health)
player_deathInvulnerableTime "9999"
(Increased health)
player_damageMultiplier "0"
(Compass will show enemys)
g_compassShowEnemies "1"
(While in mid air your step size is increased)
jump_stepSize "18"
(No slowdown when you jump)
jump_slowdownEnable "0"
(Does nothing)
monkeytoy "0"
(Something with nightvision)
nightVisionDisableEffects "1"
(Dont know;probly opens unlock page)
player_unlock_page "1"
(Shows a developer script)
developer_script "1"
(Dont know;probly bullets go to threshold of enemy)
bg_aimSpreadMoveSpeedThreshold "999"
(The distance from betty before it goes off)
bettyDetonateRadius "250"
(The time before it goes off)
bettyTimeBeforeDetonate "0.15"
(Dont know;Probly you go to development)
cg_development "0"
(Disables 2D elements)
cg_draw2D "0"
(Draws health)
cg_drawHealth "1"
(Draws a lagometer)
cg_drawLagometer "1"
(Makes a graph for ping)
cg_scoreboardPingGraph "1"
(Scoreboard font)
cg_scoreboardFont "1"
(Dont know)
player_turnAnims "1"
(Bettys come up faster)
bettyUpVelocity "100"
(No friction)
phys_frictionScale "1"
(In laststand you have more health over something)
player_lastStandHealthOverlayTime "80"
(Less time to revive someone)
revive_time_taken "0.001"
(Less friction when you go to knife)
player_meleeChargeFriction "10"
FlameThrower-Vars: (You need to edit these in the common.ff)
..set flameVar_streamChunkGravityStart 63.1596
..set flameVar_streamChunkGravityEnd -1000.0000
..set flameVar_streamChunkMaxSize 46.3482
..set flameVar_streamChunkStartSize 4.4412
..set flameVar_streamChunkEndSize 191.4820
..set flameVar_streamChunkStartSizeRand 0.0967
..set flameVar_streamChunkEndSizeRand 0.7099
..set flameVar_streamChunkDistScalar 1.0929
..set flameVar_streamChunkDistSwayScale 0.2565
..set flameVar_streamChunkDistSwayVelMax 87.5993
..set flameVar_streamChunkSpeed 696.3215
..set flameVar_streamChunkDecel 0.0000
..set flameVar_streamChunkVelocityAddScale 1.0000
..set flameVar_streamChunkDuration 4.0916
..set flameVar_streamChunkDurationScaleMaxVel 150.0000
..set flameVar_streamChunkDurationVelScalar 0.6546
..set flameVar_streamChunkSizeSpeedScale -0.0151
..set flameVar_streamChunkSizeAgeScale -1.2057
..set flameVar_streamChunkSpawnFireIntervalStart 0.1403
..set flameVar_streamChunkSpawnFireIntervalEnd 5.0000
..set flameVar_streamChunkSpawnFireMinLifeFrac 0.0046
..set flameVar_streamChunkSpawnFireMaxLifeFrac 0.1914
..set flameVar_streamChunkFireMinLifeFrac 0.2167
..set flameVar_streamChunkFireMinLifeFracStart 0.0000
..set flameVar_streamChunkFireMinLifeFracEnd 0.1218
..set flameVar_streamChunkDripsMinLifeFrac 0.0000
..set flameVar_streamChunkDripsMinLifeFracStart 0.0000
..set flameVar_streamChunkDripsMinLifeFracEnd 1.0000
..set flameVar_streamChunkRotationRange 180.0000
..set flameVar_streamSizeRandSinWave 4.7263
..set flameVar_streamSizeRandCosWave 7.1692
..set flameVar_streamDripsChunkInterval 0.1020
..set flameVar_streamDripsChunkMinFrac 0.0660
..set flameVar_streamDripsChunkRandFrac 0.2360
..set flameVar_streamSmokeChunkInterval 0.0100
..set flameVar_streamSmokeChunkMinFrac 0.0675
..set flameVar_streamSmokeChunkRandFrac 0.1659
..set flameVar_streamChunkCullDistSizeFrac 0.1510
..set flameVar_streamChunkCullMinLife 0.0000
..set flameVar_streamChunkCullMaxLife 1.0000
..set flameVar_streamFuelSizeStart 2.2897
..set flameVar_streamFuelSizeEnd 8.4469
..set flameVar_streamFuelLength 319.9440
..set flameVar_streamFuelNumSegments 128.0000
..set flameVar_streamFuelAnimLoopTime 0.1601
..set flameVar_streamFlameSizeStart 3.3717
..set flameVar_streamFlameSizeEnd 22.2111
..set flameVar_streamFlameLength 0.0100
..set flameVar_streamFlameNumSegments 128.0000
..set flameVar_streamFlameAnimLoopTime 0.6160
..set flameVar_streamPrimaryLightRadius 750.0000
..set flameVar_streamPrimaryLightRadiusFlutter 120.0000
..set flameVar_streamPrimaryLightR 0.7000
..set flameVar_streamPrimaryLightG 0.4000
..set flameVar_streamPrimaryLightB 0.0000
..set flameVar_streamPrimaryLightFlutterR 0.1000
..set flameVar_streamPrimaryLightFlutterG 0.1000
..set flameVar_streamPrimaryLightFlutterB 0.1000
..set flameVar_fireLife 0.6941
..set flameVar_fireLifeRand 0.3187
..set flameVar_fireSpeedScale 0.2495
..set flameVar_fireSpeedScaleRand 0.1149
..set flameVar_fireVelocityAddZ 24.1553
..set flameVar_fireVelocityAddZRand -79.3643
..set flameVar_fireVelocityAddSideways 0.1429
..set flameVar_fireGravity 0.0000
..set flameVar_fireGravityEnd -221.4763
..set flameVar_fireMaxRotVel 70.7913
..set flameVar_fireFriction 0.2513
..set flameVar_fireEndSizeAdd 8.2567
..set flameVar_fireStartSizeScale 0.1966
..set flameVar_fireEndSizeScale 1.0196
..set flameVar_dripsLife 2.2500
..set flameVar_dripsLifeRand 0.5240
..set flameVar_dripsSpeedScale 0.1762
..set flameVar_dripsSpeedScaleRand 0.2261
..set flameVar_dripsVelocityAddZ 4.7064
..set flameVar_dripsVelocityAddZRand -20.0000
..set flameVar_dripsVelocityAddSideways 0.3372
..set flameVar_dripsGravity 330.2344
..set flameVar_dripsGravityEnd 421.2841
..set flameVar_dripsMaxRotVel 70.0000
..set flameVar_dripsFriction 0.7494
..set flameVar_dripsEndSizeAdd 0.0000
..set flameVar_dripsStartSizeScale 0.1963
..set flameVar_dripsEndSizeScale 0.0000
..set flameVar_smokeLife 1.6796
..set flameVar_smokeLifeRand 0.6905
..set flameVar_smokeSpeedScale 0.1413
..set flameVar_smokeVelocityAddZ 0.0000
..set flameVar_smokeGravity -77.2271
..set flameVar_smokeGravityEnd 0.0000
..set flameVar_smokeMaxRotation 47.4966
..set flameVar_smokeMaxRotVel 28.4878
..set flameVar_smokeFriction 0.2766
..set flameVar_smokeEndSizeAdd 103.6991
..set flameVar_smokeStartSizeAdd 0.0000
..set flameVar_smokeOriginSizeOfsZScale 0.0000
..set flameVar_smokeOriginOfsZ -0.9694
..set flameVar_smokeFadein 0.0825
..set flameVar_smokeFadeout 0.1943
..set flameVar_smokeMaxAlpha 0.7901
..set flameVar_smokeBrightness 1.0000
..set flameVar_smokeOriginOffset 25.4001
..set flameVar_collisionSpeedScale 0.6000
..set flameVar_collisionVolumeScale 0.5000
..set flameVar_initialHitDamage 5.0000
..set flameVar_timedDamageDuration 5000.0000
..set flameVar_timedDamageInterval 1000.0000
(fast side to side movement)
..set player_strafeSpeedScale1 "1.5"
(fast Sprint)
..set player_sprintSpeedScale "4.0"
(unlimited sprint)
..set player_sprintUnlimited "1"
(Fast backwards walk)
..set player_backSpeedScale "2.0"
(camera doesn't bob when running)
..set player_sprintCameraBob "0"
(knife from far away)
..set player_meleeRange "999"
(increased clip)
..set player_clipSizeMultiplier "999"
(about 5 minute last stand time)
..set player_lastStandBleedoutTime250
(far away revives)
..set Revive_Trigger_Radius "99999"
(host only) (laser dot sight)
..set cg_laserForceOn "1"
(increased double tap, must by perk)
..set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.001"
(Increased jug, must by perk)
..set perk_armorvest "0"
(fast reload, must by perk)
..set perk_weapReloadMultiplier "0.001"
(health increased by 1 hit)
..set player_deathInvulnerableToMelee "1"
(Ping is shown on scoreboard)
..set cg_scoreboardpingtext "1"
(enables special clantags)
..set superuser "1"
(Specail Clantags)
..set developeruser "1"
(force host)
..set party_hostname "your gamertag here"
(force host)
..set party_host "1"
(starts new party)
..set party_connectToOthers "0"
(forces host)
..set party_iamhost "1"
(far knockbacks)
..set g_knockback "9999"
(Zombies don't spawn)
..set g_ai "0"
(Zombies don't spawn)
..set ai_disableSpawn "1"
(zombies give up quick)
..set ai_noPathToEnemyGiveupTime "2000"
(increased walk speed)
..set g_speed "1000"
(2x the normal speed)
..set timescale "2.0"
(Zombies float when deadn host only)
..set phys_gravity "99"
(no fog)
..set r_fog "0"
(dogs don't move)
..set Zombie_dog_animset "human"
(random box doesn't move)
..set magic_chest_movable "0"
(unlimited ammo)
..set player_sustainAmmo "1"
(jump high)
..set jump_height "999"
(Bowie Knife damage)
..set perk_altMeleeDamage "10000"
(Bowie Knife lunge time)
..set Perk_altMeleeLerpTime "10"
(Low gravity)
..set g_gravity "60"
(Add these as is no ..set in front , the periods are hex value of [0D 0A])
..collectible_add "collectible_sticksstones
..collectible_add "collectible_vampire"
..collectible_add "collectible_berserker"
..collectible_add "collectible_zombie"
..collectible_add "collectible_paintball"
..collectible_add "collectible_dirtyharry"
..collectible_add "collectible_morphine"
..collectible_add "collectible_thunder"
..collectible_add "collectible_flak_jacket"
..collectible_add "collectible_hardcore"
..collectible_add "collectible_body_armor"
..collectible_add "collectible_hard_headed"
..collectible_add "collectible_dead_hands"
actionSlotsHide "0"
activeAction ""
A ai_corpseCount "8"
C ai_debugAnimDeltas "0"
C ai_debugClaimedNodes "0"
C ai_debugCoverEntityNum "-1"
ai_debugEntIndex "-1"
C ai_debugFindPath "0"
C ai_debugFindPathDirect "0"
C ai_debugFindPathLock "0"
C ai_debugFindPathWidth "0"
C ai_debugMayMove "0"
A C ai_debugMeleeAttackSpots "0"
A C ai_debugThreatSelection "0"
C ai_disableSpawn "0"
ai_enableBadPlaces "1"
C ai_eventDistBadPlace "256"
C ai_eventDistBullet "96"
C ai_eventDistDeath "1024"
C ai_eventDistExplosion "1024"
C ai_eventDistFootstep "512"
C ai_eventDistFootstepLite "256"
C ai_eventDistGrenadePing "512"
C ai_eventDistGunShot "2048"
C ai_eventDistNewEnemy "1024"
C ai_eventDistPain "512"
C ai_eventDistProjImpact "512"
C ai_eventDistProjPing "128"
C ai_eventDistSilencedShot "128"
C ai_foliageSeeThroughDist "128"
C ai_friendlySuppression "1"
C ai_friendlySuppressionDist "128"
C ai_maxAttackerCount "2"
C ai_meleeHeight "10"
C ai_meleeRange "64"
C ai_meleeWidth "20"
C ai_moveOrientMode "invalid"
C ai_noDodge "0"
C ai_noPathToEnemyGiveupTime "6000"
C ai_pathMomentum "0.78"
C ai_pathNegotiationOverlapCost "300"
ai_playerFarAccuracy "0.1"
ai_playerFarRange "2000"
ai_playerNearAccuracy "0.5"
ai_playerNearRange "800"
C ai_showBadPlaces "0"
C ai_showDodge "0"
C ai_showNearestNode "0"
C ai_showNodes "0"
C ai_showNodesDist "384"
C ai_showPaths "0"
C ai_showPotentialThreatDir "0"
C ai_showVisData "0"
C ai_showVisDataDist "1000"
C ai_showVolume "-1"
C ai_threatUpdateInterval "500"
C aim_accel_turnrate_debug "0"
C aim_accel_turnrate_enabled "1"
C aim_accel_turnrate_lerp "1200"
C aim_autoaim_debug "0"
C aim_autoaim_enabled "0"
C aim_autoaim_lerp "40"
C aim_autoaim_region_height "120"
C aim_autoaim_region_width "160"
C aim_autobayonet_range "200"
C aim_automelee_debug "0"
C aim_automelee_enabled "1"
C aim_automelee_lerp "40"
C aim_automelee_maxpitch "30"
C aim_automelee_range "128"
C aim_automelee_region_height "240"
C aim_automelee_region_width "320"
C aim_input_graph_debug "0"
C aim_input_graph_enabled "1"
C aim_input_graph_index "3"
C aim_lockon_debug "0"
C aim_lockon_deflection "0.05"
C aim_lockon_enabled "1"
C aim_lockon_region_height "90"
C aim_lockon_region_width "90"
C aim_lockon_strength "0.6"
C aim_scale_view_axis "1"
C aim_slowdown_debug "0"
C aim_slowdown_enabled "1"
C aim_slowdown_pitch_scale "0.4"
C aim_slowdown_pitch_scale_ads "0.5"
C aim_slowdown_region_extended_height "90"
C aim_slowdown_region_extended_width "90"
C aim_slowdown_region_height "90"
C aim_slowdown_region_width "90"
C aim_slowdown_yaw_scale "0.4"
C aim_slowdown_yaw_scale_ads "0.5"
C aim_target_aim_tag_fast_update_interval "59"
C aim_target_aim_tag_slow_update_interval "131"
C aim_target_frustum_expand_fast_updates "40"
C aim_target_frustum_expand_on_screen "-30"
C aim_target_frustum_min_distance "256"
C aim_target_sentient_half_height "32"
C aim_target_sentient_radius "10"
C aim_turnrate_pitch "90"
C aim_turnrate_pitch_ads "55"
C aim_turnrate_yaw "260"
C aim_turnrate_yaw_ads "90"
ammoCounterHide "0"
C authPort "20800"
C authServerName ""
bcmp_incoming_grenade_probability "50"
bcmp_kill_inform_probability "50"
bcmp_killstreak_incoming_probability "50"
bcmp_perk_call_probability "50"
bcmp_sniper_kill_probability "25"
bcmp_toss_grenade_probability "50"
bcmp_weapon_delay "2000"
bcmp_weapon_fire_probability "90"
bettyDetonateRadius "150"
bettyTimeBeforeDetonate "0.45"
bettyUpVelocity "296"
C bg_aimSpreadMoveSpeedThreshold "11"
C bg_bobAmplitudeDucked "0.0075 0.0075"
C bg_bobAmplitudeProne "0.02 0.005"
C bg_bobAmplitudeSprinting "0.02 0.014"
C bg_bobAmplitudeStanding "0.007 0.007"
C bg_bobMax "8"
C bg_fallDamageMaxHeight "300"
C bg_fallDamageMinHeight "128"
C bg_foliagesnd_fastinterval "500"
C bg_foliagesnd_maxspeed "180"
C bg_foliagesnd_minspeed "40"
C bg_foliagesnd_resetinterval "500"
C bg_foliagesnd_slowinterval "1500"
C bg_ladder_yawcap "100"
C bg_legYawTolerance "20"
C bg_maxGrenadeIndicatorSpeed "27"
C bg_prone_yawcap "85"
C bg_shock_lookControl "0"
C bg_shock_lookControl_fadeTime "0.001"
C bg_shock_lookControl_maxpitchspeed "0"
C bg_shock_lookControl_maxyawspeed "0"
C bg_shock_lookControl_mousesensitivityscale "0"
C bg_shock_movement "1"
C bg_shock_screenBlurBlendFadeTime "0.001"
C bg_shock_screenBlurBlendTime "0.001"
C bg_shock_screenFlashShotFadeTime "0"
C bg_shock_screenFlashWhiteFadeTime "0"
C bg_shock_screenType "blurred"
C bg_shock_sound "1"
C bg_shock_soundDryLevel "1"
C bg_shock_soundEnd "player_shock_end"
C bg_shock_soundEndAbort "player_shock_oneshot"
C bg_shock_soundFadeInTime "0.25"
C bg_shock_soundFadeOutTime "2.5"
C bg_shock_soundLoop "player_shock_loop"
C bg_shock_soundLoopEndDelay "-1.5"
C bg_shock_soundLoopFadeTime "2"
C bg_shock_soundLoopSilent "player_shock_silent"
C bg_shock_soundModEndDelay "-0.75"
C bg_shock_soundRoomType "generic"
C bg_shock_soundWetLevel "0.5"
C bg_shock_viewKickFadeTime "0.001"
C bg_shock_viewKickPeriod "0.75"
C bg_shock_viewKickRadius "0"
C bg_shock_volume_ambience "0.1"
C bg_shock_volume_banzai "0.5"
C bg_shock_volume_character "0.1"
C bg_shock_volume_decay "1"
C bg_shock_volume_dist_hmg "0.5"
C bg_shock_volume_dist_wpn "0.5"
C bg_shock_volume_explosion "0.1"
C bg_shock_volume_full_vol "1"
C bg_shock_volume_hvy_wpn "0.1"
C bg_shock_volume_music "1"
C bg_shock_volume_physics "0.1"
C bg_shock_volume_pis_1st "1"
C bg_shock_volume_pis_3rd "0.1"
C bg_shock_volume_projectile "0.1"
C bg_shock_volume_reload "0.5"
C bg_shock_volume_rfl_1st "1"
C bg_shock_volume_rfl_3rd "0.1"
C bg_shock_volume_smg_1st "1"
C bg_shock_volume_smg_3rd "0.1"
C bg_shock_volume_ui "1"
C bg_shock_volume_vehicle "0.1"
C bg_shock_volume_vehicle_mp "0.5"
C bg_shock_volume_voice "1"
C bg_swingSpeed "0.2"
C bg_viewKickMax "90"
C bg_viewKickMin "5"
C bg_viewKickRandom "0.4"
C bg_viewKickScale "0.2"
C bullet_penetrationEnabled "1"
C bullet_penetrationMinFxDist "30"
C cg_airstrikeKillCamCloseXYDist "24"
C cg_airstrikeKillCamCloseZDist "24"
C cg_airstrikeKillCamFarBlur "2"
C cg_airstrikeKillCamFarBlurDist "300"
C cg_airstrikeKillCamFarBlurStart "100"
C cg_airstrikeKillCamFov "50"
C cg_airstrikeKillCamNearBlur "4"
C cg_airstrikeKillCamNearBlurEnd "100"
C cg_airstrikeKillCamNearBlurStart "0"
R cg_allow_mature "1"
C cg_artilleryKillCamBackDist "125"
C cg_artilleryKillCamFov "30"
C cg_artilleryKillCamGroundBackDist "30"
C cg_artilleryKillCamGroundUpDist "15"
C cg_artilleryKillCamUpDist "10"
C cg_artilleryKillCamWallOutDist "10"
C cg_artilleryKillCamWallSideDist "30"
A cg_blood "1"
A cg_brass "1"
C cg_canSeeFriendlyFrustumExpand "-30"
C cg_canSeeFriendlyFrustumMinDistance "100"
C cg_canSeeFriendlyFrustumUpdateInterval "250"
C cg_centertime "5"
A cg_chatHeight "8"
A cg_chatTime "12000"
A cg_connectionIconSize "0"
C cg_constantSizeHeadIcons "0"
A C cg_crosshairAlpha "1"
A C cg_crosshairAlphaMin "0.5"
A C cg_crosshairDynamic "0"
A C cg_crosshairEnemyColor "1"
A cg_cursorHints "4"
cg_deadChatWithDead "0"
cg_deadChatWithTeam "1"
cg_deadHearAllLiving "0"
cg_deadHearTeamLiving "1"
C cg_debug_overlay_viewport "0"
cg_debugDrawSafeAreas "0"
C cg_debugevents "0"
A cg_debugInfoCornerOffset "0 0"
C cg_debugMounting "0"
C cg_debugposition "0"
A cg_descriptiveText "1"
cg_development "0"
C cg_dogKillCamDistFromEyes "20"
C cg_dogKillCamForwardDist "-40"
C cg_dogKillCamFov "90"
C cg_dogKillCamSideDist "0"
C cg_dogKillCamUpDist "10"
C cg_dogKillMinDistFromTarget "100"
C cg_draw2D "1"
A cg_drawBreathHint "1"
A cg_drawCrosshair "1"
A C cg_drawCrosshairNames "1"
cg_drawCrosshairNamesPosX "300"
cg_drawCrosshairNamesPosY "180"
cg_drawErrorMessages "1"
A cg_drawFPS "Off"
A cg_drawFPSLabels "1"
A cg_drawFPSOnly "0"
C cg_drawFriendlyNames "1"
C cg_drawGun "1"
C cg_drawHealth "0"
A cg_drawLagometer "0"
A cg_drawMantleHint "1"
C cg_drawMaterial "Off"
cg_drawpaused "1"
cg_drawScriptUsage "0"
C cg_drawShellshock "1"
A cg_drawSnapshot "0"
A cg_drawSnapshotTime "1"
cg_drawSpectatorMessages "1"
cg_drawTalk "ALL"
C cg_drawThroughWalls "0"
A cg_drawTurretCrosshair "1"
C cg_dumpAnims "-1"
C cg_enemyNameFadeIn "250"
C cg_enemyNameFadeOut "250"
cg_errordecay "100"
cg_everyoneHearsEveryone "0"
C cg_explosiveKillCamBackDist "35"
C cg_explosiveKillCamGroundBackDist "30"
C cg_explosiveKillCamGroundUpDist "15"
C cg_explosiveKillCamUpDist "5"
C cg_explosiveKillCamWallOutDist "10"
C cg_explosiveKillCamWallSideDist "30"
C cg_firstPersonTracerChance "0"
A C cg_flareVisionSetFadeDuration "2000"
C cg_footprints "1"
C cg_footprintsDebug "0"
C cg_footprintsDistortWater "0"
C cg_footsteps "1"
A cg_fov "65"
C cg_fovMin "10"
C cg_fovScale "1"
C cg_friendlyNameFadeIn "0"
C cg_friendlyNameFadeOut "1500"
A cg_gameBoldMessageWidth "390"
A cg_gameMessageWidth "455"
C cg_gun_move_f "0"
C cg_gun_move_minspeed "0"
C cg_gun_move_r "0"
C cg_gun_move_rate "0"
C cg_gun_move_u "0"
C cg_gun_ofs_f "0"
C cg_gun_ofs_r "0"
C cg_gun_ofs_u "0"
C cg_gun_x "0"
C cg_gun_y "0"
C cg_gun_z "0"
A cg_headIconMinScreenRadius "0.015"
C cg_heliKillCamDist "1000"
C cg_heliKillCamFarBlur "2"
C cg_heliKillCamFarBlurDist "300"
C cg_heliKillCamFarBlurStart "100"
C cg_heliKillCamFov "15"
C cg_heliKillCamNearBlur "4"
C cg_heliKillCamNearBlurEnd "100"
C cg_heliKillCamNearBlurStart "0"
C cg_heliKillCamZDist "50"
A cg_hintFadeTime "100"
cg_hudChatPosition "5 200"
A cg_hudDamageIconHeight "64"
A cg_hudDamageIconInScope "0"
A cg_hudDamageIconOffset "128"
A cg_hudDamageIconTime "2000"
A cg_hudDamageIconWidth "128"
A cg_hudGrenadeIconEnabledFlash "0"
A cg_hudGrenadeIconHeight "25"
A cg_hudGrenadeIconInScope "0"
A cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxHeight "104"
C cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFlash "500"
C cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFrag "250"
A cg_hudGrenadeIconOffset "50"
A cg_hudGrenadeIconWidth "25"
cg_hudGrenadeIndicatorStartColor "1 1 1 1"
cg_hudGrenadeIndicatorTargetColor "1 1 1 1"
A cg_hudGrenadePointerHeight "12"
A cg_hudGrenadePointerPivot "12 27"
cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseFreq "1.7"
cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseMax "1.85"
cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseMin "0.3"
A cg_hudGrenadePointerWidth "25"
cg_hudlegacysplitscreenscale "2"
A cg_hudMapBorderWidth "2"
A cg_hudMapFriendlyHeight "15"
A cg_hudMapFriendlyWidth "15"
A cg_hudMapPlayerHeight "20"
A cg_hudMapPlayerWidth "20"
A C cg_hudMapRadarLineThickness "0.15"
cg_hudObjectiveTextScale "0.3"
A cg_hudProneY "-160"
cg_hudSayPosition "5 180"
cg_hudsplitscreencompassscale "1.5"
cg_hudsplitscreenstancescale "2"
cg_hudStanceFlash "1 1 1 1"
A cg_hudStanceHintPrints "0"
A cg_invalidCmdHintBlinkInterval "600"
A cg_invalidCmdHintDuration "1800"
C cg_kamikazeCamFov "45"
C cg_laserEndOffset "0.5"
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A C cg_MinDownedPulseRate "1"
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U A cg_predictItems "1"
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A cg_ScoresPing_BgColor "0.25098 0.25098 0.25098 0.501961"
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A C cg_timedDamageDuration "500"
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C cg_tracerScrewRadius "0.5"
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A cg_viewZSmoothingTime "0.1"
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A C cg_visionSetLerpMaxIncreasePerFrame "0.02"
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C cg_watersheeting "1"
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cg_weaponleftbone "tag_weapon_left"
cg_weaponrightbone "tag_weapon_right"
A cg_youInKillCamSize "6"
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U IA cl_punkbuster "1"
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R cl_updateversion ""
U A cl_voice "1"
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U A cl_wwwDownload "1"
A cl_yawspeed "140"
UR A clanName ""
R collectors "0"
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compass "1"
A C compassClampIcons "1"
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C compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed "140"
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A compassFriendlyWidth "18.75"
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A compassMinRange "0.0001"
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A compassPlayerWidth "18.75"
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A C compassSoundPingFadeTime "2"
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con_default_console_filter "*"
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A customclass1 "Custom 1"
A customclass2 "Custom 2"
A customclass3 "Custom 3"
A customclass4 "Custom 4"
A customclass5 "Custom 5"
debug_destructibles "0"
debug_dog_anims "0"
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debug_reflection "0"
debug_trace "0"
C DebugFireManager "0"
L dedicated "listen server"
defaultDamageDuration "300"
defaultDamageInterval "300"
defaultHitDamage "5"
destructibles_enable_physics "1"
developer "0"
developer_script "0"
didyouknow "@PLATFORM_DYK_MSG33"
C dog_debug "1"
A drew_notes "1"
dw_active "1"
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dw_numaccounts "0"
dw_popup ""
dw_user0 ""
dw_user1 ""
dw_user2 ""
dw_user3 ""
dw_user4 ""
C dynEnt_bulletForce "800"
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C dynEnt_spawnedLimit "50"
C dynEntPieces_angularVelocity "0 0 0"
C dynEntPieces_impactForce "1000"
C dynEntPieces_velocity "0 0 0"
fire_audio_random_max_duration "1000"
fire_audio_repeat_duration "1500"
fire_spread_probability "0"
fire_stage1_burn_time "3000"
fire_stage2_burn_time "0"
fire_stage3_burn_time "0"
fire_world_damage "20"
fire_world_damage_duration "8"
fire_world_damage_rate "0.25"
C fixedtime "0"
flame_config_valid "0"
C flame_debug_render "0"
C flame_kick_offset "-5 0 0"
C flame_kick_recover_speed "3"
C flame_kick_speed "1"
C flame_render "1"
C flame_team_damage "0"
C flame_test "0"
C flame_use_dvars "0"
flameVar_editingFlameTable "none"
flameVar_lastFlameTable "none"
flare_distance_scale "16"
flare_duration "8"
flare_effect_radius "400"
flareBurnOutFadeWait "0.65"
flareDisableEffects "0"
flareLookAwayFadeWait "0.45"
C friction "5.5"
I fs_basegame ""
I fs_basepath "I:ProgrammeActivisionCall of Duty - World at War"
I fs_cdpath ""
I fs_copyfiles "0"
fs_debug "0"
S I fs_game ""
I fs_homepath "I:ProgrammeActivisionCall of Duty - World at War"
LC fs_ignoreLocalized "0"
I fs_localAppData "I:Dokumente und EinstellungenUsernameLokale EinstellungenAnwendungsdatenActivisionCoDWaW"
I fs_personalDocuments "I:Dokumente und EinstellungenUsernameEigene DateienActivisionCoDWaW"
I fs_restrict "0"
I fs_usedevdir "0"
C fx_count "0"
fx_cull_effect_spawn "0"
fx_cull_elem_draw "1"
fx_cull_elem_spawn "1"
C fx_debugBolt "0"
C fx_draw "1"
C fx_draw_weapon_tags "0"
C fx_drawClouds "1"
C fx_enable "1"
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C fx_mark_profile "0"
A fx_marks "1"
A fx_marks_ents "1"
A fx_marks_smodels "1"
C fx_priority_debug "0"
C fx_priority_enable "0"
C fx_profile "0"
C fx_visMinTraceDist "80"
S fxfrustumCutoff "1000"
C g_ai "1"
C g_aiEventDump "-1"
A g_allowvote "1"
R g_antilag "1"
A g_banIPs ""
g_client_side_lights "1"
A g_clonePlayerMaxVelocity "80"
S C g_compassShowEnemies "0"
g_connectpaths "0"
A g_deadChat "0"
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C g_debugDamage "0"
C g_debugLocDamage "0"
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A g_dropUpSpeedBase "10"
A g_dropUpSpeedRand "5"
C g_dumpAnims "-1"
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C g_entinfo_AItext "brief"
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C g_entinfo_scale "1"
C g_entinfo_type "AI only"
C g_erroronpathsnotconnected "1"
R C g_fogColorReadOnly "1 0 0 1"
R C g_fogHalfDistReadOnly "0.1"
R C g_fogStartDistReadOnly "0"
C g_friendlyfireDist "256"
C g_friendlyNameDist "15000"
S L g_gametype "twar"
g_gravity "800"
g_inactivity "0"
g_knockback "1000"
g_listEntity "0"
A g_log "games_mp.log"
A g_logSync "0"
C g_mantleBlockTimeBuffer "500"
g_maxDroppedWeapons "16"
C g_minGrenadeDamageSpeed "400"
g_motd ""
g_no_script_spam "0"
A g_oldVoting "1"
g_password ""
A g_playerCollisionEjectSpeed "25"
AL g_redCrosshairs "1"
g_revive "0"
g_ScoresColor_Allies "0 0 0 0"
g_ScoresColor_Axis "0.521569 0.278431 0.278431 0"
g_ScoresColor_EnemyTeam "0.690196 0.0705882 0.0509804 1"
g_ScoresColor_Free "0.760784 0.780392 0.101961 0"
g_ScoresColor_MyTeam "0.25098 0.721569 0.25098 1"
g_ScoresColor_Spectator "0.25098 0.25098 0.25098 0"
g_smoothClients "1"
LC g_spawnai "1"
g_speed "190"
g_synchronousClients "0"
g_TeamColor_Allies "0.501961 0.501961 0.501961 0"
g_TeamColor_Axis "0.521569 0.278431 0.278431 0"
g_TeamColor_EnemyTeam "1 0.313726 0.34902 0"
g_TeamColor_Free "0.74902 0.25098 0.25098 1"
g_TeamColor_MyTeam "0.4 0.698039 0.4 0"
g_TeamColor_Spectator "0.25098 0.25098 0.25098 1"
g_TeamColor_Squad "0.313726 0.34902 1 0"
g_TeamIcon_Allies "faction_128_american"
g_TeamIcon_Axis "faction_128_japan"
g_TeamIcon_Free ""
g_TeamIcon_Spectator ""
g_TeamName_Allies "MPUI_MARINE_SHORT"
C g_turretBipodOffset "17"
C g_turretServerPitchMax "10"
C g_turretServerPitchMin "15"
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A C g_useholdspawndelay "1"
g_useholdtime "0"
C g_vehicleDebug "0"
C g_vehicleTexScrollScale "0"
A g_voiceChatTalkingDuration "500"
A g_voteAbstainWeight "0.5"
R gamedate "Oct 9 2008"
S R gamename "Call of Duty: World at War"
R hiDef "1"
A hud_deathQuoteFadeTime "1000"
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A hud_flash_period_offhand "0.5"
A hud_flash_time_offhand "2"
A hud_health_pulserate_critical "0.5"
A hud_health_pulserate_injured "1"
A hud_health_startpulse_critical "0.33"
A hud_health_startpulse_injured "1"
C hud_healthOverlay_phaseEnd_pulseDuration "700"
C hud_healthOverlay_phaseEnd_toAlpha "0"
C hud_healthOverlay_phaseOne_pulseDuration "150"
C hud_healthOverlay_phaseThree_pulseDuration "400"
C hud_healthOverlay_phaseThree_toAlphaMultiplier "0.6"
C hud_healthOverlay_phaseTwo_pulseDuration "320"
C hud_healthOverlay_phaseTwo_toAlphaMultiplier "0.7"
C hud_healthOverlay_pulseStart "0.55"
C hud_healthOverlay_regenPauseTime "8000"
C hudElemPausedBrightness "0.4"
C ik_debug "0"
C ik_enable "1"
C ik_enable_ai_hand "0"
C ik_enable_ai_terrain "1"
C ik_enable_player_hand "0"
C ik_enable_player_terrain "1"
C ik_foot_test "0"
C ik_hand_test "0"
C ik_left_hand_lerp_test "0"
C ik_optimization "1"
C ik_pelvis_test "0"
C ik_right_hand_lerp_test "0"
AL in_mouse "1"
C inertiaAngle "0"
C inertiaDebug "0"
C inertiaMax "50"
invite_visible "1"
C jump_height "39"
C jump_ladderPushVel "128"
C jump_slowdownEnable "1"
C jump_spreadAdd "64"
C jump_stepSize "18"
killcam_title "@MP_KILLCAM"
koth_autodestroytime "60"
koth_capturetime "20"
koth_delayPlayer "0"
koth_destroytime "10"
koth_kothmode "0"
koth_spawnDelay "60"
koth_spawntime "0"
language "english"
AL loc_forceEnglish "0"
AL loc_language "0"
L loc_translate "1"
loc_warnings "0"
loc_warningsAsErrors "0"
logfile "2"
long_blocking_call "0"
lowAmmoWarningColor1 "0.901961 0.901961 0.901961 0.8"
lowAmmoWarningColor2 "1 1 1 1"
lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor1 "0.8 0 0 0.8"
lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor2 "1 0 0 1"
lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor1 "0.701961 0.701961 0 0.8"
lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor2 "1 1 0 1"
lowAmmoWarningPulseFreq "1.7"
lowAmmoWarningPulseMax "1.5"
lowAmmoWarningPulseMin "0"
A m_filter "0"
A m_forward "0.25"
A m_pitch "0.022"
A m_side "0.25"
A m_yaw "0.022"
C mantle_check_angle "60"
C mantle_check_radius "0.1"
C mantle_check_range "20"
C mantle_debug "0"
C mantle_enable "1"
C mantle_view_yawcap "60"
S R mapname "mp_airfield"
C masterPort "20810"
C masterServerName ""
C melee_debug "0"
missileDebugAttractors "0"
missileDebugDraw "0"
missileDebugText "0"
C missileHellfireMaxSlope "0.5"
C missileHellfireUpAccel "1000"
C missileJavAccelClimb "300"
C missileJavAccelDescend "3000"
C missileJavClimbAngleDirect "85"
C missileJavClimbAngleTop "50"
C missileJavClimbCeilingDirect "0"
C missileJavClimbCeilingTop "3000"
C missileJavClimbHeightDirect "10000"
C missileJavClimbHeightTop "15000"
C missileJavClimbToOwner "700"
C missileJavSpeedLimitClimb "1000"
C missileJavSpeedLimitDescend "6000"
C missileJavTurnDecel "0.05"
C missileJavTurnRateDirect "60"
C missileJavTurnRateTop "100"
C missileMolotovBlobNum "5"
C missileMolotovBlobTime "2"
C missileWaterMaxDepth "60"
A monkeytoy "0"
motd ""
msg_dumpEnts "0"
msg_hudelemspew "0"
msg_printEntityNums "0"
U A name "Unknown Soldier"
L net_ip "localhost"
net_lanauthorize "0"
net_minigraph "0"
AL net_noipx "0"
AL net_noudp "0"
L net_port "28960"
net_profile "0"
net_showprofile "0"
AL net_socksEnabled "0"
AL net_socksPassword ""
AL net_socksPort "1080"
AL net_socksServer ""
AL net_socksUsername ""
nextdemo ""
nextmap "map_restart"
nightVisionDisableEffects "0"
nightVisionFadeInOutTime "0.1"
nightVisionPowerOnTime "0.3"
ns_d "0"
ns_k "0"
ns_n ""
ns_r "0"
ns_ri "0"
ns_x "0"
C onlinegame "1"
overrideNVGModelWithKnife "0"
packetDebug "0"
U password ""
R pc_newversionavailable "0"
S penetrationCount "5"
perk_armorVest "75"
perk_bulletDamage "40"
C perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier "2"
perk_explosiveDamage "25"
C perk_extraBreath "5"
perk_fireproof "55"
perk_flakJacket "75"
perk_flakJacketMaxDamage "75"
C perk_grenadeDeath "frag_grenade_short_mp"
C perk_grenadeTossBackTimer "2500"
C perk_overheatReduction "0.7"
C perk_sprintMultiplier "2"
C perk_turretRotSpeedMultiplier "1.25"
C perk_vehicleReloadReduction "0.7"
C perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.75"
C perk_weapReloadMultiplier "0.5"
C perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.65"
phys_bulletSpinScale "3"
phys_bulletUpBias "0.5"
phys_buoyancyFastComputation "0"
phys_buoyancyRippleFrequency "3000"
phys_buoyancyRippleVariance "2000"
phys_dragAngular "0.5"
phys_dragLinear "0.03"
phys_drawAwake "0"
phys_drawCollisionObj "0"
phys_drawCollisionWorld "0"
phys_drawcontacts "0"
phys_drawDebugInfo "0"
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phys_entityCollision "1"
phys_floatTimeVariance "30000"
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phys_gravity "-800"
phys_heavyTankSwitch "0"
phys_impact_distance_cutoff "3000"
phys_impact_fx "1"
phys_impact_intensity_limit "50"
phys_impact_max_pfx_per_frame "10"
phys_impact_max_sfx_per_frame "10"
phys_impact_render "0"
phys_impact_silence_window "0.3"
phys_interBodyCollision "1"
phys_maxFloatTime "180000"
phys_msecstep "0"
phys_ragdoll_joint_damp_scale "0.04"
phys_ragdoll_self_collision "1"
phys_reeval_frequency "5"
phys_terrain_collision "1"
phys_userRigidBodies "1"
phys_vehicleFriction "0.1"
phys_waterDragAngular "-2"
phys_waterDragLinear "-1"
C pickupPrints "0"
C player_adsExitDelay "0"
player_AimBlend_Back_Low "0.2 0.4 0.5"
player_AimBlend_Back_Mid "0.3 0.4 0.5"
player_AimBlend_Back_Up "0.5 0.2 -0.6"
player_AimBlend_Head "0 0 0"
player_AimBlend_Neck "0.3 0.3 0"
player_AimBlend_Shoulder "1 1 1"
C player_backSpeedScale "0.7"
C player_bayonetRange "85"
C player_bayonetTargetDist "65"
C player_breath_fire_delay "0"
C player_breath_gasp_lerp "6"
C player_breath_gasp_scale "4.5"
C player_breath_gasp_time "1"
C player_breath_hold_lerp "1"
C player_breath_hold_time "4.5"
C player_breath_snd_delay "1"
C player_breath_snd_lerp "2"
C player_burstFireCooldown "0.2"
C player_clipSizeMultiplier "1"
C player_debugHealth "0"
C player_dmgtimer_flinchTime "500"
C player_dmgtimer_maxTime "750"
C player_dmgtimer_minScale "0"
C player_dmgtimer_stumbleTime "500"
C player_dmgtimer_timePerPoint "100"
R C player_footstepsThreshhold "0"
player_lastStandBleedoutTime "30"
C player_lastStandHealthOverlayTime "8"
C player_meleeChargeFriction "1200"
C player_meleeHeight "10"
C player_meleeRange "64"
C player_meleeWidth "10"
C player_MGUseRadius "128"
C player_move_factor_on_torso "0"
R C player_moveThreshhold "10"
C player_revivePlayerListCycleTime "2"
C player_reviveTriggerRadius "64"
C player_reviveXP "2"
C player_scopeExitOnDamage "0"
C player_spectateSpeedScale "1"
C player_sprintCameraBob "0.5"
player_sprintForwardMinimum "105"
C player_sprintMinTime "1"
C player_sprintRechargePause "0"
C player_sprintSpeedScale "1.5"
C player_sprintStrafeSpeedScale "0.667"
C player_sprintTime "4"
C player_sprintUnlimited "0"
C player_strafeAnimCosAngle "0.5"
C player_strafeSpeedScale "0.8"
C player_sustainAmmo "0"
C player_swimDamage "15"
C player_swimDamagerInterval "1"
C player_swimTime "16"
C player_throwbackInnerRadius "90"
C player_throwbackOuterRadius "160"
C player_turnAnims "0"
player_unlock_page "0"
player_unlockattachment0a ""
player_unlockattachment0b ""
player_unlockattachment1a ""
player_unlockattachment1b ""
player_unlockattachment2a ""
player_unlockattachment2b ""
player_unlockattachments "0"
player_unlockcamo0a ""
player_unlockcamo0b ""
player_unlockcamo1a ""
player_unlockcamo1b ""
player_unlockcamo2a ""
player_unlockcamo2b ""
player_unlockcamos "0"
player_unlockchallenge0 ""
player_unlockchallenge1 ""
player_unlockchallenge2 ""
player_unlockchallenges "0"
player_unlockfeature0 ""
player_unlockfeature1 ""
player_unlockfeature2 ""
player_unlockfeatures "0"
player_unlockperk0 ""
player_unlockperk1 ""
player_unlockperk2 ""
player_unlockperks "0"
player_unlockweapon0 ""
player_unlockweapon1 ""
player_unlockweapon2 ""
player_unlockweapons "0"
C player_view_pitch_down "85"
C player_view_pitch_up "85"
C player_waterSpeedScale "1.3"
poisonDuration "8"
R presell "0"
A prestigeclass1 "Custom 6"
A prestigeclass2 "Custom 7"
A prestigeclass3 "Custom 8"
A prestigeclass4 "Custom 9"
A prestigeclass5 "Custom 10"
R primaryWeaponOffset "0"
A profile_physics "0"
S R protocol "93"
ps_ac "0"
ps_ak "0"
ps_c "0"
ps_d "0"
ps_dc "0"
ps_dk "0"
ps_h "0"
ps_k "0"
ps_kds "0"
ps_m "0"
ps_n ""
ps_r "0"
ps_s "0"
ps_st "0"
ps_x "0"
A r_aaAlpha "dither (fast)"
AL r_aaSamples "2"
AL r_aspectRatio "auto"
A r_autopriority "0"
C r_blur "0"
A r_blur_allowed "1"
C r_brightness "0"
r_brushLimit "512"
r_burnedDestructibleColor "0.4"
r_cacheModelLighting "1"
r_cacheSModelLighting "1"
r_clear "blink"
r_clearColor "0 0 0 0"
r_clearColor2 "0 0 0 0"
C r_colorMap "Unchanged"
C r_contrast "1"
A r_cosmeticCullMax "16"
A r_cosmeticCullMin "16"
AL r_customMode ""
A r_cycleSizeCull "0"
A r_debugLineWidth "1"
C r_debugShader "none"
C r_debugShowCoronas "0"
C r_debugShowDynamicLights "0"
C r_debugShowPrimaryLights "0"
A r_depthPrepass "0"
C r_desaturation "1"
r_detail "1"
C r_diffuseColorScale "1"
AL r_displayRefresh "60 Hz"
A r_distortion "0"
r_dlightLimit "4"
r_dlightMaxFullScreenRadius "1000"
r_dlightMaxNonFullScreenRadius "200"
r_dobjLimit "512"
C r_dof_bias "0.5"
A r_dof_enable "1"
C r_dof_farBlur "1.8"
C r_dof_farEnd "7000"
C r_dof_farStart "1000"
C r_dof_nearBlur "6"
C r_dof_nearEnd "60"
C r_dof_nearStart "10"
C r_dof_tweak "0"
C r_dof_viewModelEnd "8"
C r_dof_viewModelStart "2"
C r_drawDebugFogParams "0"
C r_drawWater "1"
r_envMapExponent "5"
r_envMapMaxIntensity "0.5"
r_envMapMinIntensity "0.2"
r_envMapOverride "0"
r_envMapSpecular "1"
r_envMapSunIntensity "2"
A r_fastSkin "0"
r_filmTweakBrightness "0"
r_filmTweakContrast "1.4"
r_filmTweakDarkTint "0.7 0.85 1"
r_filmTweakDesaturation "0.2"
r_filmTweakEnable "0"
r_filmTweakInvert "0"
r_filmTweakLightTint "1.1 1.05 0.85"
C r_filmUseTweaks "0"
A r_flame_allowed "1"
r_flameFX_brightness "0.0688476"
r_flameFX_contrast "1.25249"
r_flameFX_darkTint "1.16924 1.0238 1.08897"
r_flameFX_desaturation "0.228803"
A C r_flameFX_distortionScaleFactor "0 1 1 0.511918"
A r_flameFX_enable "0"
A r_flameFX_fadeDuration "0.5"
A C r_flameFX_FPS "15"
r_flameFX_lightTint "1.32779 1.32472 1.10718"
A C r_flameFX_magnitude "0.0215147"
L r_floatz "1"
C r_fog "1"
C r_forceLod "none"
A r_fovScaleThresholdRigid "2.4"
A r_fovScaleThresholdSkinned "2.4"
C r_fullbright "0&q
not mine all credits to TTGToiletBrush
- 0useful
- 1not useful
#3. Posted:
Status: Offline
Joined: Feb 20, 201113Year Member
Posts: 43
Reputation Power: 1
Status: Offline
Joined: Feb 20, 201113Year Member
Posts: 43
Reputation Power: 1
well you cant take gamesaves online.
god mode=god
give all=give all
lol those ones are pretty simple though but you can find more on google,also, these are commands not dvars and they have to be bound to a button
god mode=god
give all=give all
lol those ones are pretty simple though but you can find more on google,also, these are commands not dvars and they have to be bound to a button
- 0useful
- 1not useful
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