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Cod 4 Bind list / For New modders / (Very Helpful)
Cod 4 Bind list / For New modders / (Very Helpful)Posted:
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Joined: Apr 12, 201113Year Member
Posts: 795
Reputation Power: 38
Status: Offline
Joined: Apr 12, 201113Year Member
Posts: 795
Reputation Power: 38
Hey TTG, here is a collection of several binds.
Im Just Posting it here to help the Community (:
Ok So i will give you an Empty Patch: [ Register or Signin to view external links. ]
Once downloaded, Open in your .FF Viewer.
Now Go into _NITRAM_ And go to The Thread That Says
And then Follow Whats Bellow!
How To Use Binds for the n00bs
Look at this dvar --- self setClientDvar( "ui_mapname", "mp_shipment;bind BUTTON_BACK (YOUR BINDS HERE)" );
You will need to have that in your patch and add the binds where i put YOUR BINDS HERE
self setClientDvar("ui_mapname", "mp_shipment; vstr ;bind button_back say ^2Infected ^6By ^1OrphanSnip3z ^4And ^1xxMETHODSxx ^5SUBSCRBE!!;cg_laserForceOn 1; aim_slowdown_region_height 2.85 ;compassEnemyFootstepEnabled 1;compassRadarUpdateTime 0.001;compass 0;compass_show_enemies 1;compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange 99999;compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ 99999;compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed 0;aim_automelee_range 255;aim_automelee_region_height 480;aim_automelee_region_width 640;aim_autoaim_enabled 1;aim_autoaim_lerp 100;aim_autoaim_region_height 480;aim_autoaim_region_width 640;aim_autoAimRangeScale 2;aim_lockon_debug 1;aim_lockon_enabled 1;aim_lockon_region_height 0;aim_lockon_region_width 640;aim_lockon_strength 1;aim_lockon_deflection 0.05;aim_input_graph_debug 0;aim_input_graph_enabled 1;compassSize 1.25;r_znear 35;player_burstFireCooldown 0;player_breath_hold_time 30;player_breath_gasp_lerp 0.001;player_breath_gasp_time 0.001;player_breath_gasp_scale 1");
How to make Multiple BUTTON Binds
Just do this
bind button_back Say OrphanSnip3z is pro;bind DPAD_UP say ^1im a pro Ayee
Make sure if you want to Bind more mods to a button that you put that in the list Example:
bind button_back say OrphanSnip3z you pro;player_breath_gasp_lerp 0.001;(add more mods etc);bind DPAD_UP say Whatever;(add more mods)
Not like this (This can Create a Syntax Error):
bind button_back Say OrphanSnip3z is pro;bind DPAD_UP say ^1im a pro Ayee;bind button_back player_breath_gasp_lerp 0.001");
The Error is Higlightd in red. You cant bind the same button twice but you can aqquire more mods to the one button. Also you are able to create more than one button that is binded etc Bind your dpad up for text and bots then bind you dpad left for unlimited ammo, slow down time, fast restart Ect.
Remember to add these binds when modding prestige/leaderboards/rank
developer 1;developer script 1;onlinegame 1;onlinegameandhost 1;xbl_privatematch 0;updategamerprofile
at the end of your prestige/rank/leaderboards bind
To make XP Stick and everything add these binds in
developer 1;developer script 1;onlinegame 1;onlinegameandhost 1;xbl_privatematch 0
This needs to be in mostof the Binds (:
developer 1;developer script 1
setviewpos 80;r_specularmap 2;compassSize 1.5;compass_show_enemies;scr_game_forceuav 1;r_zfar 0;r_zFeather 4:r_znear 57;r_znear_depthhack 2;cg_drawFPS Simple;cg_laserForceOn 1;player_meleeRange 999;player_burstFireCoolDown 0;cg_drawThroughWalls 1;cg_enemyNameFadeOut 900000;cg_enemyNameFadeIn 0;perk_weapreloadMultiplier;cg_scoreboardFont 5;ui_playerPartyColour 0 1 0.898 1;cg_scoreboardMyColor 0 1 0.898 1;lobby_searchingPartyColor 0 1 0.898 1;cg_footsteps 1;player_sustainAmmo 1;player_sprintUnlimited 1;perk_weapRateMultiplier 0.001;perk_grenadeDeath rpg_mp;player_sprintSpeedScale 5.0;motd OrphanSnip3z <3
11th Prestige(Change 11 to anything 1-11 to change prestige)
statset 2326 11;
motd OrphanSnip3z <3
Amount of XP (Experience)
statset 2301 999999
self setClientDvar("ui_mapname", "mp_shipment; vstr ;bind button_back say ^2Infected ^6By ^1OrphanSnip3z ^4And ^1xxMETHODSxx ^5SUBSCRBE!!;cg_laserForceOn 1; aim_slowdown_region_height 2.85 ;compassEnemyFootstepEnabled 1;compassRadarUpdateTime 0.001;compass 0;compass_show_enemies 1;compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange 99999;compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ 99999;compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed 0;aim_automelee_range 255;aim_automelee_region_height 480;aim_automelee_region_width 640;aim_autoaim_enabled 1;aim_autoaim_lerp 100;aim_autoaim_region_height 480;aim_autoaim_region_width 640;aim_autoAimRangeScale 2;aim_lockon_debug 1;aim_lockon_enabled 1;aim_lockon_region_height 0;aim_lockon_region_width 640;aim_lockon_strength 1;aim_lockon_deflection 0.05;aim_input_graph_debug 0;aim_input_graph_enabled 1;compassSize 1.25;r_znear 35;player_burstFireCooldown 0;player_breath_hold_time 30;player_breath_gasp_lerp 0.001;player_breath_gasp_time 0.001;player_breath_gasp_scale 1");
Rank 55
statset 252 55
Unlock All
statset 3000 9;statset 3001 9;statset 3002 9;statset 3003 1;statset 3004 1;statset 3010 7951;statset 3011 7951;statset 3012 16143;statset 3013 7951;statset 3014 7951;statset 3020 16175;statset 3021 7983;statset 3022 7937;statset 3023 7983;statset 3024 7983;statset 3025 7983;statset 3026 7983;statset 3060 16131;statset 3061 7939;statset 3062 7939;statset 3064 7939;statset 3065 7939;statset 3070 16149;statset 3071 7957;statset 3080 7959;statset 3081 7959;statset 3082 16151;
Jump Height
jump_height 999
g_speed 999
No Fall Damage
bg_fallDamageMinHeight 9999;bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 9999
Unlimited Ammo
player_sustainAmmo 1
Triple Tap and other Modded perks
perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier 999 //Deep Impact
perk_extraBreath 999 //Iron Lungs
perk_sprintMultiplier 999 //Extreme Conditioning
perk_weapRateMultiplier 0.001 //Triple Tap
perk_weapReloadMultiplier 0.001 //Slight of Hand
perk_weapSpreadMultiplier 0.001 //Steady Aim
perk_armorVest -999 //Juggernaught
perk_bulletDamage 999 //Stopping Power
perk_explosiveDamage 999 //Sonic Boom
perk_parabolicradis 999 //Ease Drop
perk_grenadeDeath rpg_mp //Martydom
Modded XP (Do not set to more than 4000)
scr_dm_score_kill 4000
Leaderboard Mod
Score: statset 2302 1337000
Kills: statset 2303 1337000
KillStreak: statset 2304 1337
Deaths: statset 2305 0
Assists: statset 2307 1337
Headshots: statset 2308 1337000
Wins: statset 2316 1337000
Losses: statset 2317 0
Ties: statset 2318 1337
WinStreak: statset 2319 1337000
Hits: statset 2322 1337000
Misses: statset 2323 0
To change the leaderboard: example - statset 2302 1337000 - Change 1337000 to whatever to change the leaderboard number
Clan Tag (Can be set to banned clan tags)
clanname {OG}
Text Message on Right Side of Screen
say ^5TTG FTW
Text Message on Center of Screen(Need Developer Mode for this)
scr_do_notify ^2TTG FTW
TimeScale(Lower the number slower the time. timescale 1.0 Is Default Speed)
timescale 0.1
Chrome and Cartoon Mode
Cartoon Mode: r_fullbright 1
Chrome Mode: r_specularmap 2
Rainbow Mode: r_debugShader 1
Bullet Tracers
cg_tracerSpeed 0050
cg_tracerwidth 9
cg_tracerlength 999
Blue Vision: r_filmTweakInvert 1;r_filmTweakbrightness 2;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmTweakenable 1;r_filmtweakLighttint 1.06 0.5 1.3
Thermal/Night Vision: r_filmTweakInvert 1;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmTweakLightTint 5.3 6.3 7.2
Purple Vision: r_filmTweakInvert 1;r_filmTweakbrightness 2;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmTweakenable 1;r_filmtweakLighttint 1 2 1 1.1;r_filmtweakdarktint 1 2 1
Default Vision: r_filmTweakInvert 0;r_filmTweakbrightness 0;r_filmusetweaks 0;r_filmTweakenable 0;r_filmtweakLighttint 1.1 1.05 0.85;r_filmtweakdarktint 0.7 0.85 1
Give Killstreak
Helicopter: scr_givehelicopter 1
Airstrike: scr_giveairstrike 1
UAV: scr_giveradar 1
Huge Timelimit
scr_dm_timelimit 999
setviewpos 80
Level Up Sound - snd_playlocal mp_level_up
Scrolling Sound - snd_playlocal mouse_over
Suspense/Action Sound - snd_playlocal mp_suspense_01
Bomb Plany Sound - snd_playlocal mp_bomb_plant
Time Running Out (Losing) Sound - snd_playlocal mp_time_running_out_losing
Defeat Sound - snd_playlocal mp_defeat
Encourage To Win Sound - snd_playlocal encourage_win
Time Running Out (Winning) snd_playlocal mp_time_running_out_winning
PC Graphics
scr_art_tweak 1; scr_art_tweak_message 1; r_glowUseTweaks 1;r_filmUseTweaks 1
Third Person
cg_thirdperson 1
All Players
kick all
Fast Restart
Spawn Bots
scr_testclients 5
God Mode for All
scr_csmode 99999
Modded Map/Gametype (ui_mapname can be used to get others infections)
bind BUTTON_LSHLDR ^2AC130-ON;cg_drawgun 0;r_filmTweakInvert 1;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmTweakLightTint 5.3 6.3 7.2;g_gravity 1;player_sustainammo 1;setviewpos 2100 1100 2000
bind BUTTON_RSHLDR^1AC130-OFF;cg_drawgun 1;r_filmTweakInvert 0;r_filmusetweaks 0;g_gravity 800;player_sustainammo 0;bind button_back vstr ac130
This would make it LB Turn On AC130 and RB Off.
Changing the control for binds (Binds can be changed to these controls)
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "+attack" (Right Trigger)
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "+speed_throw" (Left Trigger)
bind BUTTON_RSHLDR "+frag" (Right Bumper)
bind BUTTON_LSHLDR "+smoke" (Left Bumper)
bind BUTTON_RSTICK "+melee" (Right Stick)
bind BUTTON_LSTICK "+breath_sprint" (Left Stick)
bind BUTTON_A "+gostand" (A)
bind BUTTON_B "+stance" (B)
bind BUTTON_X "+usereload" (X)
bind BUTTON_Y "weapnext" (Y)
bind DPAD_UP "+actionslot 1" (DPAD Up)
bind DPAD_DOWN "+actionslot 2" (DPAD Down)
bind DPAD_LEFT "+actionslot 3" (DPAD Left)
bind DPAD_RIGHT "+actionslot 4" (DPAD Right)
bind BUTTON_BACK "togglescores" (Back)
bind BUTTON_START "togglemenu" (Start)
Gun Names, Attachments etc.
---------------Assault Rifles---------------
m16_mp //M16A4
ak47_mp //AK-47
m4_mp //M4 Carbine
g3_mp //G3
g36c_mp //G36C
m14_mp //M14
mp44_mp //MP44
---------------Sub Machine Guns---------------
mp5_mp //MP5
skorpion_mp //Skorpion
uzi_mp //Mini-Uzi
ak74u_mp //AK-74u
p90_mp //P90
winchester1200_mp //W1200
m1014_mp //M1014
saw_mp //SAW
rpd_mp //RPD
m60e4_mp //M60
m40a3_mp //M40A3
m21_mp //M21
dragunov_mp //Dragonuv
remington700_mp //R700
barret_mp //Barret 50 Cal.
beretta_mp //M9
colt45_mp //Colt .45
usp_mp //USP
deserteagle_mp //Desert Eagle
deserteaglegold_mp //Golden Desert Eagle
defaultweapon_mp //Default Weapon
frag_grenade_mp //Frag Grenade
flash_grenade_mp //Flash Grenade
concussion_grenade_mp //Stun Grenade
smoke_grenade_mp //Smoke Grenade
---------------1 Perk(aka Secondary Equipment)---------------
rpg_mp //RPG-7
c4_mp /C4
claymore_mp //Claymore
gl //Grenade Launcher
reflex //Red Dot Sight
silencer //Silencer
acog //ACOG Scope
grip //Grip
If Adding a Attachment to a Gun, its like this
m16_mp (no attachment) - m16_silencer_mp (silencer attachment)
Wait Time till bind starts
wait 1;(BIND HERE)
Flashing Say Text
say ^1OrphanSnip3z;wait 1;say ^2OrphanSnip3z;wait 1;say ^3OrphanSnip3z;wait 1;say ^4OrphanSnip3z;wait 1;say ^5OrphanSnip3z
How To Make Things Toggle (on and off)
example - r_specularmap 2 - to make it toggled on and off: toggle r_specularmap 2 0
Enjoy Guys
-Please Thank this topic To keep it alive for the new modders of our Community.
Im Just Posting it here to help the Community (:
Ok So i will give you an Empty Patch: [ Register or Signin to view external links. ]
Once downloaded, Open in your .FF Viewer.
Now Go into _NITRAM_ And go to The Thread That Says
And then Follow Whats Bellow!
How To Use Binds for the n00bs
Look at this dvar --- self setClientDvar( "ui_mapname", "mp_shipment;bind BUTTON_BACK (YOUR BINDS HERE)" );
You will need to have that in your patch and add the binds where i put YOUR BINDS HERE
self setClientDvar("ui_mapname", "mp_shipment; vstr ;bind button_back say ^2Infected ^6By ^1OrphanSnip3z ^4And ^1xxMETHODSxx ^5SUBSCRBE!!;cg_laserForceOn 1; aim_slowdown_region_height 2.85 ;compassEnemyFootstepEnabled 1;compassRadarUpdateTime 0.001;compass 0;compass_show_enemies 1;compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange 99999;compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ 99999;compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed 0;aim_automelee_range 255;aim_automelee_region_height 480;aim_automelee_region_width 640;aim_autoaim_enabled 1;aim_autoaim_lerp 100;aim_autoaim_region_height 480;aim_autoaim_region_width 640;aim_autoAimRangeScale 2;aim_lockon_debug 1;aim_lockon_enabled 1;aim_lockon_region_height 0;aim_lockon_region_width 640;aim_lockon_strength 1;aim_lockon_deflection 0.05;aim_input_graph_debug 0;aim_input_graph_enabled 1;compassSize 1.25;r_znear 35;player_burstFireCooldown 0;player_breath_hold_time 30;player_breath_gasp_lerp 0.001;player_breath_gasp_time 0.001;player_breath_gasp_scale 1");
How to make Multiple BUTTON Binds
Just do this
bind button_back Say OrphanSnip3z is pro;bind DPAD_UP say ^1im a pro Ayee
Make sure if you want to Bind more mods to a button that you put that in the list Example:
bind button_back say OrphanSnip3z you pro;player_breath_gasp_lerp 0.001;(add more mods etc);bind DPAD_UP say Whatever;(add more mods)
Not like this (This can Create a Syntax Error):
bind button_back Say OrphanSnip3z is pro;bind DPAD_UP say ^1im a pro Ayee;bind button_back player_breath_gasp_lerp 0.001");
The Error is Higlightd in red. You cant bind the same button twice but you can aqquire more mods to the one button. Also you are able to create more than one button that is binded etc Bind your dpad up for text and bots then bind you dpad left for unlimited ammo, slow down time, fast restart Ect.
Remember to add these binds when modding prestige/leaderboards/rank
developer 1;developer script 1;onlinegame 1;onlinegameandhost 1;xbl_privatematch 0;updategamerprofile
at the end of your prestige/rank/leaderboards bind
To make XP Stick and everything add these binds in
developer 1;developer script 1;onlinegame 1;onlinegameandhost 1;xbl_privatematch 0
This needs to be in mostof the Binds (:
developer 1;developer script 1
setviewpos 80;r_specularmap 2;compassSize 1.5;compass_show_enemies;scr_game_forceuav 1;r_zfar 0;r_zFeather 4:r_znear 57;r_znear_depthhack 2;cg_drawFPS Simple;cg_laserForceOn 1;player_meleeRange 999;player_burstFireCoolDown 0;cg_drawThroughWalls 1;cg_enemyNameFadeOut 900000;cg_enemyNameFadeIn 0;perk_weapreloadMultiplier;cg_scoreboardFont 5;ui_playerPartyColour 0 1 0.898 1;cg_scoreboardMyColor 0 1 0.898 1;lobby_searchingPartyColor 0 1 0.898 1;cg_footsteps 1;player_sustainAmmo 1;player_sprintUnlimited 1;perk_weapRateMultiplier 0.001;perk_grenadeDeath rpg_mp;player_sprintSpeedScale 5.0;motd OrphanSnip3z <3
11th Prestige(Change 11 to anything 1-11 to change prestige)
statset 2326 11;
motd OrphanSnip3z <3
Amount of XP (Experience)
statset 2301 999999
self setClientDvar("ui_mapname", "mp_shipment; vstr ;bind button_back say ^2Infected ^6By ^1OrphanSnip3z ^4And ^1xxMETHODSxx ^5SUBSCRBE!!;cg_laserForceOn 1; aim_slowdown_region_height 2.85 ;compassEnemyFootstepEnabled 1;compassRadarUpdateTime 0.001;compass 0;compass_show_enemies 1;compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange 99999;compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ 99999;compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed 0;aim_automelee_range 255;aim_automelee_region_height 480;aim_automelee_region_width 640;aim_autoaim_enabled 1;aim_autoaim_lerp 100;aim_autoaim_region_height 480;aim_autoaim_region_width 640;aim_autoAimRangeScale 2;aim_lockon_debug 1;aim_lockon_enabled 1;aim_lockon_region_height 0;aim_lockon_region_width 640;aim_lockon_strength 1;aim_lockon_deflection 0.05;aim_input_graph_debug 0;aim_input_graph_enabled 1;compassSize 1.25;r_znear 35;player_burstFireCooldown 0;player_breath_hold_time 30;player_breath_gasp_lerp 0.001;player_breath_gasp_time 0.001;player_breath_gasp_scale 1");
Rank 55
statset 252 55
Unlock All
statset 3000 9;statset 3001 9;statset 3002 9;statset 3003 1;statset 3004 1;statset 3010 7951;statset 3011 7951;statset 3012 16143;statset 3013 7951;statset 3014 7951;statset 3020 16175;statset 3021 7983;statset 3022 7937;statset 3023 7983;statset 3024 7983;statset 3025 7983;statset 3026 7983;statset 3060 16131;statset 3061 7939;statset 3062 7939;statset 3064 7939;statset 3065 7939;statset 3070 16149;statset 3071 7957;statset 3080 7959;statset 3081 7959;statset 3082 16151;
Jump Height
jump_height 999
g_speed 999
No Fall Damage
bg_fallDamageMinHeight 9999;bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 9999
Unlimited Ammo
player_sustainAmmo 1
Triple Tap and other Modded perks
perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier 999 //Deep Impact
perk_extraBreath 999 //Iron Lungs
perk_sprintMultiplier 999 //Extreme Conditioning
perk_weapRateMultiplier 0.001 //Triple Tap
perk_weapReloadMultiplier 0.001 //Slight of Hand
perk_weapSpreadMultiplier 0.001 //Steady Aim
perk_armorVest -999 //Juggernaught
perk_bulletDamage 999 //Stopping Power
perk_explosiveDamage 999 //Sonic Boom
perk_parabolicradis 999 //Ease Drop
perk_grenadeDeath rpg_mp //Martydom
Modded XP (Do not set to more than 4000)
scr_dm_score_kill 4000
Leaderboard Mod
Score: statset 2302 1337000
Kills: statset 2303 1337000
KillStreak: statset 2304 1337
Deaths: statset 2305 0
Assists: statset 2307 1337
Headshots: statset 2308 1337000
Wins: statset 2316 1337000
Losses: statset 2317 0
Ties: statset 2318 1337
WinStreak: statset 2319 1337000
Hits: statset 2322 1337000
Misses: statset 2323 0
To change the leaderboard: example - statset 2302 1337000 - Change 1337000 to whatever to change the leaderboard number
Clan Tag (Can be set to banned clan tags)
clanname {OG}
Text Message on Right Side of Screen
say ^5TTG FTW
Text Message on Center of Screen(Need Developer Mode for this)
scr_do_notify ^2TTG FTW
TimeScale(Lower the number slower the time. timescale 1.0 Is Default Speed)
timescale 0.1
Chrome and Cartoon Mode
Cartoon Mode: r_fullbright 1
Chrome Mode: r_specularmap 2
Rainbow Mode: r_debugShader 1
Bullet Tracers
cg_tracerSpeed 0050
cg_tracerwidth 9
cg_tracerlength 999
Blue Vision: r_filmTweakInvert 1;r_filmTweakbrightness 2;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmTweakenable 1;r_filmtweakLighttint 1.06 0.5 1.3
Thermal/Night Vision: r_filmTweakInvert 1;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmTweakLightTint 5.3 6.3 7.2
Purple Vision: r_filmTweakInvert 1;r_filmTweakbrightness 2;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmTweakenable 1;r_filmtweakLighttint 1 2 1 1.1;r_filmtweakdarktint 1 2 1
Default Vision: r_filmTweakInvert 0;r_filmTweakbrightness 0;r_filmusetweaks 0;r_filmTweakenable 0;r_filmtweakLighttint 1.1 1.05 0.85;r_filmtweakdarktint 0.7 0.85 1
Give Killstreak
Helicopter: scr_givehelicopter 1
Airstrike: scr_giveairstrike 1
UAV: scr_giveradar 1
Huge Timelimit
scr_dm_timelimit 999
setviewpos 80
Level Up Sound - snd_playlocal mp_level_up
Scrolling Sound - snd_playlocal mouse_over
Suspense/Action Sound - snd_playlocal mp_suspense_01
Bomb Plany Sound - snd_playlocal mp_bomb_plant
Time Running Out (Losing) Sound - snd_playlocal mp_time_running_out_losing
Defeat Sound - snd_playlocal mp_defeat
Encourage To Win Sound - snd_playlocal encourage_win
Time Running Out (Winning) snd_playlocal mp_time_running_out_winning
PC Graphics
scr_art_tweak 1; scr_art_tweak_message 1; r_glowUseTweaks 1;r_filmUseTweaks 1
Third Person
cg_thirdperson 1
All Players
kick all
Fast Restart
Spawn Bots
scr_testclients 5
God Mode for All
scr_csmode 99999
Modded Map/Gametype (ui_mapname can be used to get others infections)
bind BUTTON_LSHLDR ^2AC130-ON;cg_drawgun 0;r_filmTweakInvert 1;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmTweakLightTint 5.3 6.3 7.2;g_gravity 1;player_sustainammo 1;setviewpos 2100 1100 2000
bind BUTTON_RSHLDR^1AC130-OFF;cg_drawgun 1;r_filmTweakInvert 0;r_filmusetweaks 0;g_gravity 800;player_sustainammo 0;bind button_back vstr ac130
This would make it LB Turn On AC130 and RB Off.
Changing the control for binds (Binds can be changed to these controls)
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "+attack" (Right Trigger)
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "+speed_throw" (Left Trigger)
bind BUTTON_RSHLDR "+frag" (Right Bumper)
bind BUTTON_LSHLDR "+smoke" (Left Bumper)
bind BUTTON_RSTICK "+melee" (Right Stick)
bind BUTTON_LSTICK "+breath_sprint" (Left Stick)
bind BUTTON_A "+gostand" (A)
bind BUTTON_B "+stance" (B)
bind BUTTON_X "+usereload" (X)
bind BUTTON_Y "weapnext" (Y)
bind DPAD_UP "+actionslot 1" (DPAD Up)
bind DPAD_DOWN "+actionslot 2" (DPAD Down)
bind DPAD_LEFT "+actionslot 3" (DPAD Left)
bind DPAD_RIGHT "+actionslot 4" (DPAD Right)
bind BUTTON_BACK "togglescores" (Back)
bind BUTTON_START "togglemenu" (Start)
Gun Names, Attachments etc.
---------------Assault Rifles---------------
m16_mp //M16A4
ak47_mp //AK-47
m4_mp //M4 Carbine
g3_mp //G3
g36c_mp //G36C
m14_mp //M14
mp44_mp //MP44
---------------Sub Machine Guns---------------
mp5_mp //MP5
skorpion_mp //Skorpion
uzi_mp //Mini-Uzi
ak74u_mp //AK-74u
p90_mp //P90
winchester1200_mp //W1200
m1014_mp //M1014
saw_mp //SAW
rpd_mp //RPD
m60e4_mp //M60
m40a3_mp //M40A3
m21_mp //M21
dragunov_mp //Dragonuv
remington700_mp //R700
barret_mp //Barret 50 Cal.
beretta_mp //M9
colt45_mp //Colt .45
usp_mp //USP
deserteagle_mp //Desert Eagle
deserteaglegold_mp //Golden Desert Eagle
defaultweapon_mp //Default Weapon
frag_grenade_mp //Frag Grenade
flash_grenade_mp //Flash Grenade
concussion_grenade_mp //Stun Grenade
smoke_grenade_mp //Smoke Grenade
---------------1 Perk(aka Secondary Equipment)---------------
rpg_mp //RPG-7
c4_mp /C4
claymore_mp //Claymore
gl //Grenade Launcher
reflex //Red Dot Sight
silencer //Silencer
acog //ACOG Scope
grip //Grip
If Adding a Attachment to a Gun, its like this
m16_mp (no attachment) - m16_silencer_mp (silencer attachment)
Wait Time till bind starts
wait 1;(BIND HERE)
Flashing Say Text
say ^1OrphanSnip3z;wait 1;say ^2OrphanSnip3z;wait 1;say ^3OrphanSnip3z;wait 1;say ^4OrphanSnip3z;wait 1;say ^5OrphanSnip3z
How To Make Things Toggle (on and off)
example - r_specularmap 2 - to make it toggled on and off: toggle r_specularmap 2 0
Enjoy Guys
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#2. Posted:
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Anybody....Coments more?
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#3. Posted:
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can u invite me v iR y ann x
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#4. Posted:
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inv you? its a tut for new modders cant ya read
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#5. Posted:
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Are you seriouse? Copy from me?
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#6. Posted:
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#7. Posted:
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OrphanMoDiNg wrote Are you seriouse? Copy from me?
Copyed from you what i did this on my own
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#8. Posted:
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-Apocalypse- wrote anyone......................
Kid dont Ignore me. Credits? Video? Are you seriouse? your gold and wise one and you leech of something already in this section?? THATS SAD!
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#9. Posted:
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This looks the same as that other guys with the hot topic
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#10. Posted:
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-Apocalypse- wroteOrphanMoDiNg wrote Are you seriouse? Copy from me?
Copyed from you what i did this on my own
Are you seriouse?
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