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#111. Posted:
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Feckin wrote I don't understand why people say God is not Real. I Mean i believe in people have different religions or not believing but i mean theres proof going toward he is.

1. How Could Humans Come to Be? OR Anything in that short. Science Says Earth Was Made From the Big Bang Theory. But That Could Be True But it can't show how humans were made that just proves The World Was. And How Could Tree's grow?..

2. For Most Religions. There is Almost no Proof That Goes Toward There God. When our God Has a Lot of Proof That Goes Toward Him.

3. Some Religions The god Requires The People To Do Biddings For Him Kill etc.

4. Most Of Gods Miracles (If You All) Are Logical. Not *He Gave This Guy 1 Million dollars to start His First Company!*

5. (Friend Thought This Would bring a Good Point.)
The "Big Bang" and Expanding Universe

It is now quite well established (as discovered by Edwin Hubble in 1929) that the universe is expanding sort of like a raising lump of dough, whereby every galaxy (like raisins in the dough) is getting further apart from the center and from all the other galaxies ...except this is happening at a speed of thousands of miles per hour. --In fact, the rate of expansion is increasing, and the best understanding today has the expansion going on forever (ref.: the "flat universe" model).

Now, if we "reverse the film" on the expanding universe, and go way back, we would end up with all the matter in the universe located in a small area, which would be the beginning point. Such a "beginning" which expands out to today's universe is compatible with what is presented in the Bible. The Bible starts out by saying, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1).
-- So, the best science confirms a "beginning" to the universe.

It should be noted that in Genesis 1:1, the Hebrew word for "created" ("bara") basically means a "creation from nothing," as something is brought into existence. A start from nothing, is a very good description of what cosmologists (such as Stephen Hawking) call a "singularity," which is the starting-point of the Big Bang.
---A "singularity" is: all the potential mass (matter), energy, and dimensions (including time) of the cosmos, reduced down to an infinitely small point of ZERO volume. -- Note, that the dimesions also started at the point of ZERO length.
---This same concept is brought out again in Hebrews 11:3 which declares that "the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible." The original starting-point for the universe was invisible, and had zero volume --just as the Bible teaches... as no other ancient writing does.

Furthermore: Cosmologists and physicists teach that matter, 3-dimensional space, and even time itself virtually did not exist before the Big Bang; (when God created them).
-- Here it is fascinating to NOTE: 1Corinthians 2:7, 2Timothy 1:9, and Titus 1:2 state that time itself (with all its eons and ages) had a "beginning." ---NO other ancient literature (particularly before the Bible) states that time had a beginning!

Then, having started from this "beginning" point, the Bible even says about God: "He alone stretches out the heavens and treads on the waves of the sea" (Job 9:8); and "He stretches out the heavens like a tent" (Psalm 104:2); and "He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in" (Isa. 40:22); and "the Lord your Maker, who stretched out the heavens" (Isa. 51:13); ...there are about nine such biblical references. --Notice that God stretched the heavens out in the past, and some of those verses declare that He still "stretches" the universe out today!

This "beginning" from nothing, and the "spreading" or "stretching out" of the heavens (an excellent portrayal of the expanding universe due to the Big Bang since the instant God created the universe) are words of biblical prophets that were written from about 1500 BC. ---which is about 3000 years before Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe is expanding!

6."The attributes of the universe discovered by science point to the existence of God. Science leads us to the conclusion that the universe has a Creator and this Creator is perfect in might, wisdom and knowledge."

7.Scientists Have Confirmed And OPENED This Park Where They Have Found Proof Of Noahs Ark
At the Uzengili village, which is near the Dogubeyazit district is located the boat-shaped formation. Scientists from the U.S.A. have confirmed that it is Noah's Ark. The governor has announced that it is now a national park and open for tourists

8.Scientists As We Speak Are Look At The tomb Of Jesus
On March 28, 1980, just outside of Jerusalem in the neighborhood of Talpiyot, construction workers accidentally uncovered a 2000 year old cave holding 10 ossuaries. An ossuary is a burial box used to store bones. Six of the 10 ossuaries had names on them: "Jesus, son of Joseph; Maria; Mariamene; Matthew; Judas, son of Jesus; and Jose, a diminutive of Joseph."1 The allegation is that Jesua is Jesus, one of the Maries is his mother, the second is his wife, Mariamene is Mary Magdalene, that Matthew is a disciple, and Judas is Jesus' son; hence, the claim that it is the tomb of Jesus.


Einstein and Newton were two of the most influential men of science from the past, and even though they did not fully understand how the Universe came about, they each in their own way sensed the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe!

Albert Einstein who was a theoretical physicist, philosopher and author is widely regarded as one of the most influential and best known scientists and intellectuals of all time. He is considered to be the father of modern physics, who was quoted as saying;

"That deep emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God."

Sir Isaac Newton was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian who has been considered by many scholars and members of the general public to be one of the most influential people in human history, who was quoted as saying;

"This most beautiful system [The Universe] could only proceed from the dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being."

Since Galileo first turned his telescope to the night sky mankind has been embarked upon an insatiable quest to the stars!

The Hubble telescope has now uncovered the Greatest Drama in human history that takes us to the core of our very existence! Since its launch in 1990 it has captured the Greatest Cinematic Drama in human history and mankind is now witnessing a real-life drama unfolding like a silent motion picture transmitted from spaceone frame at a time, with each frame telling its own awe-inspiring story; yet, collectively, they recite the Grandest Story ever told: the formation of an awe-inspiring Universe in detail never before revealed.

For a moment consider this amazing historical fact. Around the year 732 BCE an invitation recorded in the Bible to investigate the stars was extended to humanity to find an equal to the one responsible for all the stars. Twenty four hundred years before the invention of the telescope these words were recorded and give us greater reasons today than ever before to investigate their implications.

"To whom will you compare me? Who is my equal?" ask the Holy One. "Look up into the heavens. Who created all the stars? He brings them out like an army, one after another, calling each by its name. Because of his great power and incomparable strength, not a single one is missing."

__ Isaiah 40:25,26 732 BCE

This ancient text raises a very intriguing question; has man set out on this insatiable quest to the stars on his own or is he being drawn along by the one who created all the stars to show us His incomprehensible power, Supreme Imagination, and prove to all of humanity he has no equal?

This ancient passage confirmed thousands of years before the telescope was invented that there existed an incomprehensible power source behind the universe. Only in the last few decades has science obtained hard evidence of this fact about the universe via sophisticated flying space telescopes like NASA's Hubble and Spitzer.

This historically advance information about the incomprehensible power behind the universe is an undeniable truth that cannot be ignored, even by men of science!

One such example of this power is the Sombrero Galaxy photographed a few years ago by Hubble, where it is thought to be some 50,000 light-years across (about half the diameter of our Milky Way galaxy), yet containing some 800 billion stars.

Keep in mind this is only one of over 125 billion galaxies, (with each containing billions of stars) thought to be in the known universe. The all-inclusive incomprehensible energy that powers all the heavenly bodies in the Universe is a power (as Isaiah accurately stated) beyond man's ability to understand. The only word in our human vocabulary that comes close to describe such power is the word, Supernatural!

How could Isaiah gain access to such scientifically accurate information about this incomprehensible energy source some 2,700 years before it was revealed by the Hubble telescope? There is one logical explanation. The One with the power and wisdom to create the heavens and the earth could certainly give Isaiah such advanced knowledge. This gives weight to the Bible's claim that it is "inspired of God."2 Timothy 3:16.

Truth Is; that which conforms to fact or reality! What Isaiah recorded about this incomprehensible power in 732 BCE, long before anyone knew the universe or this power existed is a historical and factual document supported by archeology, and historical records.

(- This is From TheyCre86tedus)


*Not The Most Amazing Proof Sent In From Someone*


More Facts Will Be Added Later.
That video was beautiful! You're very correct, in fact; that video should refresh those of the atheism presence of God's beloved soul that rested upon the intelligence to create such an open world known as our universe. I don't see how atheism can still roam the human mind after that video, if they even attempted to buffer it!
#112. Posted:
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TTG_Shagen wrote There is no REAL proof that God exists, but also there is no REAL proof on how the universe started. A giant rock can just appear out of nowhere, generate energy, then explode causing an ever expanding universe. I believe in God, but even if there isnt a God I think it makes life easier if you do believe.

what. the. holy. fudge.
I'll ask again, why doesn't god heal amputees?
#113. Posted:
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It's called evolution.......
#114. Posted:
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God is the biggest joke lol, i find hard to believe some genie named god popped out of no were one day lol
#115. Posted:
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iWorkForXbox wrote God is the biggest joke lol, i find hard to believe some genie named god popped out of no were one day lol

And why has the OP used bible verses as proof?
#116. Posted:
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Agreed !!!
#117. Posted:
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I Think Its Fake.

Nuff Said
#118. Posted:
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God Isn't Real Thats All There Is Too It...
#119. Posted:
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iSell- wrote He has Amazing Facts With All These Posts It was Starting To Get To Me But This has Made ME Fully Believe Again!


Ha what facts it's just a book no facts it's a belief system
There are no facts
Fuc,king slow
#120. Posted:
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iWorkForXbox wrote God is the biggest joke lol, i find hard to believe some genie named god popped out of no were one day lol
But yet u find it easy to believe humans popped out of thin air huh
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