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Looking For A Co-Host? Looking For A Host To Co-Host For?

Looking For A Co-Host? Looking For A Host To Co-Host For?Posted:

  • TTG Master
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Can Someone Please Sticky This As I Will Update It Everyday.
Ok, if you want to be a Co-Host for my MW2 Lobbies or if you are looking for a Co-Host for your very own MW2 Lobbies then you have come to the right place. Now this is a Topic trying to help everyone out with their MW2 lobbies, The Hosts, and the people wanting to become Co-Hosts. This is NOT a place to post asking for a lobby. If you are looking to become a Co-Host or you are looking for a Co-Host(s) then there a few things you need to fill out in order to get the best reviews back. Also, if you are a Co-Host then dont be discouraged as there will be probablly be alot of people looking for Co-Hosts, along with myself.

So To begin with, to get good reviews back on this Thread you need to fill out 1 or more of the following applications and i will list you as a Host looking for Co-Hosts or a Co-Host looking for a Host, i will list your name and then under your name i will list your posted application.

If you are a Host, fill out the following Application.

Host Application:
1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable.
2)What times do you Host Lobbies.
3)How many Co-hosts are you looking for.
4)What kind of benefits are your Co-hosts going to have.
5)What do you expect out of a Co-Host.
6)Do you require some kind of "Quota" that the Co-Host must make each lobby/day/week...ect

If you are a Co-Host fill out the following Application:

Co-Host Application:
1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable.
2)What times are you available.
3)How will you help out the Host.
4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host.
5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it.
6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host.
7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers.

NOTE TO CO-HOSTS: You Do NOT Need a Jtag to be a Co-Host.
Hosts Looking For Co-Hosts:
TTG_UnLeashed's Application:
1) You can either contact me Here on TTG VIA PM's, on AIM username- Exhilorate or on XboxLive my gamertag is Exhilorate
2)I will Host A lobby when i get enough money to buy a Fresh KV.
3)I am looking for 5-8 Co-Hosts
4)My Co-Hosts will get a 50% profitable intake amount for my lobbies. which means how ever much money they bring to me they make half of that.As well they get the best of the best concerning the mods i have to offer the community
5)I expect my Co-Hosts to keep in check the customers they bring in. which means they need to invite them kick them and handle the money they pay.
6)I require a minimum of 10 paying customers per day from any given Co-Host, if they do not meet that "Quota" they will no longer be Co-Host until they further impress me.

Jtaglol's Host Application:
jtaglol wrote 1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable.
2)What times do you Host Lobbies.
3)How many Co-hosts are you looking for.
4)What kind of benefits are your Co-hosts going to have.
5)What do you expect out of a Co-Host.
6)Do you require some kind of "Quota" that the Co-Host must make each lobby/day/week...ect

1)AIM:[email protected]<<<<MSN.
2)9PM UK time every day.
4)well gets free invite to every lobby, however if he breaks one of my rules it will result in a derank and deprestige.
5)To be available whole the time.

6)Livestream every lobby and must have a capture card and a HD pvr.

m40snipes's Host Application:
m40snipes wrote 1)You Can Reach Me on Here On AIM : TTGxM40SNIPES OR Message Me on Xbox TTG x M40SNIPES
2)Mostly On The WeekEnds Cuz I Get Free KVs
4)Well They Can Do The Same As Me Kick People / Verify them / De-Rank Them / Lock All Challenges!
5)Do a Good Job Helping Me Run My Lobby / Kick people that dont need to be in there / get me lots of customers
6)? IDK but i would like my Co hoster to be on when im hosting andget me some money each lobby

Co-Hosts looking for Host:
h4wk1n's Application:
h4wk1n wrote 1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable.
AIM : tmndyw @
GT : z DubStep x

2)What times are you available.

3)How will you help out the Host.
Well i can do everything .
I know LOTS of coding patches and JTAGs and stuuf:)

4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host.
Knowledge? dunno

5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it.

6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host.
Be in lobbys.
Maybe little money ? :- )

7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers.
? Well i have lots of friends ;- )

xcubanxphantomx's Co-Host Application:
1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable. xbox:xcubanXphantomx,email:[email protected], ttg name: xcubanXphantomx,aim:garcia1998
2)What times are you available. about every day best time is from 7 to 11 pm pacific, otherwise allday ecept from days i have to do something but i will contact you if i wont be aible to attend the lobby,
3)How will you help out the Host. inv people eho paid, let you relax, have to listen to other people rather than you i know many websites yo can adverte on [ about 5-8]
4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host.i am responsible, i am verry helpful
5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it. wtf?
6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host.inv to the lobby, maybe 5-10 dollars payment every 80 to 100 dollars you make[i also have a paypal]
7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers.

3)xHMx riflesx
xHMx Rifels Co-Host Application:

Co-Host Application:
1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable.
Gt:xHMx riflesx Aim:jacobbenn
2)What times are you available.
almost everyday
3)How will you help out the Host.
Get them alot of customers help them with patches and more
4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host.Because
i love 10th lobby im good at getting customers and im getting a jtag soon so we can co host eachother
5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it.
yes im good with people
6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host.
Helping out you and just having some fun
7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers.
recent players by message

iSxNaTiOn's Co-Host Application:
iSxNaTiOn wrote Co-Host Application:
1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable. PM on TTG or my GT-iS x BuTTeR

2)What times are you available.11(AM)-3(AM)...All night really

3)How will you help out the Host..I could keep track of the costumers in the order they pay and could Help the host in anyway he wants

4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host.Well i dont yell or scream when i get into lobbies(like little Kids do) i would help the host alot and i dont ask for nothing exept VIP

5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it...Yes i would i have gotten lots of people costumers before

7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers. I post on TTG or i go into random online games and ask for anyone that could pay paypal

smashingeddie's Co-Host Application:
smashingeddie wrote Co-hosting would be fun
1)Gamertag- smashingeddie

2) i can be available whenever i have a pretty flexible schedule

3)I know a decent amount of coding patches and JTAGs and stuuf:)

4)because i could be a help and bring in customers

5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it.

Be in lobbys.
dont care bout the money

7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers.
friends,randoms and online

nato's Co-Host Application:
nato wrote co host app-

1)What is your main form of contact,- My gt/on ttg and my email.
2)What times are you available. All the time since its summer but im going on holidays next week for 2 weeks
3)How will you help out the Host. everything that i can possibly do to satisfy the host
4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host. the experience of being a co-host causes a great thrill, i have never experienced that thrill
5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it- whats a quota?
6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host. not much hoping when lobby is finished i can play online with infections or have to talk some work with host
7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers. spreading the word

TTG_xAMAZING's Co-Host Application:
TTG_xAM4ZiiNGx wrote Co-Host Application:
1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable.
GT: TTG xAM4ZiiNGx , you can also contact me via PM's, i also have a AIM but im not always on that. My AIM is aaller10
2)What times are you available.
Anytime of any day since im off school. 10AM-however late i need to be. Central time
3)How will you help out the Host.
I am a very patient, mature guy and i am calm and very friendly.
4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host. Because i now what im doing and i have co hosted for my friends before. I had a jtag but i sold it to my friend. Also i have a dazzle so i could livestream for you and make a YouTube channel specifically for the lobbies and put the videos on there.
5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it.
Yes i would be able to reach it.
6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host.
Small pay, i have been in 40+ tenth lobbies so im not doing this for the lobbies.
7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers.
Advertising on websites, messages and through friends

ScottehC's Co-Host Application:
ScottehC wrote Hi there my Gamertag is - i aM CooPeR x

Co-Host Application:
1) My main form of contact would be MSN/AIM. There is other ways of contacting me, e.g. Facebook, Hotmail, Xbox Live or even Mobile Phone. My gamertag is - i aM CooPeR x and i am from Liverpool.
2)I am available at all times from 4PM Really and i will be available for some weekends, other times are optional and i will contact the host.
3)I will help out the host by sorting out customers, spreading round that he has a jtag and does run legit lobby's, i also have a capture card so i can livestream. There will be various other ways in which i can help out the host.
4)I think that i should be chosen as Co-Host because i can really help out the host with anything that he needs doing which i can do myself.
5)Yes i would be able to reach it via the hosters requested way.
6)As a Co-Host i am only expecting the fun of super jump and other mods that will be available within the lobby, I would only be Co-Hosting to help the community otherwise it would just be for the fun.
7)To acquire paying customers i would tell them that i am not the host but i am the Co-Host and he must either Send his cash to the Hosters paypal as a gift with his gamertag left in the comment or a other way that the hoster has told me to, i would also tell him that to be sure i am not a scammer he should wait for the host to come in to verify that it is his paypal.

muggers123's Co-Host Application:
muggers123 wrote Co-Host Application:
1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable. on TTg as my username or on XBL GT: J M owned U
2)What times are you available. pritty much any time im off college for summer so im on alot
3)How will you help out the Host. im an active player so im on alot, i got a dazzle capture card so i can record for them and possibly livestream.
4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host. im a mature guy and would jsut like to help and have fun in the progress.
5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it. depends on the quota but i sure would give it a good try
6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host. maybe jsut invs to some of the lobbys for infection purposes. and to have some fun with
7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers. could be anything if is et a livestream up i could do that i suppose. but i can work out other ways also

TTG_Notorious's Co-Host Application:
TTG_Notorious wrote Co-Host Application:
1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable. XBL: TTG Notorious AIM: GBLewisD
2)What times are you available. Everyday Whatever time
3)How will you help out the Host. Advertise, Get Customers.
4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host. I have a Jtag myself and I know what im doing if he needs help. And can send out invites.
5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it. Yeah
6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host. Helping the host.
7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers. I can livesream and post videos on YouTube

Sgt_SuperBeast's Co-Host Application:
Sgt_SuperBeast wrote Co-Host Application:
1)Main form of contact: aim:ILegendJtag, GT: THr1LLz L3GEND
2)What times are you available: Monday-Sunday 12:00pm-Whenever
3)How will you help out the Host: i will verify peopl, i will tell prices,i will get customers, and i will make posts on websites about the lobby.
4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host: because im not just looking for tenth. i got everything. i just wana help people out.
5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it: Most likely
6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host:being able to verify people and anthing else the host wants me to.
7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers:
making posts on very popular websites and getting livestreamers.

zak123's Co-Host Application:
zak123 wrote Co-Host Application:
1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable-ZooTube HD
2)What times are you available.All day
3)How will you help out the Host. when he needs it
4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host because i know alot about jtags
5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it yes
6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host nothing really just wanting to help out ttg
7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers to be nice to them and tell them the things they need to know

ST3MOOR3's Co-Host Application:
ST3MOOR3 wrote 1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable. Well alot really, Xbox live GT: I DaN WiLLo I, On here, Msn, AIM, Email so im easy to get hold of.

2)What times are you available.
Everyday from 4GMT to About 11 and allday sat and sunday.

3)How will you help out the Host.
I will help out the host by inviting paid customers and sorting out how people will get into the lobby Prices ect, i will handle any questions customers want to ask and will be able to get customers and i can livestream also.

4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host.
Well i think its because im very organised, ive been on this site since June 09 so im not just Leeching on to lobbys so you can have my trust, and i love modding and being in lobbies, ive also been in alot of lobbies and no how they work jtags and patches the lot, I have also unlocked everything etc.

5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it.
Not to sure on what type of Quota you mean but im sure ill be able to reach it

6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host.
As i said being in the lobbies are really fun and since MW2 is kinda boring now that alls that i would like to do is be in modded lobbies.

7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers.
Im on alot of Gaming websites and have alot of friends that would love to get a legit lobby without being scammed so they wouldnt hesitate in Paying.


natta's Co-Host Application:
natta wrote co host app
1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable.Email-wee_latta_cfc @ x Latta/or msn which is email
2)What times are you available.8am (GMT)-10 30-11pm (GMT)
3)How will you help out the Hosti will do what ever he tell em to do.
4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host.because i am 10th with everything and i just want to help others in the lobby out
5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it.yes
6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host.just vip in lobby or someting like that.i dont want any of the money off any1 if it is not £
7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers.go on random sites,post on ttg,join online games and ask or tell my freinds

LE3TGAM3R's Co-Host Application:
LE3TGAM3R wrote Co-Host Application:
1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable.
aim LE3TGAM3R12 ask for cell or here

2)What times are you available.
anytime needed

3)How will you help out the Host.
get more customers and keep payments straight while inv and kicking ppl as needed

4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host.
i have co hosted before i will be gettin my own jtag within a few days and i can help then too

5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it.

6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host.
what ever the host will allow me to have

7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers.
this site xbox live and other online sites

HaZeHaZeHaZe's Co-Host Application:
HaZeHaZeHaZe wrote 1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable
Xbox Live or MSN (GT: Aimbotaa)
2)What times are you available?
Everyday, ALL DAY
3)How will you help out the Host.
Whatever the host needs, I could get
4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host?
I have everything on Mw2, I would get nothing out of it.
5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it?
6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host?
Nothing, just help anyone out
7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers? Be nice to them and via people in school, alot of them want to pay.

TTG_MiSSiN's Co-Host Application:
TTG_MiSSiN wrote 1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if live(NicK_iZ_MiSSiN)PM on TTG also I often tend to be on almost every day

2)What times are you available.-11am - 11:30pm eastern u.s.a time

3)How will you help out the Host.-I will be able to bring in more buyers and i can livestream,also i can make a free website

4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host. I should be chosen because ive done 10th lobbys before,i used to have a xenon so i have good experience,i can bring in many buyers,i can livestream, and make a free website

5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it. Yes

6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host. None all I want is to help out people, also being in a 10th lobby is fun 2 me because you get to jump super high.

7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers. Making Websites,going into groundwar and sending msg's,posting on ttg/lame site/telling all my friends to tell their friends and their friends and so on.

iTuRtLeKILLA's Co-Host Application:
iTuRtLeKILLA wrote 1)What is your main form of contact?
Xbox Live (iTuRtLeKILLA) MSN ([email protected]).

2)What times are you available?
Everyday, anytime.

3)How will you help out the Host?
I can get more customers and make a free website.

4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host?
I have co-hosted with 2 of my friends, i used to have a xenon, and i can make a free website.

5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it?

6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host?
Small pay, help people out, and while in the lobby using infections.

7)What is your main form of acquiring paying customers?
Websites, school, friends, and messages.

Continued list on the next post[b]

Last edited by QHop ; edited 41 times in total

The following 4 users thanked QHop for this useful post:

TTG_DASH (07-01-2010), TTG_Kushh (07-01-2010), BoXMan (07-01-2010), Microsoft-iMod-K (06-30-2010)
#2. Posted:
  • TTG Master
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TTGCrAzies's Co-Host Application:
TTGCrAzies wrote 1)GT:Cheater741/TTG GH3TTO5
3)I can verify people,derank them,kick them,help him find good quality livestreamers,paying customers,etc.
4)Because I am well known for getting people to pay for a lobby and I already have about 3 livestreamers with a HD PVR mega good quality.
6)Maybe some of the profits he makes out of the lobby and get in the lobby for free of course.
7)Websites,Friends,advertising everywhere,livestream videos,youtube videos,and more

sShifted's Co-Host Application:
sShifted wrote Co-Host Application:
1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable.
Xbox Live. My Gamertag is Beastonn.

2)What times are you available.
Any time past 10 AM Eastern time. It's summer break in Florida so I'm on XBL all the time.

3)How will you help out the Host.
I can advertise to everyone on my friends list, I'm also experienced in Photoshop so I could design graphics such as signatures to promote the lobby. I can also verify if the customers are legitimate; if not, I will not hesitate to remove them from the lobby.

4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host.
I'm frequently on XBL and I'm easy to get along with. I'm also a valuable asset to advertising the lobby as you can see from the previous question.

5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it.
Absolutely, if a quote or deadline needed to be reached I would do everything in my power to finish the task.

6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host.
I'd like to learn more about JTAG's and modding while co-hosting, as well as get in the lobby for free. But mainly for experience and to help the COD community out.

7)What is your main form of acquiring paying customers.
Advertising on XBL, forums, and designing signatures, avatars, whatever is needed.

IIEMPiiR3II's Co-Host Application:
IIEMPiiR3II wrote Co-Host Application:
1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable.GT: ii M1N1 UZ1/ PM ME or AIM:xclitegamer
2)What times are you available. IM on all the time
3)How will you help out the Host. yes definetley
4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host. I wan to co- host so i get use 2 doing lobbies 4 when i get my jtag in about 4 weeks
5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it. yes
6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host. lean how 2 get bisness in mw2 lobbies and learn how 2 do them
7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers. web sites /freinds/posts/make new site/ETC

magicalgiraffe's Co-Host Application:
magicalgiraffe wrote 1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable. AIM=rutgersrock, TTG, GT=TTG Giraffe
2)What times are you available. most nights sometimes during the day
3)How will you help out the Host. i can get him ppl to pay an give u free kvs if i get em...
4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host. cuz im 70 and have everything...i have "experience" and i can get costomers
5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it. ermm yea?
6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host. Just to help ppl out :/? idrc bout mw2 so...
7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers: it depends on how desperate we are

Liam's Co-Host Application:
Liam wrote Co-Host Application:
1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable: Gt liam9995,msn,skype, twitter, facebook, PM
2)What times are you available.Every Day can be on whenever needed
3)How will you help out the Host.I can Do advertising, GFX,Get a livestream, be nice, friendly, helpful
4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host:I'm Helpful good at advertising, can make patches, gfx, etc willing to be there when needed
5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it
6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host: just vip abilities, and nothing really.
7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers: Talking to them or livestream, TTG,pay pal, PM anything really, Webs, Youtube

feates's Co-Host Application:
Feates wrote 1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable. My TheTechGame username or Xbox Live: x ID A IN N Y
2)What times are you available. Im avalible most of the time depending on the day or situation if you need to me co-host i WILL co-host.
3)How will you help out the Host. In many ways if you host needs me to advertise and invite people and give them help.
4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host. Your most likely to be like ooh hes in it for the 10th. Well.. im not i like to be helpful and if i dont get choose im not going to cry out it. I will do as you say in a respective manor
5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it. Yes.. end off
6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host. a few key-skills of communication and helping in life.
7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers. AIM, Youtube the livestream (If you have one if not i can) and xbox... i will be there to help and persuade.

gamechanger14's Co-Host Application:
gamechanger14 wrote )What is your main form of contact?

2)What times are you available?
most of the day, just need to txt me if phone

3)How will you help out the Host?
i have done lobbies before but i sold my jtag so people know me

4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host?
i used to have a jtag and i have co hosted for atleast 10 other lobbies

5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it?

6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host?
no pay at all just be in the lobbies, maybe a very small pay every once and a while

7)What is your main form of acquiring paying customers?
friends, school, TTG, or even lame site

anigma9000's Co-Host Application:
anigma9000 wrote Co-Host Application:
1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable. gt=omfo bubbles
2)What times are you available. 12;00pm 12;00 am
3)How will you help out the Host. by finding custimer and advertising on my site for him/her
4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host.because i can help him make money and because i want to get my clan nameout there
5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it.deppending on how big it is
6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host. exposer
7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers. paypal

Phizliz's Co-Host Application:
Phizliz wrote Co-Host Application:
1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable.(Phizliz/Phizliz)
2)What times are you available.(i have now life so all day and i live on the east coast)
3)How will you help out the Host.(get them lots of customers)
4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host.(Because im cool)
5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it.(confused with this question but yes)
6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host.(make fun of the annoying kids)
7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers.(advertisement)

chay220697's Co-Host Application:
chay220697 wrote 1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable. gt chayc22 email msn potter.rob @

2)What times are you available.almost all the time apart from school time

3)How will you help out the Host.Make patches help get customers get kvs

4)Why should you be chosen as a trusted can get many people that will pay very reliable you can count on me

5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it.yeah sure

6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host. Not many

7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers. paypal

ROFLitszM3RC's Co-Host Application:
ROFLitszM3RC wrote Co-Host Application : Very Experienced

1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable: AIM :JtagMonster Xbox: IxG0txSNip3d.... 0 is a zero
2)What times are you available.: i always pull all-nighters, so anytime at all
3)How will you help out the Host.: I can bring amazing amounts of customers, youtube videos, livestream with my HD- PVR, just ask for more info on aim
4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host.: Im pretty trusted, i have many connections and i know that all the cudtomers i bring in will be reliable ones
5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it.: most definitely
6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host.: just a little bit of money, around $60 for a whole night, i want turtle beach x11s
7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers. : Advertisement through youtube, google,, LIVE, i use paypal, and i know how to auction on ebay for lobbies also,( i used to have a jtag)

28)apeck4697 <3
apeck4697's Co-Host Application:
apeck4697 wrote first off,
<-----Trusted Seller because i was stickied when i had my jtag so i can help get some customers.

Co-Host Application:
1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable.
GT: BaM x MoDdEr
AIM: andrew4697
2)What times are you available.
just about always
3)How will you help out the Host.
I can attract buyers considering i AM trusted.
4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host.
once again, trusted seller. I am also loyal and responsible. ALSO I AM NOT JUST A LEECHER LOOKING FOR A FREE LOBBY. I HAVE EVERYTHING ALREADY!
5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it.
I dont get it..... what does ^^^^^ mean?
6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host.
Just someone nice that would be fun.
7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers.
I Usually use ttg because i am trusted but also on a small site call echo-mods.

TTG_DASH's Co-Host Application:
TTG_DASH wrote Co-Host Application:
1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable.AIM:briantetford Xbl:TTG DASH
2)What times are you available.Mostly all day and half of the night.
3)How will you help out the Host.Help getting customers,giving insturctions to the paying customers,inviting people back to the lobby when they leave and prestige,and whatever elese the host would want me to do.
4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host.I can get customers and handle a lobby.
5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it.Yes most likly
6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host.Nuthing just helping the host and having a bit of fun.
7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers.Posting on different websites,and searching online lobbies.
Im lvl 70 10th prestige and i need nothing just looking to help out and not being a leech looking for an excuse to get in free lobbies.thanks..

Theunknown21's Co-Host Application:
Theunknown21 wrote Co-Host Application:

1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable: (Gt:IroNikZoMBiez),msn,PM
2)What times are you available.Every Day can be on whenever needed
3)How will you help out the Host.I can Do advertising, GFX,Get a livestream, be nice, friendly, helpful
4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host:I'm Helpful good at advertising, can make patches.
5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it
6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host: just vip abilities, and nothing really.
7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers: Talking to them or livestream, TTG,pay pal, PM anything really, Website, Youtube and spreading the word

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#3. Posted:
  • Resident Elite
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i would realy like 2 co host
#4. Posted:
  • TTG Addict
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1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable.
AIM : tmndyw @
GT : z DubStep x

2)What times are you available.

3)How will you help out the Host.
Well i can do everything .
I know LOTS of coding patches and JTAGs and stuuf:)

4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host.
Knowledge? dunno

5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it.
lol didnt understand the question :- |

6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host.
Be in lobbys.
Maybe little money ? :- )

7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers.
? Well i have lots of friends ;- )

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#5. Posted:
  • TTG Natural
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ok im filling out now
#6. Posted:
  • V5 Launch
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i would also like to co-host a lobby but i have no jtag
#7. Posted:
  • Wise One
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I wan't to be a Co-Host and have been trying to be one, send a message to JVR 97. I have been in about 10 10th prestige lobbies already so this isn't some desperate attempt to get a free one.

Or is it?

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#8. Posted:
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my dream would be to at least be in 10th lobby -.- can never find 1
#9. Posted:
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xHMx riflesx

Co-Host Application:
1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable.
Gt:xHMx riflesx Aim:jacobbenn
2)What times are you available.
almost everyday
3)How will you help out the Host.
Get them alot of customers help them with patches and more
4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host.Because
i love 10th lobby im good at getting customers and im getting a jtag soon so we can co host eachother
5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it.
yes im good with people
6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host.
Helping out you and just having some fun
7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers.
recent players by message

also i am 9th lvl 70 this isnt just to get in 2 a 10th lobby its to help you out

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#10. Posted:
  • TTG Fanatic
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Co-Host Application:
1)What is your main form of contact, and list the Username/Gamertag and area of contact if applicable. xbox:xcubanXphantomx,email:[email protected], ttg name: xcubanXphantomx,aim:garcia1998
2)What times are you available. about every day best time is from 7 to 11 pm pacific, otherwise allday ecept from days i have to do something but i will contact you if i wont be aible to attend the lobby,
3)How will you help out the Host. inv people eho paid, let you relax, have to listen to other people rather than you i know many websites yo can adverte on [ about 5-8]
4)Why should you be chosen as a Co-Host.i am responsible, i am verry helpful
5)If there is a "Quota" would you be able to reach it. wtf?
6)What kind of benefits are you expecting as a Co-Host.inv to the lobby, maybe 5-10 dollars payment every 80 to 100 dollars you make[i also have a paypal]
7)what is your main form of acquiring paying customers.

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