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#111. Posted:
  • Powerhouse
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[list]Adalbert (Adalbert, George) -- Adalbert of Prague, patron of Prussia, Bohemian, April 23
Adam (Adam) -- December 24
Agata (Agatha) -- February 5
Agnieszka (Agnes) -- Agnes January 21; Blessed Agnes, Bohemian, March 2
Albert (Albert) -- Albert the Great November 15
Aleksander (Alexander) -- May 3
Aleksandra, see Olga
Aleksy (Alexis) -- July 17
Alfons (Alphonsus) -- Alphonsus Liguori August 2
Alojzy (Aloysius) -- Aloysius Gonzaga June 21
Ambrozy (Ambrose) -- December 7
Anastazia, Anastazja (Anastasia) -- December 25
Andrzej (Andrew) -- Andrew Corsini February 4; Andrew Avellino November 10; Andrew, patron of Russia November 30
Aniela (Angela) -- Angela Merici January 27, May 31, June 1
Anna (Anna) -- mother of Mary July 26
Antoni, Antonin (Anthony, Antonius) -- Anthony, abbot January 17; Anthony, bishop May 10; Anthony of Padua June 13; Anthony, d.c. 1342, Lithuanian,June 14; Anthony Mary Zaccaria July 5; Anthony Perchersky, Ukrainian, July 10
Antonia, Antonina (Antoinette, Antonina) -- February 28, May 4, June 12
Apolinarius (Appollinaris) -- July 23
Apolonia (Pauline) -- February 9
Apolonius (Apollonius) -- April 18
August, Augustyn (Augustine) -- Augustine of Canterbury May 28; Augustine of Hippo, Doctor of the Church August 28

- B -
Baltazar (Balthasar) -- January 6, July 23
Barbara (Barbara) -- December 4
Barnabas (Barnabas) -- Barnabas the Apostle June 11
Bartlomiej (Bartholomew) -- Bartholomew the Apostle August 24; Bartholomew November 11
Bazyli (Basil) -- Basil the Great June 14
Bede (Bede) -- Bede the Venerable May 27
Benedykt (Benedict) -- Benedict, abbot March 21; Benedict, Polish, April 23; Benedict, Pope July 11
Bernard (Bernard) -- August 20
Bernardyn (Bernadine, male) -- May 20
Bibiana (Bibiana, Viviana) -- December 2
Blazej (Blaise) -- February 3
Bogumil (Bogimilus, Theophilus) -- Polish, June 10; see Teofil
Boleslaw (Boleslaus, William)
Boleslawa (Boleslava, Wilhelmina, Mina)
Bonifacy (Boniface) -- Boniface of Tarsus May 14; Boniface, Apostle of Germany June 5; Boniface, Second Apostle of the Prussians June 19
Bozena ("of God"), see Teodora and Teodozia
Bronislaw (Bronislaus, Bruno)
Bronislawa (Bronislava, Bernice, Bertha) -- Polish, September 3
Brunon (Bruno) -- patron of Ruthenia (Ukraine) October 6
Brygida (Bridget, Birgitta) -- patron of Sweden October 8

- C -
Cecylia (Cecelia) -- November 22
Cyprian (Cyprian) -- Cyprian, bishop September 16; Cyprian, martyr September 26
Cyryl (Cyril) -- Cyril of Alexandria February 9; Cyril of Jerusalem March 18; Cyril (of Saints Cyril and Methidius) Slavic, July 7
Czeslaw (Ceslaus, Chester) -- Polish, July 17 and 28
Czeslawa (feminine of Czeslaw, Ceslava) -- also see Teresa

- D -
Dawid (David) -- Dewi of Wales March 1; David, Russian, September 19; King David December 30
Doloreta (Dolores) -- Seven Sorrows (Dolores in Latin) of the Blessed Virgin Mary September 15
Domicylla, Domitilla (Domitilla) -- May 7 and 12
Dominik (Dominic) -- August 4
Dorota (Dorothy) -- Dorothy of Montau, patroness of Prussia October 30

- E -
Edmund (Edmund) -- November 20
Edward (Edward) -- March 18, October 13
Elzbieta (Elizabeth) -- Elizabeth, Queen of Portugal July 8; Elizabeth of Hungary November 19
Emilia, Emiliana (Emiliana, Emily) -- August 24, December 24
Ewa (Eve) -- the eve of Christmas day December 24

- F -
Fabian (Fabian) -- January 20
Felicia (Felice, Felicity, Phyllis) -- March 6
Feliks (Felix) -- Felix of Nola, priest/martyr January 14; Felix I, Pope May 30; Felix, martyr July 12; Felix II, Pope July 29; Felix, martyr August 30; Felix of Valois November 20
Filip (Philip) -- Philip, Apostle May 1, May 11; Philip Neri May 26; Philip Benizi August 23
Florentyna (Flora, Florence) -- June 20, November 24
Florjan (Florian) -- patron of Poland and Upper Austria May 4
Franciszek (Francis, Frank) -- Francis de Sales January 29; Francis of Paola April 2; Francis Caracciolo June 4; Francis of Assisi October 4; Francis Borgia October 10
Franciszek Ksawery (Francis Xavier) -- December 3
Franciszka (Frances) -- March 9
Fryderyk (Frederick) -- July 18

- G -
Gabriel (Gabriel) -- Archangel March 24
Genowefa (Genevieve) -- January 3
Giertruda (Gertrude) -- November 16
Grzegorz (Gregory) -- Gregory the Great, Pope March 12; Gregory Nazianzen May 9; Gregory VII, Pope May 25; Gregory the Wonder-worker November 17
Gustaw (Gustav, August, Augustine) -- see August, Augustyn
Gwidon (Guy) -- September 12

- H -
Halina, Helena (Helen) -- August 18
Henryk (Henry) -- Henry of Bavaria, Emperor of Germany July 15
Henryka (Henrietta, Hattie) -- feminine of Henryk
Hiacynt, Jacek (Hyacinth, male) -- Hyacinth, patron of Poland (Hyacinth Ronski) August 17; Hyacinth September 11
Hiacynta, Jacinta (Hyacintha, female) -- January 30
Hieronym (Jerome, Henry) -- Jerome Emilian July 20; Jerome, Doctor of the Church September 30
Hipolit (Hippolytus) -- August 13
Honorata (Honorata) -- January 11
Honoratus (Honoratus) -- January 16

- I -
Ignacy (Ignace, Ignatius) -- Ignatius, bishop/martyr February 1; Ignatius of Rostov Russian, May 28; Ignatius of Loyola July 31
Irena, Irina (Irene) -- April 3
Isabela (Isabelle) -- Elizabeth of Portugal (born Isabella) July 4 and 8
Izydor (Isidore) -- Isidore of Alexandria January 15; Isidore the Farmer March 22; Isidore of Seville, bishop April 4; Isidore of Chios May 15; Isidore December 14

- J -
Jacek -- see Hiacynt
Jacinta -- see Hiacynta
Jadwiga (Hedwig, Hattie) -- Blessed Hedwig, Queen of Poland February 28; Hedwig, patroness of Silesia October 16
Jakub (Jacob, James) -- James the Lesser Apostle May 1 and 11; James the Greater, Apostle July 25
Jan (John) -- John Chrysostom January 27; John of Matha February 8; John of God March 8; John Damascene March 27; John Capistran March 28; John the Apostle, Before the Latin Gate May 6; John Lithuanian, April 14; John of San Facundo June 12; John Gualbert July 12; John of Dukla, patron of Poland and Lithuania July 10 and September 28; John of the Cross November 24; John, Apostle and Evangelist December 27
Jan Baptysta, Jan Chrzciciel (John the Baptist) -- birth of June 24; beheading of August 29
Jan Jozef (John Joseph) -- March 5
Jan Kanty (John Cantius) -- patron of Poland and Lithuania October 20
Jan Nepomucen (John Nepomucene) -- patron of Czechoslovakia May 16
Januariusz (Januarius, January, John) -- September 19
Jerzy (George) -- patron of England and Germany April 23
Joachim, Joakim (Joachim) -- August 16
Joanna (Joanne, Jane, Jean, Joan, Jennie) -- Joan of Arc May 30; Jane Frances de Chantal August 21
Jolanta, Jolenta (Yolanda) -- Blessed Jolenta (Helen of Poland), Polish/Hungarian, June 12 and 14
Jozef (Joseph) -- Joseph, father of Jesus March 19; Joseph the Workman May 1; Joseph of Cupertino September 18
Jozefa, Jozefina (Josephine) -- feminine of Jozef
Jozefat (Josaphat) -- Polish/Lithuanian, November 14
Julia (Julia, Julie) -- May 22
Julian (Julian) -- January 9
Juliana (Julianna, Julie) -- Juliana Falconieri June 19
Justin, Justyn (Justin) -- April 14
Justina, Justyna (Justina) -- September 26

- K -
Kajetan (Cajetan) -- August 7
Kamil (Camile, Camillus, male) -- Camile of Lellis July 18
Kamila (Camila, Camille, female) -- feminine of Kamil
Karol (Karl, Charles) -- Blessed Charlemagne of France January 28; Charles Borromeo November 4
Karolina (Carolina, Charlotte) -- feminine of Karol
Kasper (Caspar) -- Caspar, one of the Magi January 6, July 23; Caspar del Bufalo January 2
Katarzyna (Catherine) -- Catherine of Siena April 30; Catherine of Alexandria November 25
Kazimierz, Kazmierz (Casimir) -- patron of Poland and Lithuania March 4
Klara (Clara, Clare) --August 12
Klemens, Klement (Clemence, Clement) -- Clement January 23; Clement February 13; Clement Slovensky of Okhrida, Apostle of Bulgaria July 17 and 27; Clement I, Pope November 23
Klementyna (Clementine) -- feminine of Klemens
Konrad(Conrad) -- Blessed Conrad of Bavaria February 14 and March 15; Conrad of Piacenza February 19; Conrad of Swabia, bishop of Trèves June 1; Conrad of Constance, bishop November 26
Konstanty (Constant, Constantine) -- Constantine, King of Cornwall (first martyr of Scotland) March 11; Constantine Russian, September 19
Konstantyna (Constance) -- feminine of Konstanty
Krystyna (Christine) -- Christine of Bolsena and two Christinas July 24; Christina (also called Nino), Apostle of Georgia Russian, December 15
Krzysztof (Christopher) -- July 25
Kunegunda (Cunegunda) -- Cunegunda of Luxembourg and Bavaria March 3; Blessed Cunegunda (also known as Kinga), patroness of Poland and Lithuania Polish/Hungarian, July 21 and 23

- L -
Leokadia (Leocadia, Laura) -- December 9
Leon (Leo) -- Leo I the Great, Pope April 11; Leo IX, Pope April 19; Leo III, Pope June 12; Leo II, Pope July 3; Leo IV, Pope July 17
Leonard (Leonard, Leon) -- November 6
Lidia (Lydia) -- August 3
Lorenz (Lawrence) -- Lawrence of Brindisi July 21; Lawrence, martyr August 10; Lawrence Justinian September 4 and 5
Lucja (Lucy) -- Lucy, martyr September 16; Lucy of Sicily, martyr December 13
Lucjan (Lucian) -- Lucian of Antioch January 7; Lucian of Beauvais January 8; Lucian October 26
Ludmila (Ludmila) -- Bohemian, September 16
Ludwik (Louis) -- Louis IX, King of France August 25
Ludwika (Louise) -- March 15
Lukasz (Lucas, Luke) -- Luke the Evangelist October 18

- M -
Maciej (Matthew) -- Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist September 21
Magdalena (Mary Magdalene, Madeline) -- Mary Magdalen del Pazzi May 29; Mary Magdalene July 22
Maksymilian (Maximilian) -- Maximilian March 12; Maximilian of Lorch October 12; Maksymilian Kolbe Polish, August 14
Malgorzata, Margarita (Margaret) -- Margaret of Hungary January 18 and 26; Margaret, Queen of Scotland June 10; Margaret July 20
Marcelian (Marcellianus) -- twin of Mark June 18
Marcianna, Martyna (Marcyanna, Martina) -- Marciana January 9; Martina January 30
Marcin (Martin) -- Martin of Tours November 11; Martin I, Pope November 12
Marek (Mark) -- Mark the Evangelist April 25; Mark, twin of Marcellianus June 18; Mark, Pope October 7
Maria, Marja, Marya (Mary) -- Feast Days of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God January 1; Purification of the BVM February 2; Annunciation of the BVM March 25; Queenship of the BVM May 31; Visitation of the BVM to Elizabeth July 2; Assumption of the BVM August 15; Immaculate Heart of Mary August 22; Our Lady of Czestochowa, patroness of Poland August 26; Nativity of the BVM September 8; Most Holy Name of Mary September 12; BVM of the Rosary October 7; Immaculate Conception December 8
Marta (Martha) -- Martha, martyr January 19; Martha (sister of Mary Magdalene and Lazarus) July 29
Martyna -- see Marcianna
Mateusz (Mathias) -- Mathias (the Apostle who took the Place of Judas) February 24 and 25; also see Maciej
Melchior (Melchior) -- January 6 and July 23
Metody (Methodius) -- Cyril and Methodius (Apostles of the Slavs) Slavic, July 7
Michal, Mieczyslaw (Michael) -- Apparition of Michael the Archangel May 8; Michael of Chernigov Ukrainian/Russian, September 21; Michael the Archangel September 29
Michalina (Michalina) -- June 20
Mieczyslaw (Miecislaus) -- Mieczyslaw I (King of Poland who accepted Christianity on behalf of all Poland) January 1
Mikolaj (Nicholas) -- Nicholas of Tolentino September 10; Nicholas I the Great, Pope November 13; Nicholas, patron of Russia December 6
Monika (Monica, Mona) -- mother of St. Augustine May 4

- N -
Nicodem (Nicodemus) -- Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain July 14
Norbert (Norbert) -- Norbert of Germany June 6

- O -
Olenka -- see Olga
Olga (Alexandra, Sandra, Olga) -- Russian/Ukrainian, July 11
Onufrius, Onufry (Onuphrius) -- June 12
Otto (Otto) -- Otto July 2 and 3, and September 30

- P -
Paulina (Pauline) -- January 26
Pawel (Paul) -- Paul the Hermit January 15; Conversion of Paul the Apostle January 25; Paul of the Cross April 28; Paul the Apostle June 29 and 30; Dedication of the Basilicas of Peter and Paul November 18
Pelagia (Pelagia, Paula, Pauline) -- Pelagia of Tarsus May 4; Pelagia of Antioch June 9; Pelagia the Penitent October 8
Petronela (Petronilla) -- May 31
Piotr (Peter) -- Chair of St. Peter at Rome January 18; Peter Nolasco January 28; Chair of St. Peter at Antioch February 22; Peter Damian February 23; Peter Canisius, Second Great Apostle of Germany April 27; Peter of Verona April 29; Peter I Celestine, Pope May 19; Peter, martyr June 2; Peter the Apostle June 29; Peter's Chains (the Apostle) August 1; Dedication of the Basilicas of Peter and Paul November 18; Peter Chrysologus December 4
Prakseda (Prazedes, Praxey) -- July 21

- R -
Rafal, Rafael (Raphael) -- Archangel October 24
Rajmund (Raymond) -- Raymond of Pennafort January 23; Raymond Nonnatus August 31
Regina (Regina) -- September 7
Roch (Roch, Rock) -- August 16
Roman (Roman) -- August 9
Romuald (Romuald, male) -- February 7
Romualda (Romualda, Roma) -- feminine of Romuald
Róza (Rose) -- Rose of Lima August 30
Rozalia (Rosalie, Rose) -- Rose of Viterbo September 4
Ryszard (Richard) -- February 7

- S -
Sabina (Sabina) -- August 29
Salomeja (Salome, Sarah) -- Salome, mother of James and John the Apostles October 22; Blessed Salome Polish, November 6, 17 and 18
Saturnin (Saturnin) -- November 30
Sebastian (Sebastian) --January 20
Seweryn (Severin) -- Severinus of Noricum January 5
Simeon, Szymon (Simeon) -- Simeon the Stylite January 5; Simeon, bishop/martyr February 18; Simeon (the old man in the Temple) October 8; see also Szymon
Sofia, Zofia (Sophie) -- September 30
Stanislaw (Stanislaus, Stanley) -- Stanislaus, Bishop of Kraków May 7; Stanislaus Kostka, patron of Poland November 13
Stanislawa (Stanislava, Stella) -- feminine of Stanislaw
Stefan, Szczepan (Stephen, Steven) -- Stephen of Perm Russian, April 26; Stephen Pechersky Ukrainian, April 27; Stephen I, Pope August 2; Finding the Body of Stephen the First Martyr August 3; King Stephen, patron of Hungary September 2; Stephen the First Martyr December 26
Stefania (Stephanie) -- feminine of Stefan
Sylwester (Sylvester) -- Sylvester, abbot November 26; Sylvester, Pope December 31
Szczepan (Stephen, Steven) -- see Stefan
Szymon (Simon) -- Simon of Lipnica Polish, July 15 and 30; Simon the Zealot, Apostle October 28

- T -
Tadeusz (Thaddeus, Ted) -- Jude Thaddeus the Apostle October 28
Tekla (Thecla, Tillie) -- September 23
Teodor (Theodore, Ted) -- Theodore the Black Russian, September 19; Theodore Ukrainian/Russian, September 21; Theodore, martyr and soldier November 9; Theodore Graptoi December 27
Teodora (Theodora, Dora, Dorie) -- April 28 and September 17
Teodozja (Theodosia) -- April 2 and May 29
Teodozjusz (Theodosius) -- Theodosius Pechersky, abbot (also known as Theodosius of the Caves of Kiev) Ukrainian/Russian, May 3 and July 10
Teofil (Theophilus) -- Theophilus the Penitent February 4
Teofila (Theophila) -- feminine of Teofil
Teresa, Tereza, Czeslawa (Theresa) -- Teresa of Avila October 15
Timoteusz (Timothy) -- Timothy, bishop January 24; Timothy, martyr August 22
Tomasz (Thomas) -- Thomas Aquinas March 7; Thomas of Villanova September 22; Thomas Cantelupe of Hereford October 3; Thomas Becket December 29

- U -
Urban (Urban) -- Urban I, Pope May 25
Urzula (Ursula) -- October 21

- W -
Waclaw (Wenceslaus, Walter) -- patron of Czechoslovakia Bohemian, September 28
Waclawa (Violet) -- feminine of Waclaw
Walburga (Walburga) -- February 25
Walenty (Valentine) -- Valentine, abbot January 7; Valentine, bishop/martyr February 14
Walentyna (Valentina) -- July 25; feminine of Walenty
Walerian, Walery (Valerian, Valery) -- April 14
Wanda (Wanda) -- Wanda, Queen, daughter of King Kark of Kraków Vislanian (pre-Christian Polish)
Wawrzyniec (Lawrence) -- see Lorenz
Weronika (Veronica) -- July 12
Wicenty, Wincenty (Vincent) -- Vincent of Saragossa (Spain), martyr January 22; Blessed Wincenty Kadlubek, bishop of Kraków Polish, October 11; Vincent Ferrer April 5; Vincent de Paul July 19
Wiktor (Victor) -- Victor of Marseilles, martyr July 21; Victor I, Pope July 28
Wiktoria, Wiktorya (Victoria) -- Victoria, martyr February 11; Victoria, martyr December 20 and 23
Wilhelm (William, Bill) -- June 25
Wilhelmina (Wilhelmina, Mina) -- feminine of Wilhelm
Wincenty -- see Wicenty
Wita, Witus (Vitus) -- June 15
Wladimir (Vladimir) -- Vladimir of Kiev, patron of Russia July 15
Wladyslaw (Ladislaus, Walter) -- Blessed Ladislaus of Gielnów, patron of Poland, Galicia, and Lithuania May 11; Ladislaus, King of Hungary June 27
Wojciech (Adalbert, Albert, George) -- April 23

- Z -
Zachariasz (Zachary) -- Zachary, Pope March 15 and 22; Zachary, father of John the Baptist November 5 and 15
Zenon (Zenon) -- December 22
Zofia, Sofia (Sophie) -- September 30
Zuzanna (Susanna, Susan) -- Susanna (also called Anne), martyr July 23; Susanna, martyr August 11; Susanna, martyr October 17
Zygmunt (Sigismund, Sigmund) -- Zygmunt III Wasa, King of Poland October 31; Sigismund, King of the Burgundians, martyr December 30
Zyta (Zita) -- April 27

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#112. Posted:
  • Rising Star
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CSzJtaGz wrote Omg I Want that Rep i +rep you you +rep me if i dont get it right

* Bam *
* Sam *
* Sammy *

I know i have it right you better say yeah :

All wrong, You got 1 rep, Lol, You dont lose it so can you rep me so i can do more games.

I ALSO CAN REP ANYONE!! You can only rep 10 people a day, Ive repped like 3, i need the rest for games like this Thats why i need support ;)
#113. Posted:
  • TTG Fanatic
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#114. Posted:
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JJT wrote
    Adalbert (Adalbert, George) -- Adalbert of Prague, patron of Prussia, Bohemian, April 23
    Adam (Adam) -- December 24
    Agata (Agatha) -- February 5
    Agnieszka (Agnes) -- Agnes January 21; Blessed Agnes, Bohemian, March 2
    Albert (Albert) -- Albert the Great November 15
    Aleksander (Alexander) -- May 3
    Aleksandra, see Olga
    Aleksy (Alexis) -- July 17
    Alfons (Alphonsus) -- Alphonsus Liguori August 2
    Alojzy (Aloysius) -- Aloysius Gonzaga June 21
    Ambrozy (Ambrose) -- December 7
    Anastazia, Anastazja (Anastasia) -- December 25
    Andrzej (Andrew) -- Andrew Corsini February 4; Andrew Avellino November 10; Andrew, patron of Russia November 30
    Aniela (Angela) -- Angela Merici January 27, May 31, June 1
    Anna (Anna) -- mother of Mary July 26
    Antoni, Antonin (Anthony, Antonius) -- Anthony, abbot January 17; Anthony, bishop May 10; Anthony of Padua June 13; Anthony, d.c. 1342, Lithuanian,June 14; Anthony Mary Zaccaria July 5; Anthony Perchersky, Ukrainian, July 10
    Antonia, Antonina (Antoinette, Antonina) -- February 28, May 4, June 12
    Apolinarius (Appollinaris) -- July 23
    Apolonia (Pauline) -- February 9
    Apolonius (Apollonius) -- April 18
    August, Augustyn (Augustine) -- Augustine of Canterbury May 28; Augustine of Hippo, Doctor of the Church August 28

    - B -
    Baltazar (Balthasar) -- January 6, July 23
    Barbara (Barbara) -- December 4
    Barnabas (Barnabas) -- Barnabas the Apostle June 11
    Bartlomiej (Bartholomew) -- Bartholomew the Apostle August 24; Bartholomew November 11
    Bazyli (Basil) -- Basil the Great June 14
    Bede (Bede) -- Bede the Venerable May 27
    Benedykt (Benedict) -- Benedict, abbot March 21; Benedict, Polish, April 23; Benedict, Pope July 11
    Bernard (Bernard) -- August 20
    Bernardyn (Bernadine, male) -- May 20
    Bibiana (Bibiana, Viviana) -- December 2
    Blazej (Blaise) -- February 3
    Bogumil (Bogimilus, Theophilus) -- Polish, June 10; see Teofil
    Boleslaw (Boleslaus, William)
    Boleslawa (Boleslava, Wilhelmina, Mina)
    Bonifacy (Boniface) -- Boniface of Tarsus May 14; Boniface, Apostle of Germany June 5; Boniface, Second Apostle of the Prussians June 19
    Bozena ("of God"), see Teodora and Teodozia
    Bronislaw (Bronislaus, Bruno)
    Bronislawa (Bronislava, Bernice, Bertha) -- Polish, September 3
    Brunon (Bruno) -- patron of Ruthenia (Ukraine) October 6
    Brygida (Bridget, Birgitta) -- patron of Sweden October 8

    - C -
    Cecylia (Cecelia) -- November 22
    Cyprian (Cyprian) -- Cyprian, bishop September 16; Cyprian, martyr September 26
    Cyryl (Cyril) -- Cyril of Alexandria February 9; Cyril of Jerusalem March 18; Cyril (of Saints Cyril and Methidius) Slavic, July 7
    Czeslaw (Ceslaus, Chester) -- Polish, July 17 and 28
    Czeslawa (feminine of Czeslaw, Ceslava) -- also see Teresa

    - D -
    Dawid (David) -- Dewi of Wales March 1; David, Russian, September 19; King David December 30
    Doloreta (Dolores) -- Seven Sorrows (Dolores in Latin) of the Blessed Virgin Mary September 15
    Domicylla, Domitilla (Domitilla) -- May 7 and 12
    Dominik (Dominic) -- August 4
    Dorota (Dorothy) -- Dorothy of Montau, patroness of Prussia October 30

    - E -
    Edmund (Edmund) -- November 20
    Edward (Edward) -- March 18, October 13
    Elzbieta (Elizabeth) -- Elizabeth, Queen of Portugal July 8; Elizabeth of Hungary November 19
    Emilia, Emiliana (Emiliana, Emily) -- August 24, December 24
    Ewa (Eve) -- the eve of Christmas day December 24

    - F -
    Fabian (Fabian) -- January 20
    Felicia (Felice, Felicity, Phyllis) -- March 6
    Feliks (Felix) -- Felix of Nola, priest/martyr January 14; Felix I, Pope May 30; Felix, martyr July 12; Felix II, Pope July 29; Felix, martyr August 30; Felix of Valois November 20
    Filip (Philip) -- Philip, Apostle May 1, May 11; Philip Neri May 26; Philip Benizi August 23
    Florentyna (Flora, Florence) -- June 20, November 24
    Florjan (Florian) -- patron of Poland and Upper Austria May 4
    Franciszek (Francis, Frank) -- Francis de Sales January 29; Francis of Paola April 2; Francis Caracciolo June 4; Francis of Assisi October 4; Francis Borgia October 10
    Franciszek Ksawery (Francis Xavier) -- December 3
    Franciszka (Frances) -- March 9
    Fryderyk (Frederick) -- July 18

    - G -
    Gabriel (Gabriel) -- Archangel March 24
    Genowefa (Genevieve) -- January 3
    Giertruda (Gertrude) -- November 16
    Grzegorz (Gregory) -- Gregory the Great, Pope March 12; Gregory Nazianzen May 9; Gregory VII, Pope May 25; Gregory the Wonder-worker November 17
    Gustaw (Gustav, August, Augustine) -- see August, Augustyn
    Gwidon (Guy) -- September 12

    - H -
    Halina, Helena (Helen) -- August 18
    Henryk (Henry) -- Henry of Bavaria, Emperor of Germany July 15
    Henryka (Henrietta, Hattie) -- feminine of Henryk
    Hiacynt, Jacek (Hyacinth, male) -- Hyacinth, patron of Poland (Hyacinth Ronski) August 17; Hyacinth September 11
    Hiacynta, Jacinta (Hyacintha, female) -- January 30
    Hieronym (Jerome, Henry) -- Jerome Emilian July 20; Jerome, Doctor of the Church September 30
    Hipolit (Hippolytus) -- August 13
    Honorata (Honorata) -- January 11
    Honoratus (Honoratus) -- January 16

    - I -
    Ignacy (Ignace, Ignatius) -- Ignatius, bishop/martyr February 1; Ignatius of Rostov Russian, May 28; Ignatius of Loyola July 31
    Irena, Irina (Irene) -- April 3
    Isabela (Isabelle) -- Elizabeth of Portugal (born Isabella) July 4 and 8
    Izydor (Isidore) -- Isidore of Alexandria January 15; Isidore the Farmer March 22; Isidore of Seville, bishop April 4; Isidore of Chios May 15; Isidore December 14

    - J -
    Jacek -- see Hiacynt
    Jacinta -- see Hiacynta
    Jadwiga (Hedwig, Hattie) -- Blessed Hedwig, Queen of Poland February 28; Hedwig, patroness of Silesia October 16
    Jakub (Jacob, James) -- James the Lesser Apostle May 1 and 11; James the Greater, Apostle July 25
    Jan (John) -- John Chrysostom January 27; John of Matha February 8; John of God March 8; John Damascene March 27; John Capistran March 28; John the Apostle, Before the Latin Gate May 6; John Lithuanian, April 14; John of San Facundo June 12; John Gualbert July 12; John of Dukla, patron of Poland and Lithuania July 10 and September 28; John of the Cross November 24; John, Apostle and Evangelist December 27
    Jan Baptysta, Jan Chrzciciel (John the Baptist) -- birth of June 24; beheading of August 29
    Jan Jozef (John Joseph) -- March 5
    Jan Kanty (John Cantius) -- patron of Poland and Lithuania October 20
    Jan Nepomucen (John Nepomucene) -- patron of Czechoslovakia May 16
    Januariusz (Januarius, January, John) -- September 19
    Jerzy (George) -- patron of England and Germany April 23
    Joachim, Joakim (Joachim) -- August 16
    Joanna (Joanne, Jane, Jean, Joan, Jennie) -- Joan of Arc May 30; Jane Frances de Chantal August 21
    Jolanta, Jolenta (Yolanda) -- Blessed Jolenta (Helen of Poland), Polish/Hungarian, June 12 and 14
    Jozef (Joseph) -- Joseph, father of Jesus March 19; Joseph the Workman May 1; Joseph of Cupertino September 18
    Jozefa, Jozefina (Josephine) -- feminine of Jozef
    Jozefat (Josaphat) -- Polish/Lithuanian, November 14
    Julia (Julia, Julie) -- May 22
    Julian (Julian) -- January 9
    Juliana (Julianna, Julie) -- Juliana Falconieri June 19
    Justin, Justyn (Justin) -- April 14
    Justina, Justyna (Justina) -- September 26

    - K -
    Kajetan (Cajetan) -- August 7
    Kamil (Camile, Camillus, male) -- Camile of Lellis July 18
    Kamila (Camila, Camille, female) -- feminine of Kamil
    Karol (Karl, Charles) -- Blessed Charlemagne of France January 28; Charles Borromeo November 4
    Karolina (Carolina, Charlotte) -- feminine of Karol
    Kasper (Caspar) -- Caspar, one of the Magi January 6, July 23; Caspar del Bufalo January 2
    Katarzyna (Catherine) -- Catherine of Siena April 30; Catherine of Alexandria November 25
    Kazimierz, Kazmierz (Casimir) -- patron of Poland and Lithuania March 4
    Klara (Clara, Clare) --August 12
    Klemens, Klement (Clemence, Clement) -- Clement January 23; Clement February 13; Clement Slovensky of Okhrida, Apostle of Bulgaria July 17 and 27; Clement I, Pope November 23
    Klementyna (Clementine) -- feminine of Klemens
    Konrad(Conrad) -- Blessed Conrad of Bavaria February 14 and March 15; Conrad of Piacenza February 19; Conrad of Swabia, bishop of Trèves June 1; Conrad of Constance, bishop November 26
    Konstanty (Constant, Constantine) -- Constantine, King of Cornwall (first martyr of Scotland) March 11; Constantine Russian, September 19
    Konstantyna (Constance) -- feminine of Konstanty
    Krystyna (Christine) -- Christine of Bolsena and two Christinas July 24; Christina (also called Nino), Apostle of Georgia Russian, December 15
    Krzysztof (Christopher) -- July 25
    Kunegunda (Cunegunda) -- Cunegunda of Luxembourg and Bavaria March 3; Blessed Cunegunda (also known as Kinga), patroness of Poland and Lithuania Polish/Hungarian, July 21 and 23

    - L -
    Leokadia (Leocadia, Laura) -- December 9
    Leon (Leo) -- Leo I the Great, Pope April 11; Leo IX, Pope April 19; Leo III, Pope June 12; Leo II, Pope July 3; Leo IV, Pope July 17
    Leonard (Leonard, Leon) -- November 6
    Lidia (Lydia) -- August 3
    Lorenz (Lawrence) -- Lawrence of Brindisi July 21; Lawrence, martyr August 10; Lawrence Justinian September 4 and 5
    Lucja (Lucy) -- Lucy, martyr September 16; Lucy of Sicily, martyr December 13
    Lucjan (Lucian) -- Lucian of Antioch January 7; Lucian of Beauvais January 8; Lucian October 26
    Ludmila (Ludmila) -- Bohemian, September 16
    Ludwik (Louis) -- Louis IX, King of France August 25
    Ludwika (Louise) -- March 15
    Lukasz (Lucas, Luke) -- Luke the Evangelist October 18

    - M -
    Maciej (Matthew) -- Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist September 21
    Magdalena (Mary Magdalene, Madeline) -- Mary Magdalen del Pazzi May 29; Mary Magdalene July 22
    Maksymilian (Maximilian) -- Maximilian March 12; Maximilian of Lorch October 12; Maksymilian Kolbe Polish, August 14
    Malgorzata, Margarita (Margaret) -- Margaret of Hungary January 18 and 26; Margaret, Queen of Scotland June 10; Margaret July 20
    Marcelian (Marcellianus) -- twin of Mark June 18
    Marcianna, Martyna (Marcyanna, Martina) -- Marciana January 9; Martina January 30
    Marcin (Martin) -- Martin of Tours November 11; Martin I, Pope November 12
    Marek (Mark) -- Mark the Evangelist April 25; Mark, twin of Marcellianus June 18; Mark, Pope October 7
    Maria, Marja, Marya (Mary) -- Feast Days of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God January 1; Purification of the BVM February 2; Annunciation of the BVM March 25; Queenship of the BVM May 31; Visitation of the BVM to Elizabeth July 2; Assumption of the BVM August 15; Immaculate Heart of Mary August 22; Our Lady of Czestochowa, patroness of Poland August 26; Nativity of the BVM September 8; Most Holy Name of Mary September 12; BVM of the Rosary October 7; Immaculate Conception December 8
    Marta (Martha) -- Martha, martyr January 19; Martha (sister of Mary Magdalene and Lazarus) July 29
    Martyna -- see Marcianna
    Mateusz (Mathias) -- Mathias (the Apostle who took the Place of Judas) February 24 and 25; also see Maciej
    Melchior (Melchior) -- January 6 and July 23
    Metody (Methodius) -- Cyril and Methodius (Apostles of the Slavs) Slavic, July 7
    Michal, Mieczyslaw (Michael) -- Apparition of Michael the Archangel May 8; Michael of Chernigov Ukrainian/Russian, September 21; Michael the Archangel September 29
    Michalina (Michalina) -- June 20
    Mieczyslaw (Miecislaus) -- Mieczyslaw I (King of Poland who accepted Christianity on behalf of all Poland) January 1
    Mikolaj (Nicholas) -- Nicholas of Tolentino September 10; Nicholas I the Great, Pope November 13; Nicholas, patron of Russia December 6
    Monika (Monica, Mona) -- mother of St. Augustine May 4

    - N -
    Nicodem (Nicodemus) -- Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain July 14
    Norbert (Norbert) -- Norbert of Germany June 6

    - O -
    Olenka -- see Olga
    Olga (Alexandra, Sandra, Olga) -- Russian/Ukrainian, July 11
    Onufrius, Onufry (Onuphrius) -- June 12
    Otto (Otto) -- Otto July 2 and 3, and September 30

    - P -
    Paulina (Pauline) -- January 26
    Pawel (Paul) -- Paul the Hermit January 15; Conversion of Paul the Apostle January 25; Paul of the Cross April 28; Paul the Apostle June 29 and 30; Dedication of the Basilicas of Peter and Paul November 18
    Pelagia (Pelagia, Paula, Pauline) -- Pelagia of Tarsus May 4; Pelagia of Antioch June 9; Pelagia the Penitent October 8
    Petronela (Petronilla) -- May 31
    Piotr (Peter) -- Chair of St. Peter at Rome January 18; Peter Nolasco January 28; Chair of St. Peter at Antioch February 22; Peter Damian February 23; Peter Canisius, Second Great Apostle of Germany April 27; Peter of Verona April 29; Peter I Celestine, Pope May 19; Peter, martyr June 2; Peter the Apostle June 29; Peter's Chains (the Apostle) August 1; Dedication of the Basilicas of Peter and Paul November 18; Peter Chrysologus December 4
    Prakseda (Prazedes, Praxey) -- July 21

    - R -
    Rafal, Rafael (Raphael) -- Archangel October 24
    Rajmund (Raymond) -- Raymond of Pennafort January 23; Raymond Nonnatus August 31
    Regina (Regina) -- September 7
    Roch (Roch, Rock) -- August 16
    Roman (Roman) -- August 9
    Romuald (Romuald, male) -- February 7
    Romualda (Romualda, Roma) -- feminine of Romuald
    Róza (Rose) -- Rose of Lima August 30
    Rozalia (Rosalie, Rose) -- Rose of Viterbo September 4
    Ryszard (Richard) -- February 7

    - S -
    Sabina (Sabina) -- August 29
    Salomeja (Salome, Sarah) -- Salome, mother of James and John the Apostles October 22; Blessed Salome Polish, November 6, 17 and 18
    Saturnin (Saturnin) -- November 30
    Sebastian (Sebastian) --January 20
    Seweryn (Severin) -- Severinus of Noricum January 5
    Simeon, Szymon (Simeon) -- Simeon the Stylite January 5; Simeon, bishop/martyr February 18; Simeon (the old man in the Temple) October 8; see also Szymon
    Sofia, Zofia (Sophie) -- September 30
    Stanislaw (Stanislaus, Stanley) -- Stanislaus, Bishop of Kraków May 7; Stanislaus Kostka, patron of Poland November 13
    Stanislawa (Stanislava, Stella) -- feminine of Stanislaw
    Stefan, Szczepan (Stephen, Steven) -- Stephen of Perm Russian, April 26; Stephen Pechersky Ukrainian, April 27; Stephen I, Pope August 2; Finding the Body of Stephen the First Martyr August 3; King Stephen, patron of Hungary September 2; Stephen the First Martyr December 26
    Stefania (Stephanie) -- feminine of Stefan
    Sylwester (Sylvester) -- Sylvester, abbot November 26; Sylvester, Pope December 31
    Szczepan (Stephen, Steven) -- see Stefan
    Szymon (Simon) -- Simon of Lipnica Polish, July 15 and 30; Simon the Zealot, Apostle October 28

    - T -
    Tadeusz (Thaddeus, Ted) -- Jude Thaddeus the Apostle October 28
    Tekla (Thecla, Tillie) -- September 23
    Teodor (Theodore, Ted) -- Theodore the Black Russian, September 19; Theodore Ukrainian/Russian, September 21; Theodore, martyr and soldier November 9; Theodore Graptoi December 27
    Teodora (Theodora, Dora, Dorie) -- April 28 and September 17
    Teodozja (Theodosia) -- April 2 and May 29
    Teodozjusz (Theodosius) -- Theodosius Pechersky, abbot (also known as Theodosius of the Caves of Kiev) Ukrainian/Russian, May 3 and July 10
    Teofil (Theophilus) -- Theophilus the Penitent February 4
    Teofila (Theophila) -- feminine of Teofil
    Teresa, Tereza, Czeslawa (Theresa) -- Teresa of Avila October 15
    Timoteusz (Timothy) -- Timothy, bishop January 24; Timothy, martyr August 22
    Tomasz (Thomas) -- Thomas Aquinas March 7; Thomas of Villanova September 22; Thomas Cantelupe of Hereford October 3; Thomas Becket December 29

    - U -
    Urban (Urban) -- Urban I, Pope May 25
    Urzula (Ursula) -- October 21

    - W -
    Waclaw (Wenceslaus, Walter) -- patron of Czechoslovakia Bohemian, September 28
    Waclawa (Violet) -- feminine of Waclaw
    Walburga (Walburga) -- February 25
    Walenty (Valentine) -- Valentine, abbot January 7; Valentine, bishop/martyr February 14
    Walentyna (Valentina) -- July 25; feminine of Walenty
    Walerian, Walery (Valerian, Valery) -- April 14
    Wanda (Wanda) -- Wanda, Queen, daughter of King Kark of Kraków Vislanian (pre-Christian Polish)
    Wawrzyniec (Lawrence) -- see Lorenz
    Weronika (Veronica) -- July 12
    Wicenty, Wincenty (Vincent) -- Vincent of Saragossa (Spain), martyr January 22; Blessed Wincenty Kadlubek, bishop of Kraków Polish, October 11; Vincent Ferrer April 5; Vincent de Paul July 19
    Wiktor (Victor) -- Victor of Marseilles, martyr July 21; Victor I, Pope July 28
    Wiktoria, Wiktorya (Victoria) -- Victoria, martyr February 11; Victoria, martyr December 20 and 23
    Wilhelm (William, Bill) -- June 25
    Wilhelmina (Wilhelmina, Mina) -- feminine of Wilhelm
    Wincenty -- see Wicenty
    Wita, Witus (Vitus) -- June 15
    Wladimir (Vladimir) -- Vladimir of Kiev, patron of Russia July 15
    Wladyslaw (Ladislaus, Walter) -- Blessed Ladislaus of Gielnów, patron of Poland, Galicia, and Lithuania May 11; Ladislaus, King of Hungary June 27
    Wojciech (Adalbert, Albert, George) -- April 23

    - Z -
    Zachariasz (Zachary) -- Zachary, Pope March 15 and 22; Zachary, father of John the Baptist November 5 and 15
    Zenon (Zenon) -- December 22
    Zofia, Sofia (Sophie) -- September 30
    Zuzanna (Susanna, Susan) -- Susanna (also called Anne), martyr July 23; Susanna, martyr August 11; Susanna, martyr October 17
    Zygmunt (Sigismund, Sigmund) -- Zygmunt III Wasa, King of Poland October 31; Sigismund, King of the Burgundians, martyr December 30
    Zyta (Zita) -- April 27

Lmao, All wrong, FAIL.
#115. Posted:
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#116. Posted:
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connor242424 wrote
CSzJtaGz wrote Omg I Want that Rep i +rep you you +rep me if i dont get it right

* Bam *
* Sam *
* Sammy *

I know i have it right you better say yeah :

All wrong, You got 1 rep, Lol, You dont lose it so can you rep me so i can do more games.

I ALSO CAN REP ANYONE!! You can only rep 10 people a day, Ive repped like 3, i need the

rest f or games like this Thats why i need support ;)

i just rep please pay back i know i had it right hah
#117. Posted:
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Think of some of ur mates names? It is used for first names.
#118. Posted:
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connor242424 wrote
JJT wrote
    Adalbert (Adalbert, George) -- Adalbert of Prague, patron of Prussia, Bohemian, April 23
    Adam (Adam) -- December 24
    Agata (Agatha) -- February 5
    Agnieszka (Agnes) -- Agnes January 21; Blessed Agnes, Bohemian, March 2
    Albert (Albert) -- Albert the Great November 15
    Aleksander (Alexander) -- May 3
    Aleksandra, see Olga
    Aleksy (Alexis) -- July 17
    Alfons (Alphonsus) -- Alphonsus Liguori August 2
    Alojzy (Aloysius) -- Aloysius Gonzaga June 21
    Ambrozy (Ambrose) -- December 7
    Anastazia, Anastazja (Anastasia) -- December 25
    Andrzej (Andrew) -- Andrew Corsini February 4; Andrew Avellino November 10; Andrew, patron of Russia November 30
    Aniela (Angela) -- Angela Merici January 27, May 31, June 1
    Anna (Anna) -- mother of Mary July 26
    Antoni, Antonin (Anthony, Antonius) -- Anthony, abbot January 17; Anthony, bishop May 10; Anthony of Padua June 13; Anthony, d.c. 1342, Lithuanian,June 14; Anthony Mary Zaccaria July 5; Anthony Perchersky, Ukrainian, July 10
    Antonia, Antonina (Antoinette, Antonina) -- February 28, May 4, June 12
    Apolinarius (Appollinaris) -- July 23
    Apolonia (Pauline) -- February 9
    Apolonius (Apollonius) -- April 18
    August, Augustyn (Augustine) -- Augustine of Canterbury May 28; Augustine of Hippo, Doctor of the Church August 28

    - B -
    Baltazar (Balthasar) -- January 6, July 23
    Barbara (Barbara) -- December 4
    Barnabas (Barnabas) -- Barnabas the Apostle June 11
    Bartlomiej (Bartholomew) -- Bartholomew the Apostle August 24; Bartholomew November 11
    Bazyli (Basil) -- Basil the Great June 14
    Bede (Bede) -- Bede the Venerable May 27
    Benedykt (Benedict) -- Benedict, abbot March 21; Benedict, Polish, April 23; Benedict, Pope July 11
    Bernard (Bernard) -- August 20
    Bernardyn (Bernadine, male) -- May 20
    Bibiana (Bibiana, Viviana) -- December 2
    Blazej (Blaise) -- February 3
    Bogumil (Bogimilus, Theophilus) -- Polish, June 10; see Teofil
    Boleslaw (Boleslaus, William)
    Boleslawa (Boleslava, Wilhelmina, Mina)
    Bonifacy (Boniface) -- Boniface of Tarsus May 14; Boniface, Apostle of Germany June 5; Boniface, Second Apostle of the Prussians June 19
    Bozena ("of God"), see Teodora and Teodozia
    Bronislaw (Bronislaus, Bruno)
    Bronislawa (Bronislava, Bernice, Bertha) -- Polish, September 3
    Brunon (Bruno) -- patron of Ruthenia (Ukraine) October 6
    Brygida (Bridget, Birgitta) -- patron of Sweden October 8

    - C -
    Cecylia (Cecelia) -- November 22
    Cyprian (Cyprian) -- Cyprian, bishop September 16; Cyprian, martyr September 26
    Cyryl (Cyril) -- Cyril of Alexandria February 9; Cyril of Jerusalem March 18; Cyril (of Saints Cyril and Methidius) Slavic, July 7
    Czeslaw (Ceslaus, Chester) -- Polish, July 17 and 28
    Czeslawa (feminine of Czeslaw, Ceslava) -- also see Teresa

    - D -
    Dawid (David) -- Dewi of Wales March 1; David, Russian, September 19; King David December 30
    Doloreta (Dolores) -- Seven Sorrows (Dolores in Latin) of the Blessed Virgin Mary September 15
    Domicylla, Domitilla (Domitilla) -- May 7 and 12
    Dominik (Dominic) -- August 4
    Dorota (Dorothy) -- Dorothy of Montau, patroness of Prussia October 30

    - E -
    Edmund (Edmund) -- November 20
    Edward (Edward) -- March 18, October 13
    Elzbieta (Elizabeth) -- Elizabeth, Queen of Portugal July 8; Elizabeth of Hungary November 19
    Emilia, Emiliana (Emiliana, Emily) -- August 24, December 24
    Ewa (Eve) -- the eve of Christmas day December 24

    - F -
    Fabian (Fabian) -- January 20
    Felicia (Felice, Felicity, Phyllis) -- March 6
    Feliks (Felix) -- Felix of Nola, priest/martyr January 14; Felix I, Pope May 30; Felix, martyr July 12; Felix II, Pope July 29; Felix, martyr August 30; Felix of Valois November 20
    Filip (Philip) -- Philip, Apostle May 1, May 11; Philip Neri May 26; Philip Benizi August 23
    Florentyna (Flora, Florence) -- June 20, November 24
    Florjan (Florian) -- patron of Poland and Upper Austria May 4
    Franciszek (Francis, Frank) -- Francis de Sales January 29; Francis of Paola April 2; Francis Caracciolo June 4; Francis of Assisi October 4; Francis Borgia October 10
    Franciszek Ksawery (Francis Xavier) -- December 3
    Franciszka (Frances) -- March 9
    Fryderyk (Frederick) -- July 18

    - G -
    Gabriel (Gabriel) -- Archangel March 24
    Genowefa (Genevieve) -- January 3
    Giertruda (Gertrude) -- November 16
    Grzegorz (Gregory) -- Gregory the Great, Pope March 12; Gregory Nazianzen May 9; Gregory VII, Pope May 25; Gregory the Wonder-worker November 17
    Gustaw (Gustav, August, Augustine) -- see August, Augustyn
    Gwidon (Guy) -- September 12

    - H -
    Halina, Helena (Helen) -- August 18
    Henryk (Henry) -- Henry of Bavaria, Emperor of Germany July 15
    Henryka (Henrietta, Hattie) -- feminine of Henryk
    Hiacynt, Jacek (Hyacinth, male) -- Hyacinth, patron of Poland (Hyacinth Ronski) August 17; Hyacinth September 11
    Hiacynta, Jacinta (Hyacintha, female) -- January 30
    Hieronym (Jerome, Henry) -- Jerome Emilian July 20; Jerome, Doctor of the Church September 30
    Hipolit (Hippolytus) -- August 13
    Honorata (Honorata) -- January 11
    Honoratus (Honoratus) -- January 16

    - I -
    Ignacy (Ignace, Ignatius) -- Ignatius, bishop/martyr February 1; Ignatius of Rostov Russian, May 28; Ignatius of Loyola July 31
    Irena, Irina (Irene) -- April 3
    Isabela (Isabelle) -- Elizabeth of Portugal (born Isabella) July 4 and 8
    Izydor (Isidore) -- Isidore of Alexandria January 15; Isidore the Farmer March 22; Isidore of Seville, bishop April 4; Isidore of Chios May 15; Isidore December 14

    - J -
    Jacek -- see Hiacynt
    Jacinta -- see Hiacynta
    Jadwiga (Hedwig, Hattie) -- Blessed Hedwig, Queen of Poland February 28; Hedwig, patroness of Silesia October 16
    Jakub (Jacob, James) -- James the Lesser Apostle May 1 and 11; James the Greater, Apostle July 25
    Jan (John) -- John Chrysostom January 27; John of Matha February 8; John of God March 8; John Damascene March 27; John Capistran March 28; John the Apostle, Before the Latin Gate May 6; John Lithuanian, April 14; John of San Facundo June 12; John Gualbert July 12; John of Dukla, patron of Poland and Lithuania July 10 and September 28; John of the Cross November 24; John, Apostle and Evangelist December 27
    Jan Baptysta, Jan Chrzciciel (John the Baptist) -- birth of June 24; beheading of August 29
    Jan Jozef (John Joseph) -- March 5
    Jan Kanty (John Cantius) -- patron of Poland and Lithuania October 20
    Jan Nepomucen (John Nepomucene) -- patron of Czechoslovakia May 16
    Januariusz (Januarius, January, John) -- September 19
    Jerzy (George) -- patron of England and Germany April 23
    Joachim, Joakim (Joachim) -- August 16
    Joanna (Joanne, Jane, Jean, Joan, Jennie) -- Joan of Arc May 30; Jane Frances de Chantal August 21
    Jolanta, Jolenta (Yolanda) -- Blessed Jolenta (Helen of Poland), Polish/Hungarian, June 12 and 14
    Jozef (Joseph) -- Joseph, father of Jesus March 19; Joseph the Workman May 1; Joseph of Cupertino September 18
    Jozefa, Jozefina (Josephine) -- feminine of Jozef
    Jozefat (Josaphat) -- Polish/Lithuanian, November 14
    Julia (Julia, Julie) -- May 22
    Julian (Julian) -- January 9
    Juliana (Julianna, Julie) -- Juliana Falconieri June 19
    Justin, Justyn (Justin) -- April 14
    Justina, Justyna (Justina) -- September 26

    - K -
    Kajetan (Cajetan) -- August 7
    Kamil (Camile, Camillus, male) -- Camile of Lellis July 18
    Kamila (Camila, Camille, female) -- feminine of Kamil
    Karol (Karl, Charles) -- Blessed Charlemagne of France January 28; Charles Borromeo November 4
    Karolina (Carolina, Charlotte) -- feminine of Karol
    Kasper (Caspar) -- Caspar, one of the Magi January 6, July 23; Caspar del Bufalo January 2
    Katarzyna (Catherine) -- Catherine of Siena April 30; Catherine of Alexandria November 25
    Kazimierz, Kazmierz (Casimir) -- patron of Poland and Lithuania March 4
    Klara (Clara, Clare) --August 12
    Klemens, Klement (Clemence, Clement) -- Clement January 23; Clement February 13; Clement Slovensky of Okhrida, Apostle of Bulgaria July 17 and 27; Clement I, Pope November 23
    Klementyna (Clementine) -- feminine of Klemens
    Konrad(Conrad) -- Blessed Conrad of Bavaria February 14 and March 15; Conrad of Piacenza February 19; Conrad of Swabia, bishop of Trèves June 1; Conrad of Constance, bishop November 26
    Konstanty (Constant, Constantine) -- Constantine, King of Cornwall (first martyr of Scotland) March 11; Constantine Russian, September 19
    Konstantyna (Constance) -- feminine of Konstanty
    Krystyna (Christine) -- Christine of Bolsena and two Christinas July 24; Christina (also called Nino), Apostle of Georgia Russian, December 15
    Krzysztof (Christopher) -- July 25
    Kunegunda (Cunegunda) -- Cunegunda of Luxembourg and Bavaria March 3; Blessed Cunegunda (also known as Kinga), patroness of Poland and Lithuania Polish/Hungarian, July 21 and 23

    - L -
    Leokadia (Leocadia, Laura) -- December 9
    Leon (Leo) -- Leo I the Great, Pope April 11; Leo IX, Pope April 19; Leo III, Pope June 12; Leo II, Pope July 3; Leo IV, Pope July 17
    Leonard (Leonard, Leon) -- November 6
    Lidia (Lydia) -- August 3
    Lorenz (Lawrence) -- Lawrence of Brindisi July 21; Lawrence, martyr August 10; Lawrence Justinian September 4 and 5
    Lucja (Lucy) -- Lucy, martyr September 16; Lucy of Sicily, martyr December 13
    Lucjan (Lucian) -- Lucian of Antioch January 7; Lucian of Beauvais January 8; Lucian October 26
    Ludmila (Ludmila) -- Bohemian, September 16
    Ludwik (Louis) -- Louis IX, King of France August 25
    Ludwika (Louise) -- March 15
    Lukasz (Lucas, Luke) -- Luke the Evangelist October 18

    - M -
    Maciej (Matthew) -- Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist September 21
    Magdalena (Mary Magdalene, Madeline) -- Mary Magdalen del Pazzi May 29; Mary Magdalene July 22
    Maksymilian (Maximilian) -- Maximilian March 12; Maximilian of Lorch October 12; Maksymilian Kolbe Polish, August 14
    Malgorzata, Margarita (Margaret) -- Margaret of Hungary January 18 and 26; Margaret, Queen of Scotland June 10; Margaret July 20
    Marcelian (Marcellianus) -- twin of Mark June 18
    Marcianna, Martyna (Marcyanna, Martina) -- Marciana January 9; Martina January 30
    Marcin (Martin) -- Martin of Tours November 11; Martin I, Pope November 12
    Marek (Mark) -- Mark the Evangelist April 25; Mark, twin of Marcellianus June 18; Mark, Pope October 7
    Maria, Marja, Marya (Mary) -- Feast Days of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God January 1; Purification of the BVM February 2; Annunciation of the BVM March 25; Queenship of the BVM May 31; Visitation of the BVM to Elizabeth July 2; Assumption of the BVM August 15; Immaculate Heart of Mary August 22; Our Lady of Czestochowa, patroness of Poland August 26; Nativity of the BVM September 8; Most Holy Name of Mary September 12; BVM of the Rosary October 7; Immaculate Conception December 8
    Marta (Martha) -- Martha, martyr January 19; Martha (sister of Mary Magdalene and Lazarus) July 29
    Martyna -- see Marcianna
    Mateusz (Mathias) -- Mathias (the Apostle who took the Place of Judas) February 24 and 25; also see Maciej
    Melchior (Melchior) -- January 6 and July 23
    Metody (Methodius) -- Cyril and Methodius (Apostles of the Slavs) Slavic, July 7
    Michal, Mieczyslaw (Michael) -- Apparition of Michael the Archangel May 8; Michael of Chernigov Ukrainian/Russian, September 21; Michael the Archangel September 29
    Michalina (Michalina) -- June 20
    Mieczyslaw (Miecislaus) -- Mieczyslaw I (King of Poland who accepted Christianity on behalf of all Poland) January 1
    Mikolaj (Nicholas) -- Nicholas of Tolentino September 10; Nicholas I the Great, Pope November 13; Nicholas, patron of Russia December 6
    Monika (Monica, Mona) -- mother of St. Augustine May 4

    - N -
    Nicodem (Nicodemus) -- Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain July 14
    Norbert (Norbert) -- Norbert of Germany June 6

    - O -
    Olenka -- see Olga
    Olga (Alexandra, Sandra, Olga) -- Russian/Ukrainian, July 11
    Onufrius, Onufry (Onuphrius) -- June 12
    Otto (Otto) -- Otto July 2 and 3, and September 30

    - P -
    Paulina (Pauline) -- January 26
    Pawel (Paul) -- Paul the Hermit January 15; Conversion of Paul the Apostle January 25; Paul of the Cross April 28; Paul the Apostle June 29 and 30; Dedication of the Basilicas of Peter and Paul November 18
    Pelagia (Pelagia, Paula, Pauline) -- Pelagia of Tarsus May 4; Pelagia of Antioch June 9; Pelagia the Penitent October 8
    Petronela (Petronilla) -- May 31
    Piotr (Peter) -- Chair of St. Peter at Rome January 18; Peter Nolasco January 28; Chair of St. Peter at Antioch February 22; Peter Damian February 23; Peter Canisius, Second Great Apostle of Germany April 27; Peter of Verona April 29; Peter I Celestine, Pope May 19; Peter, martyr June 2; Peter the Apostle June 29; Peter's Chains (the Apostle) August 1; Dedication of the Basilicas of Peter and Paul November 18; Peter Chrysologus December 4
    Prakseda (Prazedes, Praxey) -- July 21

    - R -
    Rafal, Rafael (Raphael) -- Archangel October 24
    Rajmund (Raymond) -- Raymond of Pennafort January 23; Raymond Nonnatus August 31
    Regina (Regina) -- September 7
    Roch (Roch, Rock) -- August 16
    Roman (Roman) -- August 9
    Romuald (Romuald, male) -- February 7
    Romualda (Romualda, Roma) -- feminine of Romuald
    Róza (Rose) -- Rose of Lima August 30
    Rozalia (Rosalie, Rose) -- Rose of Viterbo September 4
    Ryszard (Richard) -- February 7

    - S -
    Sabina (Sabina) -- August 29
    Salomeja (Salome, Sarah) -- Salome, mother of James and John the Apostles October 22; Blessed Salome Polish, November 6, 17 and 18
    Saturnin (Saturnin) -- November 30
    Sebastian (Sebastian) --January 20
    Seweryn (Severin) -- Severinus of Noricum January 5
    Simeon, Szymon (Simeon) -- Simeon the Stylite January 5; Simeon, bishop/martyr February 18; Simeon (the old man in the Temple) October 8; see also Szymon
    Sofia, Zofia (Sophie) -- September 30
    Stanislaw (Stanislaus, Stanley) -- Stanislaus, Bishop of Kraków May 7; Stanislaus Kostka, patron of Poland November 13
    Stanislawa (Stanislava, Stella) -- feminine of Stanislaw
    Stefan, Szczepan (Stephen, Steven) -- Stephen of Perm Russian, April 26; Stephen Pechersky Ukrainian, April 27; Stephen I, Pope August 2; Finding the Body of Stephen the First Martyr August 3; King Stephen, patron of Hungary September 2; Stephen the First Martyr December 26
    Stefania (Stephanie) -- feminine of Stefan
    Sylwester (Sylvester) -- Sylvester, abbot November 26; Sylvester, Pope December 31
    Szczepan (Stephen, Steven) -- see Stefan
    Szymon (Simon) -- Simon of Lipnica Polish, July 15 and 30; Simon the Zealot, Apostle October 28

    - T -
    Tadeusz (Thaddeus, Ted) -- Jude Thaddeus the Apostle October 28
    Tekla (Thecla, Tillie) -- September 23
    Teodor (Theodore, Ted) -- Theodore the Black Russian, September 19; Theodore Ukrainian/Russian, September 21; Theodore, martyr and soldier November 9; Theodore Graptoi December 27
    Teodora (Theodora, Dora, Dorie) -- April 28 and September 17
    Teodozja (Theodosia) -- April 2 and May 29
    Teodozjusz (Theodosius) -- Theodosius Pechersky, abbot (also known as Theodosius of the Caves of Kiev) Ukrainian/Russian, May 3 and July 10
    Teofil (Theophilus) -- Theophilus the Penitent February 4
    Teofila (Theophila) -- feminine of Teofil
    Teresa, Tereza, Czeslawa (Theresa) -- Teresa of Avila October 15
    Timoteusz (Timothy) -- Timothy, bishop January 24; Timothy, martyr August 22
    Tomasz (Thomas) -- Thomas Aquinas March 7; Thomas of Villanova September 22; Thomas Cantelupe of Hereford October 3; Thomas Becket December 29

    - U -
    Urban (Urban) -- Urban I, Pope May 25
    Urzula (Ursula) -- October 21

    - W -
    Waclaw (Wenceslaus, Walter) -- patron of Czechoslovakia Bohemian, September 28
    Waclawa (Violet) -- feminine of Waclaw
    Walburga (Walburga) -- February 25
    Walenty (Valentine) -- Valentine, abbot January 7; Valentine, bishop/martyr February 14
    Walentyna (Valentina) -- July 25; feminine of Walenty
    Walerian, Walery (Valerian, Valery) -- April 14
    Wanda (Wanda) -- Wanda, Queen, daughter of King Kark of Kraków Vislanian (pre-Christian Polish)
    Wawrzyniec (Lawrence) -- see Lorenz
    Weronika (Veronica) -- July 12
    Wicenty, Wincenty (Vincent) -- Vincent of Saragossa (Spain), martyr January 22; Blessed Wincenty Kadlubek, bishop of Kraków Polish, October 11; Vincent Ferrer April 5; Vincent de Paul July 19
    Wiktor (Victor) -- Victor of Marseilles, martyr July 21; Victor I, Pope July 28
    Wiktoria, Wiktorya (Victoria) -- Victoria, martyr February 11; Victoria, martyr December 20 and 23
    Wilhelm (William, Bill) -- June 25
    Wilhelmina (Wilhelmina, Mina) -- feminine of Wilhelm
    Wincenty -- see Wicenty
    Wita, Witus (Vitus) -- June 15
    Wladimir (Vladimir) -- Vladimir of Kiev, patron of Russia July 15
    Wladyslaw (Ladislaus, Walter) -- Blessed Ladislaus of Gielnów, patron of Poland, Galicia, and Lithuania May 11; Ladislaus, King of Hungary June 27
    Wojciech (Adalbert, Albert, George) -- April 23

    - Z -
    Zachariasz (Zachary) -- Zachary, Pope March 15 and 22; Zachary, father of John the Baptist November 5 and 15
    Zenon (Zenon) -- December 22
    Zofia, Sofia (Sophie) -- September 30
    Zuzanna (Susanna, Susan) -- Susanna (also called Anne), martyr July 23; Susanna, martyr August 11; Susanna, martyr October 17
    Zygmunt (Sigismund, Sigmund) -- Zygmunt III Wasa, King of Poland October 31; Sigismund, King of the Burgundians, martyr December 30
    Zyta (Zita) -- April 27

Lmao, All wrong, FAIL.

if thats not right what chance do we have BTW ben

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#119. Posted:
  • Rising Star
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Pineapplejunky wrote
connor242424 wrote
JJT wrote
    Adalbert (Adalbert, George) -- Adalbert of Prague, patron of Prussia, Bohemian, April 23
    Adam (Adam) -- December 24
    Agata (Agatha) -- February 5
    Agnieszka (Agnes) -- Agnes January 21; Blessed Agnes, Bohemian, March 2
    Albert (Albert) -- Albert the Great November 15
    Aleksander (Alexander) -- May 3
    Aleksandra, see Olga
    Aleksy (Alexis) -- July 17
    Alfons (Alphonsus) -- Alphonsus Liguori August 2
    Alojzy (Aloysius) -- Aloysius Gonzaga June 21
    Ambrozy (Ambrose) -- December 7
    Anastazia, Anastazja (Anastasia) -- December 25
    Andrzej (Andrew) -- Andrew Corsini February 4; Andrew Avellino November 10; Andrew, patron of Russia November 30
    Aniela (Angela) -- Angela Merici January 27, May 31, June 1
    Anna (Anna) -- mother of Mary July 26
    Antoni, Antonin (Anthony, Antonius) -- Anthony, abbot January 17; Anthony, bishop May 10; Anthony of Padua June 13; Anthony, d.c. 1342, Lithuanian,June 14; Anthony Mary Zaccaria July 5; Anthony Perchersky, Ukrainian, July 10
    Antonia, Antonina (Antoinette, Antonina) -- February 28, May 4, June 12
    Apolinarius (Appollinaris) -- July 23
    Apolonia (Pauline) -- February 9
    Apolonius (Apollonius) -- April 18
    August, Augustyn (Augustine) -- Augustine of Canterbury May 28; Augustine of Hippo, Doctor of the Church August 28

    - B -
    Baltazar (Balthasar) -- January 6, July 23
    Barbara (Barbara) -- December 4
    Barnabas (Barnabas) -- Barnabas the Apostle June 11
    Bartlomiej (Bartholomew) -- Bartholomew the Apostle August 24; Bartholomew November 11
    Bazyli (Basil) -- Basil the Great June 14
    Bede (Bede) -- Bede the Venerable May 27
    Benedykt (Benedict) -- Benedict, abbot March 21; Benedict, Polish, April 23; Benedict, Pope July 11
    Bernard (Bernard) -- August 20
    Bernardyn (Bernadine, male) -- May 20
    Bibiana (Bibiana, Viviana) -- December 2
    Blazej (Blaise) -- February 3
    Bogumil (Bogimilus, Theophilus) -- Polish, June 10; see Teofil
    Boleslaw (Boleslaus, William)
    Boleslawa (Boleslava, Wilhelmina, Mina)
    Bonifacy (Boniface) -- Boniface of Tarsus May 14; Boniface, Apostle of Germany June 5; Boniface, Second Apostle of the Prussians June 19
    Bozena ("of God"), see Teodora and Teodozia
    Bronislaw (Bronislaus, Bruno)
    Bronislawa (Bronislava, Bernice, Bertha) -- Polish, September 3
    Brunon (Bruno) -- patron of Ruthenia (Ukraine) October 6
    Brygida (Bridget, Birgitta) -- patron of Sweden October 8

    - C -
    Cecylia (Cecelia) -- November 22
    Cyprian (Cyprian) -- Cyprian, bishop September 16; Cyprian, martyr September 26
    Cyryl (Cyril) -- Cyril of Alexandria February 9; Cyril of Jerusalem March 18; Cyril (of Saints Cyril and Methidius) Slavic, July 7
    Czeslaw (Ceslaus, Chester) -- Polish, July 17 and 28
    Czeslawa (feminine of Czeslaw, Ceslava) -- also see Teresa

    - D -
    Dawid (David) -- Dewi of Wales March 1; David, Russian, September 19; King David December 30
    Doloreta (Dolores) -- Seven Sorrows (Dolores in Latin) of the Blessed Virgin Mary September 15
    Domicylla, Domitilla (Domitilla) -- May 7 and 12
    Dominik (Dominic) -- August 4
    Dorota (Dorothy) -- Dorothy of Montau, patroness of Prussia October 30

    - E -
    Edmund (Edmund) -- November 20
    Edward (Edward) -- March 18, October 13
    Elzbieta (Elizabeth) -- Elizabeth, Queen of Portugal July 8; Elizabeth of Hungary November 19
    Emilia, Emiliana (Emiliana, Emily) -- August 24, December 24
    Ewa (Eve) -- the eve of Christmas day December 24

    - F -
    Fabian (Fabian) -- January 20
    Felicia (Felice, Felicity, Phyllis) -- March 6
    Feliks (Felix) -- Felix of Nola, priest/martyr January 14; Felix I, Pope May 30; Felix, martyr July 12; Felix II, Pope July 29; Felix, martyr August 30; Felix of Valois November 20
    Filip (Philip) -- Philip, Apostle May 1, May 11; Philip Neri May 26; Philip Benizi August 23
    Florentyna (Flora, Florence) -- June 20, November 24
    Florjan (Florian) -- patron of Poland and Upper Austria May 4
    Franciszek (Francis, Frank) -- Francis de Sales January 29; Francis of Paola April 2; Francis Caracciolo June 4; Francis of Assisi October 4; Francis Borgia October 10
    Franciszek Ksawery (Francis Xavier) -- December 3
    Franciszka (Frances) -- March 9
    Fryderyk (Frederick) -- July 18

    - G -
    Gabriel (Gabriel) -- Archangel March 24
    Genowefa (Genevieve) -- January 3
    Giertruda (Gertrude) -- November 16
    Grzegorz (Gregory) -- Gregory the Great, Pope March 12; Gregory Nazianzen May 9; Gregory VII, Pope May 25; Gregory the Wonder-worker November 17
    Gustaw (Gustav, August, Augustine) -- see August, Augustyn
    Gwidon (Guy) -- September 12

    - H -
    Halina, Helena (Helen) -- August 18
    Henryk (Henry) -- Henry of Bavaria, Emperor of Germany July 15
    Henryka (Henrietta, Hattie) -- feminine of Henryk
    Hiacynt, Jacek (Hyacinth, male) -- Hyacinth, patron of Poland (Hyacinth Ronski) August 17; Hyacinth September 11
    Hiacynta, Jacinta (Hyacintha, female) -- January 30
    Hieronym (Jerome, Henry) -- Jerome Emilian July 20; Jerome, Doctor of the Church September 30
    Hipolit (Hippolytus) -- August 13
    Honorata (Honorata) -- January 11
    Honoratus (Honoratus) -- January 16

    - I -
    Ignacy (Ignace, Ignatius) -- Ignatius, bishop/martyr February 1; Ignatius of Rostov Russian, May 28; Ignatius of Loyola July 31
    Irena, Irina (Irene) -- April 3
    Isabela (Isabelle) -- Elizabeth of Portugal (born Isabella) July 4 and 8
    Izydor (Isidore) -- Isidore of Alexandria January 15; Isidore the Farmer March 22; Isidore of Seville, bishop April 4; Isidore of Chios May 15; Isidore December 14

    - J -
    Jacek -- see Hiacynt
    Jacinta -- see Hiacynta
    Jadwiga (Hedwig, Hattie) -- Blessed Hedwig, Queen of Poland February 28; Hedwig, patroness of Silesia October 16
    Jakub (Jacob, James) -- James the Lesser Apostle May 1 and 11; James the Greater, Apostle July 25
    Jan (John) -- John Chrysostom January 27; John of Matha February 8; John of God March 8; John Damascene March 27; John Capistran March 28; John the Apostle, Before the Latin Gate May 6; John Lithuanian, April 14; John of San Facundo June 12; John Gualbert July 12; John of Dukla, patron of Poland and Lithuania July 10 and September 28; John of the Cross November 24; John, Apostle and Evangelist December 27
    Jan Baptysta, Jan Chrzciciel (John the Baptist) -- birth of June 24; beheading of August 29
    Jan Jozef (John Joseph) -- March 5
    Jan Kanty (John Cantius) -- patron of Poland and Lithuania October 20
    Jan Nepomucen (John Nepomucene) -- patron of Czechoslovakia May 16
    Januariusz (Januarius, January, John) -- September 19
    Jerzy (George) -- patron of England and Germany April 23
    Joachim, Joakim (Joachim) -- August 16
    Joanna (Joanne, Jane, Jean, Joan, Jennie) -- Joan of Arc May 30; Jane Frances de Chantal August 21
    Jolanta, Jolenta (Yolanda) -- Blessed Jolenta (Helen of Poland), Polish/Hungarian, June 12 and 14
    Jozef (Joseph) -- Joseph, father of Jesus March 19; Joseph the Workman May 1; Joseph of Cupertino September 18
    Jozefa, Jozefina (Josephine) -- feminine of Jozef
    Jozefat (Josaphat) -- Polish/Lithuanian, November 14
    Julia (Julia, Julie) -- May 22
    Julian (Julian) -- January 9
    Juliana (Julianna, Julie) -- Juliana Falconieri June 19
    Justin, Justyn (Justin) -- April 14
    Justina, Justyna (Justina) -- September 26

    - K -
    Kajetan (Cajetan) -- August 7
    Kamil (Camile, Camillus, male) -- Camile of Lellis July 18
    Kamila (Camila, Camille, female) -- feminine of Kamil
    Karol (Karl, Charles) -- Blessed Charlemagne of France January 28; Charles Borromeo November 4
    Karolina (Carolina, Charlotte) -- feminine of Karol
    Kasper (Caspar) -- Caspar, one of the Magi January 6, July 23; Caspar del Bufalo January 2
    Katarzyna (Catherine) -- Catherine of Siena April 30; Catherine of Alexandria November 25
    Kazimierz, Kazmierz (Casimir) -- patron of Poland and Lithuania March 4
    Klara (Clara, Clare) --August 12
    Klemens, Klement (Clemence, Clement) -- Clement January 23; Clement February 13; Clement Slovensky of Okhrida, Apostle of Bulgaria July 17 and 27; Clement I, Pope November 23
    Klementyna (Clementine) -- feminine of Klemens
    Konrad(Conrad) -- Blessed Conrad of Bavaria February 14 and March 15; Conrad of Piacenza February 19; Conrad of Swabia, bishop of Trèves June 1; Conrad of Constance, bishop November 26
    Konstanty (Constant, Constantine) -- Constantine, King of Cornwall (first martyr of Scotland) March 11; Constantine Russian, September 19
    Konstantyna (Constance) -- feminine of Konstanty
    Krystyna (Christine) -- Christine of Bolsena and two Christinas July 24; Christina (also called Nino), Apostle of Georgia Russian, December 15
    Krzysztof (Christopher) -- July 25
    Kunegunda (Cunegunda) -- Cunegunda of Luxembourg and Bavaria March 3; Blessed Cunegunda (also known as Kinga), patroness of Poland and Lithuania Polish/Hungarian, July 21 and 23

    - L -
    Leokadia (Leocadia, Laura) -- December 9
    Leon (Leo) -- Leo I the Great, Pope April 11; Leo IX, Pope April 19; Leo III, Pope June 12; Leo II, Pope July 3; Leo IV, Pope July 17
    Leonard (Leonard, Leon) -- November 6
    Lidia (Lydia) -- August 3
    Lorenz (Lawrence) -- Lawrence of Brindisi July 21; Lawrence, martyr August 10; Lawrence Justinian September 4 and 5
    Lucja (Lucy) -- Lucy, martyr September 16; Lucy of Sicily, martyr December 13
    Lucjan (Lucian) -- Lucian of Antioch January 7; Lucian of Beauvais January 8; Lucian October 26
    Ludmila (Ludmila) -- Bohemian, September 16
    Ludwik (Louis) -- Louis IX, King of France August 25
    Ludwika (Louise) -- March 15
    Lukasz (Lucas, Luke) -- Luke the Evangelist October 18

    - M -
    Maciej (Matthew) -- Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist September 21
    Magdalena (Mary Magdalene, Madeline) -- Mary Magdalen del Pazzi May 29; Mary Magdalene July 22
    Maksymilian (Maximilian) -- Maximilian March 12; Maximilian of Lorch October 12; Maksymilian Kolbe Polish, August 14
    Malgorzata, Margarita (Margaret) -- Margaret of Hungary January 18 and 26; Margaret, Queen of Scotland June 10; Margaret July 20
    Marcelian (Marcellianus) -- twin of Mark June 18
    Marcianna, Martyna (Marcyanna, Martina) -- Marciana January 9; Martina January 30
    Marcin (Martin) -- Martin of Tours November 11; Martin I, Pope November 12
    Marek (Mark) -- Mark the Evangelist April 25; Mark, twin of Marcellianus June 18; Mark, Pope October 7
    Maria, Marja, Marya (Mary) -- Feast Days of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God January 1; Purification of the BVM February 2; Annunciation of the BVM March 25; Queenship of the BVM May 31; Visitation of the BVM to Elizabeth July 2; Assumption of the BVM August 15; Immaculate Heart of Mary August 22; Our Lady of Czestochowa, patroness of Poland August 26; Nativity of the BVM September 8; Most Holy Name of Mary September 12; BVM of the Rosary October 7; Immaculate Conception December 8
    Marta (Martha) -- Martha, martyr January 19; Martha (sister of Mary Magdalene and Lazarus) July 29
    Martyna -- see Marcianna
    Mateusz (Mathias) -- Mathias (the Apostle who took the Place of Judas) February 24 and 25; also see Maciej
    Melchior (Melchior) -- January 6 and July 23
    Metody (Methodius) -- Cyril and Methodius (Apostles of the Slavs) Slavic, July 7
    Michal, Mieczyslaw (Michael) -- Apparition of Michael the Archangel May 8; Michael of Chernigov Ukrainian/Russian, September 21; Michael the Archangel September 29
    Michalina (Michalina) -- June 20
    Mieczyslaw (Miecislaus) -- Mieczyslaw I (King of Poland who accepted Christianity on behalf of all Poland) January 1
    Mikolaj (Nicholas) -- Nicholas of Tolentino September 10; Nicholas I the Great, Pope November 13; Nicholas, patron of Russia December 6
    Monika (Monica, Mona) -- mother of St. Augustine May 4

    - N -
    Nicodem (Nicodemus) -- Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain July 14
    Norbert (Norbert) -- Norbert of Germany June 6

    - O -
    Olenka -- see Olga
    Olga (Alexandra, Sandra, Olga) -- Russian/Ukrainian, July 11
    Onufrius, Onufry (Onuphrius) -- June 12
    Otto (Otto) -- Otto July 2 and 3, and September 30

    - P -
    Paulina (Pauline) -- January 26
    Pawel (Paul) -- Paul the Hermit January 15; Conversion of Paul the Apostle January 25; Paul of the Cross April 28; Paul the Apostle June 29 and 30; Dedication of the Basilicas of Peter and Paul November 18
    Pelagia (Pelagia, Paula, Pauline) -- Pelagia of Tarsus May 4; Pelagia of Antioch June 9; Pelagia the Penitent October 8
    Petronela (Petronilla) -- May 31
    Piotr (Peter) -- Chair of St. Peter at Rome January 18; Peter Nolasco January 28; Chair of St. Peter at Antioch February 22; Peter Damian February 23; Peter Canisius, Second Great Apostle of Germany April 27; Peter of Verona April 29; Peter I Celestine, Pope May 19; Peter, martyr June 2; Peter the Apostle June 29; Peter's Chains (the Apostle) August 1; Dedication of the Basilicas of Peter and Paul November 18; Peter Chrysologus December 4
    Prakseda (Prazedes, Praxey) -- July 21

    - R -
    Rafal, Rafael (Raphael) -- Archangel October 24
    Rajmund (Raymond) -- Raymond of Pennafort January 23; Raymond Nonnatus August 31
    Regina (Regina) -- September 7
    Roch (Roch, Rock) -- August 16
    Roman (Roman) -- August 9
    Romuald (Romuald, male) -- February 7
    Romualda (Romualda, Roma) -- feminine of Romuald
    Róza (Rose) -- Rose of Lima August 30
    Rozalia (Rosalie, Rose) -- Rose of Viterbo September 4
    Ryszard (Richard) -- February 7

    - S -
    Sabina (Sabina) -- August 29
    Salomeja (Salome, Sarah) -- Salome, mother of James and John the Apostles October 22; Blessed Salome Polish, November 6, 17 and 18
    Saturnin (Saturnin) -- November 30
    Sebastian (Sebastian) --January 20
    Seweryn (Severin) -- Severinus of Noricum January 5
    Simeon, Szymon (Simeon) -- Simeon the Stylite January 5; Simeon, bishop/martyr February 18; Simeon (the old man in the Temple) October 8; see also Szymon
    Sofia, Zofia (Sophie) -- September 30
    Stanislaw (Stanislaus, Stanley) -- Stanislaus, Bishop of Kraków May 7; Stanislaus Kostka, patron of Poland November 13
    Stanislawa (Stanislava, Stella) -- feminine of Stanislaw
    Stefan, Szczepan (Stephen, Steven) -- Stephen of Perm Russian, April 26; Stephen Pechersky Ukrainian, April 27; Stephen I, Pope August 2; Finding the Body of Stephen the First Martyr August 3; King Stephen, patron of Hungary September 2; Stephen the First Martyr December 26
    Stefania (Stephanie) -- feminine of Stefan
    Sylwester (Sylvester) -- Sylvester, abbot November 26; Sylvester, Pope December 31
    Szczepan (Stephen, Steven) -- see Stefan
    Szymon (Simon) -- Simon of Lipnica Polish, July 15 and 30; Simon the Zealot, Apostle October 28

    - T -
    Tadeusz (Thaddeus, Ted) -- Jude Thaddeus the Apostle October 28
    Tekla (Thecla, Tillie) -- September 23
    Teodor (Theodore, Ted) -- Theodore the Black Russian, September 19; Theodore Ukrainian/Russian, September 21; Theodore, martyr and soldier November 9; Theodore Graptoi December 27
    Teodora (Theodora, Dora, Dorie) -- April 28 and September 17
    Teodozja (Theodosia) -- April 2 and May 29
    Teodozjusz (Theodosius) -- Theodosius Pechersky, abbot (also known as Theodosius of the Caves of Kiev) Ukrainian/Russian, May 3 and July 10
    Teofil (Theophilus) -- Theophilus the Penitent February 4
    Teofila (Theophila) -- feminine of Teofil
    Teresa, Tereza, Czeslawa (Theresa) -- Teresa of Avila October 15
    Timoteusz (Timothy) -- Timothy, bishop January 24; Timothy, martyr August 22
    Tomasz (Thomas) -- Thomas Aquinas March 7; Thomas of Villanova September 22; Thomas Cantelupe of Hereford October 3; Thomas Becket December 29

    - U -
    Urban (Urban) -- Urban I, Pope May 25
    Urzula (Ursula) -- October 21

    - W -
    Waclaw (Wenceslaus, Walter) -- patron of Czechoslovakia Bohemian, September 28
    Waclawa (Violet) -- feminine of Waclaw
    Walburga (Walburga) -- February 25
    Walenty (Valentine) -- Valentine, abbot January 7; Valentine, bishop/martyr February 14
    Walentyna (Valentina) -- July 25; feminine of Walenty
    Walerian, Walery (Valerian, Valery) -- April 14
    Wanda (Wanda) -- Wanda, Queen, daughter of King Kark of Kraków Vislanian (pre-Christian Polish)
    Wawrzyniec (Lawrence) -- see Lorenz
    Weronika (Veronica) -- July 12
    Wicenty, Wincenty (Vincent) -- Vincent of Saragossa (Spain), martyr January 22; Blessed Wincenty Kadlubek, bishop of Kraków Polish, October 11; Vincent Ferrer April 5; Vincent de Paul July 19
    Wiktor (Victor) -- Victor of Marseilles, martyr July 21; Victor I, Pope July 28
    Wiktoria, Wiktorya (Victoria) -- Victoria, martyr February 11; Victoria, martyr December 20 and 23
    Wilhelm (William, Bill) -- June 25
    Wilhelmina (Wilhelmina, Mina) -- feminine of Wilhelm
    Wincenty -- see Wicenty
    Wita, Witus (Vitus) -- June 15
    Wladimir (Vladimir) -- Vladimir of Kiev, patron of Russia July 15
    Wladyslaw (Ladislaus, Walter) -- Blessed Ladislaus of Gielnów, patron of Poland, Galicia, and Lithuania May 11; Ladislaus, King of Hungary June 27
    Wojciech (Adalbert, Albert, George) -- April 23

    - Z -
    Zachariasz (Zachary) -- Zachary, Pope March 15 and 22; Zachary, father of John the Baptist November 5 and 15
    Zenon (Zenon) -- December 22
    Zofia, Sofia (Sophie) -- September 30
    Zuzanna (Susanna, Susan) -- Susanna (also called Anne), martyr July 23; Susanna, martyr August 11; Susanna, martyr October 17
    Zygmunt (Sigismund, Sigmund) -- Zygmunt III Wasa, King of Poland October 31; Sigismund, King of the Burgundians, martyr December 30
    Zyta (Zita) -- April 27

Lmao, All wrong, FAIL.

if thats not right what chance do we have

Alot, Its a common first name, Im suprised no one has guessed.
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  • TTG Fanatic
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