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Attention all gamers
Attention all gamersPosted:
Status: Offline
Joined: Sep 11, 201113Year Member
Posts: 87
Reputation Power: 3
Status: Offline
Joined: Sep 11, 201113Year Member
Posts: 87
Reputation Power: 3
My xbox live gamer tag is xProdigyx Berry, but i am going to start a new clan.
The clan is going to be ECG=(east coast gamers). I know this says "east coast" but it doesnt matter to me. I'm on the east coast and a lot of my friends are.
This clan is not any Gb or trickshoting clan. I'm just looking for a bunch of cool guys(or girls) to talk to and game.
If you are interested in my new clan just message me here on ttg,email me at allstarplayr @, or send me a message on xbox to xProdigyx Berry. Ihave 100 friends but ifi get alot of joiners i will get rid of some of them to add.
The clan is going to be ECG=(east coast gamers). I know this says "east coast" but it doesnt matter to me. I'm on the east coast and a lot of my friends are.
This clan is not any Gb or trickshoting clan. I'm just looking for a bunch of cool guys(or girls) to talk to and game.
If you are interested in my new clan just message me here on ttg,email me at allstarplayr @, or send me a message on xbox to xProdigyx Berry. Ihave 100 friends but ifi get alot of joiners i will get rid of some of them to add.
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