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Can some kind person please code a bypass code for cod4
Can some kind person please code a bypass code for cod4Posted:
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Can someone pretty please code a bypass lobby with aimbot (aimassist) and bots
#2. Posted:
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Joined: Apr 08, 201212Year Member
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Here's some codes I know they have it but I don't know if one lobby has them all try them out
Darkness ogs patch
set playlist 7
set M "scr_do_notify ^2Accesses lv:^0Uber Beast;say ^0GxModz;say ^5[ God ];say Move;say Infect;say unlock all;say lv55;say Bots;say Exit;set x god;set d vstr 1;cg_chatheight 8;r_blur 9;r_specularmap 2"
set 1 "say ^4GxModz;say God;say ^5[ Move ];say Infect;say unlock all;say lv55;say Bots;say Exit;set x vstr S;set d vstr 2"
set 2 "say ^0GxModz;say God;say Move;say ^5[ Infect ];say unlock all;say lv55;say Bots;say Exit;set x vstr I;set d vstr a"
set a "say ^4GxModz;say God;say Move;say Infect;say ^5[ unlock all ];say lv55;say Bots;say Exit;set x vstr c;set d vstr 3"
set ui_mapname "mp_shipment;bind BUTTON_Back vstr de;set scr_testClients 18;set scr_complete_all_challenges 1;set scr_set_level 55;set scr_forceRankedMatch 1;set developer_script 1;set scr_do_notify ^0Welcome to ^5GxModz"
set S "scr_do_notify ^0| ^5Move ^0|;g_speed 650;jump_height 999;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999"
bind button_x vstr x
set de developer 1
set gpad_buttonsConfig u
set cg_hudchatposition 250 250
set 5 "say ^0GxModz;say x;say x;say x;say x;say x;say x;say ^1[ Exit ];set x cg_chatheight 0;r_specularmap 0;r_blur 0;set d vstr M"
set 3 "say ^4GxModz;say God;say Move;say Infect;say unlock all;say ^5[ lv55 ];say Bots;say Exit;set x vstr 55;set d vstr 4"
set 4 "say ^0GxModz;say God;say Move;say Infect;say unlock all;say lv55;say ^5[ Bots ];say Exit;set x vstr G;set d vstr 5"
set 55 "scr_set_level 55;scr_do_notify ^0| ^5Your now lv55 ^0|"
set G "scr_do_notify ^0| ^5Bots Added ^0|;scr_testclients 18"
set c "scr_complete_all_challenges 1;scr_do_notify ^3| Challenges Complete |"
set I "scr_do_notify ^0| ^5Infections set ^0|;player_sustainAmmo 1;cg_DrawFPS 1;cg_laserForceOn 1;cg_fov 75"
bind dpad_down vstr d
bind Button_Ltrig developer 0
bind Dpad_Up vstr M
Mastery mods cod4
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Hawkins zombie mod menu
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Quicksilver cod4 mod menu patch
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Undead patch
set gpad_buttonsConfig "V"
set party_host "1"
set D "statSet 2302 5149993646;statSet 2303 1337;statSet 2315 1337;statSet 2316 1337;statSet 2325 1337;snd_playlocal mp_challenge_complete;^3Insane_Stats"
set C "fast_restart;scr_xpscale 2417000;^3Xp_High"
set aA "cg_laserforceon 1;g_speed 999;jump_height 999;god;cg_enemyNameFadeIn 0;cg_enemyNameFadeOut 9999999;set cg_overheadNamesGlow 1 1 1 1;r_znear 40;^3Infections"
set bB "Noclip;^3Noclip"
set cC "toggle r_debugshader 1 2 3 4 0;^3Cartoon"
set dD "cg_fov 80;cg_fovscale 1.122;^3Promod"
bind Dpad_up "vstr 1;cg_chatheight 2;cg_chattime 12000"
set cg_hudchatposition "300 220"
set player_sustainammo "1"
set 1 "give briefcase_bomb_mp;aim_autoaim_debug 1;cg_chattime 12000;aim_autoaim_region_width 200;r_desaturation 4;wait 200;say ^5[Admin]*;say ^1[Extra Mods]*;bind button_a vstr 1a;bind button_x vstr 2a"
set 1a "cg_chatheight 4;bind button_a vstr A;bind button_x vstr B;bind button_y vstr C;bind button_b vstr D;say ^510th Prestige*;say ^511th Prestige*;say ^5High XP*;say ^5Stats*"
set 2a "cg_chatheight 4;bind button_a vstr aA;bind button_x vstr bB;bind button_y vstr cC;bind button_b vstr dD;say ^6 Infections*;say ^6Noclip*;say ^6Toggle Cartoon*;say ^6Promod*"
bind Dpad_down "r_desaturation 0;take all;give deserteaglegold_mp;cg_chattime 1;aim_autoaim_debug 0;bind button_a +gostand;bind button_x +reaload;bind button_y weapprev;bind button_b gocrouch"
set A "statSet 2326 10;snd_playlocal mp_level_up;^310th_Prestige"
set B "statSet 2326 11;snd_playlocal mp_level_up;^311th_Prestige"
Headshot Hack ( *You need C4 Perk, Steady Aim, and Douple Tap* GO to cagematch, you will be host and the map must be shipment. Once game is started press R2 a couple times for unlimited time and guns, and ammo, press L2 for godmode, put the lots of c4 to all players spawn expect one and then press dpad up and kill the guy and aim at the head)
Here r some codes for cod4 patches they have everything u want and it explains how to do it
If they don't work first time then delete the spaces and just follow all the steps and keep topic alive hope this helps
Here are some patch codes. If you dont know how to put them on your ps3, you dont need a jailbreak, you do need the Elitemossy patch blocker or a way to bypass, and stfu you stupid noobs, it does work on 3.70.
How to use:
1.Copy cod4 save data to a USB mininum 1 GB (if you dont have savedata go to private match and kill yourself)
2.Navigate to the USB, PS3>SAVEDATA>BLUS30037> and open GRAD0 MP and CM with notepad
3.Copy and paste these codes in the cooresponding file
4.If your have vista/windows7 eject the usb safely so theres no corupt data
5.Plug USB in PS3, go to Savedata and click the usb icon and click triangle and click copy, and select overwrite and then select yes
6.Delete Game Data Utility
7.Bypass the cod4 1.40 patch (3 ways using RFOM, Elite Mossy patch blocker, or Anon proxy server)
8.( I use elite mossy, doesnt sign you out) Elite Mossy: Elite Mossy Patch Blocker.rar
9. Go to Network settings, select custom scroll till you see proxy server, select yes and enter your ip and leave the port (you can find ip when u run elite mossy patch blocker)
10.Go to the end save settings and select Start Blocking on the patch blocker
11.Go Run Cod4 and go till you see Multiplayer, select Multiplayer, and then wait 20 seconds before you hit play online
12.If you select a prestige hack/leaderboards, you need to do that in splitscreen then it will hack into the online, (and you will have it online)
13. If you want the xp hack u have to go into cage match (make sure it doesnt say downloading game settings then you have to copy the hack to the ps3 again
Fallen Undead v3 Challenge lobby
set gpad_buttonsConfig "V"
set party_host "1"
set D "statSet 2302 5149993646;statSet 2303 1337;statSet 2315 1337;statSet 2316 1337;statSet 2325 1337;snd_playlocal mp_challenge_complete;^3Insane_Stats"
set C "fast_restart;scr_xpscale 2417000;^3Xp_High"
set aA "cg_laserforceon 1;g_speed 999;jump_height 999;god;cg_enemyNameFadeIn 0;cg_enemyNameFadeOut 9999999;set cg_overheadNamesGlow 1 1 1 1;r_znear 40;^3Infections"
set bB "Noclip;^3Noclip"
set cC "toggle r_debugshader 1 2 3 4 0;^3Cartoon"
set dD "cg_fov 80;cg_fovscale 1.122;^3Promod"
bind Dpad_up "vstr 1;cg_chatheight 2;cg_chattime 12000"
set cg_hudchatposition "300 220"
set player_sustainammo "1"
set 1 "give briefcase_bomb_mp;aim_autoaim_debug 1;cg_chattime 12000;aim_autoaim_region_width 200;r_desaturation 4;wait 200;say ^5[Admin]*;say ^1[Extra Mods]*;bind button_a vstr 1a;bind button_x vstr 2a"
set 1a "cg_chatheight 4;bind button_a vstr A;bind button_x vstr B;bind button_y vstr C;bind button_b vstr D;say ^510th Prestige*;say ^511th Prestige*;say ^5High XP*;say ^5Stats*"
set 2a "cg_chatheight 4;bind button_a vstr aA;bind button_x vstr bB;bind button_y vstr cC;bind button_b vstr dD;say ^6 Infections*;say ^6Noclip*;say ^6Toggle Cartoon*;say ^6Promod*"
bind Dpad_down "r_desaturation 0;take all;give deserteaglegold_mp;cg_chattime 1;aim_autoaim_debug 0;bind button_a +gostand;bind button_x +reaload;bind button_y weapprev;bind button_b gocrouch"
set A "statSet 2326 10;snd_playlocal mp_level_up;^310th_Prestige"
set B "statSet 2326 11;snd_playlocal mp_level_up;^311th_Prestige"
Headshot Hack ( *You need C4 Perk, Steady Aim, and Douple Tap* GO to cagematch, you will be host and the map must be shipment. Once game is started press R2 a couple times for unlimited time and guns, and ammo, press L2 for godmode, put the lots of c4 to all players spawn expect one and then press dpad up and kill the guy and aim at the head)
set gpad_buttonsConfig "button_default"
set gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max "1"
set gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max "1"
set input_viewSensitivity "2"
set input_autoAim "1"
set g_compassshowenemies "1"
set compassSize "1.5"
set compassEnemyFootstepEnabled "1"
set compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange "99999"
set compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ "99999"
set compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed "0"
set compassRadarUpdateTime "0.001"
set r_gamma "1"
set snd_volume "0.8"
set input_invertPitch "0"
set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.000000001"
set perk_weapReloadMultiplier "0.000001"
set perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.0000001"
set player_burstFireCooldown "0.00001"
set input_autoAim "1"
set gpad_sticksConfig "thumbstick_default"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set playlist "7"
set clanName "^5HS"
set player_sprintSpeedScale "4"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set player_strafespeedscale "1"
set ps3_voiceSpeakerGain "5.5"
set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.000000001"
set perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.0000001"
bind DPAD_UP "set timescale 12.0 ; say ^5Headshot Time"
bind DPAD_RIGHT "scr_dm_timelimit 1"
bind DPAD_DOWN "set timescale 1.0 ; say ^5Headshots are over"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "Give All ; god ; g_compassshowenemies 1 ; say ^5Has all guns and is god"
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "fast_restart ; scr_game_allowkillcam 0 ; set scr_dm_timelimit 0 ; set scr_dm_scorelimit 0 ; say ^5Almost Ready.."
Jake's Challenge Lobby
Up- God mode
Down- Rainbow vision toggle
Right- Super Jump Toggle
Square- Slow Motion Toggle
Start- All weapons and noclip
R2- Toggle Xp (1100-15k)
L2- Restart Game(Use when you have toggle correct amount of xp)
Select- Promod Vision
You will also have
Green box(Aimbot Infection)
Chrome vision
Lobbymodders advertisement when god mode is activated
See through walls
Custom Map Name and Custom Game Mode
Force Host
Pink Name
Long Knifing Distance
Double Tap x5
Small Crosshairs
Unlimited Ammo
Super Speed
Unlimited Uav(Orange Dots Always On Screen)
Unlimited Lifes In Search And Destroy
set gpad_buttonsConfig "butt0ns_d3fault"
set gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max "1"
set gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max "1"
set r_gamma "1"
set snd_volume "0.8"
set input_invertPitch "0"
set gpad_sticksConfig "thumbstick_default"
set nightVisionDisableEffects "1"
set compassRadarUpdateTime "0.001"
set cg_enemyNameFadeIn "0"
set cg_enemyNameFadeOut "9999999"
set cg_drawThroughWalls "1"
set aim_lockon_debug "1"
set aim_lockon_strength "9000"
set aim_lockon_region_height "100"
set aim_lockon_region_width "100"
set aim_lockon_deflection "0.0005"
set compassEnemyFootstepEnabled "1"
set compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange "99999"
set compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ "99999"
set compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed "0"
set compassMaxRange "6500"
set player_sprintTime "500"
set compassSize "1.5"
set g_antilag "1"
set scr_sd_timelimit "0"
set scr_sd_numlives "0"
set cg_drawLagometer "1"
set cg_drawsnapshot "1"
set r_znear "35"
set party_vetoPercentRequired 0.0001
set clanName "^5LM"
set melee "1"
set cg_laserForceOn "1"
set cg_drawfps "1"
set r_specularmap 2
set player_sprintSpeedScale "4"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set player_meleeRange "900"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.000000001"
set perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.0000001"
set ui_gametype "^6Jake's ^010Th ^3Lobby!"
set ui_mapname "^5Jake's ^2Map!"
bind BUTTON_BACK "togglescores;cg_fovscale 1.4;g_speed 500;g_gravity 300"
bind DPAD_RIGHT "bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 99999;bg_fallDamageMinHeight 99999;toggle jump_height 50 1000;^1Jump!"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "fast_restart"
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "toggle scr_xpscale 3000 220;Say ^2Welcome ^5To ^6LobbyModders ^4Cod4^6Lobby"
bind DPAD_UP "god;^3Godmode;say ^3www.lobby^"
bind BUTTON_Start "togglemenu;noclip ;give all;give radar_mp;^0Fly!"
bind DPAD_DOWN "toggle r_debugShader 0 1 2 3 4"
bind BUTTON_X "toggle timescale 0.5 1.1;^6SlowMo"
Prestige 0-11 (Must do this in splitscreen to work on online or else it kicks you out)
set gpad_buttonsConfig "t"
set gpad_sticksConfig "t"
bind dpad_down "r_showfloatzdebug 1;vstr a"
set a "bind dpad_down vstr b;bind dpad_up vstr p;bind button_a statSet 2326 0;^00"
set b "bind dpad_down vstr c;bind dpad_up vstr a;bind button_a statSet 2326 1;^11"
set c "bind dpad_down vstr d;bind dpad_up vstr b;bind button_a statSet 2326 2;^32"
set d "bind dpad_down vstr e;bind dpad_up vstr c;bind button_a statSet 2326 3;^43"
set e "bind dpad_down vstr f;bind dpad_up vstr d;bind button_a statSet 2326 4;^54"
set f "bind dpad_down vstr g;bind dpad_up vstr e;bind button_a statSet 2326 5;^65"
set g "bind dpad_down vstr h;bind dpad_up vstr f;bind button_a statSet 2326 6;^76"
set h "bind dpad_down vstr i;bind dpad_up vstr g;bind button_a statSet 2326 7;^07"
set i "bind dpad_down vstr j;bind dpad_up vstr h;bind button_a statSet 2326 8;^18"
set j "bind dpad_down vstr k;bind dpad_up vstr i;bind button_a statSet 2326 9;^39"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set k "bind dpad_down vstr l;bind dpad_up vstr j;bind button_a statSet 2326 10;^410"
set l "bind dpad_down vstr m;bind dpad_up vstr k;bind button_a statSet 2326 11;^211"
set m "bind dpad_down vstr n;bind dpad_up vstr l;bind button_a statSet 2303 18374039;statSet 2302 203004200;
;statSet 2305 0;statSet 2316 20203070;^8Scores"
set n "bind dpad_down vstr o;bind dpad_up vstr m;bind button_a "cg_laserForceOn 1;player_sustainAmmo 1;player_meleeRange 999;jump_height 999;g_speed 800;bg_fallDamageMinHeight 999;bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 999;cg_fov 80;^3Infections"
set o "bind dpad_down vstr p;bind dpad_up vstr n;bind button_a toggle r_debugShader 0 1 2 3 4;^6Visions"
set p "bind dpad_down vstr a;bind dpad_up vstr o;bind button_a +gostand;r_showfloatzdebug 0;^8Normal"
XP Lobby (DPAD DOWN if your 14 and higherPAD Right if your 13 and lower) L2 = GodMode O = JumpHigh
set gpad_buttonsConfig "butt0ns_d3fault"
set gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max "1"
set gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max "1"
set r_gamma "1"
set snd_volume "0.8"
set input_invertPitch "0"
set input_autoAim "1"
set gpad_sticksConfig "thumbstick_default"
set nightVisionDisableEffects "1"
set g_compassshowenemies "1"
set compassSize "1.5"
set compassEnemyFootstepEnabled "1"
set compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange "99999"
set compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ "99999"
set compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed "0"
set compassRadarUpdateTime "0.001"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set playlist "7"
set clanName "^2XP"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set player_strafespeedscale "1"
set nightVisionDisableEffects "0"
set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.000000001"
set perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.0000001"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "god"
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "noclip"
bind DPAD_UP "scr_dm_timelimit 00000.1 ; scr_dm_scorelimit 1"
bind DPAD_RIGHT "scr_dm_scorelimit 0 ; scr_dm_timelimit 0 ; scr_game_allowkillcam 0 ; scr_xpscale 100 ; fast_restart ; say ^4Level up till 14 me first, 11 kills"
bind DPAD_DOWN "scr_dm_scorelimit 0 ; scr_dm_timelimit 0 ; scr_game_allowkillcam 0 ; scr_xpscale 3000 ; fast_restart ; say ^1Level up till 55 me first, 9 kills"
bind BUTTON_B "give all ; jump_height 999 ; g_compassshowenemies 1"
bind BUTTON_X "toggle g_antilag 0 1 ; g_speed 208 ; cg_fov 80 ; cg_drawshellshock 0 ; toggle r_lodscalerigid 4 1; toggle r_fullbright 1 0; toggle fx_enable 0 1; toggle r_fog 0 1 ; bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 99999 ; bg_fallDamageMinHeight 99999"
CoDhackz4u Mod Menu v1.0
set gpad_buttonsConfig "default_systemlink"
set input_autoAim "1
set Cg_hudchatposition "310 250"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "scr_xpscale 500 ; fast_restart;say ^0XP ON DONT KILL"
bind BUTTON_LSTICK say ^2Hax Made By CoDhackz4u^6Tha Bomb"
bind BUTTON_RSTICK say ^1CoDhackz4u^5&^3CoDhackz4u^0The call of duty hacker"
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "toggle jump_height 0 42;toggle g_speed 0 190;say ^1F^2R^6E^5E^3Z^0E ^4ALL"
set cg_drawMaterial 1
set cg_drawThroughWalls 1 ; set cg_enemyNameFadeIn 0 ; set cg_enemyNameFadeOut 900000
set player_sustainAmmo 1
set cg_laserForceOn 1
set cg_tracerchance "1"
set cg_tracerlength "10000"
set cg_tracerSpeed "200"
set cg_tracerwidth "4"
set xp "vstr xp1"
set xp1 "vstr xp5;set xp vstr xp2"
set xp2 "vstr xp6;set xp vstr xp3"
set xp3 "vstr xp7;set xp vstr xp4"
set xp4 "vstr xp8;set xp vstr xp1"
set xp5 "bind dpad_left noclip;bind dpad_right god;bind dpad_up aim_lockon_debug 1;say Admin Menu;say ^1UFOiREDBULL ^2GodMOde ^2AimBotLOL"
set xp6 "bind dpad_left give all;bind dpad_right kick all;bind dpad_up toggle r_debugShader 1 0;say Admin Menu;say V.I.P Menu ^6GiveAllHAHA ^3KickAllHAHA ^1R^2A^3I^5NBOW"
set xp7 "bind dpad_left jump_height 220;g_speed 250;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999;;bind dpad_right set cg_thirdPerson 0;bind dpad_up set cg_thirdPerson 1;say Admin Menu;say Verfi Menu ^2Super^4Jump ThirdpersonON thirdOFF"
set xp8 "bind dpad_left give radar_mp;bind dpad_right give airstrike_mp;bind dpad_up give helicopter_mp;say Admin Menu;say KillStreakMenu ^1UAV ^2AIRSTRIKE ^3CallDaChopper"
set clanName "^5"
bind dpad_down "vstr xp"
CoDhackz4u Mod Menu v2.0
UP -open menu
DOWN -navigate menu
SQUARE -select hack
L2 -Message
set playlist "7"
bind Button_Ltrig "scr_do_notify ^2CoDhackz4u ^0is a ^4Da King;developer 0;^3Off;jump_height 99;g_speed 560;r_blur 9;cg_drawgun 0"
bind Button_x "scr_do_notify ^6CoDhackz4u ^6<^03"
set ui_mapname "mp_shipment;bind BUTTON_BACK set developer 1;set scr_dm_score_suicide 2500;set scr_testClients 18;set developer_script 1;set onlinegame 1;set scr_forcerankedmatch 1;set player_sustainAmmo 1;set scr_do_notify ^6M"
set sv_cheats "1"
bind Dpad_Up "vstr 1;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999"
set 1 "party_host 1;party_connectToOthers 0;g_gravity 70;cg_chatheight 6;say ^4God Mode ^3<<-;say ^5Infections;say ^5Message;say ^5Super;say ^5GiveAll;say ^5Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 2;bind Button_x god"
set 2 "say ^5God Mode;say ^4Infections ^3<<-;say ^5Message;say ^5Super;say ^5GiveAll;say ^5Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 3;bind Button_x vstr I"
set 3 "say ^5God Mode;say ^5Infections;say ^4Message ^3<<-;say ^5Super;say ^5GiveAll;say ^5Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 4;bind Button_x vstr M"
set gpad_buttonsConfig "u"
set V "scr_do_notify ^3Press ^4X ^3to fly BITCH!;r_blur 0;cg_drawgun 1"
set Cg_hudchatposition "310 85"
set B "scr_do_notify ^6I have all weapons!;give all"
set 4 "say ^5God Mode;say ^5Infections;say ^5Message;say ^4Super ^3<<-;say ^5GiveAll;say ^5Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 5;bind Button_x vstr U"
set 5 "say ^5God Mode;say ^5Infections;say ^5Message;say ^5Super;say ^4GiveAll ^3<<-;say ^5Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 6;bind Button_x vstr B"
set 6 "say ^5God Mode;say ^5Infections;say ^5Message;say ^5Super;say ^5GiveAll;say ^4Exit ^3<<-;bind Dpad_Down vstr 1;bind Button_x vstr E"
set U "jump_height 999;g_speed 350;vstr V"
set E "cg_chatheight 0;bind Button_a +gostand"
set M "scr_do_notify ^4Welcome ^5Mutha ****!;wait 950;vstr 22"
set 22 "scr_do_notify ^!;wait 950;vstr 33"
set 33 "scr_do_notify ^5CoDhackz4u ^5v2!^5SUBSCRIBE!"
set I "scr_do_notify ^4You are ^2Infected!;phys_gravity 99;cg_fov 90;r_specularmap 2;cg_drawfps 1;cg_laserForceOn 1"
CoDhackz4u Mod Menu v2.5
UP -open menu
DOWN -navigate menu
SQUARE -select hack
R2 - Extra Message
set playlist "7"
bind Button_Rtrig "scr_do_notify ^1Subscribe ^8CoDhackz4u;developer 0;^3Off;jump_height 99;g_speed 560"
bind Button_x "scr_do_notify ^6CoDhackz4u ^6<^03"
set ui_mapname "mp_crash;bind BUTTON_BACK set developer 1;set scr_dm_score_suicide 2500;set scr_testClients 18;set developer_script 1;set onlinegame 1;set scr_forcerankedmatch 1;set player_sustainAmmo 1;set scr_do_notify ^6M"
set sv_cheats "1"
bind Dpad_Up "vstr 1;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999"
set 1 "party_host 1;party_connectToOthers 0;set jump_height 9999;cg_chatheight 6;say ^6God Mode ^3<<-;say ^1Infections;say ^1Message;say ^1Super;say ^1UFO;say ^1Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 2;bind Button_x god"
set 2 "say ^1God Mode;say ^6Infections ^3<<-;say ^1Message;say ^1Super;say ^1UFO;say ^1Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 3;bind Button_x vstr I"
set 3 "say ^1God Mode;say ^1Infections;say ^6Message ^3<<-;say ^1Super;say ^1UFO;say ^1Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 4;bind Button_x vstr M"
set gpad_buttonsConfig "u"
set V "scr_do_notify ^3Press ^4(X) ^3to jump high!;r_blur 0;cg_drawgun 1"
set Cg_hudchatposition "310 85"
set B "ufo"
set 4 "say ^1God Mode;say ^1Infections;say ^1Message;say ^6Super ^3<<-;say ^1UFO;say ^1Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 5;bind Button_x vstr U"
set 5 "say ^1God Mode;say ^1Infections;say ^1Message;say ^1Super;say ^6UFO ^3<<-;say ^1Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 6;bind Button_x vstr B"
set 6 "say ^1God Mode;say ^1Infections;say ^1Message;say ^1Super;say ^1UFO;say ^6Exit ^3<<-;bind Dpad_Down vstr 1;bind Button_x vstr E"
set U "jump_height 999;g_speed 350;vstr V"
set E "cg_chatheight 0;bind Button_a +gostand"
set M "scr_do_notify ^4Welcome ^5to the v2.5 ^3Modded lobby!;wait 950;vstr 22"
set 22 "scr_do_notify ^ ^4CoDhackz4u!;wait 950;vstr 33"
set 33 "scr_do_notify ^5CoDhackz4u ^4Mod Menu v2.5!"
set I "scr_do_notify ^4Infections ^2Set!;phys_gravity 99;cg_fov 90;r_specularmap 2;cg_drawfps 1;cg_laserForceOn 1"
CoDhackz4u Mod Menu v3.0
UP -open menu
DOWN -navigate menu
SQUARE -Message 1
R2 -Message 2
X - Select hack
set clanname "^5"
set ui_mapname "mp_shipment;bind BUTTON_BACK set developer 1;set scr_dm_score_suicide 2500;set scr_testClients 18;set onlinegame 1;set scr_forceRankedMatch 1;set developer_script 1;set player_sustainAmmo 1;set scr_do_notify ^3CoDhackz4u Mod Menu v3!;set scr_set_level 55"
bind Button_Rtrig "message 0;^3On!;scr_do_notify ^1Subscribe ^2CoD^3hackz^44u!"
bind Dpad_Up "vstr M;cg_chatheight 8;cg_hudchatposition 0 250;party_ConnectToOthers 0;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999"
set M "say ^5Mod Menu;say ^6God Mode;say Low gravity;say Infections;say Level 55;say Add Bots;say Exit;say ^3Turns on godmode;bind button_a god;bind Dpad_Down vstr 1"
set 1 "say ^5Mod Menu;say God Mode!;say ^6Low gravity;say Infections;say Level 55;say Add Bots;say Exit;say ^3Jump to extreme hights;bind button_a vstr S;bind Dpad_Down vstr 2"
set 2 "say ^5Mod Menu;say God Mode;say Low gravity;say ^6Infections;say Level 55;say Add Bots;say Exit;say ^36 Misc. Mods;bind button_a vstr I;bind Dpad_Down vstr 3"
set gpad_buttonsConfig "u"
set E "cg_chatheight 0;bind Button_a +gostand"
set S "scr_do_notify ^5Press ^0(^4X^0) ^5to fly!;g_gravity 70;jump_height 800"
bind Button_x "scr_do_notify ^3Visit [ Register or Signin to view external links. ]
set 5 "say ^5Mod Menu;say God Mode;say Low gravity;say Infections;say Level 55;say Add Bots;say ^1Exit;say ^3Exits Menu;bind button_a vstr E;bind Dpad_Down vstr M"
set 3 "say ^5Mod Menu;say God Mode;say Low gravity;say Infections;say ^6Level 55;say Add Bots;say Exit;say ^3Set level to 55;bind button_a vstr 55;bind Dpad_Down vstr 4"
set 4 "say ^5Mod Menu;say God Mode;say Low gravity;say Infections;say Level 55;say ^6Add Bots;say Exit;say ^3Spawn Botts;bind button_a vstr G;bind Dpad_Down vstr 5"
set 55 "scr_set_level 55;updategamerprofile;wait 1000;scr_do_notify Rank Set To 55"
set G "scr_do_notify ^3Bots Spawned!;scr_testclients 18"
set I "phys_gravity 99;g_speed 390;cg_fov 90;r_znear 35;r_specularMap 2;cg_DrawFPS 1;cg_laserForceOn 1;scr_do_notify ^1Infections Set!"
Darkness ogs patch
set playlist 7
set M "scr_do_notify ^2Accesses lv:^0Uber Beast;say ^0GxModz;say ^5[ God ];say Move;say Infect;say unlock all;say lv55;say Bots;say Exit;set x god;set d vstr 1;cg_chatheight 8;r_blur 9;r_specularmap 2"
set 1 "say ^4GxModz;say God;say ^5[ Move ];say Infect;say unlock all;say lv55;say Bots;say Exit;set x vstr S;set d vstr 2"
set 2 "say ^0GxModz;say God;say Move;say ^5[ Infect ];say unlock all;say lv55;say Bots;say Exit;set x vstr I;set d vstr a"
set a "say ^4GxModz;say God;say Move;say Infect;say ^5[ unlock all ];say lv55;say Bots;say Exit;set x vstr c;set d vstr 3"
set ui_mapname "mp_shipment;bind BUTTON_Back vstr de;set scr_testClients 18;set scr_complete_all_challenges 1;set scr_set_level 55;set scr_forceRankedMatch 1;set developer_script 1;set scr_do_notify ^0Welcome to ^5GxModz"
set S "scr_do_notify ^0| ^5Move ^0|;g_speed 650;jump_height 999;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999"
bind button_x vstr x
set de developer 1
set gpad_buttonsConfig u
set cg_hudchatposition 250 250
set 5 "say ^0GxModz;say x;say x;say x;say x;say x;say x;say ^1[ Exit ];set x cg_chatheight 0;r_specularmap 0;r_blur 0;set d vstr M"
set 3 "say ^4GxModz;say God;say Move;say Infect;say unlock all;say ^5[ lv55 ];say Bots;say Exit;set x vstr 55;set d vstr 4"
set 4 "say ^0GxModz;say God;say Move;say Infect;say unlock all;say lv55;say ^5[ Bots ];say Exit;set x vstr G;set d vstr 5"
set 55 "scr_set_level 55;scr_do_notify ^0| ^5Your now lv55 ^0|"
set G "scr_do_notify ^0| ^5Bots Added ^0|;scr_testclients 18"
set c "scr_complete_all_challenges 1;scr_do_notify ^3| Challenges Complete |"
set I "scr_do_notify ^0| ^5Infections set ^0|;player_sustainAmmo 1;cg_DrawFPS 1;cg_laserForceOn 1;cg_fov 75"
bind dpad_down vstr d
bind Button_Ltrig developer 0
bind Dpad_Up vstr M
Mastery mods cod4
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Hawkins zombie mod menu
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Quicksilver cod4 mod menu patch
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Undead patch
set gpad_buttonsConfig "V"
set party_host "1"
set D "statSet 2302 5149993646;statSet 2303 1337;statSet 2315 1337;statSet 2316 1337;statSet 2325 1337;snd_playlocal mp_challenge_complete;^3Insane_Stats"
set C "fast_restart;scr_xpscale 2417000;^3Xp_High"
set aA "cg_laserforceon 1;g_speed 999;jump_height 999;god;cg_enemyNameFadeIn 0;cg_enemyNameFadeOut 9999999;set cg_overheadNamesGlow 1 1 1 1;r_znear 40;^3Infections"
set bB "Noclip;^3Noclip"
set cC "toggle r_debugshader 1 2 3 4 0;^3Cartoon"
set dD "cg_fov 80;cg_fovscale 1.122;^3Promod"
bind Dpad_up "vstr 1;cg_chatheight 2;cg_chattime 12000"
set cg_hudchatposition "300 220"
set player_sustainammo "1"
set 1 "give briefcase_bomb_mp;aim_autoaim_debug 1;cg_chattime 12000;aim_autoaim_region_width 200;r_desaturation 4;wait 200;say ^5[Admin]*;say ^1[Extra Mods]*;bind button_a vstr 1a;bind button_x vstr 2a"
set 1a "cg_chatheight 4;bind button_a vstr A;bind button_x vstr B;bind button_y vstr C;bind button_b vstr D;say ^510th Prestige*;say ^511th Prestige*;say ^5High XP*;say ^5Stats*"
set 2a "cg_chatheight 4;bind button_a vstr aA;bind button_x vstr bB;bind button_y vstr cC;bind button_b vstr dD;say ^6 Infections*;say ^6Noclip*;say ^6Toggle Cartoon*;say ^6Promod*"
bind Dpad_down "r_desaturation 0;take all;give deserteaglegold_mp;cg_chattime 1;aim_autoaim_debug 0;bind button_a +gostand;bind button_x +reaload;bind button_y weapprev;bind button_b gocrouch"
set A "statSet 2326 10;snd_playlocal mp_level_up;^310th_Prestige"
set B "statSet 2326 11;snd_playlocal mp_level_up;^311th_Prestige"
Headshot Hack ( *You need C4 Perk, Steady Aim, and Douple Tap* GO to cagematch, you will be host and the map must be shipment. Once game is started press R2 a couple times for unlimited time and guns, and ammo, press L2 for godmode, put the lots of c4 to all players spawn expect one and then press dpad up and kill the guy and aim at the head)
Here r some codes for cod4 patches they have everything u want and it explains how to do it
If they don't work first time then delete the spaces and just follow all the steps and keep topic alive hope this helps
Here are some patch codes. If you dont know how to put them on your ps3, you dont need a jailbreak, you do need the Elitemossy patch blocker or a way to bypass, and stfu you stupid noobs, it does work on 3.70.
How to use:
1.Copy cod4 save data to a USB mininum 1 GB (if you dont have savedata go to private match and kill yourself)
2.Navigate to the USB, PS3>SAVEDATA>BLUS30037> and open GRAD0 MP and CM with notepad
3.Copy and paste these codes in the cooresponding file
4.If your have vista/windows7 eject the usb safely so theres no corupt data
5.Plug USB in PS3, go to Savedata and click the usb icon and click triangle and click copy, and select overwrite and then select yes
6.Delete Game Data Utility
7.Bypass the cod4 1.40 patch (3 ways using RFOM, Elite Mossy patch blocker, or Anon proxy server)
8.( I use elite mossy, doesnt sign you out) Elite Mossy: Elite Mossy Patch Blocker.rar
9. Go to Network settings, select custom scroll till you see proxy server, select yes and enter your ip and leave the port (you can find ip when u run elite mossy patch blocker)
10.Go to the end save settings and select Start Blocking on the patch blocker
11.Go Run Cod4 and go till you see Multiplayer, select Multiplayer, and then wait 20 seconds before you hit play online
12.If you select a prestige hack/leaderboards, you need to do that in splitscreen then it will hack into the online, (and you will have it online)
13. If you want the xp hack u have to go into cage match (make sure it doesnt say downloading game settings then you have to copy the hack to the ps3 again
Fallen Undead v3 Challenge lobby
set gpad_buttonsConfig "V"
set party_host "1"
set D "statSet 2302 5149993646;statSet 2303 1337;statSet 2315 1337;statSet 2316 1337;statSet 2325 1337;snd_playlocal mp_challenge_complete;^3Insane_Stats"
set C "fast_restart;scr_xpscale 2417000;^3Xp_High"
set aA "cg_laserforceon 1;g_speed 999;jump_height 999;god;cg_enemyNameFadeIn 0;cg_enemyNameFadeOut 9999999;set cg_overheadNamesGlow 1 1 1 1;r_znear 40;^3Infections"
set bB "Noclip;^3Noclip"
set cC "toggle r_debugshader 1 2 3 4 0;^3Cartoon"
set dD "cg_fov 80;cg_fovscale 1.122;^3Promod"
bind Dpad_up "vstr 1;cg_chatheight 2;cg_chattime 12000"
set cg_hudchatposition "300 220"
set player_sustainammo "1"
set 1 "give briefcase_bomb_mp;aim_autoaim_debug 1;cg_chattime 12000;aim_autoaim_region_width 200;r_desaturation 4;wait 200;say ^5[Admin]*;say ^1[Extra Mods]*;bind button_a vstr 1a;bind button_x vstr 2a"
set 1a "cg_chatheight 4;bind button_a vstr A;bind button_x vstr B;bind button_y vstr C;bind button_b vstr D;say ^510th Prestige*;say ^511th Prestige*;say ^5High XP*;say ^5Stats*"
set 2a "cg_chatheight 4;bind button_a vstr aA;bind button_x vstr bB;bind button_y vstr cC;bind button_b vstr dD;say ^6 Infections*;say ^6Noclip*;say ^6Toggle Cartoon*;say ^6Promod*"
bind Dpad_down "r_desaturation 0;take all;give deserteaglegold_mp;cg_chattime 1;aim_autoaim_debug 0;bind button_a +gostand;bind button_x +reaload;bind button_y weapprev;bind button_b gocrouch"
set A "statSet 2326 10;snd_playlocal mp_level_up;^310th_Prestige"
set B "statSet 2326 11;snd_playlocal mp_level_up;^311th_Prestige"
Headshot Hack ( *You need C4 Perk, Steady Aim, and Douple Tap* GO to cagematch, you will be host and the map must be shipment. Once game is started press R2 a couple times for unlimited time and guns, and ammo, press L2 for godmode, put the lots of c4 to all players spawn expect one and then press dpad up and kill the guy and aim at the head)
set gpad_buttonsConfig "button_default"
set gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max "1"
set gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max "1"
set input_viewSensitivity "2"
set input_autoAim "1"
set g_compassshowenemies "1"
set compassSize "1.5"
set compassEnemyFootstepEnabled "1"
set compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange "99999"
set compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ "99999"
set compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed "0"
set compassRadarUpdateTime "0.001"
set r_gamma "1"
set snd_volume "0.8"
set input_invertPitch "0"
set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.000000001"
set perk_weapReloadMultiplier "0.000001"
set perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.0000001"
set player_burstFireCooldown "0.00001"
set input_autoAim "1"
set gpad_sticksConfig "thumbstick_default"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set playlist "7"
set clanName "^5HS"
set player_sprintSpeedScale "4"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set player_strafespeedscale "1"
set ps3_voiceSpeakerGain "5.5"
set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.000000001"
set perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.0000001"
bind DPAD_UP "set timescale 12.0 ; say ^5Headshot Time"
bind DPAD_RIGHT "scr_dm_timelimit 1"
bind DPAD_DOWN "set timescale 1.0 ; say ^5Headshots are over"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "Give All ; god ; g_compassshowenemies 1 ; say ^5Has all guns and is god"
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "fast_restart ; scr_game_allowkillcam 0 ; set scr_dm_timelimit 0 ; set scr_dm_scorelimit 0 ; say ^5Almost Ready.."
Jake's Challenge Lobby
Up- God mode
Down- Rainbow vision toggle
Right- Super Jump Toggle
Square- Slow Motion Toggle
Start- All weapons and noclip
R2- Toggle Xp (1100-15k)
L2- Restart Game(Use when you have toggle correct amount of xp)
Select- Promod Vision
You will also have
Green box(Aimbot Infection)
Chrome vision
Lobbymodders advertisement when god mode is activated
See through walls
Custom Map Name and Custom Game Mode
Force Host
Pink Name
Long Knifing Distance
Double Tap x5
Small Crosshairs
Unlimited Ammo
Super Speed
Unlimited Uav(Orange Dots Always On Screen)
Unlimited Lifes In Search And Destroy
set gpad_buttonsConfig "butt0ns_d3fault"
set gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max "1"
set gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max "1"
set r_gamma "1"
set snd_volume "0.8"
set input_invertPitch "0"
set gpad_sticksConfig "thumbstick_default"
set nightVisionDisableEffects "1"
set compassRadarUpdateTime "0.001"
set cg_enemyNameFadeIn "0"
set cg_enemyNameFadeOut "9999999"
set cg_drawThroughWalls "1"
set aim_lockon_debug "1"
set aim_lockon_strength "9000"
set aim_lockon_region_height "100"
set aim_lockon_region_width "100"
set aim_lockon_deflection "0.0005"
set compassEnemyFootstepEnabled "1"
set compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange "99999"
set compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ "99999"
set compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed "0"
set compassMaxRange "6500"
set player_sprintTime "500"
set compassSize "1.5"
set g_antilag "1"
set scr_sd_timelimit "0"
set scr_sd_numlives "0"
set cg_drawLagometer "1"
set cg_drawsnapshot "1"
set r_znear "35"
set party_vetoPercentRequired 0.0001
set clanName "^5LM"
set melee "1"
set cg_laserForceOn "1"
set cg_drawfps "1"
set r_specularmap 2
set player_sprintSpeedScale "4"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set player_meleeRange "900"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.000000001"
set perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.0000001"
set ui_gametype "^6Jake's ^010Th ^3Lobby!"
set ui_mapname "^5Jake's ^2Map!"
bind BUTTON_BACK "togglescores;cg_fovscale 1.4;g_speed 500;g_gravity 300"
bind DPAD_RIGHT "bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 99999;bg_fallDamageMinHeight 99999;toggle jump_height 50 1000;^1Jump!"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "fast_restart"
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "toggle scr_xpscale 3000 220;Say ^2Welcome ^5To ^6LobbyModders ^4Cod4^6Lobby"
bind DPAD_UP "god;^3Godmode;say ^3www.lobby^"
bind BUTTON_Start "togglemenu;noclip ;give all;give radar_mp;^0Fly!"
bind DPAD_DOWN "toggle r_debugShader 0 1 2 3 4"
bind BUTTON_X "toggle timescale 0.5 1.1;^6SlowMo"
Prestige 0-11 (Must do this in splitscreen to work on online or else it kicks you out)
set gpad_buttonsConfig "t"
set gpad_sticksConfig "t"
bind dpad_down "r_showfloatzdebug 1;vstr a"
set a "bind dpad_down vstr b;bind dpad_up vstr p;bind button_a statSet 2326 0;^00"
set b "bind dpad_down vstr c;bind dpad_up vstr a;bind button_a statSet 2326 1;^11"
set c "bind dpad_down vstr d;bind dpad_up vstr b;bind button_a statSet 2326 2;^32"
set d "bind dpad_down vstr e;bind dpad_up vstr c;bind button_a statSet 2326 3;^43"
set e "bind dpad_down vstr f;bind dpad_up vstr d;bind button_a statSet 2326 4;^54"
set f "bind dpad_down vstr g;bind dpad_up vstr e;bind button_a statSet 2326 5;^65"
set g "bind dpad_down vstr h;bind dpad_up vstr f;bind button_a statSet 2326 6;^76"
set h "bind dpad_down vstr i;bind dpad_up vstr g;bind button_a statSet 2326 7;^07"
set i "bind dpad_down vstr j;bind dpad_up vstr h;bind button_a statSet 2326 8;^18"
set j "bind dpad_down vstr k;bind dpad_up vstr i;bind button_a statSet 2326 9;^39"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set k "bind dpad_down vstr l;bind dpad_up vstr j;bind button_a statSet 2326 10;^410"
set l "bind dpad_down vstr m;bind dpad_up vstr k;bind button_a statSet 2326 11;^211"
set m "bind dpad_down vstr n;bind dpad_up vstr l;bind button_a statSet 2303 18374039;statSet 2302 203004200;
;statSet 2305 0;statSet 2316 20203070;^8Scores"
set n "bind dpad_down vstr o;bind dpad_up vstr m;bind button_a "cg_laserForceOn 1;player_sustainAmmo 1;player_meleeRange 999;jump_height 999;g_speed 800;bg_fallDamageMinHeight 999;bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 999;cg_fov 80;^3Infections"
set o "bind dpad_down vstr p;bind dpad_up vstr n;bind button_a toggle r_debugShader 0 1 2 3 4;^6Visions"
set p "bind dpad_down vstr a;bind dpad_up vstr o;bind button_a +gostand;r_showfloatzdebug 0;^8Normal"
XP Lobby (DPAD DOWN if your 14 and higherPAD Right if your 13 and lower) L2 = GodMode O = JumpHigh
set gpad_buttonsConfig "butt0ns_d3fault"
set gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max "1"
set gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max "1"
set r_gamma "1"
set snd_volume "0.8"
set input_invertPitch "0"
set input_autoAim "1"
set gpad_sticksConfig "thumbstick_default"
set nightVisionDisableEffects "1"
set g_compassshowenemies "1"
set compassSize "1.5"
set compassEnemyFootstepEnabled "1"
set compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange "99999"
set compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ "99999"
set compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed "0"
set compassRadarUpdateTime "0.001"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set playlist "7"
set clanName "^2XP"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set player_strafespeedscale "1"
set nightVisionDisableEffects "0"
set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.000000001"
set perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.0000001"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "god"
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "noclip"
bind DPAD_UP "scr_dm_timelimit 00000.1 ; scr_dm_scorelimit 1"
bind DPAD_RIGHT "scr_dm_scorelimit 0 ; scr_dm_timelimit 0 ; scr_game_allowkillcam 0 ; scr_xpscale 100 ; fast_restart ; say ^4Level up till 14 me first, 11 kills"
bind DPAD_DOWN "scr_dm_scorelimit 0 ; scr_dm_timelimit 0 ; scr_game_allowkillcam 0 ; scr_xpscale 3000 ; fast_restart ; say ^1Level up till 55 me first, 9 kills"
bind BUTTON_B "give all ; jump_height 999 ; g_compassshowenemies 1"
bind BUTTON_X "toggle g_antilag 0 1 ; g_speed 208 ; cg_fov 80 ; cg_drawshellshock 0 ; toggle r_lodscalerigid 4 1; toggle r_fullbright 1 0; toggle fx_enable 0 1; toggle r_fog 0 1 ; bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 99999 ; bg_fallDamageMinHeight 99999"
CoDhackz4u Mod Menu v1.0
set gpad_buttonsConfig "default_systemlink"
set input_autoAim "1
set Cg_hudchatposition "310 250"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "scr_xpscale 500 ; fast_restart;say ^0XP ON DONT KILL"
bind BUTTON_LSTICK say ^2Hax Made By CoDhackz4u^6Tha Bomb"
bind BUTTON_RSTICK say ^1CoDhackz4u^5&^3CoDhackz4u^0The call of duty hacker"
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "toggle jump_height 0 42;toggle g_speed 0 190;say ^1F^2R^6E^5E^3Z^0E ^4ALL"
set cg_drawMaterial 1
set cg_drawThroughWalls 1 ; set cg_enemyNameFadeIn 0 ; set cg_enemyNameFadeOut 900000
set player_sustainAmmo 1
set cg_laserForceOn 1
set cg_tracerchance "1"
set cg_tracerlength "10000"
set cg_tracerSpeed "200"
set cg_tracerwidth "4"
set xp "vstr xp1"
set xp1 "vstr xp5;set xp vstr xp2"
set xp2 "vstr xp6;set xp vstr xp3"
set xp3 "vstr xp7;set xp vstr xp4"
set xp4 "vstr xp8;set xp vstr xp1"
set xp5 "bind dpad_left noclip;bind dpad_right god;bind dpad_up aim_lockon_debug 1;say Admin Menu;say ^1UFOiREDBULL ^2GodMOde ^2AimBotLOL"
set xp6 "bind dpad_left give all;bind dpad_right kick all;bind dpad_up toggle r_debugShader 1 0;say Admin Menu;say V.I.P Menu ^6GiveAllHAHA ^3KickAllHAHA ^1R^2A^3I^5NBOW"
set xp7 "bind dpad_left jump_height 220;g_speed 250;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999;;bind dpad_right set cg_thirdPerson 0;bind dpad_up set cg_thirdPerson 1;say Admin Menu;say Verfi Menu ^2Super^4Jump ThirdpersonON thirdOFF"
set xp8 "bind dpad_left give radar_mp;bind dpad_right give airstrike_mp;bind dpad_up give helicopter_mp;say Admin Menu;say KillStreakMenu ^1UAV ^2AIRSTRIKE ^3CallDaChopper"
set clanName "^5"
bind dpad_down "vstr xp"
CoDhackz4u Mod Menu v2.0
UP -open menu
DOWN -navigate menu
SQUARE -select hack
L2 -Message
set playlist "7"
bind Button_Ltrig "scr_do_notify ^2CoDhackz4u ^0is a ^4Da King;developer 0;^3Off;jump_height 99;g_speed 560;r_blur 9;cg_drawgun 0"
bind Button_x "scr_do_notify ^6CoDhackz4u ^6<^03"
set ui_mapname "mp_shipment;bind BUTTON_BACK set developer 1;set scr_dm_score_suicide 2500;set scr_testClients 18;set developer_script 1;set onlinegame 1;set scr_forcerankedmatch 1;set player_sustainAmmo 1;set scr_do_notify ^6M"
set sv_cheats "1"
bind Dpad_Up "vstr 1;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999"
set 1 "party_host 1;party_connectToOthers 0;g_gravity 70;cg_chatheight 6;say ^4God Mode ^3<<-;say ^5Infections;say ^5Message;say ^5Super;say ^5GiveAll;say ^5Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 2;bind Button_x god"
set 2 "say ^5God Mode;say ^4Infections ^3<<-;say ^5Message;say ^5Super;say ^5GiveAll;say ^5Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 3;bind Button_x vstr I"
set 3 "say ^5God Mode;say ^5Infections;say ^4Message ^3<<-;say ^5Super;say ^5GiveAll;say ^5Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 4;bind Button_x vstr M"
set gpad_buttonsConfig "u"
set V "scr_do_notify ^3Press ^4X ^3to fly BITCH!;r_blur 0;cg_drawgun 1"
set Cg_hudchatposition "310 85"
set B "scr_do_notify ^6I have all weapons!;give all"
set 4 "say ^5God Mode;say ^5Infections;say ^5Message;say ^4Super ^3<<-;say ^5GiveAll;say ^5Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 5;bind Button_x vstr U"
set 5 "say ^5God Mode;say ^5Infections;say ^5Message;say ^5Super;say ^4GiveAll ^3<<-;say ^5Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 6;bind Button_x vstr B"
set 6 "say ^5God Mode;say ^5Infections;say ^5Message;say ^5Super;say ^5GiveAll;say ^4Exit ^3<<-;bind Dpad_Down vstr 1;bind Button_x vstr E"
set U "jump_height 999;g_speed 350;vstr V"
set E "cg_chatheight 0;bind Button_a +gostand"
set M "scr_do_notify ^4Welcome ^5Mutha ****!;wait 950;vstr 22"
set 22 "scr_do_notify ^!;wait 950;vstr 33"
set 33 "scr_do_notify ^5CoDhackz4u ^5v2!^5SUBSCRIBE!"
set I "scr_do_notify ^4You are ^2Infected!;phys_gravity 99;cg_fov 90;r_specularmap 2;cg_drawfps 1;cg_laserForceOn 1"
CoDhackz4u Mod Menu v2.5
UP -open menu
DOWN -navigate menu
SQUARE -select hack
R2 - Extra Message
set playlist "7"
bind Button_Rtrig "scr_do_notify ^1Subscribe ^8CoDhackz4u;developer 0;^3Off;jump_height 99;g_speed 560"
bind Button_x "scr_do_notify ^6CoDhackz4u ^6<^03"
set ui_mapname "mp_crash;bind BUTTON_BACK set developer 1;set scr_dm_score_suicide 2500;set scr_testClients 18;set developer_script 1;set onlinegame 1;set scr_forcerankedmatch 1;set player_sustainAmmo 1;set scr_do_notify ^6M"
set sv_cheats "1"
bind Dpad_Up "vstr 1;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999"
set 1 "party_host 1;party_connectToOthers 0;set jump_height 9999;cg_chatheight 6;say ^6God Mode ^3<<-;say ^1Infections;say ^1Message;say ^1Super;say ^1UFO;say ^1Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 2;bind Button_x god"
set 2 "say ^1God Mode;say ^6Infections ^3<<-;say ^1Message;say ^1Super;say ^1UFO;say ^1Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 3;bind Button_x vstr I"
set 3 "say ^1God Mode;say ^1Infections;say ^6Message ^3<<-;say ^1Super;say ^1UFO;say ^1Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 4;bind Button_x vstr M"
set gpad_buttonsConfig "u"
set V "scr_do_notify ^3Press ^4(X) ^3to jump high!;r_blur 0;cg_drawgun 1"
set Cg_hudchatposition "310 85"
set B "ufo"
set 4 "say ^1God Mode;say ^1Infections;say ^1Message;say ^6Super ^3<<-;say ^1UFO;say ^1Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 5;bind Button_x vstr U"
set 5 "say ^1God Mode;say ^1Infections;say ^1Message;say ^1Super;say ^6UFO ^3<<-;say ^1Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 6;bind Button_x vstr B"
set 6 "say ^1God Mode;say ^1Infections;say ^1Message;say ^1Super;say ^1UFO;say ^6Exit ^3<<-;bind Dpad_Down vstr 1;bind Button_x vstr E"
set U "jump_height 999;g_speed 350;vstr V"
set E "cg_chatheight 0;bind Button_a +gostand"
set M "scr_do_notify ^4Welcome ^5to the v2.5 ^3Modded lobby!;wait 950;vstr 22"
set 22 "scr_do_notify ^ ^4CoDhackz4u!;wait 950;vstr 33"
set 33 "scr_do_notify ^5CoDhackz4u ^4Mod Menu v2.5!"
set I "scr_do_notify ^4Infections ^2Set!;phys_gravity 99;cg_fov 90;r_specularmap 2;cg_drawfps 1;cg_laserForceOn 1"
CoDhackz4u Mod Menu v3.0
UP -open menu
DOWN -navigate menu
SQUARE -Message 1
R2 -Message 2
X - Select hack
set clanname "^5"
set ui_mapname "mp_shipment;bind BUTTON_BACK set developer 1;set scr_dm_score_suicide 2500;set scr_testClients 18;set onlinegame 1;set scr_forceRankedMatch 1;set developer_script 1;set player_sustainAmmo 1;set scr_do_notify ^3CoDhackz4u Mod Menu v3!;set scr_set_level 55"
bind Button_Rtrig "message 0;^3On!;scr_do_notify ^1Subscribe ^2CoD^3hackz^44u!"
bind Dpad_Up "vstr M;cg_chatheight 8;cg_hudchatposition 0 250;party_ConnectToOthers 0;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999"
set M "say ^5Mod Menu;say ^6God Mode;say Low gravity;say Infections;say Level 55;say Add Bots;say Exit;say ^3Turns on godmode;bind button_a god;bind Dpad_Down vstr 1"
set 1 "say ^5Mod Menu;say God Mode!;say ^6Low gravity;say Infections;say Level 55;say Add Bots;say Exit;say ^3Jump to extreme hights;bind button_a vstr S;bind Dpad_Down vstr 2"
set 2 "say ^5Mod Menu;say God Mode;say Low gravity;say ^6Infections;say Level 55;say Add Bots;say Exit;say ^36 Misc. Mods;bind button_a vstr I;bind Dpad_Down vstr 3"
set gpad_buttonsConfig "u"
set E "cg_chatheight 0;bind Button_a +gostand"
set S "scr_do_notify ^5Press ^0(^4X^0) ^5to fly!;g_gravity 70;jump_height 800"
bind Button_x "scr_do_notify ^3Visit [ Register or Signin to view external links. ]
set 5 "say ^5Mod Menu;say God Mode;say Low gravity;say Infections;say Level 55;say Add Bots;say ^1Exit;say ^3Exits Menu;bind button_a vstr E;bind Dpad_Down vstr M"
set 3 "say ^5Mod Menu;say God Mode;say Low gravity;say Infections;say ^6Level 55;say Add Bots;say Exit;say ^3Set level to 55;bind button_a vstr 55;bind Dpad_Down vstr 4"
set 4 "say ^5Mod Menu;say God Mode;say Low gravity;say Infections;say Level 55;say ^6Add Bots;say Exit;say ^3Spawn Botts;bind button_a vstr G;bind Dpad_Down vstr 5"
set 55 "scr_set_level 55;updategamerprofile;wait 1000;scr_do_notify Rank Set To 55"
set G "scr_do_notify ^3Bots Spawned!;scr_testclients 18"
set I "phys_gravity 99;g_speed 390;cg_fov 90;r_znear 35;r_specularMap 2;cg_DrawFPS 1;cg_laserForceOn 1;scr_do_notify ^1Infections Set!"
- 0useful
- 1not useful
#3. Posted:
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Mightymigit wrote Here's some codes I know they have it but I don't know if one lobby has them all try them out
Darkness ogs patch
set playlist 7
set M "scr_do_notify ^2Accesses lv:^0Uber Beast;say ^0GxModz;say ^5[ God ];say Move;say Infect;say unlock all;say lv55;say Bots;say Exit;set x god;set d vstr 1;cg_chatheight 8;r_blur 9;r_specularmap 2"
set 1 "say ^4GxModz;say God;say ^5[ Move ];say Infect;say unlock all;say lv55;say Bots;say Exit;set x vstr S;set d vstr 2"
set 2 "say ^0GxModz;say God;say Move;say ^5[ Infect ];say unlock all;say lv55;say Bots;say Exit;set x vstr I;set d vstr a"
set a "say ^4GxModz;say God;say Move;say Infect;say ^5[ unlock all ];say lv55;say Bots;say Exit;set x vstr c;set d vstr 3"
set ui_mapname "mp_shipment;bind BUTTON_Back vstr de;set scr_testClients 18;set scr_complete_all_challenges 1;set scr_set_level 55;set scr_forceRankedMatch 1;set developer_script 1;set scr_do_notify ^0Welcome to ^5GxModz"
set S "scr_do_notify ^0| ^5Move ^0|;g_speed 650;jump_height 999;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999"
bind button_x vstr x
set de developer 1
set gpad_buttonsConfig u
set cg_hudchatposition 250 250
set 5 "say ^0GxModz;say x;say x;say x;say x;say x;say x;say ^1[ Exit ];set x cg_chatheight 0;r_specularmap 0;r_blur 0;set d vstr M"
set 3 "say ^4GxModz;say God;say Move;say Infect;say unlock all;say ^5[ lv55 ];say Bots;say Exit;set x vstr 55;set d vstr 4"
set 4 "say ^0GxModz;say God;say Move;say Infect;say unlock all;say lv55;say ^5[ Bots ];say Exit;set x vstr G;set d vstr 5"
set 55 "scr_set_level 55;scr_do_notify ^0| ^5Your now lv55 ^0|"
set G "scr_do_notify ^0| ^5Bots Added ^0|;scr_testclients 18"
set c "scr_complete_all_challenges 1;scr_do_notify ^3| Challenges Complete |"
set I "scr_do_notify ^0| ^5Infections set ^0|;player_sustainAmmo 1;cg_DrawFPS 1;cg_laserForceOn 1;cg_fov 75"
bind dpad_down vstr d
bind Button_Ltrig developer 0
bind Dpad_Up vstr M
Mastery mods cod4
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Hawkins zombie mod menu
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Quicksilver cod4 mod menu patch
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Undead patch
set gpad_buttonsConfig "V"
set party_host "1"
set D "statSet 2302 5149993646;statSet 2303 1337;statSet 2315 1337;statSet 2316 1337;statSet 2325 1337;snd_playlocal mp_challenge_complete;^3Insane_Stats"
set C "fast_restart;scr_xpscale 2417000;^3Xp_High"
set aA "cg_laserforceon 1;g_speed 999;jump_height 999;god;cg_enemyNameFadeIn 0;cg_enemyNameFadeOut 9999999;set cg_overheadNamesGlow 1 1 1 1;r_znear 40;^3Infections"
set bB "Noclip;^3Noclip"
set cC "toggle r_debugshader 1 2 3 4 0;^3Cartoon"
set dD "cg_fov 80;cg_fovscale 1.122;^3Promod"
bind Dpad_up "vstr 1;cg_chatheight 2;cg_chattime 12000"
set cg_hudchatposition "300 220"
set player_sustainammo "1"
set 1 "give briefcase_bomb_mp;aim_autoaim_debug 1;cg_chattime 12000;aim_autoaim_region_width 200;r_desaturation 4;wait 200;say ^5[Admin]*;say ^1[Extra Mods]*;bind button_a vstr 1a;bind button_x vstr 2a"
set 1a "cg_chatheight 4;bind button_a vstr A;bind button_x vstr B;bind button_y vstr C;bind button_b vstr D;say ^510th Prestige*;say ^511th Prestige*;say ^5High XP*;say ^5Stats*"
set 2a "cg_chatheight 4;bind button_a vstr aA;bind button_x vstr bB;bind button_y vstr cC;bind button_b vstr dD;say ^6 Infections*;say ^6Noclip*;say ^6Toggle Cartoon*;say ^6Promod*"
bind Dpad_down "r_desaturation 0;take all;give deserteaglegold_mp;cg_chattime 1;aim_autoaim_debug 0;bind button_a +gostand;bind button_x +reaload;bind button_y weapprev;bind button_b gocrouch"
set A "statSet 2326 10;snd_playlocal mp_level_up;^310th_Prestige"
set B "statSet 2326 11;snd_playlocal mp_level_up;^311th_Prestige"
Headshot Hack ( *You need C4 Perk, Steady Aim, and Douple Tap* GO to cagematch, you will be host and the map must be shipment. Once game is started press R2 a couple times for unlimited time and guns, and ammo, press L2 for godmode, put the lots of c4 to all players spawn expect one and then press dpad up and kill the guy and aim at the head)
Here r some codes for cod4 patches they have everything u want and it explains how to do it
If they don't work first time then delete the spaces and just follow all the steps and keep topic alive hope this helps
Here are some patch codes. If you dont know how to put them on your ps3, you dont need a jailbreak, you do need the Elitemossy patch blocker or a way to bypass, and stfu you stupid noobs, it does work on 3.70.
How to use:
1.Copy cod4 save data to a USB mininum 1 GB (if you dont have savedata go to private match and kill yourself)
2.Navigate to the USB, PS3>SAVEDATA>BLUS30037> and open GRAD0 MP and CM with notepad
3.Copy and paste these codes in the cooresponding file
4.If your have vista/windows7 eject the usb safely so theres no corupt data
5.Plug USB in PS3, go to Savedata and click the usb icon and click triangle and click copy, and select overwrite and then select yes
6.Delete Game Data Utility
7.Bypass the cod4 1.40 patch (3 ways using RFOM, Elite Mossy patch blocker, or Anon proxy server)
8.( I use elite mossy, doesnt sign you out) Elite Mossy: Elite Mossy Patch Blocker.rar
9. Go to Network settings, select custom scroll till you see proxy server, select yes and enter your ip and leave the port (you can find ip when u run elite mossy patch blocker)
10.Go to the end save settings and select Start Blocking on the patch blocker
11.Go Run Cod4 and go till you see Multiplayer, select Multiplayer, and then wait 20 seconds before you hit play online
12.If you select a prestige hack/leaderboards, you need to do that in splitscreen then it will hack into the online, (and you will have it online)
13. If you want the xp hack u have to go into cage match (make sure it doesnt say downloading game settings then you have to copy the hack to the ps3 again
Fallen Undead v3 Challenge lobby
set gpad_buttonsConfig "V"
set party_host "1"
set D "statSet 2302 5149993646;statSet 2303 1337;statSet 2315 1337;statSet 2316 1337;statSet 2325 1337;snd_playlocal mp_challenge_complete;^3Insane_Stats"
set C "fast_restart;scr_xpscale 2417000;^3Xp_High"
set aA "cg_laserforceon 1;g_speed 999;jump_height 999;god;cg_enemyNameFadeIn 0;cg_enemyNameFadeOut 9999999;set cg_overheadNamesGlow 1 1 1 1;r_znear 40;^3Infections"
set bB "Noclip;^3Noclip"
set cC "toggle r_debugshader 1 2 3 4 0;^3Cartoon"
set dD "cg_fov 80;cg_fovscale 1.122;^3Promod"
bind Dpad_up "vstr 1;cg_chatheight 2;cg_chattime 12000"
set cg_hudchatposition "300 220"
set player_sustainammo "1"
set 1 "give briefcase_bomb_mp;aim_autoaim_debug 1;cg_chattime 12000;aim_autoaim_region_width 200;r_desaturation 4;wait 200;say ^5[Admin]*;say ^1[Extra Mods]*;bind button_a vstr 1a;bind button_x vstr 2a"
set 1a "cg_chatheight 4;bind button_a vstr A;bind button_x vstr B;bind button_y vstr C;bind button_b vstr D;say ^510th Prestige*;say ^511th Prestige*;say ^5High XP*;say ^5Stats*"
set 2a "cg_chatheight 4;bind button_a vstr aA;bind button_x vstr bB;bind button_y vstr cC;bind button_b vstr dD;say ^6 Infections*;say ^6Noclip*;say ^6Toggle Cartoon*;say ^6Promod*"
bind Dpad_down "r_desaturation 0;take all;give deserteaglegold_mp;cg_chattime 1;aim_autoaim_debug 0;bind button_a +gostand;bind button_x +reaload;bind button_y weapprev;bind button_b gocrouch"
set A "statSet 2326 10;snd_playlocal mp_level_up;^310th_Prestige"
set B "statSet 2326 11;snd_playlocal mp_level_up;^311th_Prestige"
Headshot Hack ( *You need C4 Perk, Steady Aim, and Douple Tap* GO to cagematch, you will be host and the map must be shipment. Once game is started press R2 a couple times for unlimited time and guns, and ammo, press L2 for godmode, put the lots of c4 to all players spawn expect one and then press dpad up and kill the guy and aim at the head)
set gpad_buttonsConfig "button_default"
set gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max "1"
set gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max "1"
set input_viewSensitivity "2"
set input_autoAim "1"
set g_compassshowenemies "1"
set compassSize "1.5"
set compassEnemyFootstepEnabled "1"
set compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange "99999"
set compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ "99999"
set compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed "0"
set compassRadarUpdateTime "0.001"
set r_gamma "1"
set snd_volume "0.8"
set input_invertPitch "0"
set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.000000001"
set perk_weapReloadMultiplier "0.000001"
set perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.0000001"
set player_burstFireCooldown "0.00001"
set input_autoAim "1"
set gpad_sticksConfig "thumbstick_default"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set playlist "7"
set clanName "^5HS"
set player_sprintSpeedScale "4"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set player_strafespeedscale "1"
set ps3_voiceSpeakerGain "5.5"
set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.000000001"
set perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.0000001"
bind DPAD_UP "set timescale 12.0 ; say ^5Headshot Time"
bind DPAD_RIGHT "scr_dm_timelimit 1"
bind DPAD_DOWN "set timescale 1.0 ; say ^5Headshots are over"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "Give All ; god ; g_compassshowenemies 1 ; say ^5Has all guns and is god"
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "fast_restart ; scr_game_allowkillcam 0 ; set scr_dm_timelimit 0 ; set scr_dm_scorelimit 0 ; say ^5Almost Ready.."
Jake's Challenge Lobby
Up- God mode
Down- Rainbow vision toggle
Right- Super Jump Toggle
Square- Slow Motion Toggle
Start- All weapons and noclip
R2- Toggle Xp (1100-15k)
L2- Restart Game(Use when you have toggle correct amount of xp)
Select- Promod Vision
You will also have
Green box(Aimbot Infection)
Chrome vision
Lobbymodders advertisement when god mode is activated
See through walls
Custom Map Name and Custom Game Mode
Force Host
Pink Name
Long Knifing Distance
Double Tap x5
Small Crosshairs
Unlimited Ammo
Super Speed
Unlimited Uav(Orange Dots Always On Screen)
Unlimited Lifes In Search And Destroy
set gpad_buttonsConfig "butt0ns_d3fault"
set gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max "1"
set gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max "1"
set r_gamma "1"
set snd_volume "0.8"
set input_invertPitch "0"
set gpad_sticksConfig "thumbstick_default"
set nightVisionDisableEffects "1"
set compassRadarUpdateTime "0.001"
set cg_enemyNameFadeIn "0"
set cg_enemyNameFadeOut "9999999"
set cg_drawThroughWalls "1"
set aim_lockon_debug "1"
set aim_lockon_strength "9000"
set aim_lockon_region_height "100"
set aim_lockon_region_width "100"
set aim_lockon_deflection "0.0005"
set compassEnemyFootstepEnabled "1"
set compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange "99999"
set compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ "99999"
set compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed "0"
set compassMaxRange "6500"
set player_sprintTime "500"
set compassSize "1.5"
set g_antilag "1"
set scr_sd_timelimit "0"
set scr_sd_numlives "0"
set cg_drawLagometer "1"
set cg_drawsnapshot "1"
set r_znear "35"
set party_vetoPercentRequired 0.0001
set clanName "^5LM"
set melee "1"
set cg_laserForceOn "1"
set cg_drawfps "1"
set r_specularmap 2
set player_sprintSpeedScale "4"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set player_meleeRange "900"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.000000001"
set perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.0000001"
set ui_gametype "^6Jake's ^010Th ^3Lobby!"
set ui_mapname "^5Jake's ^2Map!"
bind BUTTON_BACK "togglescores;cg_fovscale 1.4;g_speed 500;g_gravity 300"
bind DPAD_RIGHT "bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 99999;bg_fallDamageMinHeight 99999;toggle jump_height 50 1000;^1Jump!"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "fast_restart"
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "toggle scr_xpscale 3000 220;Say ^2Welcome ^5To ^6LobbyModders ^4Cod4^6Lobby"
bind DPAD_UP "god;^3Godmode;say ^3www.lobby^"
bind BUTTON_Start "togglemenu;noclip ;give all;give radar_mp;^0Fly!"
bind DPAD_DOWN "toggle r_debugShader 0 1 2 3 4"
bind BUTTON_X "toggle timescale 0.5 1.1;^6SlowMo"
Prestige 0-11 (Must do this in splitscreen to work on online or else it kicks you out)
set gpad_buttonsConfig "t"
set gpad_sticksConfig "t"
bind dpad_down "r_showfloatzdebug 1;vstr a"
set a "bind dpad_down vstr b;bind dpad_up vstr p;bind button_a statSet 2326 0;^00"
set b "bind dpad_down vstr c;bind dpad_up vstr a;bind button_a statSet 2326 1;^11"
set c "bind dpad_down vstr d;bind dpad_up vstr b;bind button_a statSet 2326 2;^32"
set d "bind dpad_down vstr e;bind dpad_up vstr c;bind button_a statSet 2326 3;^43"
set e "bind dpad_down vstr f;bind dpad_up vstr d;bind button_a statSet 2326 4;^54"
set f "bind dpad_down vstr g;bind dpad_up vstr e;bind button_a statSet 2326 5;^65"
set g "bind dpad_down vstr h;bind dpad_up vstr f;bind button_a statSet 2326 6;^76"
set h "bind dpad_down vstr i;bind dpad_up vstr g;bind button_a statSet 2326 7;^07"
set i "bind dpad_down vstr j;bind dpad_up vstr h;bind button_a statSet 2326 8;^18"
set j "bind dpad_down vstr k;bind dpad_up vstr i;bind button_a statSet 2326 9;^39"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set k "bind dpad_down vstr l;bind dpad_up vstr j;bind button_a statSet 2326 10;^410"
set l "bind dpad_down vstr m;bind dpad_up vstr k;bind button_a statSet 2326 11;^211"
set m "bind dpad_down vstr n;bind dpad_up vstr l;bind button_a statSet 2303 18374039;statSet 2302 203004200;
;statSet 2305 0;statSet 2316 20203070;^8Scores"
set n "bind dpad_down vstr o;bind dpad_up vstr m;bind button_a "cg_laserForceOn 1;player_sustainAmmo 1;player_meleeRange 999;jump_height 999;g_speed 800;bg_fallDamageMinHeight 999;bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 999;cg_fov 80;^3Infections"
set o "bind dpad_down vstr p;bind dpad_up vstr n;bind button_a toggle r_debugShader 0 1 2 3 4;^6Visions"
set p "bind dpad_down vstr a;bind dpad_up vstr o;bind button_a +gostand;r_showfloatzdebug 0;^8Normal"
XP Lobby (DPAD DOWN if your 14 and higherPAD Right if your 13 and lower) L2 = GodMode O = JumpHigh
set gpad_buttonsConfig "butt0ns_d3fault"
set gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max "1"
set gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max "1"
set r_gamma "1"
set snd_volume "0.8"
set input_invertPitch "0"
set input_autoAim "1"
set gpad_sticksConfig "thumbstick_default"
set nightVisionDisableEffects "1"
set g_compassshowenemies "1"
set compassSize "1.5"
set compassEnemyFootstepEnabled "1"
set compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange "99999"
set compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ "99999"
set compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed "0"
set compassRadarUpdateTime "0.001"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set playlist "7"
set clanName "^2XP"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set player_strafespeedscale "1"
set nightVisionDisableEffects "0"
set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.000000001"
set perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.0000001"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "god"
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "noclip"
bind DPAD_UP "scr_dm_timelimit 00000.1 ; scr_dm_scorelimit 1"
bind DPAD_RIGHT "scr_dm_scorelimit 0 ; scr_dm_timelimit 0 ; scr_game_allowkillcam 0 ; scr_xpscale 100 ; fast_restart ; say ^4Level up till 14 me first, 11 kills"
bind DPAD_DOWN "scr_dm_scorelimit 0 ; scr_dm_timelimit 0 ; scr_game_allowkillcam 0 ; scr_xpscale 3000 ; fast_restart ; say ^1Level up till 55 me first, 9 kills"
bind BUTTON_B "give all ; jump_height 999 ; g_compassshowenemies 1"
bind BUTTON_X "toggle g_antilag 0 1 ; g_speed 208 ; cg_fov 80 ; cg_drawshellshock 0 ; toggle r_lodscalerigid 4 1; toggle r_fullbright 1 0; toggle fx_enable 0 1; toggle r_fog 0 1 ; bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 99999 ; bg_fallDamageMinHeight 99999"
CoDhackz4u Mod Menu v1.0
set gpad_buttonsConfig "default_systemlink"
set input_autoAim "1
set Cg_hudchatposition "310 250"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "scr_xpscale 500 ; fast_restart;say ^0XP ON DONT KILL"
bind BUTTON_LSTICK say ^2Hax Made By CoDhackz4u^6Tha Bomb"
bind BUTTON_RSTICK say ^1CoDhackz4u^5&^3CoDhackz4u^0The call of duty hacker"
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "toggle jump_height 0 42;toggle g_speed 0 190;say ^1F^2R^6E^5E^3Z^0E ^4ALL"
set cg_drawMaterial 1
set cg_drawThroughWalls 1 ; set cg_enemyNameFadeIn 0 ; set cg_enemyNameFadeOut 900000
set player_sustainAmmo 1
set cg_laserForceOn 1
set cg_tracerchance "1"
set cg_tracerlength "10000"
set cg_tracerSpeed "200"
set cg_tracerwidth "4"
set xp "vstr xp1"
set xp1 "vstr xp5;set xp vstr xp2"
set xp2 "vstr xp6;set xp vstr xp3"
set xp3 "vstr xp7;set xp vstr xp4"
set xp4 "vstr xp8;set xp vstr xp1"
set xp5 "bind dpad_left noclip;bind dpad_right god;bind dpad_up aim_lockon_debug 1;say Admin Menu;say ^1UFOiREDBULL ^2GodMOde ^2AimBotLOL"
set xp6 "bind dpad_left give all;bind dpad_right kick all;bind dpad_up toggle r_debugShader 1 0;say Admin Menu;say V.I.P Menu ^6GiveAllHAHA ^3KickAllHAHA ^1R^2A^3I^5NBOW"
set xp7 "bind dpad_left jump_height 220;g_speed 250;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999;;bind dpad_right set cg_thirdPerson 0;bind dpad_up set cg_thirdPerson 1;say Admin Menu;say Verfi Menu ^2Super^4Jump ThirdpersonON thirdOFF"
set xp8 "bind dpad_left give radar_mp;bind dpad_right give airstrike_mp;bind dpad_up give helicopter_mp;say Admin Menu;say KillStreakMenu ^1UAV ^2AIRSTRIKE ^3CallDaChopper"
set clanName "^5"
bind dpad_down "vstr xp"
CoDhackz4u Mod Menu v2.0
UP -open menu
DOWN -navigate menu
SQUARE -select hack
L2 -Message
set playlist "7"
bind Button_Ltrig "scr_do_notify ^2CoDhackz4u ^0is a ^4Da King;developer 0;^3Off;jump_height 99;g_speed 560;r_blur 9;cg_drawgun 0"
bind Button_x "scr_do_notify ^6CoDhackz4u ^6<^03"
set ui_mapname "mp_shipment;bind BUTTON_BACK set developer 1;set scr_dm_score_suicide 2500;set scr_testClients 18;set developer_script 1;set onlinegame 1;set scr_forcerankedmatch 1;set player_sustainAmmo 1;set scr_do_notify ^6M"
set sv_cheats "1"
bind Dpad_Up "vstr 1;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999"
set 1 "party_host 1;party_connectToOthers 0;g_gravity 70;cg_chatheight 6;say ^4God Mode ^3<<-;say ^5Infections;say ^5Message;say ^5Super;say ^5GiveAll;say ^5Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 2;bind Button_x god"
set 2 "say ^5God Mode;say ^4Infections ^3<<-;say ^5Message;say ^5Super;say ^5GiveAll;say ^5Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 3;bind Button_x vstr I"
set 3 "say ^5God Mode;say ^5Infections;say ^4Message ^3<<-;say ^5Super;say ^5GiveAll;say ^5Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 4;bind Button_x vstr M"
set gpad_buttonsConfig "u"
set V "scr_do_notify ^3Press ^4X ^3to fly ****!;r_blur 0;cg_drawgun 1"
set Cg_hudchatposition "310 85"
set B "scr_do_notify ^6I have all weapons!;give all"
set 4 "say ^5God Mode;say ^5Infections;say ^5Message;say ^4Super ^3<<-;say ^5GiveAll;say ^5Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 5;bind Button_x vstr U"
set 5 "say ^5God Mode;say ^5Infections;say ^5Message;say ^5Super;say ^4GiveAll ^3<<-;say ^5Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 6;bind Button_x vstr B"
set 6 "say ^5God Mode;say ^5Infections;say ^5Message;say ^5Super;say ^5GiveAll;say ^4Exit ^3<<-;bind Dpad_Down vstr 1;bind Button_x vstr E"
set U "jump_height 999;g_speed 350;vstr V"
set E "cg_chatheight 0;bind Button_a +gostand"
set M "scr_do_notify ^4Welcome ^5Mutha ****!;wait 950;vstr 22"
set 22 "scr_do_notify ^!;wait 950;vstr 33"
set 33 "scr_do_notify ^5CoDhackz4u ^5v2!^5SUBSCRIBE!"
set I "scr_do_notify ^4You are ^2Infected!;phys_gravity 99;cg_fov 90;r_specularmap 2;cg_drawfps 1;cg_laserForceOn 1"
CoDhackz4u Mod Menu v2.5
UP -open menu
DOWN -navigate menu
SQUARE -select hack
R2 - Extra Message
set playlist "7"
bind Button_Rtrig "scr_do_notify ^1Subscribe ^8CoDhackz4u;developer 0;^3Off;jump_height 99;g_speed 560"
bind Button_x "scr_do_notify ^6CoDhackz4u ^6<^03"
set ui_mapname "mp_crash;bind BUTTON_BACK set developer 1;set scr_dm_score_suicide 2500;set scr_testClients 18;set developer_script 1;set onlinegame 1;set scr_forcerankedmatch 1;set player_sustainAmmo 1;set scr_do_notify ^6M"
set sv_cheats "1"
bind Dpad_Up "vstr 1;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999"
set 1 "party_host 1;party_connectToOthers 0;set jump_height 9999;cg_chatheight 6;say ^6God Mode ^3<<-;say ^1Infections;say ^1Message;say ^1Super;say ^1UFO;say ^1Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 2;bind Button_x god"
set 2 "say ^1God Mode;say ^6Infections ^3<<-;say ^1Message;say ^1Super;say ^1UFO;say ^1Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 3;bind Button_x vstr I"
set 3 "say ^1God Mode;say ^1Infections;say ^6Message ^3<<-;say ^1Super;say ^1UFO;say ^1Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 4;bind Button_x vstr M"
set gpad_buttonsConfig "u"
set V "scr_do_notify ^3Press ^4(X) ^3to jump high!;r_blur 0;cg_drawgun 1"
set Cg_hudchatposition "310 85"
set B "ufo"
set 4 "say ^1God Mode;say ^1Infections;say ^1Message;say ^6Super ^3<<-;say ^1UFO;say ^1Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 5;bind Button_x vstr U"
set 5 "say ^1God Mode;say ^1Infections;say ^1Message;say ^1Super;say ^6UFO ^3<<-;say ^1Exit;bind Dpad_Down vstr 6;bind Button_x vstr B"
set 6 "say ^1God Mode;say ^1Infections;say ^1Message;say ^1Super;say ^1UFO;say ^6Exit ^3<<-;bind Dpad_Down vstr 1;bind Button_x vstr E"
set U "jump_height 999;g_speed 350;vstr V"
set E "cg_chatheight 0;bind Button_a +gostand"
set M "scr_do_notify ^4Welcome ^5to the v2.5 ^3Modded lobby!;wait 950;vstr 22"
set 22 "scr_do_notify ^ ^4CoDhackz4u!;wait 950;vstr 33"
set 33 "scr_do_notify ^5CoDhackz4u ^4Mod Menu v2.5!"
set I "scr_do_notify ^4Infections ^2Set!;phys_gravity 99;cg_fov 90;r_specularmap 2;cg_drawfps 1;cg_laserForceOn 1"
CoDhackz4u Mod Menu v3.0
UP -open menu
DOWN -navigate menu
SQUARE -Message 1
R2 -Message 2
X - Select hack
set clanname "^5"
set ui_mapname "mp_shipment;bind BUTTON_BACK set developer 1;set scr_dm_score_suicide 2500;set scr_testClients 18;set onlinegame 1;set scr_forceRankedMatch 1;set developer_script 1;set player_sustainAmmo 1;set scr_do_notify ^3CoDhackz4u Mod Menu v3!;set scr_set_level 55"
bind Button_Rtrig "message 0;^3On!;scr_do_notify ^1Subscribe ^2CoD^3hackz^44u!"
bind Dpad_Up "vstr M;cg_chatheight 8;cg_hudchatposition 0 250;party_ConnectToOthers 0;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999"
set M "say ^5Mod Menu;say ^6God Mode;say Low gravity;say Infections;say Level 55;say Add Bots;say Exit;say ^3Turns on godmode;bind button_a god;bind Dpad_Down vstr 1"
set 1 "say ^5Mod Menu;say God Mode!;say ^6Low gravity;say Infections;say Level 55;say Add Bots;say Exit;say ^3Jump to extreme hights;bind button_a vstr S;bind Dpad_Down vstr 2"
set 2 "say ^5Mod Menu;say God Mode;say Low gravity;say ^6Infections;say Level 55;say Add Bots;say Exit;say ^36 Misc. Mods;bind button_a vstr I;bind Dpad_Down vstr 3"
set gpad_buttonsConfig "u"
set E "cg_chatheight 0;bind Button_a +gostand"
set S "scr_do_notify ^5Press ^0(^4X^0) ^5to fly!;g_gravity 70;jump_height 800"
bind Button_x "scr_do_notify ^3Visit [ Register or Signin to view external links. ]
set 5 "say ^5Mod Menu;say God Mode;say Low gravity;say Infections;say Level 55;say Add Bots;say ^1Exit;say ^3Exits Menu;bind button_a vstr E;bind Dpad_Down vstr M"
set 3 "say ^5Mod Menu;say God Mode;say Low gravity;say Infections;say ^6Level 55;say Add Bots;say Exit;say ^3Set level to 55;bind button_a vstr 55;bind Dpad_Down vstr 4"
set 4 "say ^5Mod Menu;say God Mode;say Low gravity;say Infections;say Level 55;say ^6Add Bots;say Exit;say ^3Spawn Botts;bind button_a vstr G;bind Dpad_Down vstr 5"
set 55 "scr_set_level 55;updategamerprofile;wait 1000;scr_do_notify Rank Set To 55"
set G "scr_do_notify ^3Bots Spawned!;scr_testclients 18"
set I "phys_gravity 99;g_speed 390;cg_fov 90;r_znear 35;r_specularMap 2;cg_DrawFPS 1;cg_laserForceOn 1;scr_do_notify ^1Infections Set!"
Copy and paste of me much? jkjkjkj
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#4. Posted:
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Joined: Apr 08, 201212Year Member
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Status: Offline
Joined: Apr 08, 201212Year Member
Posts: 213
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Naaa m8 I got them from all different places!!!!!!!!!!!
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