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How to make your own WaW Zombies Mod Menu!
How to make your own WaW Zombies Mod Menu!Posted:
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Joined: Oct 10, 201113Year Member
Posts: 78
Reputation Power: 3
Status: Offline
Joined: Oct 10, 201113Year Member
Posts: 78
Reputation Power: 3
Need:Modio,CoD Tool, USB Stick.
You need to make a non-modded save and put it on your usb then go into CoD Tool and go into advanced. For the setiing you type in the top part of each text, for value you type in the bottom!
bind button_back vstr main
vstr m1;vstr m2;vstr m3;vstr m4;vstr m5;vstr m6;vstr m7
bind dpad_left god
bind dpad_up noclip
bind dpad_down give all
bind dpad_right dropweapon
^5TTG_Tuts[use _ for spaces] (this is the text that will say which menu you are on)
bind button_back vstr toggles
Now that is 1 SVG !!!!
vstr t1;vstr t2;vstr t3;vstr t4;vstr t5;vstr t6
bind dpad_up toggle arcademode 1 0
bind dpad_left (What Ever Other DVARS)
bind dpad_down (What Ever Other DVARS)
bind dpad_right(What Ever Other DVARS)
^5Toggles (Text To Define Which Menu Youre On But You Can Put What You Want)
bind button_back vstr (Put main for first menu[Or Make Another Menu Below And VSTR It To That Menu Eg Bind button_back vstr Random]
"give zombie_stg44"
"give zombie_stg44_upgraded"
"give zombie_thompson"
"give zombie_thompson_upgraded"
"give zombie_melee"
"give zombie_melee_upgrade"
"give m2_flamethrower_zombie"
"give m2_flamethrower_zombie_upgraded"
"give zombie_doublebarrel"
"give zombie_doublebarrel_upgraded"
"give zombie_doublebarrel_sawed"
"give zombie_shotgun"
"give zombie_shotgun_upgraded"
"give zombie_bar"
"give zombie_bar_upgraded"
"give zombie_fg42"
"give zombie_fg42_upgraded"
"give zombie_30cal"
"give zombie_30cal_upgraded"
"give zombie_mg42"
"give zombie_mg42_upgraded"
"give zombie_ppsh"
"give zombie_ppsh_upgraded"
"give panzerschrek_zombie"
"give panzerschrek_zombie_upgraded"
"give ray_gun"
"give ray_gun_upgraded"
"give tesla_gun"
"give tesla_gun_upgraded"
"give zombie_cymbal_monkey"
"give mine_bouncing_betty"
"give zombie_colt"
"give zombie_colt_upgraded"
"give zombie_type99_rifle"
"give zombie_type99_rifle_upgraded"
"give zombie_gewehr43"
"give zombie_gewehr43_upgraded"
"give zombie_m1garand"
"give zombie_m1garand_upgraded"
"give zombie_perk_bottle_doubletap"
"give zombie_perk_bottle_jugg"
"give zombie_perk_bottle_revive"
"give zombie_perk_bottle_sleight"
"give zombie_knuckle_crack"
"give specialty_juggernaut_zombies"
"give specialty_fastreload_zombies"
"give specialty_doubletap_zombies"
"give specialty_quickrevive_zombies"
"give zombie_vending_packapunch_on"
"toggle arcademode 1 0"(To turn on/off arcade mode in zombie/arcade mode)
"toggle zombiemode 1 0"(To turn on/off zombie mode in zombie/arcade mode)
"arcademode_score_revive 1000000"
"arcademode_score_assist 1000"
"arcademode_score_kill 1000000"
"arcademode_score_headshot 10000000"
"arcademode_score_laststand -100000000"
"arcademode_score_suicide -10000000000"
"arcademode_minimumAllowedSuicides 99999"
"arcademode_minimumAllowedPoints 99999999999999999999999999"
"arcademode_minimumAllowedWarning 9999999999999999999999999"
"arcademode_score_morphine 100000000"
"arcademode_score_thunder 100000000"
set arcademode_score_berserker 20
set arcademode_score_hardcore 10
set arcademode_score_body_armor 20
set arcademode_score_thunder 10
set arcademode_score_zombie 10
set arcademode_score_vampire 10
set arcademode_score_dirtyharry 10
set arcademode_score_hard_headed 20
set arcademode_score_dead_hands 20
set arcademode_score_sticksstones 20
set arcademode_score_flak_jacket 10
set arcademode_score_morphine 20
set arcademode_score_dog 20
set arcademode_score_kill 50
set arcademode_score_melee 70
set arcademode_score_headshot 60
set arcademode_score_upperbody 20
set arcademode_score_lowerbody 0
set arcademode_score_assist 10
set arcademode_minimumAllowedPoints -2000
set arcademode_minimumAllowedWarning -1000
set arcademode_minimumAllowedSuicides 5
set arcademode_score_suicide -500
set arcademode_score_laststand -110
set arcademode_score_revive 200
(Makes miniconsole in corner)
con_minicon 1 0"
(Third person mode)
cg_thirdPerson "1"
(Frames per sec)
cg_drawFPS "ON"
(Laser dot doesn't disappear if you look at something far away)
cg_laserRange "9999"
(The laser dot is bigger)
cg_laserRadius "3.0"
(You go through the water faster)
player_waterSpeedScale "5.0"
(you hit another player you go flying back)
g_playerCollisionEjectSpeed "999"
(Increased bowie knife power);(super good)
perk_altMeleeDamage "10000"
(bowie knife reacts faster when button is hit)
Perk_altMeleeLerpTime "5"
(Increased jump height)
jump_height "999"
(Unlimited ammo for whole lobby)
player_sustainAmmo "1"
(Magic box doesn't move);(Can't get ray gun)
magic_chest_movable "0"
(Dogs act like humans and dont move)
Zombie_dog_animset "human"
(Zombies float to the sky)
phys_gravity "99"
(How fast the game goes)
timescale "1.5"
(Your player speed how fast you move)
g_speed "400"
(Enemys give up faster)
ai_noPathToEnemyGiveupTime "2000"
(Zombies dont spawn)
ai_disableSpawn "1"
(zombies dont spawn)
g_ai "0"
(Far knockbacks)
g_knockback "999999"
(force host)
party_hostname "your gamertag here"
(force host)
party_host "1"
(starts new party)
party_connectToOthers "0"
(forces host)
party_iamhost "1"
(Changes clantag)
clanName "@@@@"
(enables special clantags)
superuser "1"
(Enables specail clantags)
developeruser "1:
(Ping is shown in the score board; only host)
cg_scoreboardpingtext "1"
(Health is increased by 1 hit)
player_deathInvulnerableToMelee "1"
(increased double tap, must by perk)
perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.001"
(doesn't do anything)
perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0"
(Increased jug, must by perk)
perk_armorvest "0"
(fast reload, must by perk)
perk_weapReloadMultiplier "0.001
(fast side to side movement)
player_strafeSpeedScale "5.0"
(fast Sprint)
player_sprintSpeedScale "5.0"
(unlimited sprint)
player_sprintUnlimited "1"
(Fast backwards walk)
player_backSpeedScale "5.0"
(camera doesn't bob when running)
player_sprintCameraBob "0"
(knife from far away)
player_meleeRange "999"
(increased clip)
player_clipSizeMultiplier "999"
(about 5 minute last stand time)
player_lastStandBleedoutTime "250"
(far away revives)
Revive_Trigger_Radius "99999"
(host only) (laser dot sight)
cg_laserForceOn "1"
(Game gravity is low)
g_gravity "175"
(Draws FPS)
cg_drawFPS "1"
(Third person view)
cg_thirdPerson "1"
(The 2 below makes everyone have no fall damage)
bg_fallDamageMaxHeight "999"
bg_fallDamageMinHeight "998"
(This helps you sticky aim)
player_move_factor_on_torso "1"
(When players go down it cycles faster
player_revivePlayerListCycleTime "1"
(When you revive someone you get tons of points)
player_reviveXP "50"
(How far the bullet will travel before it disapears)
ai_eventDistGunShot "4000"
(This Enables death cards)
ui_optionsEnabled "1"
(The 3 below allow you to save a game in zombie mode)
sv_saveGameAvailable "1"
sv_saveOnStartMap "1"
sv_saveDeviceAvailable "1"
(Need everything below to change in game colors)
cg_ScoresColor_Player_0 "0 0 0 1"
cg_ScoresColor_Player_1 "1 0 0 0"
cg_ScoresColor_Player_2 "0 1 0 0"
cg_ScoresColor_Player_3 "0 0 1 0"
cg_ScoresColor_Transparency "1"
cg_ScoresColor_Zombie "0 0 0 1"
cg_ScoresColor_TransparencyZombie "1"
cg_ScoresColor_Gamertag_0 "1 1 1 1"
cg_ScoresColor_Gamertag_1 "1 0 0 0"
cg_ScoresColor_Gamertag_2 "0 1 0 0"
cg_ScoresColor_Gamertag_3 "0 0 1 0"
(Increased health)
player_meleeDamageMultiplier "0"
(Bullets penetrate)
bullet_penetrationEnabled "1"
(Puts you in developer mode)
developer "1"
(Zombies dont spawn)
g_spawnai "0"
(Increased health)
player_radiusDamageMultiplier "0"
(Increased health)
g_player_maxhealth "2000"
(Hides ammo counter)
ammoCounterHide "1"
(Doesn't show stance)
hud_showStance "0"
(Increased health)
player_deathInvulnerableTime "9999"
(Increased health)
player_damageMultiplier "0"
(Compass will show enemys)
g_compassShowEnemies "1"
(While in mid air your step size is increased)
jump_stepSize "18"
(No slowdown when you jump)
jump_slowdownEnable "0"
(Does nothing)
monkeytoy "0"
(Something with nightvision)
nightVisionDisableEffects "1"
(Dont know;probly opens unlock page)
player_unlock_page "1"
(Shows a developer script)
developer_script "1"
(Dont know;probly bullets go to threshold of enemy)
bg_aimSpreadMoveSpeedThreshold "999"
(The distance from betty before it goes off)
bettyDetonateRadius "250"
(The time before it goes off)
bettyTimeBeforeDetonate "0.15"
(Dont know;Probly you go to development)
cg_development "0"
(Disables 2D elements)
cg_draw2D "0"
(Draws health)
cg_drawHealth "1"
(Draws a lagometer)
cg_drawLagometer "1"
(Makes a graph for ping)
cg_scoreboardPingGraph "1"
(Scoreboard font)
cg_scoreboardFont "1"
(Dont know)
player_turnAnims "1"
(Bettys come up faster)
bettyUpVelocity "100"
(No friction)
phys_frictionScale "1"
(In laststand you have more health over something)
player_lastStandHealthOverlayTime "80"
(Less time to revive someone)
revive_time_taken "0.001"
(Less friction when you go to knife)
player_meleeChargeFriction "10"
You need to make a non-modded save and put it on your usb then go into CoD Tool and go into advanced. For the setiing you type in the top part of each text, for value you type in the bottom!
bind button_back vstr main
vstr m1;vstr m2;vstr m3;vstr m4;vstr m5;vstr m6;vstr m7
bind dpad_left god
bind dpad_up noclip
bind dpad_down give all
bind dpad_right dropweapon
^5TTG_Tuts[use _ for spaces] (this is the text that will say which menu you are on)
bind button_back vstr toggles
Now that is 1 SVG !!!!
vstr t1;vstr t2;vstr t3;vstr t4;vstr t5;vstr t6
bind dpad_up toggle arcademode 1 0
bind dpad_left (What Ever Other DVARS)
bind dpad_down (What Ever Other DVARS)
bind dpad_right(What Ever Other DVARS)
^5Toggles (Text To Define Which Menu Youre On But You Can Put What You Want)
bind button_back vstr (Put main for first menu[Or Make Another Menu Below And VSTR It To That Menu Eg Bind button_back vstr Random]
"give zombie_stg44"
"give zombie_stg44_upgraded"
"give zombie_thompson"
"give zombie_thompson_upgraded"
"give zombie_melee"
"give zombie_melee_upgrade"
"give m2_flamethrower_zombie"
"give m2_flamethrower_zombie_upgraded"
"give zombie_doublebarrel"
"give zombie_doublebarrel_upgraded"
"give zombie_doublebarrel_sawed"
"give zombie_shotgun"
"give zombie_shotgun_upgraded"
"give zombie_bar"
"give zombie_bar_upgraded"
"give zombie_fg42"
"give zombie_fg42_upgraded"
"give zombie_30cal"
"give zombie_30cal_upgraded"
"give zombie_mg42"
"give zombie_mg42_upgraded"
"give zombie_ppsh"
"give zombie_ppsh_upgraded"
"give panzerschrek_zombie"
"give panzerschrek_zombie_upgraded"
"give ray_gun"
"give ray_gun_upgraded"
"give tesla_gun"
"give tesla_gun_upgraded"
"give zombie_cymbal_monkey"
"give mine_bouncing_betty"
"give zombie_colt"
"give zombie_colt_upgraded"
"give zombie_type99_rifle"
"give zombie_type99_rifle_upgraded"
"give zombie_gewehr43"
"give zombie_gewehr43_upgraded"
"give zombie_m1garand"
"give zombie_m1garand_upgraded"
"give zombie_perk_bottle_doubletap"
"give zombie_perk_bottle_jugg"
"give zombie_perk_bottle_revive"
"give zombie_perk_bottle_sleight"
"give zombie_knuckle_crack"
"give specialty_juggernaut_zombies"
"give specialty_fastreload_zombies"
"give specialty_doubletap_zombies"
"give specialty_quickrevive_zombies"
"give zombie_vending_packapunch_on"
"toggle arcademode 1 0"(To turn on/off arcade mode in zombie/arcade mode)
"toggle zombiemode 1 0"(To turn on/off zombie mode in zombie/arcade mode)
"arcademode_score_revive 1000000"
"arcademode_score_assist 1000"
"arcademode_score_kill 1000000"
"arcademode_score_headshot 10000000"
"arcademode_score_laststand -100000000"
"arcademode_score_suicide -10000000000"
"arcademode_minimumAllowedSuicides 99999"
"arcademode_minimumAllowedPoints 99999999999999999999999999"
"arcademode_minimumAllowedWarning 9999999999999999999999999"
"arcademode_score_morphine 100000000"
"arcademode_score_thunder 100000000"
set arcademode_score_berserker 20
set arcademode_score_hardcore 10
set arcademode_score_body_armor 20
set arcademode_score_thunder 10
set arcademode_score_zombie 10
set arcademode_score_vampire 10
set arcademode_score_dirtyharry 10
set arcademode_score_hard_headed 20
set arcademode_score_dead_hands 20
set arcademode_score_sticksstones 20
set arcademode_score_flak_jacket 10
set arcademode_score_morphine 20
set arcademode_score_dog 20
set arcademode_score_kill 50
set arcademode_score_melee 70
set arcademode_score_headshot 60
set arcademode_score_upperbody 20
set arcademode_score_lowerbody 0
set arcademode_score_assist 10
set arcademode_minimumAllowedPoints -2000
set arcademode_minimumAllowedWarning -1000
set arcademode_minimumAllowedSuicides 5
set arcademode_score_suicide -500
set arcademode_score_laststand -110
set arcademode_score_revive 200
(Makes miniconsole in corner)
con_minicon 1 0"
(Third person mode)
cg_thirdPerson "1"
(Frames per sec)
cg_drawFPS "ON"
(Laser dot doesn't disappear if you look at something far away)
cg_laserRange "9999"
(The laser dot is bigger)
cg_laserRadius "3.0"
(You go through the water faster)
player_waterSpeedScale "5.0"
(you hit another player you go flying back)
g_playerCollisionEjectSpeed "999"
(Increased bowie knife power);(super good)
perk_altMeleeDamage "10000"
(bowie knife reacts faster when button is hit)
Perk_altMeleeLerpTime "5"
(Increased jump height)
jump_height "999"
(Unlimited ammo for whole lobby)
player_sustainAmmo "1"
(Magic box doesn't move);(Can't get ray gun)
magic_chest_movable "0"
(Dogs act like humans and dont move)
Zombie_dog_animset "human"
(Zombies float to the sky)
phys_gravity "99"
(How fast the game goes)
timescale "1.5"
(Your player speed how fast you move)
g_speed "400"
(Enemys give up faster)
ai_noPathToEnemyGiveupTime "2000"
(Zombies dont spawn)
ai_disableSpawn "1"
(zombies dont spawn)
g_ai "0"
(Far knockbacks)
g_knockback "999999"
(force host)
party_hostname "your gamertag here"
(force host)
party_host "1"
(starts new party)
party_connectToOthers "0"
(forces host)
party_iamhost "1"
(Changes clantag)
clanName "@@@@"
(enables special clantags)
superuser "1"
(Enables specail clantags)
developeruser "1:
(Ping is shown in the score board; only host)
cg_scoreboardpingtext "1"
(Health is increased by 1 hit)
player_deathInvulnerableToMelee "1"
(increased double tap, must by perk)
perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.001"
(doesn't do anything)
perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0"
(Increased jug, must by perk)
perk_armorvest "0"
(fast reload, must by perk)
perk_weapReloadMultiplier "0.001
(fast side to side movement)
player_strafeSpeedScale "5.0"
(fast Sprint)
player_sprintSpeedScale "5.0"
(unlimited sprint)
player_sprintUnlimited "1"
(Fast backwards walk)
player_backSpeedScale "5.0"
(camera doesn't bob when running)
player_sprintCameraBob "0"
(knife from far away)
player_meleeRange "999"
(increased clip)
player_clipSizeMultiplier "999"
(about 5 minute last stand time)
player_lastStandBleedoutTime "250"
(far away revives)
Revive_Trigger_Radius "99999"
(host only) (laser dot sight)
cg_laserForceOn "1"
(Game gravity is low)
g_gravity "175"
(Draws FPS)
cg_drawFPS "1"
(Third person view)
cg_thirdPerson "1"
(The 2 below makes everyone have no fall damage)
bg_fallDamageMaxHeight "999"
bg_fallDamageMinHeight "998"
(This helps you sticky aim)
player_move_factor_on_torso "1"
(When players go down it cycles faster
player_revivePlayerListCycleTime "1"
(When you revive someone you get tons of points)
player_reviveXP "50"
(How far the bullet will travel before it disapears)
ai_eventDistGunShot "4000"
(This Enables death cards)
ui_optionsEnabled "1"
(The 3 below allow you to save a game in zombie mode)
sv_saveGameAvailable "1"
sv_saveOnStartMap "1"
sv_saveDeviceAvailable "1"
(Need everything below to change in game colors)
cg_ScoresColor_Player_0 "0 0 0 1"
cg_ScoresColor_Player_1 "1 0 0 0"
cg_ScoresColor_Player_2 "0 1 0 0"
cg_ScoresColor_Player_3 "0 0 1 0"
cg_ScoresColor_Transparency "1"
cg_ScoresColor_Zombie "0 0 0 1"
cg_ScoresColor_TransparencyZombie "1"
cg_ScoresColor_Gamertag_0 "1 1 1 1"
cg_ScoresColor_Gamertag_1 "1 0 0 0"
cg_ScoresColor_Gamertag_2 "0 1 0 0"
cg_ScoresColor_Gamertag_3 "0 0 1 0"
(Increased health)
player_meleeDamageMultiplier "0"
(Bullets penetrate)
bullet_penetrationEnabled "1"
(Puts you in developer mode)
developer "1"
(Zombies dont spawn)
g_spawnai "0"
(Increased health)
player_radiusDamageMultiplier "0"
(Increased health)
g_player_maxhealth "2000"
(Hides ammo counter)
ammoCounterHide "1"
(Doesn't show stance)
hud_showStance "0"
(Increased health)
player_deathInvulnerableTime "9999"
(Increased health)
player_damageMultiplier "0"
(Compass will show enemys)
g_compassShowEnemies "1"
(While in mid air your step size is increased)
jump_stepSize "18"
(No slowdown when you jump)
jump_slowdownEnable "0"
(Does nothing)
monkeytoy "0"
(Something with nightvision)
nightVisionDisableEffects "1"
(Dont know;probly opens unlock page)
player_unlock_page "1"
(Shows a developer script)
developer_script "1"
(Dont know;probly bullets go to threshold of enemy)
bg_aimSpreadMoveSpeedThreshold "999"
(The distance from betty before it goes off)
bettyDetonateRadius "250"
(The time before it goes off)
bettyTimeBeforeDetonate "0.15"
(Dont know;Probly you go to development)
cg_development "0"
(Disables 2D elements)
cg_draw2D "0"
(Draws health)
cg_drawHealth "1"
(Draws a lagometer)
cg_drawLagometer "1"
(Makes a graph for ping)
cg_scoreboardPingGraph "1"
(Scoreboard font)
cg_scoreboardFont "1"
(Dont know)
player_turnAnims "1"
(Bettys come up faster)
bettyUpVelocity "100"
(No friction)
phys_frictionScale "1"
(In laststand you have more health over something)
player_lastStandHealthOverlayTime "80"
(Less time to revive someone)
revive_time_taken "0.001"
(Less friction when you go to knife)
player_meleeChargeFriction "10"
Last edited by HackzDude ; edited 2 times in total
#2. Posted:
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Joined: Feb 28, 201212Year Member
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Joined: Feb 28, 201212Year Member
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Does it actullay work. can u infect me with itt
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#3. Posted:
Status: Offline
Joined: Oct 28, 201113Year Member
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Nice TuT I hope it's Gets A Sticky
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#4. Posted:
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iDontrayyHD wrote Does it actullay work. can u infect me with ittIt works, u need to go on cod tool and make it and put it on ur usb just like any other mod menu. First you have to make a nonmodded save on usb.
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#5. Posted:
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Joined: Feb 07, 201212Year Member
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ok look i made a mod menu couple days ago n ii cant seem to find out y i cant resume campaign.first i have my menu n vstrs.i needed more room for more vstr so i put like vstr 1;vstr 2........ then ran out room so i put for setting like 1 then for value i put like vstr 6;vstr tht y i cant resume my campaign?????i had no room for the dvars n then to put the words so i did tht.can u do tht or no???n + i also want to know like for third person wouldi put like
toggle cg_thirdperson 1 0 or no toggle.n then do i have to put quotes around the thirdperson "1 0" or sumthing. just y cant i resume save.
toggle cg_thirdperson 1 0 or no toggle.n then do i have to put quotes around the thirdperson "1 0" or sumthing. just y cant i resume save.
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- 0not useful
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