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Map - Locations

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Tutorial Order:

-Tower of Babble - Achievement / Easter Egg
-Easter Egg Song - Song
-Bus Upgrade - Makes traveling on the Bus easier
-Pack-a-Punch - Upgrading Weapons
-Build-able Items - Makes the Game easier
-Nach der Untaten - Trip down memory lane
-The Bank - Transfer Money from Game to Game
-The Cabin - Bowie Knife / Building Easter Egg
-Sharing Money - Share money between players
-Invisible Perks - Perks you can have for free every game
-The Fridge - Store Guns + Access from game to game

Maxis - Obey The Voices

Note: You're going to need 4 players.

As the Tranzit begins on the bus depot, all four players are needed to build a turbine (all 4 of them). Collect all the parts and use them to build it. Before you leave, you are going to need an EMP grenade that will come handy at the end. You can have one from the mystery box. Yes, its luck dependent.

After you have the grenade, take the bus to the power station (third stop). Leave the bus and open the door to get to the power station below. Here, you need to turn on the power (you need to find a zombie arm, a circuit board and the lever).

After you turn on the power, now is the time that you start following the voice. When you hear the voice, you need to turn off the power through the level. The green lights activated after turning on the power are the teleporting points you can use to move around.

Your next step is to find the Pylon hidden in the smoke in between the farm and the power station. Dont take the bus this time rather go on foot. You will be able to spot a large structure in the cornfields.

Here, you need to take care of the zombies until the electric boss appears. You need to set-up two turbines below the pylon and wait for the voice to say kill the electric zombie. Keep in mind that you should not shoot it rather use the EMP grenade you have to take him out. You can also knife him multiple times to kill it.

After the electric undead has been dealt with, two of the players should stay at their turbines while the other two should head to the green lights (teleporting points) at the Diner and the Bank Area.

After these two players place their turbines there, Achievement Unlocked!

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The Song - Teddy Bear Locations

To find out this Easter Egg, first you will need to locate three special items scattered across the Tranzit maps. You do not have to look under every rock; just keep on reading to find this Easter Egg.

The three objects you need to find to locate this Easter Egg are three teddy bears. Once you find all these three teddy bears you will get to hear a secret Dubstep song.

The first teddy bear is placed on a bench in the Bus station near from where you begin. The second teddy bear is found on the farm, which is the third stop on your bus ride.

You can find the teddy bear upstairs on a blanket. The third and final teddy bear is in the Town, placed near the pool table inside the building where you can buy perks.

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The Bus - Parts + Locations

You will unlock Undead Mans Party Bus achievement in Black Ops 2 when you completely upgrade your bus with all three possible additions in the Tranzit campaign. Lets get straight down to business and find out all the upgrade parts in Tranzit Zombies mode.

Basically, to get this achievement you need to get three upgrade parts, which are hidden throughout the Tranzit maps. These three upgrade parts are: the grill, the roof hatch and the ladder. These items randomly spawn on four locations. These locations are:
Note. Before you upgrade the bus, you need to build a turbine. For that you need to grab a mannequin from the central map, a wing of a toy plane from the nearby payphones and finally, a fan which is right behind the workbench. Place them all one by one on the workbench and you have created a turbine.

Bus Upgrade #1Location.
Place the turbine you have created right next to the door to the right of the workbench. When the door is opened to the room, it will have inside the grill. You can attach this grill to the front of your bus. By doing this you will not allow the zombies to enter through the front window of your bus. Remember to keep the turbine with you.

Bus Upgrade #2Location.
After adding the first upgrade part, go all the way to the shed near the diner. Use the fan to get in. At this spot is the roof hatch. Take it back to the bus and get it into the bus. Go to the middle of the bus, look up and jump so you can attach the hatch to the roof. With this roof hatch attached, you can now jump up anytime from the bus to the rooftop.

Bus Upgrade #3
Location. After retrieving the second upgrade part, go to the Farm and head towards the back of the farm to another shed. Use the turbine to get in there. The third and final piece; the ladder is in here. Go back to the bus and attach it to the back of your bus.

Location For Missing Upgrade Part
Location. If one of these parts failed to show up on any of these locations, there is a 4th place you can check. The 4th spot is at the terminal. Go in through the bank vault area. Make a left and then right, follow the pavement to another locked door. Use the turbine to open that door and inside would be the final part if you do not have it already.

Once all three parts are attached to the bus you will unlock the Undead Mans Party Bus achievement.


Pack-a-Punch - Location + How to Build

If you intend to get anywhere in Tranzit, youre going to need the Pack-A-Punch machine. This device will power-up your weapons to help you survive the zombie hordes. To build the Pack-a-Punch you need to gather three items from the Bank in the Town; the Table, the Battery and a Head Piece.

In the power station there is a door with a lightning symbol on it, you need to put a turbine near here. Next go to the bank and into the vault (open the vault doors with grenades). Eventually you will find another door with a lightning symbol which should be open if your turbine has not been destroyed yet.

Proceed into the room and collect the three items, construct on the nearby workbench and use it to upgrade your weapons to your hearts content.

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Build-able Items - All bonus items that can be built within the map

Map. Bus Depot
Parts. Mannequin, Fan, Dolly
Parts Location. Look for the Fan Blade on seats, Mannequin Torso leaning against sign and Doly near lockers.

You will find all these parts in the starting locations. You can build this item and use to open the door that requires power. You can use that door to go outside and this way; you will be saving $750 which otherwise had to spend on opening the door. You can use turbine to power the Electric Trap and Turret items as well as open the Pack a Punch room.

At the Diner, Farm and Town map; you will need a turbine to open different doors. Furthermore, you can use turbine to turn on all perk machines. Turning on the perk machine will allow you to buy the perk, but you will need to switch on the power to use it. If you switch off the power, your perks stop working. Turbine will break after a number of uses even when it isnt attacked by zombies.

Zombie Shield
Map. Diner
Parts. Dolly, Car Door
Parts Location. You will find the Car Door in garage and Dolly in Diner.

You can use this shield to bash zombies. It has limited durability, and you dont earn any points. It will break after a set number of uses, but it provides excellent defense, and you can use it to create a barrier. When you arent using it, zombie shield protects you from being hit by zombies from behind and surprisingly, this doesnt affect its durability.

Map. Farm
Parts. RPD, Lawn Mower, Ammo Pouch
Parts Location. You will find the machine gun in house or at barn. Look for the Ammo Pouch in the living room or the kitchen of the house. Finally, you will find the Lawnmower around the sides of the house.

Its an excellent offense weapon that can guard a point of interest or a pathway. You will need turbine to run it, and it will fire at zombies whenever they come within its range in front of it.

Electric Trap
Map. Power House
Parts. Battery, Rod, Base
Parts Location. You will find the rod by the windows up stairs from the bench. Batter on some barrels and Tesla Ball assembly (base) beside the Tombstone Soda.

Electric Trap requires a turbine to run, and it will cause zombies to attack it. Be careful around it; it can even knock you down.

Thrustodyne Aeronautics Model 23 (Air Cannon)
Map. Town
Parts. Jet Engine, Handle, Light, Wires
Parts Location. You will find the Jet Engine in the tunnel between Bus Stop #1 and #2. Wires can be found in the same area as the Electric Trap parts. Look for the headlight in the cabin where Bowie Knife is; between Bus Stop #4 and #5. You will find the handle in World at War map section on the right stop of the road between Bus Stop #3 and #4.

Air Cannon as the name suggests blows wind on zombies has limited durability. It has a gauge on top of it, which shows how high the pressure is. It has 15 seconds of continuous fire power, but it doesnt affect the Lightning Guy.

If you increase the pressure to max, it will explode in your hand, and parts will scatter nearby. To avoid that you can allow the pressure to return to zero, it will make you move slower when it is out. You can gather the parts and re-build it from the items on the workbench. Only one member of your team can have Air Cannon (Wonder Weapon), and it is required for the Easter Egg.

Power Switch
Parts. Power Box, Power Switch, Arm
Parts Location. You will find all these items in the Power House.

Pack A Punch
Parts. Table, Battery, Head Piece
Parts Location. You will find these items below the Bank inside the Green Run Town.

Navigational Table
Parts Location. It is part of the Easter Egg. You need table, NavCard, Card Reader, Radio and Meteor. Workbench Location Under the radio tower with red blinking lights in the corn field.

You will find the Meteor and Nav Card at Bus Depot. The Meteor is in the hole in the wall at the Bus Depot. Pay $750 to open the door and immediately go left and look for it in the hole. You will need to crouch to pick it up. Nav Card is behind the Bus Depot. Again, take a left out of the door and walk to the window at the end of the Bus Depot. Walk along the side and look for the card on the ground.

You will find the table at the tunnel in one of the two locations. One is the walkway with M16 and other is the S bend in the map. Walk around until you get a notification to press X. Its on the left side of the tunnel if you head towards the dinner.

Alternatively, if the table doesnt spawn in the tunnel, it will appear in the lower level of the room after the power room. On the ground, on the right side of the bridge you land on.

The Card Reader can be found in one of the locations. Either in the Town near the dumpster and box or at the farm house left of the refrigerator where a weapon can be stored on the wall.

Finally, Radio can be found at two locations. First is the garage at the diner, in the room with the car at the top of the file cabinet. You may have to jump to get this item. The other location is Nacht Der Untoten. Look for it towards the right of the building, on top of the bookshelf that was knocked over.


Wonder Weapons - A list of all upgrades

[spoil] Zombies in Black Ops 2 test your strength at various levels. Initially, it looks like a walk in the park as you can even take them out merely using your knife. However, after level 5, they start behaving tougher and after 10 rounds, you will start realizing the need of something special that can keep these undead at bay.

After you have upgraded a weapon using Pack-a-Punch machine, you can replenish its ammo in two ways. If you have taken the gun from a wall, you can buy the (4500 Points) ammo directly from there or the ammo power up can refill it for you. For the magic box weapons, you will have to rely on the power-up only to replenish the ammo.
This is where Pack-a-Punch machine will come into play. The machine will let you upgrade weapons rendering you some useful changes like special ammo or may have new attachments. They call these the wonder weapons as the upgrades will be of great help, especially at the higherlevels.

Now that you know what is a wonder weapon and how it can be helpful, lets be more specific about them and see what upgrades can be done by using what weapon and their concerned effects.

Note: You can also get some wonder weapons from the Magic Box directly (like the Ray Gun) which are not needed to be upgraded. So keep looking for them too.

Original Weapon AK74u
Ammo 40/280
Feature Added Reflex Sight

Original Weapon Python
Ammo 12/96
Feature Added Speed Reloader

Original Weapon FAL
Ammo 30/360
Feature Added 3 round burst and reflex sight

Original Weapon LSAT
Ammo 100/60
Feature Added You get the target finder

Monkey Bomb
You will get three monkey bombs as a wonder weapon (no upgrades).

Original Weapon M14
Ammo 16/192
Feature Added Foregrip

Mustang and Sally
Original Weapon M1911
Ammo 6/6
Feature Added Dual Wielded, Fire Explosives

Original Weapon M27
Ammo 30/360
Feature Added Reflex Sight

Porters X2 Ray Gun
Original Weapon Ray Gun
Ammo 40/200
Feature Added N/A

Ray Gun
You can get one from the magic box. The gun is quite effective against the crowding zombies so if you happen to come across one, dont loose it.

Original Weapon HAMR
Ammo 125/625
Feature Added N/A

The Krause Refribrillator
Original Weapon Ballistic Knife
Ammo 1/9
Feature Added Revive Teammates

Nach der Untoten - How to get there

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The Bank - How it Works?

In its simplest form, the Bank allows you to transfer money from game to game. So if you have put 30k in the bank, and die, then the next game you will be able to withdraw that 30k.

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The Cabin - Location (Location of the Bowie Knife)

The Cabin can be found between location 4 and 5. It is not after the cornfield (which is found between location 3 and 4). After location 4, about half way to the next stop there will be a car wreck of a van and a car and also a blinking street light. Jump off the bus at that point and keep heading right into the woods with the big trees and towards the flames. It will lead to right to the cabin. It is here that you are able to buy the Bowie knife, useful if you have happened to use the part you need for the knuckle duster on the bus. Personally, I would not recommend the Cabin as a place to stay by the simple fact of the amount of entrances, you will simply get over-ran.

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Invisible Perks - Last a Lifetime!

We currently have confirmed 2 Perks that you are able to spawn with. Quick Revive and Deadshot Daiquiri. This allow you to spawn with the perks, and take up no space in where your perks should be. This means you can have these perks + 4 other proper ones.

To get this bonus you need to simply revive teammates. It doesn't matter how many you get on the leaderboards, it matters about how many you get in one game. I got up to around 17 revives in one game and I got the quick revive. To know you have the quick revive, when you revive someone, the text is in blue and you revive faster.

Quick revive (QR) - 15 / 17 revives within one game.

Deadshot Daiquiri - 2 headhsots 1 bullet. (Easiest to do in Solo)

Steel Barricades - 200-300 Barricade rebuilds within a single game.

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The Fridge - Store Weapons + Access from Game to Game!

The Fridge allows players to store any gun of there choice (apart from the Ray Gun!), allowing access to that gun at any time of the game. It also is stored in the fridge for future games making it a good way to stock up on weapons and using the back to stock up on cash.

Cost - Cost Absolutely nothing!

The fridge is located in the farm, in the building where you build the turret.

I personally would recommend checking it out, and if you happen to get to a high round just shoving a gun in there simply because you never know when you are gong to need it. Only you can access the gun so it isn't some shared chest thing, and again you can retrieve this gun at any point during your zombie slaughtering process.

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